
Tangibility Quotes

There are 302 quotes

"Demographic shifts are a real and tangible thing."
"Real estate gives you something tangible, something that you can see, feel, and touch."
"The anointing is tangible. What does that mean? It means you can touch it, you can feel it."
"Real wealth is owning something tangible. Real estate is something tangible, it's something real."
"Revival is when His Spirit, the immaterial, in some way becomes material, tangible."
"The rebellion isn't over; it's just beginning."
"The fellowship is a concrete tangible thing from day one."
"Weekly jobless claims total 198,000 for December, the lowest since 1969."
"Christianity just comes alive in these tangible physical facets."
"People care about the tangibility of something, so they're going back to something that worked better."
"She built a structure that made the intangible tangible."
"Buy something tangible and real that throws off cash."
"Poetry helps make the intangible feel, well, more tangible."
"I think setting those incremental goals that are measurable, that are tangible is really important."
"You are the architect of your dreams, and things are becoming tangible."
"It's just tangibles or nothing. We're demanding the tangibles."
"It's real, tangible, palpable. You can feel it."
"A lot of the information that I've gained is just by being in contact... everything comes tangible on the Sagittarius."
"For the people who don't understand NFTs or the value, this will give you a way to make it feel tangible so you actually can."
"Real numbers and real tangible things that people can latch onto."
"You want something real, something tangible, something you can see."
"A photo is the closest thing you can get actually to sort of making a memory into an object."
"The problem with the show, and it's something that it's an industry-wide problem, it's not exclusive to Sony, they just happen to be the event that we're talking about is that a lot of what was shown just simply wasn't tangible."
"There is tangible proof that has been seen felt or inspected by quite a few folks."
"Physical lost media is something tangible, whether in the form of an action figure or public art sculpture, whose whereabouts is unknown."
"It's the last media they actually made that's tangible; you can hold it in your hand."
"Concrete is all about tangibility. It's all about what is actually real, what has actually happened."
"But when you look at a VHS tape, you see it is there. Like, you can hold it."
"Something material, something you can put your finger on."
"The more tangible you can make this result, the more interested they will be in buying your product."
"These are tangible, measurable things."
"If you do work that's very imaginative, if you do work that's very creative, if you do work that's intangible and you turn it into something tangible, that can be very abundant for you."
"There is a novelty to owning your photos physically because they're actually, you know, something that you can hold. It's tangible."
"I can't express like, a certain part about it feels wrong to me. I don't love the idea of making a record to where you couldn't ever listen to it or feel it in your hands. Like, that seems insane to me."
"I don't like reading on a screen. I like the physical thing."
"They want to see tangible results in front of them."
"It's just numbers but it's extremely physical and tangible."
"Role models make it real. You can have a dream or a vision, but when you see role models that are doing it, it becomes tangible."
"The presence of God is not what you feel inside of you. It becomes something tangible that people can experience."
"Just finding a tangible object tends to transform something that is abstract and ancient into something tangible in our very hands."
"You need to produce something tangible, not just dream about it, because Earth signs need to produce."
"Photographs on paper they feel tangible, valuable, and real because there's something you can literally hold in your hands."
"...God made us tangible. It's the body and soul. We're both."
"God knows that tangibility helps our faith. Sometimes it's easier to believe when you've got something to touch, ain't that true?"
"Because everything is just so easily available, you don't get that anticipation. This is why vinyl is big now, by the way. Because you have this tangible thing."
"Crafting: transforming visions into tangible treasures."
"This is what you need to be holding: something that is physical, something that is real, something that is tangible."
"SVG provides this excellent bridge between something tangible and the more abstract."
"Vinyl is not just about sound. It's about holding something real, something tangible."
"There is a real relation between this thing and my hand that makes it graspable. It's not a property of this thing or this thing but it is a property of the real relation between them."
"There's just something about it that really speaks to me and like really brings out almost that esoteric vibe into a more tangible space."
"Unlike digital stickers, these little elements actually have a function."
"This is something more tangible and like I just cherish it so much."
"She literally left love behind. Something tangible, something that you can feel, something that was real."
"Printing makes your artwork physical so it suffers no such problem. If the photographer is good, there's also every chance the price will go up over time."
"It's the point when that photo becomes a physical piece of artwork with genuine value."
"This is history, the most solid tangible example of History you would be able to see. It's just extraordinary."
"Buy some gold, buy some silver, buy some metal."
"Having the original things in front of me in my hands is what brought history alive to me and still does."
"I would only recommend physical, and to the extent that your means are limited, physical silver. It's in your hand, so there's no counterparty risk. You own it."
"The physical book is very important to me."
