
Wall Street Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"We can beat Wall Street. The time of Wall Street taking advantage of us, of reaching into our pockets and trying to get one over on us, that time is over."
"The problem is that culturally we don't want to go after Wall Street. The system that we have built is built to not go after Wall Street."
"The suit has had a substantial effect on Wall Street."
"We're proving the people who said Wall Street is only for people who can make money in the investing world wrong."
"Investors have bought shares of Chinese companies based on a notion created by Wall Street, which believes that China's economy has a bright future."
"Has anyone's opinion ever been changed because of an online Internet argument?"
"This is Wall Street; this is not Sesame Street."
"The interest of the American people is to fight, to take your government back from Wall Street and make the United States a force for progress in the world."
"Wall Street took an enormous amount of risk and they left retail as the bag holder."
"Wall Street has a solution to every investor problem, and the solution is always 'pay us more in fees.'"
"This poll shows and almost every poll shows in this case is sixty nine percent of Americans say they want Wall Street to be tightly regulated."
"It's so crazy that this is the polar game... Wall Street is certainly got over its skis."
"Hamilton was the patron saint of Wall Street."
"I'm not saying don't engage with Wall Street. I'm saying engage with it on your own terms in a way that you don't get your pockets picked."
"They're blocking the ability to trade to protect Wall Street hedge funds, stealing millions of dollars from their users to protect people who've used the stock market as a casino for decades."
"We're essentially being robbed at gunpoint. This is essentially what's happening here. We are seeing armed robbery happening right now by the financial institutions, by Wall Street."
"Crime doesn't pay, but as I watch the shenanigans unfold on Wall Street, it looks like it pays very well."
"In one week, you can turn the page on policies that have put greed near responsibility of Wall Street."
"If elected president, I will reign in Wall Street so they cannot crash our economy again."
"This country can no longer afford to tolerate the culture of fraud and corruption on Wall Street."
"The entire system that we're seeing right now on Wall Street is in fact rigged against the little guy."
"All you need to know is that a community decided to play with Wall Street, they're winning, and now Wall Street is using dirty tactics to fight back."
"Wall Street was just upset that your retail regular investors were beating Wall Street at their own game."
"That's what they're gambling on, but what's happening recently is that Reddit is engaging in this movement to essentially stick it to Wall Street."
"I was part of the traditional Wall Street Path for call it 10 years."
"We have been given one of the most unique opportunities ever for a small group of retail traders to actually affect incredibly positive change for the entire Wall Street system."
"Taxpayers are never again on the hook for Wall Street's mistakes."
"The revolutionaries on Reddit are spanking Wall Street's ass."
"Pain fewer names command as much respect in the halls of Wall Street as the name Peter Lynch."
"I think the Wall Street reaction will be greater than the real impact on the average guy."
"Everyday people were finally able to collectively organize and get back at the folks who have historically had all the marbles on Wall Street."
"The best investment advice I can give you is to teach you how Wall Street, the best thieves in the world, do it perfectly legal."
"They don't realize that enslaved people built the wall after which Wall Street is named."
"Given all that's happened these past few weeks on Wall Street it feels like an odd time to be dressed up in white tie."
"The only thing Wall Street guarantees is that they always get paid whether you win or lose."
"My whole argument against modern Wall Street has been that it's anti-capitalist."
"Regular Wall Street analysts are going to get how much of a new market this opens for Tesla."
"Billions of dollars from Wall Street are poured into the single-family housing market."
"We had a Wall Street, yeah, and it wasn't in New York City either."
"An ape is a person who is attempting to fix some of the things that are egregiously wrong in the current Wall Street system."
"Regular people beating Wall Street at their own game."
"It was an epic street fight between Main Street and Wall Street."
"It affects Main Street because Wall Street was - greed, the greed of Wall Street broke mainstream."
"Eventually they going to have a whole suit for [__] CU that's where is gone I'm not talking about it no more I'm let Kim y'all two figure it out I'm done."
"Wall Street can't have that, they got really upset."
"Every single Wall Street trader, every single Wall Street investor is now looking to make money on the picks and shovels."
"The insanity of GameStop back in January truly presented an overall systematic risk and could have potentially brought the entire Wall Street establishment to its knees."
"Greatest crash in Wall Street's history. With this headline, people knew the world was spiraling into chaos."
"My policy tends to be, uh, don't trust, uh, Wall Street Giants because they become that powerful on Wall Street because they, um, you know, are pretty Cutthroat."
"Wall Street is going to be fine, alright? I'm not worried about hedge fund guys."
"Wall Street holds onto traditions, even when they don't matter all the time."
"Tesla's Financial results over the last three years have consistently surprised Wall Street."
"I want to get Wall Street's influence out of Washington."
"Crypto has become the most important asset class on Wall Street."
"The suits that work on Wall Street they call those people smart money that's not us."
"Wall Street's so dumb and stuck in their ways and does not get innovation and disruption."
