
Train Journey Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"This train journey is currently rivaling the Glacier Express for the best views that I have ever seen out of a train window."
"Welcome aboard the Amtrak sleeper train, 52 hours across the country."
"The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks is a wonderful train trek through the ocean."
"There's a strobe so that you see out the window of the train, one frame, the next frame, the next frame, and it makes a little movie."
"Reading to Philadelphia, which I'm very, very much looking forward to."
"Relive the luxury cruise on tracks with the Venice-Simplon Orient Express."
"It was 57 feet long with two luggage wagons, three carriages, two sleeper cars with beds, and a dining car with a full fine dining menu."
"After our first time tasting wine on the train, I've got to say the Banco Noir was my favorite."
"It's one of the most spectacular train rides in the world."
"Would you recommend this train journey? I would highly recommend the train journey."
"the scorned and slightly psycho wife took a train from Delaware to the home of her husband's mistress"
"Overall, I loved this journey. The trains are extremely comfortable and well-equipped, even when traveling in standard class."
"I caught the night mail train from Bangalore."
"We traveled across the United States of America on an Amtrak rail pass."
"We're taking it the 767 mi from San Jose to Portland Oregon, a trip that will take 19 hours."
"The train actually runs along the actual border between the US and Mexico."
"Crossing the Mississippi River on a train is really pretty cool and exciting."
"Here, life slows to the rhythms and pace of the train itself, and you experience the landscape just as the locomotive does, in whatever form the countryside chooses to take that day."
"All right folks, we're going to be pulling into our elephant train station here in just a moment."
"I have to be up so early because I've got a 2 and 1/2 hour train journey."
"It's the most comfortable train journey I've ever had."
"I absolutely loved this experience of sleeping on the train and watching beautiful snowy Finland pass outside our window as we drifted off to sleep."
"I'm so excited for this train journey that we're about to go on."
"Tonight, I can officially confirm I have loved this train journey."
"The California Zephyr descends into spacious Middle Park, passengers of the vista domes are enthralled by the constant procession of scenic delights."
"One of the great advantages of travel by train is the complete freedom to move about, travel weariness is avoided in the roomy and comfortable coaches on the California Zephyr."
"The sequences where she's on the train, just sitting down, looking out the window, smiling."
"It's a perfect train ride, I'm loving this train."
"I'm really loving this railroad trip."
"So super friendly people, delicious food, so far loving it, especially the train ride."
"I refuse to believe that there is any better way to travel than on a train like this one."
"We are moving over 300 km an hour, 348 to be exact."
"The Coast Starlight skirts the coast, and it's just beautiful."
"Rural Virginia rolls past the window, the horn of our P42 blaring out from a few cars ahead."
"I'm so glad we decided to take the train."
"We're gonna get on the train to Ella to see what this famous train ride is really like."
"Offering a train ride without an actual destination with the sole aim of pleasantly meandering past nice scenery."
"We both love a train ride, it was so relaxing."
"The Jacobite steam train is described by some as the greatest train journey in the world."
"We've discovered one of the most comfortable ways of traveling on a train."
"Cheers! Oh, it's great to be back on a sleeper train again."
"I'm on my way to New Brunswick, the least used Amtrak station in New Jersey, and I'm trying to go a fun way."
"Once the train arrives at East Chattanooga, you're invited to exit with the train crew to watch as they rotate the locomotive on the museum's turntable."
"The train was probably the most relaxing part."
"We really wanted to experience a train ride in Sri Lanka."
"I couldn't have spent the day any better than relaxing on a beautiful train."
"The sounds, the smells, the bumpy ride over the uneven rails, what a thrill."
"If you ride the train from the Nairobi station to the Stanleyville station, then you're going to experience the best views of the beautiful Serengeti Safari."
"We stepped onto this train, the door closed, and then took off."
"We're having so much fun on this train, it's amazing."
"Seeing Australia by train, there's a lot of this country I'll never set eyes on flying."
"The train journey up to the top of the Jungfrau is one of the most scenic rail lines in the world."
"The views from the train were just spectacular."
"I just always prefer to travel by train if I can."
"These notes were written on the Indian Pacific train to Perth in January 1986."
"This is one of the longest train journeys in the world, two thousand seven hundred and twenty miles for three days and three nights on the train to Perth."
"I've heard that's one of the most beautiful train rides in the world."