
Fact Quotes

There are 301 quotes

"Did you know that there are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body?"
"US national debt rising by $1 trillion every hundred days... that is a fact."
"Evolution is not a debate. It is an indisputable fact."
"Evolution is a fact in the same way as for example a court of law would use the word fact."
"The issue of faith is much deeper than the issue of fact."
"The moon is the Earth's only natural satellite."
"You're a naughty girl! You cannot turn an opinion into a fact!"
"The Arctic is warming. That is not an assumption, a belief, a theory, or a political stance."
"The administrative state has been a fact of our lives and our government."
"Evolution is an established scientific fact."
"Gender is a fact. Every human being on this earth had to pass through the legs of a woman to be here. That is a fact."
"Just because it's called a theory doesn't mean it's not a fact."
"Shotguns are cool, this is just an objective fact that we've all come to accept."
"She's a very talented actress and that's not an opinion that's a fact."
"The state of Wyoming has only two escalators."
"There's a basketball court on the top floor of the Supreme Court."
"Alaska is the only state that can be typed using only one row of keys on your keyboard."
"The process of evolution by natural selection has been called a theory. It's time that we stopped calling it a theory and called it a fact."
"You can go out and buy yourself the world's best mountain bike for £500. That's true. It's a fact proven."
"Theories are so easy to come by, he thinks, facts not so much."
"Animal fact number 69,420: Most people think T-rexes can't clap because of their short arms, when the real reason is because they are dead."
"That's true, isn't it? Come on, yeah that is actually true, that's a fact."
"Nothing but success, yes, that's the fact."
"I guess but like this is what the point that we're making and I think this is an interesting point to make that a theory in science has a definition that means that it is basically fact."
"Scientists don't go out looking to prove that the earth is round... it's an observable fact, it's an objective fact."
"The Earth is clearly a sphere done."
"Life is harder when you're stupid, and that's a fact."
"The world's shortest war was only 38 minutes long."
"Facts don't care about your feelings and all this [ __ ]."
"People love a Land Rover. It's just fact."
"Was there a period of time where African-American people were enslaved and picking cotton for someone else for no pay? Yes, that did happen. It's a fact."
"One fun fact I found out this week is that the line, the actual number in terms of millimeters or inches that divide sand from mud-sized particles, isn't so much arbitrary, it's actually pretty much the lower limit of what the human eye can see."
"Napoleon wasn't small, he was precisely my height. He was 5 foot 6, which is the average height of a Frenchman at that time."
"This is a fact. This is not something that is a lie."
"Do you know the cleaning industry is a billion-dollar industry?"
"Everyone's House of their own opinion but you're not entitled to your own fact."
"You are uninspired, and that's not a complaint, it's a fact."
"I feel like he is. Oh Lord, a feeling, a feeling, a feeling. We're not talking about feelings, we're talking about facts."
"It is a fact that we cannot just recycle our way out of the climate crisis."
"In one ml of blood, there are approximately 5 million red blood cells."
"That time Square is named after the New York Times. You're welcome, because you're never going to forget that your entire life. You'll be walking through Times Square in 30 years and you remember that fact."
"Concentrating hard can use up to 30 calories an hour."
"Opinions aren't facts. It's just my opinion."
"Archaeology is the search for fact. We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and 'X' never, ever marks the spot."
"Life's about balance, my [__]. That's a fact."
"The first one. Piranhas are freshwater fish, they can't survive in saltwater."
"A group called The Young Turks was formed, and many of the leaders of this movement were from the Don. This is a fact."
"Quick animal facts: Most buffalos do not actually have wings."
"The Carolina Reaper, officially the world's spiciest pepper, was created by Smokin Ed Curry, a pepper grower from the Charlotte suburbs in South Carolina."
"A mental model is not a fact, it's a choice."
"Consider that the average temperature during a glacial period is only 4-6°C lower than the average temperature during an interglacial period."
"Once more for those in the back: these are the facts. You can't just get around it."
"In many cases, people fail to keep that fact in mind and thus spawn some misconceptions."
"Queer people and queer kids exist everywhere in every country of the world and every town and city of the world. They're a queer people. It's just a fact."
"Fiction here is likely to contain more truth than fact."
"Hawaii moves 7.5 cm closer to Alaska every year."
"We own opinions. We don't own facts."
"We win, we stay up. That is just a fact."
"Climate change is a scientific fact it's like gravity."
