
Medical School Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"It takes a lot of work and effort to successfully get through pre-med, get into med school, and go through med school."
"You have dreamt of this moment, haven't you? Getting selected and going to your medical college for the first time, starting the journey as a med student."
"Once you know Anatomy, you've kind of made it somewhere in medical school and you're going to have fun."
"But that's it. Those are eight techniques that I've used consistently in the past two years of medical school."
"I wanted to tell you that I am currently in medical school and you are my inspiration... it is the best decision that I have ever made."
"I can't wait to start my fourth year of medical school it's gonna be so much fun and I know that I have a lot to learn but I'm really excited for it."
"You're the reason I've been thriving in medical school."
"Medical school and dental school have the same amount of problems and trauma, mental trauma, all that stuff."
"It wasn't his original intention to go to medical school."
"Welcome to a week in the life of a final year medical student."
"Grenada is home to St George's University which is one of the biggest Med schools in the Caribbean."
"I always read novels in my entire life, maybe with the exception of medical school when I didn't have the time."
"I would love to see medical admissions as a whole really truly become holistic in review and that's one of the things that drew me to norda and why I was interested in becoming the director of admissions was that we really truly are doing the holistic review."
"People need to read the instruction manual for AMCAS, AACOMAS, and TMDSAS. AMCAS very specifically says, project out the end date to the start date of medical school."
"As a Premed or medical student there are days when you ask yourself whether or not it's all worth it."
"The sleepless nights, countless hours studying, and missing special occasions to spend time with your one true Bay - your organic chemistry textbook - are enough to make anyone second guess their choice to pursue medicine."
"The interview went so badly they asked four questions because obviously it's a virtual interview it was like a panel and two of them weren't the normal medical questions."
"I want to welcome you medical school men to our new operating theater although as you can see it isn't exactly what you would call new."
"the icon school of medicine at Mount Sinai is known for its innovative research and its commitment to providing high-quality medical education."
"The Technion American Medical School in Haifa, Israel, is a special program only for US students."
"She's a badass. Well, she's a doctor. Second year medical school is the art of ass-kicking."
"But that's the kind of determination she would need to finish her undergraduate degree with straight A's and move on to medical school."
"...I then went to Mexico to the autonomous University of Guadalajara to do med school."
"The reality is the MCAT score does play a really important role in the entire process."
"You cannot go to medical school, should not go to medical school in my opinion, and it's proven time and time again from students emailing me saying I have a 520 and a 4.0 and I didn't get in medical school."
"I hope this was helpful for you and will really set you up for success moving forward and really get you into medical school."
"Johns Hopkins Medical School looks for students who possess qualities of leadership, service, compassion, creativity, and the ability to work in a team."
"Your Johns Hopkins Medical School secondaries give you the opportunity to tell your story and prove that you're a future leader in medicine."
"Keep in mind these doctors are part of your medical school journey now; keep them updated because let me tell you they really, really appreciate it."
"This all culminated in me sitting down during the first COVID lockdown and deciding to start making content to help people just like yourself navigate the obstacle course that is getting into medical school in the UK."
"Now with this course, I can't guarantee you an offer from medicine. What I can guarantee you is a roadmap that will take you through every stage of your preparation, telling you exactly what you do and don't need to know for your medicine interview."
"There wouldn't be such a big stigma about failure in medical school if people just talked about it more."
"Medical school is stressful and very, very hard."
"Volunteer work is highly valued by medical schools. It shows commitment and builds valuable skills."
"I managed to make it to medical school before realizing, 'Oh, wow, okay, these are the challenges that I have.'"
"I know you hike to chunks of the Appalachian Trail while you were actually in med school. I thought it was relaxing."
"Medical school is not a cakewalk... what's a little bit further for the dreams that you want to live for?"
"One of my main goals with this channel is to also help other people get into medical school."
"This kind of logic and thinking is something that's used all the time in medical school."
"The flexibility that you have in med school... you can kind of create your day however you wanted to."
"Prove to yourself first that you can do well in medical school."
"Getting into medical school is not just about the acceptance; it's about proving you can get through it."
"Good luck in your journey applying to medical school."
