
Digital Communication Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"The whole point of social media in the early days was to augment our social interactions, to make it better, not replace them."
"Seeing faces is important. Ideally, faces in person, although I suppose these days, over Zoom or over other screen type medium would be a close second."
"Constant availability has shaped the way we experience relationships with each other."
"These more personalized videos where it feels like you're sitting with a friend... have made me feel so not alone."
"The person on the other side of the screen is a human just like you."
"Twitter is mostly used by journalists, certain niches of society. It's not this mass public platform like an Instagram or even a TikTok."
"Memes are such an integral part of the internet experience."
"People seem to genuinely forget that people on the other side of that screen... are like human beings with feelings and emotions."
"Email is not dead. People are still opening their email INBOX."
"The internet has enabled authenticity in a way that wasn't possible before."
"For the first time in human history, the spoken word has the same reach as the written word."
"Marla then signed off by saying that the truth must be revealed, leading to uploading all of the evidence to Jacob, the link, and then sending that evidence to Danny's core in the hope that Cole will be stopped."
"Do not make false claims; misuse of this process may result in the suspension of your account or other legal consequences."
"A Zoom funeral is a great convenience if you live overseas and can't make it in for the funeral."
"I'm trying to scroll through my stream chat."
"Twitter is the digital Town Square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated."
"It's my way or the highway, and the highway is the unsubscribe button."
"It is crazy that both thoughts can exist at the same time in a chat room."
"Everything that is put on the internet will stay on the internet including DMS from you to drama' channels that were very friendly because you knew you could benefit from them."
"I create content about artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence ethics." - Paige Lord
"If you know you'll never going to respond to some email, even if it's somebody that you love, love, love, delete it."
"Thanks again for watching, be sure to like and subscribe, and I will see you in the next tutorial vid. Peace."
"The app is turning into a complete hideous mess, but at least we have Instagram stories where we can stay up to date."
"Word spreads quickly now, like, you know, there's no reason for people not to know about something because we have so many different ways that we can get information now. I love it though."
"Another nice feature is that if you send an emoji like just a single emoji by itself then it actually shows up substantially larger."
"I mean, in a way, if you send an unsolicited pornographic pic to a guy, got 'em out, that's like grounds, there's like laws against that now, like you cannot do that."
"This is the real social media in my opinion, because of the real-time ability to share experiences."
"If you can't get your email, your SMS, or your push delivered, you will never get any success from these."
"Our next live stream will be on March 26 at 10: a.m. Pacific, and if you checked out this week's stream, we hinted at some of the details we'll have to share."
"Could you imagine if you were talking on the phone to your mom and then you said something and it just cut the phone off? Yeah, like Twitter, you get a label for misinformation, right? I mean, it's, maybe you get that in a text message."
"If you liked what you saw in this video maybe subscribe and follow my Twitter and Twitch."
"The notion that we've solved everything just by doing everything on Zoom is a mistake."
"Avoid creating an avatar of yourself online; say what you mean."
"Remote work technology, nothing new but increasing acceptance of digitally being somewhere makes it more common."
"It is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital Town Square where a range of beliefs can be debated."
"The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital Town Square where a wide range of beliefs can be debated debated in a healthy manner without resorting to violence."
"Minds go so quick, we scroll so fast... everything's so fast... you have to grab a way to hook them real quick and pull them in."
"I cannot tell you how many DMs I got on Instagram."
"Luxury goods have become a sort of language through which people communicate taste and connoisseurship on digital platforms."
"I love Twitter because it allows you to engage with people you would never be able to engage with."
"Thanks everyone for watching, and I'll see you next time."
"I want to start by saying I like Discord. Seriously, it's a great platform that I've used for years now."
"An easy way to not miss it is signing up for notifications by ringing that bell after you subscribe."
"Melissa was a turning point for online communication."
"Follow us on Twitter and Instagram and like us on Facebook."
"I want to see nations, yeah! GT IC talking online, it happening no more son!"
"A codec is a portmanteau of coder decoder because it's responsible for encoding and decoding a digital data stream."
"Welcome to open source news. Don't forget to like, share, subscribe, and turn on the notifications bell so you don't miss out on real news."
