
Treasure Hunting Quotes

There are 419 quotes

"It was still an epic find. What a treasure hunt."
"Come hell or high water, we're gonna find that gold."
"We came all the way out here. I know we're gonna find some treasure."
"Oak Island has a rich history and a mysterious Money Pit that has captivated the imaginations of treasure hunters and history buffs for nearly two centuries."
"I just found another diamond inside of this chest, let's go!"
"Alright, so now I want to get the enhanced smell. Then we can smell out better treasure. Pack participation, let's go do that."
"Imagine setting out on a journey through a vast Uncharted land armed only with a map and a promise of treasure at the Journey's End."
"We didn't end up finding Yamashita's treasure but what if I told you that was never the real goal of this video at all."
"A fun stunning 32-bit side scroller that mostly focuses on looking for treasure throughout the game's variety of great levels."
"A tale of mystery and espionage in treasure hunting."
"The stuff of adventure stories and metal detectorists' fantasies."
"This is what's known as an armchair treasure hunt, where you get a book full of clues and then all of it is supposed to lead you to a secret location."
"This is the page to start on, this could also be what the poem is referencing because it says 'find the place one did play' and this image is of a playroom."
"Treasure hunting, there is no season. It's all the time."
"Diamonds, finally! Been looking for long enough, please diamonds, yes!"
"The lore of treasure and treasure hunting is so like crazy deeply ingrained and people... they'll do anything to look for treasure."
"According to Joe Rogan, far from being a repository of wealth, The Money Pit is a trap designed to lure treasure seekers to their demise."
"I felt like a boy who had earned his first guinea, or like a diver who had been down to the depths of the sea, and brought up a great pearl."
"We're not very good at taking orders, but we would be willing to share equally whatever we find here."
"The Ark of the Covenant is arguably the most sought-after treasure of all time."
"This relic better be flipping divine when you find it."
"Beautiful. THIS is 10X better than Oak Island (and cheaper)."
"Every treasure is valuable of course, but what about a find of this magnitude and importance? You're definitely talking six or seven figures."
"Just a matter of odds now, nowhere's gonna be really better as long as I'm catching lots of fish and treasure chests I'll find it."
"Arcanist strong boxes by the way are amazing i would always always always stop for these i would always full clear them."
"225.2 mil was made from 1,000 hard clue scrolls."
"Insight is what you get from making big finds and collecting treasures."
"Treasure maps are an easy way to get gold in a pinch."
"Let's go ahead and get into the video: Loot from 1,000 medium clue scrolls."
"We're gonna find that treasure, right guys? We're gonna find it. I'm gonna find it if it's the last thing I do."
"Amazing treasures that were found by accident."
"The thrill of exploration is matched only by the satisfaction of finding hidden caches and rare weapons."
"I was on a boat tour with my mom on the island of Capri I dove down with my metal detector and the first thing I found was a beautiful rose gold ring."
"I was metal detecting a popular Pebble Beach when I got a loud signal I dug the Target and pulled out a chunky white gold men's wedding band."
"I was treasure hunting a small Beach on the Amalfi Coast when I got a nice signal I dug it out and found an extremely beautiful silver and gold Signet ring."
"I was metal detecting at the world famous airplane Beach when I found a huge gemstone encrusted pendant."
"I don't want you back I was treasure hunting at a small Caribbean Beach when I pulled out a massive 10 karat gold ring lined with a ton of gemstones."
"Ultimately, it didn't matter what I considered or what I thought out there because we didn't find the treasure."
"There's definitely a lot of trash too, but more often than not, people come across actual treasures."
"There is likely goods, artifacts, and perhaps even treasure still sitting at the bottom of the sea."
"It's every child's dream to go treasure hunting and actually find something, but very rarely does it happen."
"Every bucket, you're always looking for signs of treasure."
"Look at all the great loot down here - bunch of ores including diamond!"
"I found diamonds in the first couple minutes of looking in that cave and that that just made that stuff I feel like the sun's barely moved and I got six diamonds let's go."
"Imagine if someone had given you a shovel, a light, a roadmap, water, and everything you needed to go ahead and dig up a treasure."
"The mystery of the Beale Ciphers remains unsolved, leaving treasure hunters and cryptographers alike scratching their heads."
"There's so much in here, if this is all silver this could be a $3000 haul."
"Fenn beat the odds, and with his new stake at life, we arrive at Fenn's treasure hunt."