"Something that blurs the line between fact and fiction... can make us all sit up and really take notice."
"Truth is something that is not a matter of opinion. It's something that you put forward as a fact which can also be objectively verified in most cases."
"Fact is invariably stranger than fiction."
"More miles of canals here in the Black Country than there are in Venice."
"It's wonderful. It's amazing. It's just a fact."
"If you ever feel like you're not good enough, just remember that New York has the largest city in the country and still picked something else as their Capital."
"Fact: you can't argue with facts. No, I can't argue with facts."
"Most mythology is based on some fact."
"But the debate is settled. Climate change is a fact."
"This isn't speculation. This isn't a conspiracy theory. This is a fact."
"Evolution is a fact. It's mindblowing."
"Earth has one moon, which orbits around it."
"The sun is the largest star in our solar system."
"Fun fact: Did you know that it takes less than five gallons of water to produce one ounce of peanuts as opposed to 80 gallons of water for one ounce of almonds?"
"'Each breath contains about 50% less oxygen compared to sea level, therefore the blood of a Luren Canada resident is twice as dense as that of an average person.'"
"McDonald's actually does make its own ketchup."
"Some jellyfish are immortal... true."
"Australia is wider than the moon... true."
"Usually when you look up at the night sky, the brightest star that you see is actually Jupiter."
"An objective fact is a statement about reality that is true whether or not you believe it."
"It is that simple. It is an objective fact about reality."
"I've never seen anyone cover us like this and that's a fact."
"The sea otter can live its entire life without leaving the water."
"Welcome to my library, where the line between fact and fiction blurs."
"All that accusation, all that assertion that is made, the facts are against it. God has preserved His word."
"Morality is to live according to fact."
"No one has ever died from a snake bite."
"This fact alone may cause reticence among the populace."
"Barnacle geese Grew From trees or emerge from Barnacles attached to Driftwood."
"Fact is stranger than fiction sometimes."
"Vanilla isn't native to Madagascar. It's actually from 10,000 M away in Central and South America."
"The shortest journey on the London Underground."
"...mr trump lost the presidential election of 2020."
"Brooklyn sheets are made out of angel skin fact, and the Sun of fact it's factual is truth but it's truth."
"That is the world's largest Bigfoot, just so you know."
"You are born with 300 bones in your body and how many do you have by adulthood? 206."
"Hawaii island is the biggest island in the United States."
"There's a difference between the truth and the fact."
"Daughter needs to understand that it's a fact, not opinion, that she's dating a piece of [ __ ]."
"You never know what you're gonna get until you try it, right? It's a factoid."
"Any fun facts? Yeah, you're looking at it."
"It's just I think it's just bad. Yeah, but nicotine is the [__] and that is a fact."
"Hopelessness is actually a feeling. It's not really a fact."
"Fry's first name was originally going to be Curtis. It was changed to Philip to honor the late Phil Hartman."
"Cuz that's the best one straight up that might sound like an opinion but it's the straight-up fact."
"That's just hard science right there."
"Sweden has 10 million inhabitants."
"Sharks have zero bones. That is amazing!"
"If you take 95 trillion dollars and you stack them in dollar bills up into the sky, it would reach 6.4 billion miles."
"You're talking about what you believe. I'm talking about the facts."
"If you presented visual evidence that people can read and then look at like, you know, stuff that's written down, it becomes fact."
"It's kind of a conspiracy theory, but it's also just not a conspiracy theory because it's just a fact that it's worse."
"The mandolin is a string instrument. True."
"The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC."
"Every New York City subway car has seats."
"Uranus is predominantly gas, okay?"
"Here's something to get our feet wet: a tablespoon of neutron star would weigh about 10 billion tons."
"...that's not just a thought, that's a fact."
"Did you know that your feet can taste garlic?"
"It borders Canada, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a fact. How do you feel about that fact? I think it's a factual fact, that's what I think, that's a good fact right there."
"California grows 80% of the world's almonds."
"Who says that my eyes got to be open in order to acknowledge y? That's a fact."
"And between the white and red hat, you have both facts and feelings."
"That's the end of the discussion. I know that's not an opinion factor. That's an industry known fact."
"My feelings don't care about the facts."
"Crocheting is exercise, I just proved it as a fact."
"Now, here's a fact, facts are facts, like we can argue with interpretation of certain words, you can't really argue with etymology though, right? A word means what it means."