"I think with your GPA where it is, with the strong upward trend, I don't think you need a master's if you were just applying to medical school."
"I'm in medical school right now, I'm living my dream, and I hope that some of you could be doing the same in the future."
"Students continually perpetuate the myth that getting into med school is all about MCAT and GPA, and it's so much more than that."
"Don't worry, my name is Jeremiah, a recently accepted student at NUS Medicine, and in today's video, I promise you'll walk away with a better understanding of the entire process."
"Once you've been shortlisted to this second round, your grades do not matter anymore. What determines whether you'll get into medical school is based on the results from these two components."
"This has been an incredible first year of medical school. I've grown immensely, I've learned a ton."
"I'm super excited for today because it's my first day off ever since starting med school."
"This is going to be my first ever med school test/exam."
"There's just so much content in med school, so this just helps me keep track of it."
"Take care, I wish you all the best for your medical school applications."
"Having been in already started medical school, I just want you to know it is worth it and you can definitely do it."
"I feel a bit bittersweet creating this video because this is essentially the last thing I'm going to do in medical school before I start my PhD."
"If you're just dominating college and you're getting A's in all your science classes, then you're going to make it through medical school."
"If you've gone through some forms of obstacles, medical school is just here to test you."
"If you're worried about stress and some of the hardships that come with medical school, I can tell you honestly, if you're 25, you've probably gone through something at some point."
"Hopefully, we survived, and at the end of this next three weeks, I can officially call myself a second-year med student, which is insane."
"My favorite part of medical school would have to have been the community of brothers, the brotherhood we had amongst each other."
"If your dream is to become a doctor but you find yourself overwhelmed, be sure to check out the Med School Insiders Pre-Med Roadmap to Medical School Acceptance course."
"I'm going out to medical school in the fall."
"I knew that if I did well in my first year of BSc, I could get into medical school."
"I realized how useful it would be to so many of you to have a bit of a list of must-have items that would be useful for you during medical school."
"Remember why you are studying so hard for this test: it's to go to the medical school of your dreams, to become a doctor."
"Learning how to learn back in med school totally transformed my life."
"I am well prepared to take on medical school and all it entails."
"I love the attitude; that's the exact attitude and confidence that a medical school wants and needs."
"A lot of students will be really quick to tell you that if you get a C-plus or a B-minus even once in your entire undergrad that you're not going to get into medical school, and that's really just not true."
"Start forming daily habits now that you want to carry into medical school."
"I hope you learned something from this, or you're more excited to either go to med school or apply for med school in the future."
"That has been my journey into med school and I hope you guys enjoyed it thoroughly."
"Use your unfair advantage throughout your medical school journey."
"I'm going into my fourth year of medical school here at the University of Edinburgh."
"If you're currently applying or you're thinking about applying, it's because you know in your heart that you're capable of getting in."
"I loved being able to come into medical school in my relationship and continue that; just have another person on your team, another person that you know has your back, was just such a relieving feeling to have."
"I have prematurely finished my first year at University of Nottingham Medical School because of the coronavirus situation."
"The application process getting into medical school is so much more than MCAT and GPA."
"Medical school truly one of the best four years of my entire life, and I stand by that."
"I recently shared that I got accepted to five medical schools here on YouTube."
"Fortunately, I'll be starting medical school on August 8th this year as well."
"I've also been going to a teensy-weensy little baby wavy thing called medical school."
"I actually really enjoy the process of figuring out strategies for tackling exams in medical school."
"Congrats to everyone who is finishing up medical school and starting residency. I wish you the best of luck."
"My last year of med school, the best year ever because of her; my future changed forever because of her."
"It's important to take a huge sample size of what it is you need to get into medical school and not just trust one person."
"The best thing I can do to make sure that moment doesn't happen again is to go back to medical school."
"Make sure that you can knock A's out in that class because when the medical school admissions committee look at those classes, they're going to count it as a science class."
"As a medical student, even though when I'm in medical school, yes, I'm finally there, but the obstacles don't stop, stuff is still hard."
"I'm in my last year of med school now."
"She just finished medical school and I'm so happy for her, so proud of her."