"What those pages are saying, all of them, is that you, no matter who you are on the other side of the screen, were born above even the angels."
"I deleted a lot of them honestly because I get them so much. If it's from a company I've worked with before or it's a major corporation, then maybe."
"If you can't get kicked off the Lightning network, you can't get kicked off Sphinx chat."
"People are using Twitter and Facebook as their news feed; it's quicker, more diverse."
"You need to remember that there is a real person behind the text that you're getting and the text that you're sending"
"New space has spawned a new breed of online science communicators."
"If you take the internet and social media, combine the two and say Grant, Mr. Grant Cardone, which of the three do you want? Social media, the internet or telephone?"
"Until next time, I'll see you on the internet very soon."
"There is a group of new voters who come of age under Donald Trump nobody's talking to the young is reaching through the internet we are talking to Seymour."
"We have more control over now because of social media. We can have a voice in the narrative compared to before."
"Speech to text allows users to compose text by speaking into their device."
"Everybody has a voice now on the internet and everybody has a voice on social media."
"There's never been a time where you can reach a million followers and reach 100,000 people with any given post that's not normal."
"When your crush forwards your dick pic in the group chat, entire group."
"I would propose the general term online violence."
"The bit is the smallest quantity of information, it is highly significant because it's the fundamental item, it is the smallest unit of information in which there is sufficient discrimination to communicate anything at all."
"Video replies make a comeback... It's honestly the best idea I've heard for shorts."
"Engage with your audience... through emails or on social media."
"YouTube is a social media platform, it's allowing people to speak, anybody to speak."
"Stand out in any inbox with Squarespace email campaigns."
"I stopped buying like birthday greeting cards and stuff like that. People just gonna throw this away anyway. Absolutely. You might as well just give the electronic one."
"We have to start from the recognition that these things constitute the public square in the 21st century."
"Nobody tweets or posts a video that doesn't want attention."
"The eggplant emoji is the digital cat call, seemingly harmless but at its core a symbolic representation of old-fashioned masculinity and dominance over women."
"My friends, smash that like button if you haven't already... share the video."
"You probably thought it was in a cyber huddle or a cyber locker room and engage in a lot of locker room talk."
"Getting on a call makes that face-to-face connection, priceless in the digital world."
"I don't care if there's thousands of them threatening to round up certain minority ethnicities and put them in camps. Two dozen? I don't care."
"It's a time where you want to share with someone and this was around the time that Samantha started to use the chat rooms and messenger more and more."
"I've strengthened so many relationships over the quarantine through Zoom with the homies."
"The thing is, when we make content, not only the people who know you consume your content."
"You unsubscribe, yet you'll still get emails for at least 10 days or longer if they put you on a different list."
"I think that there will be at some point official direction for witnesses to avoid social media altogether and YouTube in particular."
"Audio is incredibly important, whether you're spending more time in virtual classrooms or meetings, or you want to record your voice for a YouTube video."
"I'm only gonna be making Tuesday newsdays or Wednesday or Thursday or Saturday whatever if there's actually things to talk about"
"But if there's one thing we've learned from watching Elon Musk over the years it's to expect the unexpected and with X he's inviting us all on another wild ride into the future of digital communication."
"The announcement has sparked Global conversation about the future of content technology and how we interact with the digital world."
"People on the internet want to hear what I have to say."
"As for the tweet you're responding to, I feel great about it. In fact, we are in the future right now and I'm looking back on that and I couldn't be happier that I said it."
"It's been nice to read your comments and DMS and emails over the last over a month."
"Then we have the development of the individual's way of communication, what they value, how they make friends, much more accessible."
"If I were an emoji right now, I'd be the face with tears of joy."
"So it was very important to her to get the Beaver emoji passed."
"I can't replicate the high of somebody emailing me."
"Please like, share, subscribe, press the notification bell, and please keep the questions coming in the comments section."
"Social media gives people the ability to express themselves in a world that they would have never had the option to otherwise."
"You're going to need to get this guy and you're going to need to email it to yourself."
"The only way the community can communicate with YouTube is by tanking their videos."
"Listen, get out of this video, we're going to come right back."
"Prevent spam by turning off the ability to mention everyone in your server."