"The chest could be anywhere now it seems like."
"But over the last nine months or so, I have truly enjoyed the treasure hunt to try to find it."
"It's relaxing, kind of like treasure hunting."
"Mining, it's like treasure hunting. Toughest bit is just finding the rocks that you want to crack."
"The Sarah palata Gold Rush: a tale of treasure discovery."
"Exploring underwater caves and using giant magnets to find treasures."
"There is an island in the North Atlantic where people have been looking for an incredible treasure for more than 200 years." - Narrator
"A tooth, a chariot, and buried treasure: Mike's incredible discovery captivates the world."
"I came for the angel keys to all creation, but I stayed for the buried treasure, the alchemical ciphers, and of course, the angelic prompted wife exchange program."
"Let's go find some treasure, wouldn't you say, mateys?"
"A marvelous treasure awaited there – more rare and more intoxicating than Gold."
"I found a ship and there was a chest that was absolutely stuffed."
"Many people also believe in the lore of a lost mine in the area called Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine."
"You never know what kind of treasures you're going to find."
"It's one of the few places you're allowed to keep what you find and several times a year someone pulls an uncut multi-carat diamond from the mud."
"The chance of finding this sword in a chest is about one in a thousand so this seed and theory is like a one in a thousand chance of happening."
"Ask anybody who has ever played the Uncharted games and they'll agree finding treasure is the easy part. It's everything else that's near impossible."
"Always keep an eye out for the unique items."
"There's an old wasteland legend that says somewhere out there, there's a fabulous treasure from before the war." - Malcolm
"What I think makes it so good is the high number of chests as there are about eight and at the very end of the rats you can choose to farm the boss here as well which will also allow you to receive legendaries."
"Legendary weapons in general, one of the core fantasies of doing the treasure set."
"Forrest reminded hunters he ultimately hid the treasure to inspire family-friendly adventure."
"His infectious enthusiasm for discovering hidden treasures was paired with his memorable catchphrase: 'Kenny, do it!'"
"There's a big box of treasure at the end of it."
"Great treasure waits for the worthy adventurer."
"One of the cool things about these buried treasure maps is how they'll always lead you to the closest buried treasure."
"Some people think that may be a little extreme but it is what we must do to ensure that we get all of the required treasure chests."
"Treasure hunting is a pastime and a popular sport."
"Erica explained that the treasure Labyrinth is a dungeon that contains many monsters as well as a large amount of treasure."
"I found a sunken ship with a buried treasure map, and when I dug up the treasure, there was another heart of the sea."
"In 2007 a company called Odyssey Marine Exploration flew $500 million worth of treasure from Gibraltar to its headquarters in Florida."
"The Allure of a treasure worth millions remains irresistible."
"Legendary magic items that players will enjoy getting their hands on."
"I love shiny, I bet there's more loot here. I want it!"
"I still love the exploration, going through people's houses and buying stuff out of a basement, trying to find those hidden treasures."
"Treasure maps and treasure hunting has been confirmed."
"Finding the treasure was no problem at all, and I even spotted a collector's chest that luck was definitely on my side."
"Treasure, as a rule, is not just lying around to be claimed by any old drunken bum."
"For one man, the dream of hunting treasure became a reality. Mel Fisher left a comfortable life in California to come to the Florida Keys in search of sunken treasure."
"Thrifting: It's the thrill of the hunt and finding a really good deal on it too."
"Gold and precious stones have always held a fascination for many. Haven't you ever dreamt of finding treasure and becoming rich in one fell swoop?"
"Finding a treasure that is lost is not easy. Finding a treasure that is hidden, less so."
"Nothing is more exciting than opening a treasure chest."
"It's not so much the treasure that draws people to Oak Island as the mystery."
"Nate and Sam team up with Wraith Adler, a treasure hunter."
"We need to dig down without a treasure, arrr matey!"
"Finding great treasure and magic items is one of the most fun and rewarding parts of Dungeons & Dragons."
"First blood goes to Mike... Excellent first find is a cannonball. Amazing!"
"We'll find the treasures high tide or low tide."
"Remember to get out there, find an adventure, and maybe you can even do a little bit of treasure hunting."
"I'm here for a fun treasure hunting adventure."
"Folks thanks again for watching. I am very optimistic that next week we'll be out here again with no snow but you know even if there is snow we'll just make the best of it and see what treasures we can find up here in the mountains of Vermont."
