
Love Languages Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"I think really cringey 99% of like the relationship quizzes and love and all that, but there is one really old book that's come out, it's called like the five languages of love. I think that that is a really good approach."
"Actions don't speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you."
"Don't mistake this love language for materialism. The receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift."
"Being there for this type of person is critical – really being there, with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby, makes you feel truly special and loved."
"Quality time is how he feels love. It's different than like, 'Oh, that's fun. I like getting gifts.' But do you feel fulfilled and loved?"
"Physical touch is a primary love language for most men."
"Everyone communicates love to others differently. But! The idea of the love languages is that all forms, expressions of love can be summed up into these five languages: Words of affirmation, Quality time, Gift giving, Acts of service, and Physical touch."
"The love languages... we also get the most insight into what hurts a person through the love languages."
"The reason relationships start going south is because the two partners are not speaking each other's love language."
"If you are an acts of service person... and you are in with a physical touch partner, your partner may be full of hugs... but for you, the hugs are not nearly as important as getting the oil changed and the dishwasher fixed."
"People who have the love language of quality time value quality time... They prefer sharing experiences with other people."
"You know how to talk to me if you didn't do it properly. Love me in my love language."
"A good man will always want to cater to you, to speak your love language."
"It's like the um love language, yeah? How I show appreciation and love and like closeness in relationship is not speaking all the time or touching all the time."
"My love language is the details of the gifts specific to her."
"Physical touch is their love language so it looks like we're going to have to make some concessions and get creative here."
"Acts of service 100, and then quality time. I would think quality time would be number one."
"My love language is acts of service and often I feel like I'm manipulated into thinking that I'm needy, whether it's by myself or by other people when I'm asking for the bare minimum."
"I love giving people grand gestures and I love receiving grand gestures, but my wife, her number one love language is quality time."
"We're always wondering why, when somebody does something to me, it doesn't fill my cup, or when I do something to them, it doesn't fill their cup because we're always thinking we know how we're loved."
"Discovering you and your partner's primary love language and speaking that language regularly may create a better understanding of each other's needs and support each other's growth."
"It's such a powerful place to even just have a conversation with a partner in when you're dating and to take the love language test to see does this person do I like giving love in the way this person likes receiving love?"
"My love language is acts of service. I really like when people help me when I didn't even ask them. It's so beautiful."
"Love languages, that's called Operation well it is Operation."
"Speak the love language of your spouse; learn what makes them feel loved."
"My love language is gifts... I like thoughtful gifts."
"Quality time: TV off, chores on standby. That's when I feel truly special and loved."
"Giving is not limited to gifts, but gifts are in fact, a love language."
"It felt like I was being pampered, like it spoke to my love language."
"What I like about you, You actually speak my love language."
"Find what their love language is and use that."
"Tarot and prayer and positive intentions are my love languages. So the energy that you're putting out, I've already felt it. It's been amazing, it's been awesome, it's been such a major blessing for me already. So thank you."
"You have to find someone with your love language."
"Love's got languages, and does this person accurately interpret mine?"
"I feel like more people like that than you think. I want to know what y'all love languages is if y'all know what the love languages are."
"People have different ways that they need to be loved and how love needs to be communicated to them."
"It's really interesting as you can research whether you and your partner match in your love languages."
"They show their love through acts, through good deeds and things like that."
"Naturally, people don't understand or study Love Languages, so they love the person the way they want to be loved."
"The way we need to be loved is different than the way this person is loving us."
"Acts of service are one of his main love languages."
"Are we compatible? This could be compatibility in terms of love languages."
"You need to find out how that person feels loved and just apply that it's not rocket science but it's willingness to learn about your partner."
"This person is really sweet and thoughtful. One of their favorite love languages is gift-giving, but they prefer sentimental and curated gifts."
"Quality time, physical touch, and acts of service."
"Everyone has different love languages, and I would say theirs is probably not words of affirmation."
"Physical touch is one of my love languages."