"Genetic drift happens as a matter of fact."
"Honestly, this is highway robbery, that's a fun fact."
"There are opinions and there are facts."
"Every human being knows we came from a male and a female."
"It's always two sides to a story, but it's one side to the fact."
"Supportive evidence for my theory was washed away to the Chicago sanitary Canal but why call it a theory it was really a fact."
"Do chameleons breathe in water vapor? True."
"Fun fact or I don't know if it's funny or not."
"From a Christian perspective, from the perspective of the holy book, the crucifixion of Jesus is not fiction. It is fact."
"Throughout your life, you will produce enough saliva to fill a typical backyard pool."
"I did that, man. That's the fact."
"The resurrection is not a symbol. The resurrection is a fact."
"It's a fact, and we can argue about it, but it's not up to us to argue about. You just ask the scientists, and they'll tell you it's a fact."
"The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second."
"Did you know a squirrel can survive a fall from any altitude?"
"That's not an opinion; it's a fact."
"There's no argument about this, that's a fact you can take to the bank."
"Perhaps existence is just brute fact without explanation."
"Human language can be used to communicate ideas that don't correspond to fact."
"An event represents a fact... it gathers information about something that happened in the past."
"I'm just trying to find out the truth, that's a fact."
"We're calling it a humanitarian crisis because it's just a fact."
"Our faith is not based on feelings; it's based on objective fact."
"Truth is defined if you look it up in the dictionary, it means fact. Fact doesn't fluctuate, it doesn't change."
"This is definitely a case where the legend has become fact."
"Our faith is founded upon fact, not on stories."
"What is the biggest continent on the planet? The answer is Asia."
"The body part that increases 10 times its size when it's stimulated is the pupil of the eye."
"Of course there's an established fact that women have a higher threshold of pain."
"What you focus on grows, that is literally a fact."
"It's not about hope, it's a fact."
"It's not rocket science, that's a fact."
"It's actually not a theory. It's a literal nutritional fact."
"You test a hypothesis until you find out that it is fact."
"Everyone sucks but the Buddha; that's just straight fact."
"Evolution is an observable fact. The theory of evolution is the best scientific explanation that fits that fact."
"Confidence, that's a fact, confidence."
"The phrase 'Robin Hood in Barnsdale stood' was a legal saying meaning that something was a well-established fact."
"Here's an interesting fact for you."
"More than half of the London Underground network in fact runs above ground."
"Evolution is a fact. It is a collection of observed facts. The change in allele frequency over time is an observed, documented fact."
"Darwinian evolution is a fact in so much as it's equivalent to other leading scientific theories."
"Cutting off my head is in violation of well-being, irrespective of anybody's opinion, and that's a fact."
"Climate change is not a belief, it's a science."
"Plants grow better with love, and that's a fact."
"Evolution simply means biological change over time and it is an observation and it is absolutely true."
"This is why all who hope to use reason fruitfully must make it their first duty to agree upon a clear definition of fact."
"A pound of fat is 3,500 calories."
"No matter who you are, you've got teeth in your mouth."
"Beards are cool. Some human beings have beards. This is an undisputed fact."
"The miracle of the sun is a historical fact, pure, plain, and simple."
"The power of the word is a literal scientific fact."
"That's an uplifting fact right there."
"For the last time, the Earth is round."
"Lightning usually strikes the highest object around."
"Science is a matter of fact, not belief."
"It's not conjecture, it's a fact."
"The human body has enough bones to make an entire skeleton."
"The Bible presents this account of Noah and the flood as fact."
"Everyone has two biological parents, and there's no exception to that rule."
"Every breath you take is about 78% nitrogen."
"Black holes are stranger than anything dreamed up by science fiction writers, but they are firmly matters of science fact."
"It takes more muscle to frown than smile, that's a big fact."
"Pound for pound this has more protein than meat or fish."
"Cucumbers are made of 96% water, that's the highest water content of any food."
"It's just objectively the best, it's not preference, it's just fact."
"Any number raised to the zero power is one."
"Fasting is not a health fad; it is a health fact."
"Evolution isn't an opinion, it's fact. And that is your opinion."
"Favor from God is not a feeling, favor from God is a fact."
"Snails can sleep for three years without eating; of course, at the end of it, they are dead."
"That food can make you happy, true fact."
"We do accept evolution as a fact, just like the theory of gravity is treated as a fact."
"Only boring people get bored, facts."