
Human Diversity Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"People will always surprise you as well. No two people are ever the same."
"There are so many hairs on your head, but it seems unlikely that two people are going to have the same number of hairs on their head."
"There's so much nuance and depth and variance among people, so much to appreciate and in many cases empathize with."
"Ayurveda believes that human beings are fundamentally different and that there are three types of human beings or qualities: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha."
"Each one is unique, just like all of you. There are no two the same."
"The beautiful diversity of human populations should be celebrated."
"We need to see our traits as just different from others not superior just because we're HSP doesn't make us like wonderfully aware or conscientious people 24 7."
"He wants to recreate the Tower of Babel, you know, the creation myth that attempts to explain why human beings use different languages."
"In moments of stillness in the crowd... be filled with delight at the spectacle of the forms of humanity."
"We are different species though I totally understand what you mean by the human race because you know sometimes we might say it's not a black or white thing it's a great thing if you if you know you know."
"Sexuality is a spectrum, and you do see it often; people fall on different areas of it."
"As the sunlight touched alike all varied personalities and a crowd of people walking in some open part, so will the light of the heavenly illumination strike upon each human soul."
"We're all created uniquely. There are billions of people in this world, and we each have our own fingerprint, which is amazing if you think about it."
"It's contradictory to human behavior to say that everybody's the same."
"Humans of all different races are substantially more similar."
"People aren't that typical; everyone's unique in some way."
"Every population in the entire world has some amount of admixture from its neighbors, that's just normal."
"There is some diversity between us although we are all 99.9 percent the same genetically."
"There's just billions of people living their own individual lives, isn't that nuts?"
"Real humans don't fit into boxes, we're all unique and like different things."
"There's a whole universe of other people who live very different and mysterious lives."
"People are so much more than the color of their skin."
"Yeah, we are very different but in a sense we are the same because we can do a lot in a month."
"Let everyone be faithful in their call and don't pretend to be the judge of another."
"People cannot be defined by one specific tiny thing that happens to be a piece of who they are."
"There have been numerous cases of humans having deformities or eccentric genes that cause them to look like animals."
"People should be celebrated because they're people. Our species is incredible and its diversity is precisely why it's incredible."
"Every individual is indeed unique... billions of different combinations."
"The human species is on the one hand, very diverse. But on the other hand, if you compare it to other species like chimpanzees, we are very not diverse."
"We have to always work on understanding individual people not races not groups not that that's good knowledge but mostly we have to understand every human."
"We can talk about people as being different shades, not different colors."
"All people are just a different shade of brown."
"There's so much amazing beauty and wonder in all the people you see."
"Representation is good because it tells people that you're not wrong for being different. You are valid. You are human."
"The fact that other people have massive abilities that we all of us don't have to some degree is what makes life such a wonderful spectacle."
"Homofloresiensis: not Homo sapien but human all the same."
"Everybody's different, everybody's got their own battles to fight."
"Think about how unique you are as an individual and think about the billions of people on this planet."
"We're just beautiful people with incredible unique talents."
"People are just different, very different and it helps."
"We call ourselves the human race but we're not really one race group."
"Humans are fascinating and unique, so it's a pleasure to observe different facets of different characters."
"I would say that there are three different types of people in the world."
"Everybody's life's filled with challenges and difficulties and triumphs, and that's what makes everybody unique."
"Human personality is quite diverse and even under very different conditions, you're going to see people behave sometimes in ways they ought not."
"Humans are varied and interesting enough. Let's have a load of humans."
"The world a hundred thousand years ago was a diverse place full of many long-isolated populations."
"The whole sound is God's creation humanity in all of its multi colors multi race multi-faith."
"The only difference between us and heterosexuals is what we do in bed."
"You can't be conservative and gay." There's no right or wrong way to be gay, we're all just humans.
"We're all smart in different ways we're all stupid in that's what makes us beautiful."
"If differences in everything else, why wouldn't there be differences in psychology as well?"
"The human race has an incredible amount of diversity and people of all different kinds exist all over the world."
"Homosexuality is human. The soul has no gender and the soul loves who it loves."
"It's just a story about a God who is so threatened and upset by human solidarity and progress that he deliberately made it harder for us to communicate with each other and spread us out."
"People are all living different experiences, but we gotta treat everybody with kindness."
"There are millions of ways to be a human being."
"The fact is that all people are mixture of many different prehistoric people and tribes."
"All of us are the same and all of us are different."
"Acknowledging the variety of human experience is healing in itself."
"There are seven billion different realities being experienced every day."
"Men and women are different, but that's one of the greatest things on earth."
"I don't feel like I failed as a parent, I think that there's just a lot of things that go on in the human body and the human brain that make people different."
"Eight billion people, eight billion personalities, 8 billion vessels."
"There is no normal, there's just us and what we do."
"Language is a fascinating and magnificent reflection of human ingenuity, human creativity, and human diversity."
"What is it about skin color that ties and also separates so many different human populations?"
"I'm glad they're not like us or we'd be helpless."
"So if we take the approach that disability is part of human condition, it's quite universal. Persons with disabilities are part of human diversity."
"We believe that the diversity of mankind is a manifestation of divine will."
"You should value people as individuals and you should value them for the strengths of who they are as individuals. And every individual brings a mix, by the way, every individual brings a mix of strengths and weaknesses to the table, you know, including me."
"It's hard to believe that to this day, there are people on our planet who live a primitive life."
"Humanity is a complex and diverse species that has achieved a great many things throughout its history."
"I believe humans should not be categorized in such limited labels."
"Some dudes are just built different."
"Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people."
"People are what they are, are reflected in their faces, and they represent the peoples of the earth."
"There’s nothing in our genetic results that would suggest that one population is in any way superior or inferior to another."
"Humans seem really different, but on a DNA level, we're remarkably similar."
"Human nature means that we're different; we have different starting points, we finish in different places."
"Humans aren't all the same; humans don't agree on things, humans have different views on things."
"Pigmentation is a trivial feature of humanity."
"We're all so different but we're literally all the same."
"We are one species, with all the beautiful variants that exist within it."
"We're all black, even though we seem to be racially very different."
"Normal is arbitrary, unscientific, and quite frankly boring. It is not a category of human beings."
"If you were to look at the varied factors of what it is to be a human being, there is so much variety, it's insane."
"Everybody's different, everybody's DNA is different, everybody's fingerprints are different."
"These are all examples of the diversity of The Human Condition."
"Human variation is we just haven't built human variation in as the fundamental design principle for work, and that's a shame."
"I don't think there's one way people are."
"Nobody is inferior or superior; everybody is roughly equal genetically."
"Inclusive design is all about considering the wide range of human abilities."
"People have different personalities, different character traits, different mindsets."