
Dread Quotes

There are 281 quotes

"I knew there was something there, something very real, but I didn't dare turn on the light because I didn't want to see whatever it was."
"What I dread is...after the situation, you know, I have actually taken somebody's life."
"The Witch relies on unsettling fear to instill dread rather than relying on jump scares or overt scare tactics."
"This movie is just creepy to watch; it fills you with a weird sense of dread."
"Homelander in a scene with literally anyone else... we feel dread around what he'll do."
"There is no feeling in this world quite like the sense of dread bubbling up in your stomach."
"That's something I've always craved: I want to make a horror movie where daylight is the thing that makes you dread."
"The horror of the void is this unmoored wandering in hopes of finding something to cling to."
"I see black shadows everywhere, the blood, the messages, the screaming."
"I felt like my day needed a game that just filled me full of dread."
"The looming dread that a galaxy ending parasite gave to the universe."
"I'm kind of hoping that every single human is going to get infected...cuz that would make me very sad."
"The moment I stepped out, I felt an insatiable feeling of dread and angst, the kind that a soldier would feel knowing that he was marching into his demise."
"An existential dread story because this is not coming, it's here, and eventually, we will all be subject to it."
"The movie may be over, but just like Oppenheimer himself, the viewer is left with a stirring sense of dread."
"DREAD is based on the answers to five questions: damage potential, reproducibility, exploitability, affected users, and discoverability."
"The creature was not just a physical energy; it was full of dread and malice, and it was looming off of it as it stood near me."
"Nobody was sleeping how could they, knowing what the morning would bring?"
"I felt the most horrifying dread I've ever experienced."
"My stomach was twisted into uncomfortable knots, dread reaching its boiling point with every step closer to the door."
"I had this overwhelming sense of dread."
"Oh god, oh no, this is gonna be bad, man."
"I could feel the dreadful gravity of that monster."
"Every night I lay restless, knowing that on board that particular speck of light lives a monster amongst the darkness."
"I was nearly unnerved at my proximity to a nameless thing at the bottom of a pit."
"Everyone creates the thing they dread. Men of peace create engines of war."
"Tolkien describes Tower Newfound as a region of such dread and dark enchantment that even the orcs would not enter it unless need drove them."
"It's that kind of subtle but constant creeping dread you experience."
"But it just feels like dread in this place. It's more of a feeling than anything, isn't it?"
"The decisions we dread making are often those most necessary."
"At this point my blood turned cold and I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach."
"The vibe he gave off... man, I can't explain the feeling that seeing this guy gave us. It was overwhelming dread, confusion, and terror."
"The threat of death and the dread of death were both worse than actually dying."
"...a feeling of pure dread engulfs me as the cubicle door unlocks by itself and the door slowly begins to swing open."
"The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I was paralyzed by sudden and overwhelming sense of dread."
"Every creek of the house becomes a harbinger of dread"
"It was the first time I had really ever felt dread."
"Oh, you gasped internally, the overwhelming dread making you feel 20 times heavier as if a lead weight had been dropped into the pit of your stomach."
"the worst feeling of dread washed over me then"
"That oh [ __ ] feeling of deep intense dread instantaneously."
"Knowing the meaning of those words fills me with an existential dread."
"There wasn't a single building I dreaded more than this place."
"The hotel seemed far colder than usual, but the kind of cold we'd felt the other night, bone-chilling cold. It was dreadful."
"The familiar dread began to creep in as the line between day and night blurred."
"I was only trying to think of a warm bath and a soft bed, not what I'd seen in those notes."
"I had a feeling of dread unlike anything I've ever experienced."
"The darkness of some vague enormous terror dropped its shadow on her when she thought of it," some instinct in her heart she dreaded infinitely more than death for death meant sweet translation for his soul.
"All of these pictures do an excellent job at just creating this sense of fear and dread."
"The Panic of not knowing the how or why this monster exists and the creeping dread as you slowly uncover how it operates and where it comes from."
"To be aware of existence and yet to know that one is no longer a definite being, distinguished from other beings, that one no longer has a self, that is the nameless summit of agony and dread."
