
Color Mixing Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Never mind, if we mix blue paint with yellow paint, we can make green. Mixing blue and yellow makes green. What lovely green leaves."
"We haven't got brown paint. We can make brown. We'll mix the green and the red. Mixing green and red makes brown."
"Layer those colors to create a brighter shade."
"How do you make puke green? Exactly, it's like green with yellow, but then yellow makes it bolder."
"Mixing is also a breeze as you can see here, combining a bit of blue and red to create a purple."
"Using those simple four colors only, I just made 40 new colors that weren't there before."
"Mixing colors you never thought of can create some pretty stylish outfits."
"Mix your own corporate colors, unlock endless possibilities."
"Mixing phthalo blue or phthalo green with either blue or yellow gives vivid tones, especially with titanium white."
"It's like being a little artist at home, mixing colors and creating."
"By doing color mixing and matching your colors... anybody can learn to do it."
"This is pretty good to me. Maybe a little bit more brown. Again, you can always just take what you've mixed and bring your brush right next to the other two greens to see or to confirm that it is in fact different."
"Every time we add more mars black and titanium white, we progressively make the ratio of green less and less."
"Sometimes when I want a really, really, really dark green I'll mix that the green color I have with Indigo."
"I also like to mix in silver to kind of dilute it down."
"What do oil painters do? They carry a handful of tubes and they mix the colors they want."
"This one is going to be really good to mix up a bunch of colors."
"Red and green... I don't even know what you would get if you tried to merge red into green probably [ __ ] Brown."
"What color is that? It's not one color, that's like four colors right there."
"I'm amazed at the different mixes that I can get from these colors not surprised Daniel Smith just really comes out with great products."
"I'm really liking that, you could even mix colors and get whatever kind of color that you are craving."
"I love color mixing. I love color theory and I love the way colors can really make and set the tone of a painting."
"If you don't use a bright red, you can get these really muted brownish tones."
"I'm going to add some more hansa yellow opaque to it."
"So to make black you could actually add the alizarin crimson and Viridian they're both dark staining colors and you get the most beautiful darks with them."
"Color mixing works, and why we can't mix anything more chromatic than what's already on our palettes."
"How do I make black? I'm taking a little bit of the dark purple and a little bit of the dark green over here mixing them together to get black."
"Every color is a note no matter what you mix, but when you inadvertently get bits of color into your mix or you get white paint where it shouldn't be, such as in the shadow colors, you end up with dirty color notes."
"I love how easily I can make any color with these pastels."
"The ability to mix colors as well to create other colors... there's a lot you can do with a dozen colors."
"I think the important thing, even though this is a completely new medium, the traditional color mixing rules from any painting medium apply."
"Mixing colors by sight is how we learn how to mix."
"It mixes beautifully with other colors... it's beautiful for any greens in the landscape."
"Viridian makes a phenomenal color to mix into your skin tones to add depth."
"As it gets over here it is going more blue, so I think I'm not going to grab a little bit that day little blue and add it to this on this side over in here."
"Are we giving enough white and black for enough tint and shade? We've actually doubled the ML on the white and the black."
"I think doing some studies where you, this is all you're doing, you're just trying to develop the skill of mixing color, you will be absolutely surprised and absolutely blown away about how easy then your color mixing will be."
"Color mixing is not the only answer to a lovely picture. It's many D's: dedication, determination, desire."
"I have a whole video on how to make brown. There are hundreds of ways to get to brown with just primary colors even, but it's still nice to have on the palette because you don't want to be mixing brown like that sometimes all the time, especially when we're doing acrylic April."
"Hills are dark purple, so we're going to start with our purple. We can even add a little blue to it if we want to because that kind of marries it to the whole painting."
"So you can see what a huge range of colors you can get just from these few primaries and neutrals."
"I'm going to mix more of my space blue with my Payne's Gray to get a darker value."
"It's surprising what colors you can mix from these basic colors, and that's one of them, a lovely soft gray blue which is perfect for many things."
"I think this works okay, I might mix it with a little bit of indigo."
"Our brains will make sense of it so just mix the colors that you see and try it and it'll come out."