"My love languages are touch and acts of service. I always feel a little bit weird saying acts of service because I don't want someone to serve me, but I appreciate things like someone helping me out when I'm stressed at work."
"Everyone shows their love differently but that's maybe something we both were both big words of affirmation people, like we both like."
"Quality time, having another person's undivided dedicated attention is precious currency for people whose love language is quality time."
"It's fascinating to know that just like everybody doesn't organize the same way, everybody doesn't show love the same way."
"The first way to love you have is by saying yes, but what shall I say? How I like to receive? Oh no, no, but my first way to love you is with physical touch."
"So, I realized at that moment that her needs were not being met relative to something I could change very quickly and wanted to, because it's gonna benefit me ultimately, to learn how to speak this love language."
"It's amazing what can happen when you start to learn these love languages."
"Nobody wants to feel the end. We all want to be seen, taken care of. We all have different love languages."
"I really want to try to be more aware of giving myself my top love languages."
"Rule 4 is one of the reasons why almost every ENFP out there says physical touch is their love language."
"If you have someone that you are with and they're the way they feel love is receiving gifts, it's so simple."
"It's like a really big thing for me so I often feel very misunderstood or like this might sound dramatic but like unloved because my love languages are so drastically different from like alistic people and what most people's love languages are."
"...there is way more love languages than five by the way."
"This book probably saved my marriage because my husband and I have very different love languages."
"Your primary love language is words of affirmation and second is acts of service."
"If your love languages are words of affirmation, and you're not getting words of affirmation, you will literally not feel loved as you go through this process."
"I like receiving all of those types of Love Languages. I'm an omni lover."
"It's not like, 'I just do these two.' You don't need these things. We all need physical touch, you know, we all need... We all need all five."
"I think women are more in tune with their love languages or understanding of it more, in the know of what they need in order to continue to function."
"When it comes to love languages, their love languages are quality time because that includes deep conversation, that includes bonding activities."
"Let's normalize being needy and meeting every single one of the Love Languages."
"So if you're interested in any of these things, if you're interested in learning, in learning about the different love languages and the different sex languages of the zodiac signs, definitely look into getting this book."
"I just really appreciate quality time, that's definitely one of my love languages."
"Acts of service is one of my love languages and you can expect a lot lot more of these kind of videos over the coming months and years."
"There are five love languages, figure out what your spouse's love language is and do something the opposite with respect to that love language every day."
"I still like Words of Affirmation, but mine is definitely acts of service now and quality time."
"Physical touch and acts of service can really go hand in hand."
"Let's love each other in each other's Love Languages. Okay, the first rule. So for example, if the guy's love language is physical touch, personally it's not my love language at all."
"Your love language is so important when it comes to your relationship and like being able to read each other's love languages."
"Quality time, I put right there with physical touch."
"It's not just 'he needs physical release,' it's like no, that's how he feels loved and embraced."
"It's important to know your spouse or your partner's primary love language because there's multiple ways we like to love on each other and communicate with each other, but it's important to know that primary one."
"The key is listening to what the other person has said today about how they need to be loved."
"When it comes to love languages, there's what you need and there's what your partner needs."
"Love languages are funny because if someone exerts love in their language on you, and it's not yours, you're like, 'Dude, you're just not listening.'"
"If you want to give me gifts, like, I obviously welcome gifts. Gifts is one of my love language."
"Using love languages to say 'I love you and I'm here.'"
"Quality time and physical touch, that's valid."
"How do you feel most loved and prioritized?"
"Every interaction you have with your partner is either adding love bank love coins to their bank or taking love coins out."
"If you show your partner love, they are so much more drawn and likely to show you love back."
"If you can express love in all the five ways, I guarantee your spouse will not have issues understanding your love."
"My love languages are probably definitely physical touch and words of affirmation."
"What makes one person feel emotionally loved is not necessarily what another person requires."
"The five love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch."
"It's like love languages so it's you know maybe you might be expressing your love through words of affirmation but that person receiving it looks for like acts of service and kindness."
"Love languages are groundbreaking; they introduce us to a different person."
