
Spiritual Living Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"God never intended for them to live the Christian life. He intended for them to allow the Holy Spirit who lives within them to live out the life of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Live true to yourself, live spiritually, give the first place in your thought to the Eternal from which things come, and then all things will come to you at need."
"Living in a state of complete non-judgment, non-attachment, and non-resistance."
"If you believe Jesus, you will walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh."
"Living the spiritual life demands the application of spiritual principles in every action and decision, fostering a life of compassion, service, and mindfulness."
"Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. I love you."
"Walking in the spirit living in the light of Christ's presence is to be a conqueror."
"You can live by faith, you can live by the spirit."
"We want to live in Christ, that's our appeal for each of you."
"Your priority is pleasing God, not pleasing people."
"To live in victory, beloved ones, we must see spiritually."
"Living in 5D is living in paradise on earth. It is beyond anything we could imagine when we are still caught up in the 3D matrix."
"No, there's nothing uncertain about the times we live in to the believer who is seeking to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
"Don't be afraid to live. The Holy Spirit was sent here to show you how to live."
"When God makes a crazy way... once you find out that this is how God wants you to live... it's supposed to create a crazy wave."
"You are a child of the Almighty because you've chosen to live by my wishes."
"Life conquers death. Come alive, come alive, and live an exciting life by the power of God's word and the anointing of the Holy Spirit."
"You walk by faith and not by sight. Too many people are living their life by sight."
"Keep your focus on that higher timeline, stay in love, stay in gratitude, stay in appreciation, stay in joy."
"If you walk in the spirit, you will never fulfill the desires of the flesh."
"If you live by the Bible, you will not go astray."
"Living a holy life is a calling for each and every believer."
"Read your gospels, they will tell you that if you follow the spirit instead of the flesh, the world will not be as kind to you."
"What are you living for? I'm living to fulfill His purpose and His plan for my life."
"Kingdom living unites us, despite our differences."
"Move with love and light, with pure intentions. Don't think of yourself as lost because you're not."
"Prayer isn't just something that you do, prayer is a way that you live."
"Eventually we're going to get to Romans 12, which is really just about living in community."
"To truly live out God's call is to be people of love, people of light."
"Live your life every day so that it pleases God."
"Stop living in your human ways... come out of your ways into my way... that's what living by faith is."
"Living in the fifth dimension is about understanding who you really are."
"The spiritual knowledge teaches us how to live amidst that living."
"When you're in a love vibration, you don't create karma."
"God wants you to carry his presence... all the time."
"We're called to live according to the ways of the one true eternal God."
"I will live according to the Spirit of God and not my flesh. I declare my body and my mind to be the Temple of the Holy Spirit in Jesus's name. Amen."
"It's not about going back to Heaven, it's about bringing Heaven here."
"I want to live from the perspective of eternity."
"If you're living by God, you're living in the moment, with love, and with perfect peace."
"Walk according to the spirit, not the flesh."
"What if it's a shonen world, but it actually functions in a real way? How would that society be?"
"The power's in the relationship, the proximity to God, and the pattern of living after entering those covenants."
"The only opinion that you should live for is the opinion of God because it's the only opinion that matters."
"Let us have grace by which we may serve God acceptably."
"Living in love, living in the heart, and living in this higher vibration energy is the best possible thing we can do."
"If your faith is only in your speech, it won't live. If it's in your feet, it will become alive."
"Living the dream is not about trying to be God; it is about giving God."
"Not everything about you should be known by everyone. That is how a life led by the Holy Spirit should be."
"Your responsibility, Jeff, is to live for the one who died for you."
"The secret place does not become somewhere you go occasionally, but a habitation of God."
"Living your life as if Jesus is going to come back."
"Establish a community of believers living in the fullness of Christ."
"There's nothing non-spiritual about enjoying your life."
"If you and I really want to live like Jesus, we've got to make sure that people remain the priority and that God remains a priority."
"Live as if there is no tomorrow in the sense of having an urgency to see God's will done."
"Purpose is to live your life in such a way that I am a vessel in which God can flow through me and touch the earth."
"We will not live life sinking, we will live life thriving. That's the life that Jesus paid the price to give to you and me."
"Present your whole life to God because if you live your life God's way you will always be operating within God's design and God's framework for you."
"Live your life with yahuwah as your focus and your priority, and let his love for you cover you so that you can be ready for him when he calls."
"God is concerned with the state of your heart. What matters is how you live your life in accordance with God's word."
"Let us not love in word or talk but indeed and in truth."
"Be willing to make whatever changes are necessary to live out life at its best with Him."
"May your will be placed above mine. I choose to live a life that glorifies you."
"I want you to live in life, but live for the next life."
"We all have access to the prophetic anointing; the Spirit of God lives inside of us and speaks to us."
"As the church, you live in the world but are not of the world."
"Walk according to the spirit and not according to the flesh."
"You can be here, live heaven on earth in the midst of all the craziness that's going on."
"God loves the pure in heart... Just be authentic with God, authentically tell Him that you are not living your life right." - Candice Smithyman
"This ain't about not going to hell this is about living a life that makes Heaven come to Earth."
"I love banter, a nice banter between people."
"I'm living to please God, not to impress people."
"You shall be on this Earth as one incarnated for the purpose of living in the tune of your own suggestion."
"Are you doing the love of God? Is the love of God in you? Are you kind? Are you compassionate?"
"Our life matters to God, and he desires that you and I live a pure, holy life by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"To live heaven on Earth, you must forgive every single person that wrongs you."
"Live your life out, do it in the presence of God, with Jesus being the head of your life, your lordship, and you watch things change."
"You should live your life like Jesus will come today, you need to be prepared."
"To be in harmony with the universe is to live in tune with joy, love, and spiritual power."