"If you can only afford a set of five pan pastels you can get the red, yellow, blue, black, and white and you'll be able to mix any color that you need to from there."
"You only have to do this one time, okay? Because once you mix one color of paint up that I have, you will be able to feel what the right consistency is."
"So I'm showing you two colors here that I mixed up we will not be putting silicone in those and that will be the white and the metallic."
"He also mixed the yellow with minium, which is the orange lead he referred to also for coloring the frame, for example."
"This recipe does work really well for the black, which is one of the hardest colors to achieve."
"I'm going to start by creating a base color out of these acrylic paints; one is burnt umber and the other is mars black."
"If you're a beginner and you're just finding using a lot of ultramarine and your skies are looking really mucky, then a lot of the things we're going to learn in this video are going to help you."
"So essentially I'm taking white and I'm mixing the three primary colors together to get a basic skin tone."
"How can I take these colors and mix them together, apply this to a surface, and hit an emotional note on somebody?"
"I was able to mix the colors that I needed."
"You don't need every single color; you just need some of the basic colors, and then you could mix your paint and make whatever color you want."
"Instead of mixing in brown or black into the yellow, I mixed in a little purple, and it changed my creative life."
"We made an amazing color, look at that."
"I adore letting these leaves slightly bump into one another and let that color mingle ever so subtly."
"The colours you leave on your Palette turn out to be the best Greys you ever mix."
"This is what is the most fun part, mixing colors."
"Using the primaries will serve as basic color theory and basic color mixing practice."
"I love mixing my own colors, but I also love having my favorites on hand as well."
"There's just something about mixing this powder paint to create your own unique color that I absolutely love."
"I am going to break the whole voodoo magic into five simple, easy, clear steps so that anyone can mix any color they want super easily."
"Ultramarine and burnt sienna are some of the most useful mixes in watercolor."
"So that you can have a stress-free color mixing experience and full control of the process."
"You simply cannot get a good strong purple or a beautiful bright lilac without a cool pink."
"The best thing to do is to, when I mix a new color, stop your video, take a screenshot, write it down, whatever you need to do."
"Let's make a background. This background is a little bit of burnt sienna and phthalo green and some cad yellow."
"I'm adding different values, like so sometimes I'm going in and I'm adding a little more white to the mix and getting it more pink."
"You need five colors... get a red, a yellow, and a blue. Primary colors you can mix almost anything with."
"When you mix the complementary colors in a good balance, you get this perfectly grayed out color."
"They are great for beginners and people who just like pure color mixes."
"You can mix it with ultramarine blue and quinacridone magenta to get a really brilliant and juicy purple."
"When you add ultramarine blue to burnt sienna, you get a beautiful range of neutrals."
"So for this reason, I could get quite a few different variations myself out of just mixing two colors right from the painting itself."
"You're going to learn so much more about blending and layering and mixing color that way than you would if you've got this huge set that just gets confusing."
"The reason that I like to mix in other colors with black is because it can look quite flat if you just use black by itself."
"You can create as many colors as you wanted to just by mixing the ink on your palette."
"There is not one way and the only way to mix a color."
"By combining these colors we can create virtually any color in the rainbow."
"I love texture and color and like mixing it."
"If you remember nothing else after watching this video, I want you to remember this next tip: not to premix your greens."
"All colors come from red, yellow, blue, so when you think in terms of primary colors, you can kind of see how to mix them a little bit better."
"Mixing in the green with the neutrals is beautiful and sophisticated."
"You can actually mix some of the colors like on a palette or something, and it will turn them to pearlescent, which is really cool."
"I really liked the forest blue; this is a mix of phthalo green yellow shade and the really granulating mars black."
"Every time you dab a bit of red, blue, yellow, or whatever isn't black or brown into your wet green on the page, you give your leaves a fighting chance to really sing."
"When you mix ultramarine blue and burnt umber you get a beautiful black that you can adjust to make warm or cool."
"Every time you make a cut into your slab of layers of clay, you are catching the top color and dragging it down through the layers below."
"It comes from experience... I know what happens when you mix colors."
"It's good to have all your colors mixed up before you even get started."
"I get a lot of questions about mixing greens."