"At the end of last year, I was willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt...now it's obvious that he is very tight with the Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan's on Wall Street."
"The Dow was down about 8% today, one of the worst market collapses in Wall Street's history."
"We should be able to discuss why Wall Street has migrated to DC to get better pay or control."
"It's wild that these Wall Street entities were able to profit off of the housing crisis that they caused."
"Wall Street doesn't want you to know this, the reason why is because you're not going to do this fast as possible investing in freaking Wall Street."
"An economy driven by money changing on Wall Street ultimately benefits those who have the money to start with."
"His subsequent foray into Wall Street was in partnership with Charles Loop, a seasoned leather merchant."
"It was a wild ride on Wall Street."
"Wall Street wants to get a piece of this expanding Market."
"Wall Street has a veto power on all the major cabinet positions and so essentially the economy is being run by the financial sector for the financial sector."
"I think what Wall Street are looking for... is the flood of earnings that will come from the semi, from the NextGen, from the full production ramp of the Cybertruck, and from energy."
"...a career that can be successful no matter what happens on Wall Street."
"Zuckerberg has been very focused on appeasing Wall Street making sure he's doing a good job for them while also doing the metaverse."
"Wall Street became the money capital of America and business in New York was booming."
"Puerto Rico even went a step further to entice Wall Street's writing into its constitution language suggesting that certain bondholders would be paid first ahead of anything else."
"The self-proclaimed crocodile of Wall Street."
"I like him I kind of like what he said about Wall Street."
"People never get emotional about stocks. But look at that Wall Street."
"A much tougher, a much more actively belligerent facing off with Wall Street was what was required."
"I was never going to write another book about Wall Street and they keep walking in the door these stories."
"The world of commodity trading is very different from the image of Wall Street trading."
"The crisis was eventually resolved, but public distrust of Wall Street and bankers was greater than ever."
"Let's talk about the issues. Let's talk about why in the 1990s Wall Street got deregulated. Do you think it has anything to do with the huge amounts of campaign contributions and lobbying?" - Senator Sanders
"Bringing politicians in to run Wall Street is like saying Dad burned dinner, let's get the dog to cook."
"I've written 10 books on body language and behavior, spend most of my time on Wall Street and corporate America."
"Wall Street has been a very enriching experience for me; I feel that I had the opportunity to grow a lot."
"I'm a gambler at heart; there's no better place to be gambling than on Wall Street."
"Main Street wakes up when Wall Street goes down."
"It is time to lay down tough new rules of the road for Wall Street to ensure that we never find ourselves here again."
"This is the beginning of real change for Wall Street professionals."
"Special delivery! That Wall Street Smash doesn't like unexpected mail."
"Financial education is so important because it allows you to compete with the big-time investors on Wall Street."
"The best investors don't even work in the financial center of the world; they want to be as far away from the clouded Judgment of Wall Street as possible."
"I think what they care about is sticking it to the people on Wall Street that have been robbing the American people blind for over 13 years."
"Collapse of Wall Street actually comes down to one word and that word is trust."
"Investing like I'm hiring every single CEO on Wall Street to figure out the best way to make my money work for me."
"Everyone on Wall Street wants to succeed, they’re hungry, they want more always, and you have to be very ambitious."
"Tesla energy seems widely ignored by Wall Street despite Elon's comments about the growth rate exceeding automotive."
"The more the garbage burns, the more Wall Street risks exposing the fact that within the trash cans are diamonds."
"Some of this contagion did start on Wall Street."
"Wall Street and investors will always find a way to make money, no matter what."
"Three Wall Street firms control assets of over 20 trillion dollars, which is equivalent to the GDP of the United States of America."
"When people walk through Wall Street and actually accelerate and become really good at what they do, you have to at least listen to what they have to say."
"I'm just thoroughly convinced that they're just too tied to Wall Street, they're too tied to the Pentagon, they don't really want to focus on poor working people."
"The best traders that I've shadowed on Wall Street... they exit without hesitation."
"With crisis after crisis, with scandal after scandal, the biggest Wall Street banks have lost the trust of the American people."
"I know Wall Street gibberish can be very hard to maneuver; I'm here to make it possible for you to do so."
"My very first paycheck... I punched in for the very first time on Wall Street."
"There is a decoupling between the profits that the big companies are showing and the extraordinary gains on Wall Street on the one hand and job growth on the other."
"The average Wall Street bonus last year was $176,500."
"That's New York for you, Wall Street."
"What I saw unfolding was something that had not really happened in a long, long time legally on Wall Street."
"I believe what's going on right now in Wall Street is a convergence to get a global economy."
"When you can shift from huge cash burn to let's say break even or free cash flow positive, then it gets Wall Street and investment analyst very excited."
"Wall Street quickly became the synonym of New York's Financial District."
"I've been trading for 12 years... before I became a technical analysis trader, I worked on Wall Street."