"Learn about your partner's appreciation language. What makes your partner feel appreciated?"
"The understanding between Mom and Dad, is that also a love language?"
"It's really nice to know what my partner's love language is."
"How you receive love languages and then how you give them and how to find a middle ground."
"Words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch."
"Each attachment style has different expectations for love, has different needs for how they want to be loved, and what makes them feel loved."
"I need all of the love languages."
"For me, acts of service is like my top love language."
"Love each other the way that each other needs to be loved."
"Words of affirmation really make you feel loved."
"Operate and try your best to really find ways to operate in that person's love language."
"Speak that person's love language when available."
"Be really intentional about speaking their love language."
"If it's words of affirmation, making sure that you're really affirming their spirit."
"I'm doing this today because... we both speak similar but somewhat different love languages."
"If you know somebody's love languages, then you know how to speak to them."
"Love languages are a really great way for you to identify your needs compared to your partner's needs."
"Engage in courtship with one another and communicate love for your significant other using their love language."
"It talks about the way people receive and give love."
"Our needs basically flavor the way that we want our love languages to be spoken to us."
"Just learn honestly what really makes her feel loved and do that."
"For the personality, I want his love language to be like affirmation, words of affirmation, like he will tell me that he loves me and his effort inside."
"Acts of service is how I show love a lot."
"Everybody's love language is different, and this is ours."
"Because my love language is buying people their favorite things to eat or drink."
"Love is different love languages... we have to understand that so that we can actually love each other."
"We reciprocate and we both know what our wants and needs and our love languages are."
"Love Languages: Acts of service, words of affirmation, and quality time."
"When it comes to love, it can be expressed in many different ways person to person."
"Physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, gift giving, and acts of service."
"My son's number one primary, probably only love language, is quality time."
"Words of affirmation, that's probably like my first love language."
"My love language is physical touch, and Carla's is acts of service."
"There's five languages of love: words of affirmation, giving gifts, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch."
"My love language is gifts and affirmations."
"Now I know, you know? And I think in this day and age, it's important for every single mother to know her child's love language."
"We're not straight. Okay, today we're gonna talk about love languages."
"Your love languages can change too."
"Most couples make the mistake and think that they speak the same love language as their partner, and it rarely happens."
"My love languages are quality time and personal touch."
"We all want to be loved, but our languages of love are different from one another."
"Words of affirmation, spending quality time, acts of service, and receiving gifts are different love languages."
"The five love languages... touch, acts of service, words of affirmation."
"It's really important because sometimes you do the thing, the love language, right, and for you it's not natural, it's not easy."
"Recognize the other person's efforts towards speaking your love language."
"I'm all of the things. I speak all love languages."
"I'm willing to negotiate, but I'm not willing to negotiate listening to my husband, comforting him during trials and tribulations, hearing him out on his business ideas, practicing the love languages that he's let me know even before we got married."
"Understanding each other's love language, that's imperative."
"Knowing your love language, I think, is also critical just to know how you perceive love and how the people around you receive love, so that you can just better connect with people that you care about."
"People's love languages are all different. It's especially jarring when you have a lot of experience doing things a certain way and then finding out that isn't what somebody else needs."
"One of the five love languages is quality time, so that's very romantic."
"My love language is gifts and physical touch."
"Everybody has a different love language and a different way of feeling loved and giving love."
"People are different, they have different love languages and interests."
"Words of affirmation and acts of service, that's important to me."
"I like to spoil the person I'm with. I think I like quality time as a love language."
"For many of us, our core love language is whether or not we want to be seen."
"I think that in relationships a lot of the time you end up showing love the way that you want to receive love."
"We express our love in different languages and we receive our love in different languages."
"If you understand what your love languages and understand what someone else's love languages, then hopefully you can speak each other's languages and recognize that you love each other."
"By discovering what our love languages are, we can adapt and make sure that the people in our lives that we want to let them know that we love them, we can show them in specific ways that we know will resonate with them."
"It's so life-changing when you find out the other person's love language."