"It's just really nice to have something to hold in your hand, to have a physical product."
"Mechanical engineering is less abstract because you can see what you're actually studying."
"Community is not an abstraction; you can touch and feel community."
"It's so 3D realistic like I could just grab it."
"I've always believed that a physical piece of equipment stored in a secure dry shed is the best wealth insurance I can have."
"I was a home brewer for several years, and I just love making a thing, having something tangible."
"Something tangible that people can hold in their hand and look and just get started right away."
"For photography, you really got to put it into something tangible."
"Having a tangible printout of your photo is going to make you a better photographer."
"Your house is a physical asset that you can see and you have control over it."
"There are only stones, flesh, stars, and those truths the hand can touch."
"Printing is really important. There's something about tangibly holding a picture in your hands that really adds power."
"Books are so physical, you know, they're like friends."
"The secret is the innermost dimension that is less tangible but far more real."
"All those little wishes turn into tangible items on your island's beach the next day."
"Ink on paper. That's it, ladies and gentlemen. Ink on paper."
"It just feels so solid in your hands."
"For so long his dream had felt like it was something abstract; now it was tangible, he could actually reach out and grab it."
"Sometimes I think evil is a tangible thing — with wavelengths, just as sound and light have."
"Property is tangible. You can actually visit the house, touch the bricks and mortar."
"The history of a built heritage is very important because sometimes people need to see the physicality of a thing to believe that it exists."
"Thank God for the tangibility of the Holy Ghost."
"Photography is the art of making memories tangible."
"This fairy tale coming true was almost tangible like I could touch this reality."
"People appreciate things that are tangible."
"I realized for me I wanted to do something that's more tangible, something that was more of my own."
"In a world in which information is coming at us from all sources immediately... we have a way of responding to that by going backwards in time to something which is more tangible, which is more immediate, which is more lasting."
"Most people that read comics like a physical book to hold in their hands."
"I feel like they're more tangible and they're easier to set goals that you can actually accomplish."
"I wasn't going to leave there until I had answers; I wanted something tangible."
"What is real? Something that you can touch, hold, love, kiss - that is real."
"Caravaggio's art was so tangible, so vivid, so cinematic."
"The comic book industry is never going to work unless you have physical copy."
"This is space metal you can hold in your hand."
"I have a real affection for books, the corporeality of them."
"Real estate for me is more security because I could touch it, I could feel it, I'm in control of its operation."
"There's something about ceremony or awards or physical objects or rituals that give things more reality than just the knowledge of those things."
"What's the number, right? Why do you think that is? Because it's the most tangible thing."
"When I actually saw the book in my hand, I realized this is real."
"Creativity is not as a mysterious internal force but as something that's tangible and practical."
"Art is not tangible, we cannot call a painting art as the word artifact or artificial imply."
"Just that parents have something tangible to feel good about where they're sending their child every week."
"There's something very special about traditional work... touching original artwork is something else entirely."
"Being able to hold things in my hands and flip through it all."
"Is it small enough for me to hold in my hands? It is."
"We just want something tangible and real that we can sink our hands onto and feel satisfied with crafting something."
"By making the age of Henry the eighth so damn tangible, Holbein forced it into our thoughts forever."
"Real estate is one of my favorite places to invest because when you invest in real estate, you're buying something tangible."
"Fitness is the essence of self-improvement because it's very tangible."
"Craft is like the thing that makes it tangible; it makes it the thing that exists rather than just an idea in your head."
"Concepts are the most concrete means of power that you can find."
"Make sure that the case study is tangible and includes a specific end result."
"I'm a big fan of if you don't hold it, you don't own it."
"The love that was on display was just so tangible, it was amazing."
"There is a lot of value and merit in actually picking up a hard copy book."
"The mercury person gives their feelings some kind of a three-dimensional quality, they make them something almost tangible."
"If you make money in trading, make sure you take some money out of that and you put it into some hard assets in the real world."
"There's a lot to be said for paper."
"Writing it was one thing, putting it on paper was another, but to actually get to hold the physical book is a whole other experience."
"Faith is difficult for me because it's not tangible."
"Unless it's in the hand, it's not real."
"...we talk about reparations; let's talk about tangible things."
"Engineering is something maybe you can see it and you can feel it."
"It's a work of art that I can touch and I love that."
"This is the best part, when they leave the digital world and I can hold them and look at them."
"Watches are even a better investment because it's tangible asset."
"It's so cool to just have little products, little things that you made, and now they're on something tangible."
"I'm here to show you something so you can have something tangible for your life."
"There's something to be said about having a physical book."
"God is with us, present, He's tangible, you can feel Him, you can hear Him, you can experience Him."