"I could not get rid of the chilly, horrid feeling those two screams had produced."
"Some unknown dread blooming in my belly like a dark and toxic flower that was nourished by her words."
"The original Pet Sematary is scary because of the dread and because of the grief and because of everything going on underneath the surface."
"Every morning when I wake up, my first thought is that something terrible happened to me. I just don't know what."
"How dreadful knowledge of the truth can be when there's no help in the truth."
"It is the realization that such things once crouched beast-like above the souls of men which brings cold sweat to my brow."
"I had a really strong sensation the entire time of dread."
"The dread on his face could be seen as it streaks up his back and hits him full force at this point he realized he just messed up."
"I'm so dreading those years with our kids."
"The scariest thing to me was the snarling and growling noises and the sense of dread I felt."
"I'm just dreading it with a smile on my face."
"That weight suddenly falls on your chest, full of foreboding and dread."
"An overwhelming sense of dread sweeps over my body and presses on my chest."
"Ever get that sinking feeling on Sunday evenings as another weekend passes by and a new work week draws closer back to that office cubicle or that cash register or those demanding customers?"
"I felt a sudden flood of overwhelming existential dread and horror."
"The feeling of fear that I felt that day was the most surreal feeling that I could never explain. It was just truly horrific and dreadful."
"I felt a sense of dread, as if I was unwelcome here."
"It was like a slice of Hades had descended upon the world behind the ridges, making a bottomless fear resurface deep within all living things that had gotten too close to it."
"I had to go to the bathroom. Oh god how I dreaded those."
"The words written on both Pages filled me with an ever increasing sense of horror and Dread, the likes of which I had never felt before."
"The worst-case scenario is you're dreading an interaction, you're forced to go through it, it's not even a successful interaction, and it doesn't go well."
"And then, you know, their next deployment is somewhere like the Arghandab and it's just dull and full of dread and horrible."
"Then I saw it. It was only a shadow in the dark, but it was there, and it was huge. It stretched from one side of my vision to the other, and as I fought against the pressure to turn my aching head, I still couldn't see the end of it."
"So I'd say this as a dreadful but actually awe-inspiring opportunity."
"There was an indescribable overwhelming sense of dread that was not there before. I was afraid, impossibly afraid."
"The tension and underlying sense of dread"
"3 a.m. once again, the time of night I began to dread."
"You dread the depths. It should horrify you, since the way of what is to come leads through it."
"Kenton's heart involuntarily fluttered at this intelligence, for he dreaded all whoops and hated all Council houses."
"But that was Sunday scares to the absolute maximum."
"That's it. That's the end of it. Definitely. Because it's dreadful."
"Sinister is just really goddamn creepy and has a constantly increasing sense of dark dread."
"The unsettling imagery sketched itself into my mind's eye with an incredible urgency, the all-consuming dread grew in its potency."
"What we all dread most is a maze with no center."
"It's dreadful, and unless you've been through it, you know, you've had ghosts in your house and that, you really don't know where he's lying."
"Even though I feel some dread about what he wrote possibly being true."
"What I saw sent shivers down my spine."
"Let's have a chat is the most dreaded phrase to hear at work."
"What hopes I had a fulfilling my life! The dreadful thing is at my elbow while I write."
"The feeling of dread was so immediately strong."
"The impermanence of all things is a source of Pascal's horror with life."
"Baron Samedi in control of his own zombie is a particularly dreadful conception."
"A more Dreadful night was never spent by mortal creature."
"I just felt such dread. I'm so glad he didn't fall."
"I have this over this dread and this feeling building on me just super heavy like time there's no time like you're in a black hole it's like nothing exists there's no life."
"Governor Titus was canny enough to suspect that a far greater horror was on its way."
"...encounters with the inexplicable feelings of anxiety, dread, panic, or confusion..."
"A real horror awaited them once they stepped out of their temporary shelter."
"Everything about this thing is terrifying."
"I will talk to anybody. I don't have stage fright. I'm horrible with toasting. It fills me with dread."