"When you start living and working and breathing with the ascended masters every day, everything is possible and life becomes indescribably magical."
"Living for what lasts, not for what's temporary."
"But be transformed by what? By the renewing of your mind. Then you can prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
"Are you living for Jesus every day, all the time? That's the question."
"Live spiritually in the material world, avoid being lost in illusions and fantasies."
"It's not just about the sweet by and by, it's also about turning the ugliness of the here and now into the manifestation of God's kingdom on earth."
"Help us live lives where we respond to our calling and not our craving. Jesus name we thank you for amen."
"Living with God as our guide fills us with unshakable hope for the future."
"It is a moment to ask ourselves how we can live more fully in the Light of Christ, how we can serve as beacons of hope and love in a world thirsting for meaning."
"I want Christ that live in me. I want the world to see Jesus in me."
"When your intent is to live spiritually, you infuse everything with deep intention."
"We all know the importance of our daily routines but if you're like us you might wonder how you can be living more intentionally within God's Kingdom."
"You should always be living for God, seeking God."
"You can still live in the world without being of it."
"I choose to live from the spirit, not from my past emotions."
"What will happen in your life and mine if we can begin to live with our eyes spiritually opened?"
"If we decide to live right and keep our hearts pure, we can be vessels set aside for the Master's use."
"Will we shrink back or will we step into this space and live bold, faithful, compassionate, spirit-filled, biblically serious lives?"
"Faith and Hope and love, make sure you live in those."
"So, this idea of a cosmic covenant indicates that the land is not simply given by the Creator, but the land plays a role in the Covenant if the Hebrews live in the right way."
"Let's try to have at least one action every day that would fit that category — something we do for others with no thought of any benefit, any gain to ourselves, just given for the love of God."
"Those who live according to the spirit set their hearts on the things of the spirit because the spirit dwells in them."
"God is love; all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them."
"Only by walking in the truth can we live holy lives."
"Abide in love. I want you to live in this. Don't graduate from this truth ever."
"We must live in the Holy Spirit and follow after him."
"We are in a time period of using our mouths, of living by faith not by sight."
"Trusting in the Lord is living with complete confidence in God."
"To be holy is when you recognize God's value as God recognizes His value, and you begin to live your life and do everything you do for Him."
"That God can soften difficult commands and infuse them with grace so that we can live them."
"I will walk before the Lords in the land of the living."
"We can now live in the realm where Christ reigns over us with His Spirit."
"If you live as you ought, He says He will come unto you and make His abode with you."
"Live our lives spiritually as if we're going to die this evening."
"The life that I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me."
"You're not created to live in fear, you're created to walk in love."
"Greater is He that is in us, so we live in tune with the Spirit of God."
"Through the help of Christ, men continue to live on in the spiritual."
"It's rare in these days to shine bright in a dark world and live for Jesus."
"We could live by the spirit and not by the flesh."
"Living the big love and noticing the love within everything."
"Living in the Spirit not living in the flesh is how you live a life that honors and glorifies God and is transformed."
"To live a spirit-filled life is to live a life patterned after the emotional health and relational integrity of Jesus Christ."
"...we are redeemed, so the price was paid, but salvation...seems to be more about that are we now living as if we're redeemed."
"We must live out the life of the cross that the life also of Jesus may be manifest in this mortal body."
"Live now in anticipation of what God is intending to do for all of creation."
"We should try to actually be and do and live according to the sacred teachings."
"The grace of God will teach us how to live godly."
"This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live."
"We're four men who want to live our lives according to the way and the direction in which He's given us."
"You shall live in his sight; what Heavenly living that must be."
"God intends us to live this way, ever conscious of His presence."
"When we're in Messiah, we should be experiencing, demonstrating, living according to garden truth."
"It's not me living; it's Christ living through me."
"If we can live in a way that helps make manifest what is already true, that we are one, that's good third density living."
"I dwell in the place of abundance."
"It's not trying harder, it's now living inviting Christ to live out his truth through me."
"We live by believing and not by seeing."
"Let the spiritual idea be in you of living vibrant power that rejects the lies spontaneously."
"...if you live this way, God's blessings come."
"Living with purity, honesty, unselfishness, and love—it's right."
"Help us to understand what it means to live always in the will of God."
"Everybody will live in accordance to holiness and godliness."
"Living in God's kingdom would reduce the traffic."
"Living the life of resurrection, living the life imparted perfection, living the life of faith and love."
"I just made up my mind that I'm going to live by the wisdom from above."
"If what you heard from the beginning lives in you, then you also will live in the Son and in the Father."
"We are to live in the spirit and love in the spirit; everything we do is to be life in the spirit."
"I have finally found a way to live; it's the presence of the Lord."
"Light is when you live like and love like Jesus."
"You have an opportunity to live in divine health."
"We're not living for happiness, we're living for the joy of the Lord."
"Life with Him is the best way to live."
"Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ."
"How to live fully from divine abundance."
"Living under the influence of the Holy Spirit means that I am under the influence of the spirit at all times."
"Help us to live by the Spirit, help us to listen to your word, and help us to be formed by what we hear."
"We really live since you are standing firm in the Lord."
"Spiritual living is, am I totally at peace with the way it is?"
"We have to live a life sanctified from and consecrated to."
"Learn Gurmat living, learn Rehit Maryada."
"If we live in the spirit, then let us also walk in the spirit."
"The enlightened ones or the awakened ones are the ones who are living this and they're the ones who are beautiful, their faces are radiant, they're living in an enlightened way."
"In the Kingdom Life, we live out of our spirit, we do not live out of our mind, will, and emotions."
"Always live with love and light so that you don't have to deal with guilt or fears."
"Living sacredly and living with integrity and accountability."
"If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." - Galatians 5:25