
Real Life Interaction Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Never be scared of giving real life a try and meeting friends of friends."
"Most people haven't met a trans person in real life, and all we're seeing is trans people in the media, which is usually not great representation."
"Don't define your friendships by who you have when you open your phone, define your friendships by who makes the time for you in real life and vice versa."
"You learn to appreciate life more... Savor communication with people you have in real life."
"Let's have a chat again, in real life, you know, let's experience some connection."
"Get off of social media, stop watching the news, and just start talking to people."
"The dating app is an appetizer, it's a dessert. It ain't the main course. Main course needs to be IRL, in real life. Get out there."
"The sad irony of social media is that while it sells the promise of connecting us, it's damaging our ability to make real-life connections."
"Spending time with your friends in real life is awesome."
"The biggest trend in dating will be putting the phone down and finding love in the real world."
"Investing in relationships...enriches your life in ways that online ones never can."
"Getting together with friends and sharing that experience not online behind a screen but shoulder to shoulder."
"When you watch people in the flesh and you see how good they're on the flesh then you appreciate them a bit more."
"It was good to see some one-to-one human interaction."
"Screw it, if you're going to hate on me online, we'll have a match against the real life online hater."
"Dating sites/apps are a legit 80 men...you're one thousand times better off flirting in real life."
"It's way better meeting someone in real life."
"The Internet is not your friend. Go to a relative, go to a friend that's live and touchable in front of you."
"What are you doing? What are you doing? I start recording and this, this is just what happens."
"We can just put our phones down and live in the real world with our people who love us and support us."
"Digital well-being: jump out in the real world."
"It's much more fun to play with friends in real life." - Jim
"You need to move beyond just being known in online communities. Form real bonds and friendships, it's very important."
"I'm not the social media challenge, I'm the in real life, let me call your phone, let me see you in person, let's have some type of dialogue."
"The purpose of life is to enjoy it. Use your phone to create great experiences and memories together in person, not as a digital substitute for living and experiencing life."
"Communicating with human beings in real life is actually exciting these days."
"The key to me is recognizing how many people want you to be there and you belong there and want you to succeed not just online but in real life too."
"You know there's more to life than just what's on your phone, right?"
"I have cash, he was like, no, I'm sorry."
"I'm glad I decided to get off Tinder and walk to a bar."
"I've never once met a hater in real life. It's always been love."
"The connection that you make through these apps... is not even one-tenth of the connection that you make in person."
"It's so nice to actually meet you in person after all this time."
"Girls prefer to meet a guy in real life."
"I need to have real connections with people at events and not through social media."
"I'm so antisocial in real life, and then when I whip out the camera, I'm like, 'Hey guys!'."
"Online presence is huge, but real life is what really makes connections."
"Try to connect more with people around you... live your life and stop looking online."
"The internet brings a lot of us together, and you know we're kind of like friends on the internet, but in real life most of us don't have anybody even real close by, so it's awesome meeting you in person."
"Stepping out of that world isn't about quitting social media or disconnecting from the internet completely; it's about learning to redirect more of our attention toward the people and places around us."
"Real life friends, guys, this isn't for the internet."
"Now more than ever, a community in real life, in person, is the most underrated thing you can be doing for your overall health and well-being."
"I made more effort to speak to people in real life."
"All those likes can't measure the fun we have together."
"Being able to meet you guys face to face is nothing like FaceTime."
"I've been seeking real-life connection."
"That's one of my favorite memories from market, you get to walk in and see everything in real life."
"If you meet me in person, I am very different than when you meet me on the internet."
"I'm just one little person, and I meet people off this app, off the screen, a lot of people are really great at talking on camera, and you meet them in person, and you figure out who they really are."
"You learn how to socialize; you can't learn how to socialize in front of a computer at home."
"I think it's very detrimental to someone's mental health not to have real friends in real life."
"It's nice to meet people in real life especially when they love the channel as well."
"You can avoid 99% of this if you actually interact with people in real life."
"Best moments of my life, meeting those girls in real life."
"How you act online should be how you act offline; it's still real life, it's still the same."
"Sometimes you gotta turn the camera off and go have a little real-life interaction, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's always a little surreal when you've watched someone on TV and then you get the privilege to have a genuine conversation with them."
"Real life play is way more fun, and we can do it with everyone."
"I would rather meet a guy in real life."
"It's safer to meet someone in real life."
"We have the opportunity to do this with you right now here, to engage with you in real life."
"I love when people come up to me. It is amazing meeting people in real life because I'm just a face on your screen right now."
"It's really fun to meet people in person that you talk to on Zoom meetings every single day."
"It's so much fun for me to meet people who watch this stuff in real life."