"I am dreading going to school today I just know that it's not going to be a fun day Mondays are by far the worst day of the week and I have work after school"
"'It was a tough climb made tougher by a sight they were all dreading.'"
"It's not just boredom, there's an almost dread that comes up."
"I felt a cold dread wash over me as I realized that he had no intention of leaving."
"The nightmare was far from over, as the foreboding hum made its return, I found myself rooted to the spot, a deer caught in the headlights."
"The air inside the hospital weighed heavy with the scent of decay, intensifying the growing dread that pressed upon us. As we huddled together, our bodies trembling with exhaustion and relief, we knew that we had narrowly escaped the clutches of the abandoned hospital."
"The tranquility of the campsite was now tainted, replaced by a creeping dread."
"An overwhelming sense of dread washed over me."
"Nothing truly horrifying happened, just the constant feeling of dread and unease."
"I got chills and a really bad feeling of dread."
"I have been dreading this Dougie's whole life."
"Wait, don't you dare end. Don't you dare!"
"I felt a strong bite of dread inside my chest."
"I felt a sense of absolute an overwhelming dread that has gone unmatched in all my 24 years on this planet."
"It was like I could see the disaster unfolding before my eyes."
"We were hit with this feeling of dread and panic."
"The fear of the unseen, the fear of the lurking dread."
"Nothing could be more real or more dreadful than that."
"It was like this cold numb dread just washed down over me."
"There's a dread, a fascination, and a burst of adrenaline that comes with realizing that you've been in close proximity with a real live creature that isn't proven to exist."
"It felt ominous, evil in fact. I can't even put my finger on it to explain in full detail the fear that I felt but it was like it penetrated to my bones."
"There was this absolute sense of complete and total dread that just overtook me."
"Something was lurking and that was my first inkling of the terror that was to unfold."
"Every breath brought a growing dread, a primal alarm that seemed to echo from the depths of my subconscious."
"People who have experienced these things get a feeling of immense dread, of immense evil."
"Fear is far more terrible than death."
"The only danger that we dread is love."
"The growing sensation of an on-rushing Doom nod inside me until it became a knot of fear in my chest."
"Leaving behind whispers of dread and an ominous sense that their story was far from concluded."
"I'm just happy to report that I'm in a much better place psychologically and I feel like I'm waking up in the morning without the dread and the head in bed and feeling like I can do life and actually looking forward to my days"
"'When a Stranger Calls' is a master class in building suspense from the most mundane situation, cleverly using sound and minimal visuals to create a sense of dread."
"Creating a sense of dread and unease"
"This image goes so hard... is that not just like overwhelmingly dreadful?"
"My heart sank, is that god forsaken creature back again?"
"Overwhelming sense of happiness but dread."
"Without doubt, this is the scariest bit for me."
"It's almost like an inevitable doom. Yeah, that's what it's called. It's like a sense of dread."
"The thoroughly well-informed man—that is the modern ideal. And the mind of the thoroughly well-informed man is a dreadful thing."
"No cheating, the dread. Find the heart to escape."
"You may actually want to go to that birthday party. You may actually want to go to the concert. You may want to go out to the bar tonight to your friends but you feel this dread kick in as you think about doing it."
"Relationships seen as enhancements to life, they dread the complexities of life."
"Enies Lobby already fills me with so much dread."
"A graphic mutilation scene can sometimes not even hold a candle to the quieter, more subtle dread that escalates throughout the interiorities that certain authors expertly drive us through."
"Dread trickled down my spine and I put my nose in the air, grinding my teeth as I searched for the source."
"The very sound of the word strikes a note of dread to the soul, dread but fascination too, for believe me there is a certain allure in evil, a compelling magnetism which some cannot withstand."
"To hear them shouted by a hundred Vox Amplified voices was to know the end was nigh."
"Few vessels conjure as much dread as the putrified and decaying ships in the service to the chaos god Nuro."
"The thing that is in room 101 is the worst thing in the world."
"I can't help having a little bit of dread in the pit of my stomach."
"The nightmare ladies and gentlemen."
"I literally was so dreading this advising appointment."
"For all we know, something dreadful might be happening to them at this very moment."