"Good luck with the hunt and I'll see you next time."
"Oh my god, it looks like a gold ring, oh I've never found a gold ring, that is freakin' awesome."
"The legendary wealth of the Nuestra Señora fed the fantasies of treasure hunters."
"The act of exploring abandoned places and uncovering hidden treasures has become a popular hobby for many adventurers and treasure hunters."
"The allure of finding something of significant value drives many people to take the risk."
"I love coins they come out of sandy soil, drying up, yeah it's gonna be a good looking coin in the wrap up."
"There's a rhythm to treasure hunting that forces you to slow down, relax, and take everything in."
"The toy section can also be a gold mine if you know what to look out for."
"Welcome to the estate sale of a lifetime."
"Who is the fairest treasure hunter of them all?"
"I have learned at estate sale especially with old houses go all the way around because you never know what might be on the other side."
"Always turn over little bits of metal that don't look like anything; you never know what will be on the other side."
"Here it is, I think it's a bead, yeah it's a lovely green baby look at that that's gorgeous."
"...there's all kinds of good treasures out there just waiting to be found, waiting to be discovered, and sometimes they're right under your nose and you don't even realize it, folks."
"What a day, the Silver Six P was right there, just got a flat button right beside it."
"What is going on, guys? Brandon J here, and today we're gonna be searching for treasure here at the San Antonio Riverwalk."
"I think this is one of the best thrifting hauls and I'm so excited that we were able to find all of this great stuff."
"That's the reading like a pull-tab zone, but we got to dig those things; it could be a small gold ring or anything."
"I love browsing through thrift stores because it feels like a treasure hunt."
"One thing my wife and I love to do is hit up garage sales to try to find awesome stuff for cheap."
"Let's add to the playlist of storage unit buyout, storage unit cleanout, and see what we found. Hopefully some treasure, hopefully some good things."
"We really struck gold in the country today."
"The treasures just keep on coming."
"Realistically, I haven't found that many gold rings to, like, near pole tab signals, in my experience."
"Oh my goodness, that's one of the finds of the day, I think. With my medallion thingy, my bob, but I absolutely love the miners' tags, that is just fantastic. That'll go in our collection nicely."
"That was an adventure, that was treasure hunting at its not best because I mean there's good money there but there's not like you know huge treasures but it's the thrill that is the thrill that's why we do it."
"It's almost like treasure hunting isn't it like you feel like these are Treasures that you find and you want to bring them home and show show them off."
"When I go second-hand shopping I always just keep an eye out for anything that looks good to me because a gem is a gem and if it's there that day it's not there the next day."
"So, whenever you've found a target and you're ready to start digging, move the coil as far away from your home as you possibly can."
"Hidden Treasures lie in the most unexpected places."
"If you happen to stumble upon a 1964 D Lincoln penny in pristine condition, graded by reputable Coin Grading Services like PCGS or NGC, you might be holding on to a treasure worth much more than its face value."
"It just shows you even when some of the pricing is a little high, you can still find treasures."
"It just feels like you're in on a secret when you find a good one."
"Gold, emeralds, diamonds. I mean, I don't wear jewelry except for my commitment ring to Old Flow, but it's quite nice, you know?"
"I'm hoping to do a video where I could title it 'I found an ounce of gold in an illegal ground sluice'."
"With that in mind that there's been a lot of things already found here, we're going to be looking for those little targets in between the iron and see if we can find a few treasures."
"I paid $2,950 for this abandoned storage unit."
"Hopefully, you guys have enjoyed this video. If you guys want to see more storage locker videos just like this, treasure hunts as well, make sure to subscribe to the channel."
"It's not always just about trying to find that big huge score that's worth hundreds of dollars."
"The reason I buy storage units is because... you can find crazy stuff in them and make money."
"Not only am I finding treasure out in the wild and reselling it, I get to make friends with all of you guys."
"It's not really about the money, it's about the fun of digging through the cars."
"I always finding treasures down here."
"There was this culture of folk magic and legends that led to the search for riches and jewels that were potentially buried by Spanish explorers or pirates of the past or artifacts that were hidden in Native American burial mounds."
"I cannot wait to get out and see if we can find any pretty spring treasures at the thrift store."
"...he does the equivalent of climb mountains with a pack of rocks on his back and that's what treasure hunting is in America."
"We're up for it because why? Because we are lockernesses, this is what we live for, right? Going through lockers, digging through boxes, finding that treasure."