"It's been interesting over the years when I've talked to other professional painters... they had the same problem when they were starting out where they couldn't find anyone who would teach them how to mix colors."
"I'm going to mix my phthalo green with my light yellow, and I'm creating this very bright green, isn't it?"
"You can mix so many colors that you can pretty much get anything you want."
"These two together make a really nice purple that's fairly close to the dioxazine purple."
"Look at that gorgeous purple it created."
"That was just gorgeous, my favorite of all the colorways when you make them is the ones where you like mix up like a potion and then pour it in."
"You can create a multitude of different colors."
"You can just water the ultramarine blue down to make a nice pretty purple."
"I see painting the same as drawing, except you're mixing color and using those strokes to basically draw with paint."
"This is the easiest way to mix your hatching lines with colors."
"I love this blend, look at this: that's Crackling Campfire, Fossilized Amber, and a little Hickory Smoke. Oh, that's a good one, isn't it?"
"I experimented with Navajo white and some ivory to come up with the color that was off-white."
"I think we're ready to introduce another color."
"When you're color mixing, the three things you need to remember are: start off with the base color, look at the color you've mixed and the object, and see the undertone."
"Mixing warm and cool colors together can get some really nice effects."
"The Prussian Blue... gives us really beautiful darks, it gives us some really lovely kind of clean and clear grayer colors when mixed with the other two primaries."
"I premix my tones using a combination of compliments, red and green, to harmonize everything."
"We'll start by mixing a grey for the clouds: cool blue, a little bit of crimson, and a very little bit of raw Sienna."
"Red and yellow together make orange, like the sweet orange in the tree."
"Blue and yellow together make green, like the leaves at the start of spring."
"Blue and red together make purple, like a grape so good to eat."
"Green gold is a really lovely light bright transparent color."
"You can layer them to create new shades."
"You don't need a lot of colors, and then you get your full palette by mixing the colors you have in different ways."
"Mixing the colors is key; it will give you the most interesting picture."
"I'm just custom mixing up a color here."
"I'm going to mix up some Mr. Paint dark gunship gray and some Dunkel gold just to kind of warm it out and lighten it up."
"I really enjoy taking the oranges and mixing them in with the purples."
"Now you can find out by mixing colors and assembling your own assortment of markers."
"Let's mix up some purples and blues for these beautiful spring hydrangeas."
"The color sensation... is the result of the mixing of these three responses."
"Creating a desaturation usually comes from mixing hues that are complementary or colors opposite each other on the color wheel."
"I like to mix my own secondary colors because I feel like those in the tube end up being a little bit too flat or vibrant for what I want to do."
"It's gonna take a little patience with this exercise, but take the time and practice mixing your neutrals."
"By mixing primary colors in different proportions we can generate all other colors."
"I'm coming in with a mixture of quinacridone gold and quinacridone coral; it's much brighter than the burnt sienna tone by itself."
"I'm gonna alternate a little bit between that purple tone and the gold."
"You can take these colors and mix them to create custom colors."
"The secret to beautiful palette knife painting is not overmixing the colors."
"The joy of mixing your own greens is you can vary the shade as much as you like."
"I love mixing some warm tones in with a cool toned look because it kind of helps the cool tones to pop."
"I'm using a mixture of cerulean blue with a little bit of royal blue in it, not much, just a touch of raw Sienna."
"You want to learn how to be able to take these paints, not only mix the colors but how to blend."
"I love the look of a tufted headboard, and I just think that it looks really pretty when you mix the cream color with the white together."
"Oh my gosh, that shade mixed with the rose gold is actually so gorgeous."
"We have RGB LEDs, so there's actually three LEDs per the package, and we want to mix the colors of the RGB."
"Creating five distinct different shades out of one watercolor teaches you the ratio of paint pigment and water in your brush, which is just essential in watercolor."
"The ultramarine blues is a particularly good color for mixing greens."
"Mix the colors in the palette, pick your filter. Which me do you want?"
"This is such a great way to mix brown and black; I mix brown and black all the time."
"It creates a really cool marled look to your pumpkin, like if you wanted to hold like an off-white with like this orange carrot color, that is a gorgeous pumpkin, just saying."