"Thank you for watching. Please jump in the comments, the conversation Discord, and Reddit, and do the experiments yourself. I promise it's pretty easy."
"Zoom isn't going away, it's only getting started."
"We’ll have to curb our appetite for global digital communication."
"There is a mute button and a block button right."
"Direct communication is really going to be one of the last things left online where you know you are getting access to content that's not being filtered through a manipulated algorithm or just being concealed from you altogether."
"New Twitter policy is freedom of speech but not freedom of reach."
"We live in a world of social media and if you look on my Twitter feed for example the anger element is palpable."
"Key sharing with iOS 16 which allows you to share your keys via iMessage or you know mail or WhatsApp whatever application you send it through and it's all managed inside of the wallet application."
"We now also have an unread messages filter and also recently deleted. So, you can now see your recently deleted messages and recover those."
"You want to schedule it all you have to do is haptic press here or long press on the send button and you will see the option to either send now send it 9 pm tonight or tomorrow or send later."
"And then you also get the option to unsend an email just like we do with messages so if you go and send this email you can see at the bottom down here we do have the option to undo send."
"Elon Musk: 'I acquired Twitter because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital Town Square where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner without resorting to violence.'"
"Social networks and digital platforms are critical to reaching donors and communicating with constituents."
"Truth social has taken the place for a lot of people."
"Falsehood diffused significantly further, faster, deeper, and more broadly than the truth in all categories of information."
"Gentlemen, polite DM's online, keep it together, be a good representative."
"Messaging makes me anxious, texting makes me anxious, commenting replying, it all makes me anxious."
"Adding a guest or multiple guests into your YouTube live stream is possible."
"Live streaming is the future, right? People wanna connect whether it's teleconferencing, creating content like this."
"It's twitter without the trolls, facebook without the algorithms and the selling of your data."
"You now have digital touch an iMessage, yes the Apple watch inspired functionality is now in iMessage."
"Join online language learning communities, make friends and contacts."
"I think it might have been the fastest I ever responded to a DM."
"Twitter is not technically real life, but the things that happen on there are real."
"Discord has become a part of our daily lives."
"The whole point was that the definition is quite irrelevant. That's the point."
"Twitter once had a mission quote to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly without barriers"
"And because the algorithms mostly show us things we are likely to like and agree with we often find ourselves in so-called filter bubbles, surrounded by voices we already know we agree with, and often unable to hear from those we don’t."
"Rock is doing everything on social media. There are many people that don't want to use social media that don't like social media that are not on social media."
"There is a huge difference between having friends online communicating with people online keeping those relationships going digitally and having friends in person."
"All right y'all, we are back with another video... it's been a minute since I made a video about Jack Smith..."
"We do care deeply about giving people a voice and freedom of expression."
"Never click a link in your email if it's related to an account like if your bank emails you, great."
"Let me know in the comment section below and uh have a good day or night or whatever the [__] you're at I'm out peace."
"Unlike the one-way street of broadcast, people are able to interact, critique, and refute whatever he or anyone else may say." - Elon Musk
"You're the only one I believe on the internet."
"Leave Discord alone! This app is currently perfection."
"No Facebook, no TikTok, Twitter is where it's at. Twitter is where it's always been at."
"Please be kind to each other and I'll see you in my next video signing off."
"This abuse isn't unique to game development. It's much easier to abuse someone over the Internet."
"It's always something special if you can meet the person behind the tablet or behind the nickname."
"Another important thing is to head to our website."
"You're right to be wary of a change via tweet."
"Make sure you turn on those post notifications so you can keep on me get notifications keep you updated okay, period."
"I would much rather crash and burn over and over again from showing up vulnerably."
"Please join my discord. It sounds like a plug, but the server is really just a place where I talk with my fans all day."
"I've been Russo, thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video! Like, subscribe, two videos a day, notifications, and have a good day guys, hi."
"Joe Rogan retweeted it, then you know, magically I get an email from YouTube about an hour later saying, 'Oh, sorry about that, we made a mistake, our bad.'"
"There's this thing called parasocial interaction."
"Are hackers out there not even necessarily hackers? There are groups of people who go on the internet and instigate to create division within society."