"That feeling of dread is so fiercely visceral."
"I'm already kind of dreading and getting back to the monotony of daily life."
"He shares his story of how he explored the outside area of this cave and was hit with an overwhelming feeling of dread."
"Well, I'm getting a dreadful reputation, you know. People see me coming and hide their children."
"A sense of dread enveloped me and I couldn't help but draw parallels between his experiences and the Eerie happenings around my Homestead."
"It's hard to describe the sense of dread and fear that this thing gave off. It honestly felt like my life was at risk and my whole body would scream to run."
"...we all just get this instinctual feeling of dread."
"...we saw a tall shadowy figure of a man...absolutely terrifying."
"It was like something out of a nightmare, all sharp angles and jagged edges."
"This hallway consistently creeped me out noises movements out of the corner of my eye and a mounting sense of dread every time I stood in the hallway."
"That's when the smell hit us, the scent of decay, something had crawled somewhere to die."
"The house or something inside of it wants to slowly drain me until I completely melt into it and become a part of the house."
"It has this building sense of dread that from frame one begins at complete desperation and just gets worse from there."
"There is something I genuinely do not look forward to, it never gets better, it's honestly the most pain I experience."
"She too started to feel an overwhelming sense of coldness and dread which filled her to the point where she became terrified and immediately ran back to the car."
"I'm looking forward to the result but not the actual process."
"Act two awaited, but I couldn't bring myself to endure another night of twisted performances."
"I've felt fear before. I don't think I've ever known what dread feels like before then."
"A slow, terrible realization started to sink in."
"He's going to be dreadful," Charmaine said. "I wish I knew how to find what the king is looking for."
"That's the only time in your life you pray for a phone call to not come."
"A lot of my personal tastes come into play... I prefer a sense of dread."
"It is the deepest fear of the denizens of the galaxy when the worst of their kind is formed, a true Crusade of chaos undivided."
"...there's a horror in eternity in continuing forever and just having to forever be."
"I really was not at the end of a nightmare but at the beginning of one."
"A certain atmosphere of breathless and unexplainable dread of our unknown forces must be present."
"Underneath the Dreadfort, he had learned there were far worse things than death."
"Walking into the hospital looking back feels surreal because that was the moment that I walked into a nightmare I felt like I just couldn't walk out of."
"I would rather face the Black Dread himself than my daughter of 15."
"I've always hated the bells. They toll for horror: a dead king, a city under siege, a wedding."
"What's worse than being sentenced to death? Waiting to die."
"We both know the day will come, but I don't want to leave you."
"It's this feeling of dread that slowly creeps in."
"You know that instant dread that grips you the second you realize something truly gut-wrenching has happened."
"My blood runs cold in my veins when I look at the grim photos made during his fateful expedition."
"Big Mom was a very well executed antagonist who generally managed to fill me with a feeling of pure dread."
"You know how you're technically free Sunday night, but the next day all your responsibilities are coming back to kick you in the ass, and you're dreading how awful it's gonna be? For me that's what fall is."
"The notion made him shiver, a feeling of dread sliding slowly down his spine; he could not help but feel that he was coming to a place where the ghosts of the dead walked side by side with the living."
"I felt the strangling tendrils of a cancerous horror whose roots reached into illimitable pasts and fathomless abysses of the night that broods beyond time."
"Dread came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones shake."
"The moments that burrow down deep inside me are the quieter, uncanny, unexpected glimpses into the inexplicable."
"Short form horror is especially good at oozing dread."
"There's always such a moment in my novels that I hope never happens to me or to anyone I love."
"The air was thick with the stench of Decay and an overwhelming sense of dread took hold."
"I was staring at the car keys in my hand, and that's when I got this pure feeling of dread that overtook me."
"It is really eerie at points, but I feel like the creep factor comes more from this weird sense of dread that dreams seem to have."
"I am hit with this horrible feeling of dread in my chest, suddenly I feel cold inside as if all my happiness has been taken away, sucked out of me."
"Behind its vicious, violent abruptness, relentless feeling of dread, and its reflexive state of misery over all that was lost, was an incredibly hopeful film."