"It's always fun to go dig around and hunt for the treasures."
"I love thrifting, it's always like treasure hunting."
"Until next time, happy hunting and may your pockets be filled with valuable treasures."
"...might just be your ticket to a million-dollar treasure."
"...you might just be holding a million-dollar treasure in your hands."
"It's a lovely early morning and we're out here hunting for treasure."
"I love going to estate sales and finding those items."
"If I get a good solid signal, I'm gonna dig it. And that right there is how you're gonna find awesome treasure."
"As always, thanks for watching and happy digging!"
"...we're gonna have a heck of a day find some old things so back in the first dig see you guys soon later."
"Any aspiring treasure hunters out there? Perhaps you'll be interested in the Beale ciphers."
"I love finding a treasure. It just gets my blood pumping."
"He is the guru in our new treasure hunting family show."
"We are going to be modern-day treasure hunters and go through the rest of the unit, take everything out, and see what treasures are left."
"Finally struck gold at one of these storage units."
"I found treasure for real, I found treasure!"
"They might send treasure hunters on wild goose chases while secretly observing the proceedings for their own amusement."
"Inspiration for Treasure Hunters everywhere."
"Vintage treasures can be found in unexpected places."
"If you're interested in treasure hunting for the 21st century and finding ways to make money online, you are in the right place."
"For all of us junkers, there's just this High you get when you drive by a junk store or a thrift store or a flea market."
"Joseph Smith Senior came to him one night and invited him to participate in a treasure dig he said his son Joseph Jr had located with his Seer Stone two or three kegs of gold and silver near the Smith Home." - Dan Vogel
"Prices for these coins have skyrocketed in recent years. For those who want to hunt for this treasure, you'll need a sharp eye and perhaps a magnifying glass to identify the doubling."
"So I'll put a link down below for appmax it is an affiliate link, and I hope that gets you guys started and interested in treasure hunting as well."
"You can find a lot of gold with a metal detector."
"Ready to find some treasure this weekend?"
"Everyone loves a good treasure hunt, and the hunt for treasure on Oak Island has been going on for decades without a single return."
"I always feel like I'm on a treasure hunt at this store, that's probably why I like thrifting so much."
"Officially, Steve Arnold and Jeff Notkin are modern-day treasure hunters."
"But when you see people making money and when you see people finding safes and when you see people finding all kinds of antique coin collectors paper money in those safes you got to get up in the morning."
"Let's really find that buried treasure," suggested Tom.
"We're looking for amazing things buried in people's garages and barns."
"I'm going to show y'all something to always look for at the thrift stores or possibly yard sales."
"Getting out here and finding the deals and doing the treasure hunting part of it is generally pretty fun."
"Mel Fisher is still bringing up treasure."
"We do get lucky and find some great treasures out here sometimes, and sometimes, you know, it's just the thrill of the hunt."
"I just found so much gold in one spot."
"Hopefully with the weather warming up a bit we're gonna be able to get up in the Hills and do a little treasure hunting."
"This treasure is seeming more and more likely."
"I haven't found this many coppers in one day in a while."
"Whether I found the treasure or not, it was still an excellent day."
"There's an old saying among fortune hunters. As long as a man believes there's a treasure to be found, he'll be spurred on by the belief that he'll be the one to find it."
"There's still good gold out there. Some guys get a metal detector and they go hunting and they may be out a number of times and not find much other than trash and get discouraged. But the truth is there really is still gold out there."
"Here I am talking about stuff that I thought was maybe fake when you watch reality TV shows, and then we find something ridiculously good in a storage unit today."
"Watch how valuable these are. They are still missing objects you can find a lot. So don't think that you're not going to find something great if you're looking at these thrift stores and other online auctions."
"Treasure hunters greet one another and discuss their season's plan, which involves uncovering the Money Pit's watery gold source last year."
"Could it be that there was truly treasure on the island? Well, they were about to find out."
"This treasure hunting frenzy has lasted for more than 200 years."
"This must be a very pressing issue because all they and the others who have taken on the challenge have to show for their efforts is the discovery of a stone with strange symbols etched on it."
"The team wasn't going to stop until they came across this elusive Treasure of Oak Island."
"It is only a matter of time before they defeat the treasure hunting challenge of Oak Island."
"The areas with orange and red marked colors are the major interest because they indicate the presence of treasure or high-quality precious metals."