"Eventually putting on the headset should be as seamless as answering a phone call."
"Do you know what a meme is? Well, it refers to an amusing or an interesting item such as a caption, picture, or video that is spread widely online."
"Just press the let's go live button so let's wait for the stream to fire up all across the fruited planes of the internet."
"Facetime was already everything and now it's just gonna take over the world."
"Unseen, you know, message unsend. Yeah, so I was thinking like the 20 new messages that she sent me back-to-back, I thought she, like, realized what she was doing."
"For the first time terrorists can now market their product and their ideas into the most powerful communications tool ever created."
"I feel like something that is lacking on YouTube is a situation where two people can get together in this format, a professional just a everyday person, and break the barriers down a little bit."
"I've started the discord server for those who are interested. I've linked their Twitter in the description please check it out."
"Text is such an incredible tool because now you can clearly get your thoughts out there."
"The internet's way of hanging up on somebody is 'I'm unfollowing you.' But they'll still be there commenting all day."
"To me going on these platforms early, the worth my time is getting early indications of the psychology, and the anthropology of how humans think."
"Thank you for watching, I love you guys, I'll catch y'all on the next one. Peace."
"Thanks for watching this week's video, please don't forget to like, comment, subscribe, and peace out."
"Improving English helps with international communication, media, and the internet."
"We'll be back on Sunday, actually, hold on, now turn on your notifications, make sure you're not just subscribing, you have notifications on."
"If you like this conversation, I want you to comment below."
"I just called you Chat, this is a YouTube video not a Twitch stream."
"It's very difficult to build those connections over text."
"The power is in your hands with a little emoji with the tongue sticking out."
"Users spend more time in messaging apps than they do on social media."
"Leave your comments and thoughts down below once this video posts onto YouTube and let me know what you think."
"Thank you, Bob Beasley, for your super chat, Sheila, I never saw a super chat from New Media but did not go through."
"The internet allows you to connect with people better than you ever could in your own micro-city."
"Don't get into a flame war with somebody that has nothing to lose."
"Share this video with as many people as you can."
"WhatsApp hits 2 billion users, up from 1.5 billion two years ago."
"They'll probably kick me off the platform for talking about it."
"I dumped a girl one time over Facebook message, okay, because she was on it like any girl."
"Staying vigilant amidst overwhelming chat activity."
"I do think that for some people with social anxiety it's a life-sustaining way of interacting... because people have a sort of a built-in need to connect."
"If you click that bell it'll turn on notifications, keep you notified every single time I upload a new video."
"I genuinely feel like right now we're in a very interesting time especially when it comes to social media and social media culture."
"Anonymity of the internet... it is so much easier to talk to a stranger about your problems than it is to talk to a friend or a member of your family."
"Make sure you join the free newsletter; it's the TLDR of the week in the AI space."
"Musk states that he wants civilization to have a common digital Town Square." - Platform must adhere to the laws of the land.
"the single reason i wanted to make this video really was to talk about this weird relationship we now all suddenly have with this random twitchy moat"
"The amount of you that delete every fucking email that you get that is a bulk email."
"My usage of social media that's reliant on text posts has just dwindled quite a bit."
"I much prefer hearing your voice than just reading your tweet."
"I think the evolution of email, it sort of evolved with a utopian mindset."
"I found his printable and I screenshotted all the heinous [__] he sent me."
"Respect and empathy should underpin all online interactions."
"I am going to continue to be on social media."
"The social media companies have become the meme you face twit."
"I might have answered a question that you have in that one and yeah I will see you guys in the next one so thank you very much for watching."
"Social media... has made such a big difference."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, my name has been Pixel Riffs. Don't forget to leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it, subscribe if you want to see more, and I'll see you guys soon. Take care, bye for now."
"Sorry for such a long video apologize hope you guys all enjoyed it obviously Jamie's links are gonna be description blowing streams on Twitch and has a lot of useful stuff out on Twitter so yeah we will see you guys next week happy team."
"How am I typing this? Is this the [__] world building?"
"Twitter is the public square, the town hall square for people."
"Through technology, we have the ability to reach people and have conversations we could never have before."
"I hope you have a happy birthday internet, because I'm gonna see you all in the next one."