"You really do need a physical copy of your photographs, at least your absolute favorites."
"It is what is solid, it is tangible, it is eternal, and it is spiritual because it is all ideas."
"People think it's fake, but it's real. You can touch it, you could reach out and touch that's really there."
"If you can touch it, you can achieve it."
"The love of God is right there, tangible to us."
"He pointed to what's extremely tangible, knowable by each of us here and now."
"It is not merely talk, but it is about actually building something from airports to railways; these are industries we can see and touch."
"Faith is substance, it's not concepts; it's substance, it's not ideology; it's substance, it's not figurative; it's literal, it's flesh and bone, meat and teeth, it's action."
"It's a real exciting part of the project now because pretty much everything we do from today is stuff that you're going to see and touch and hold and grab."
"There's something to be said about holding a real book in your hands."
"The more tangible that proof, the better."
"The presence of God is tangible in your life."
"It's hard to believe that... you can reach out and touch it."
"It's more important than ever to have a little bit of gold and silver or anything that's valuable and tangible outside the system."
"Belief is not an abstract thing; it's actually something tangible."
"I believe in investing in tangible [stuff]."
"How tangible someone's memory is and what happens to our memory when something gets further away."
"Institutions want to see it, feel it, and have something tangible."
"The overall build quality here is exceptional and you can feel it in your hands the moment you get it out of the box."
"Salvation is real; it's tangible."
"There's something so nice about just having it there and having a reference to be able to actually touch."
"The main reason to print your pictures is that you have a physical thing that you can have in your hand, look at it, put it in an album, put it in your picture, put it in a portrait, anywhere in your house."
"That still looks scary to this day because it's like a physical, tangible thing you can see."
"You work with your hands, and at the end of the day, you have something tangible to touch."
"You're pulling things out of the ground that are more tangible and real."
"There is more to existence than what is immediately visible or tangible."
"God's gifts are as tangible as the ground beneath our feet."
"I highly recommend getting yourselves a printer guys if you can and bring your images to life with prints."
"There's something so nice about having a tangible, fresh paper book in your hands."
"You're holding physical things; you're not just looking at stuff on the screen anymore."
"...zines are a tangible piece of art that you can hold in your hands. It's kind of like looking at someone's Instagram profile but it's on paper."
"...it's such a cure for digital fatigue if you have a job where you spend a lot of time looking at screens, if you have a social media addiction... zines are a tangible piece of art that you can hold in your hands."
"In the age of being able to share photos from our phones immediately with anyone in the world, some still love using Polaroid’s innovative instant camera film for the times we want something to hold in our hand to physically capture a special moment."
"I can actually physically touch and hold something that I've made for myself."
"Where else can you hold that kind of history in the palm of your hand?"
"I still like to buy vinyl, I still want something in my hand, I want some artwork, an artefact."
"One unconsciously believes that there is something living, tangible in one's immaterial dreams."
"Living history in the palm of our hands, folks."
"Your brain is actually making a map of the information when you read in a real book."
"The body is the most tangible expression of mind, and mind is the least tangible expression of body."
"It's no longer magic, something that's actually tangible."
"I'm like such a, I like to have physical memories."
"You feel like you've actually got something there."
"He's not a ghost anymore; he's real, and he's close."
"What if you could store your value in property, in silver and gold, in tangible assets like land?"
"Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPE) is all part of your tangible non-current assets."
"Miracles are as tangible as the ground beneath our feet."
"I value security above all else. I want to reach out and touch my money. I want to be able to see it."
"His love is so tangible, it's so kind, he's so personal."
"We wanted something that felt tangible."
"I mean tangible. You could touch it. It was peace."
"Call me old-fashioned, but if I buy it, I want to hold it in my hand."
"It's cash and carry, buy the gold, have it in your hand, done deal."
"Utilizing texture and grit really kind of brings your design to life and makes it feel a little more tangible."
"It's nice to have these physical memories, not just digital files."
"The overwhelming love was very palpable for me, I could touch it, I could feel it."
"I associate visceral with something very tangible and very human."
"I always believed that if I couldn't see something or touch it, it wasn't real."
"You can download a record, you can't download an experience."
"I like thinking that I take the picture and it prints the picture out and this is the picture and the picture doesn't exist anywhere else."
"The Spirit of God is tangible, actual, a living quantity just as real as electricity."
"We know exactly where it goes, we see the tangible results."
"Having something tangible to share with people... it's just really exciting."
"Preservation of these kinds of ships are very important because they are a functional portion of your history that you can actually go out and touch."
"Delivering things that they can actually tangibly see that actually improve their outcomes."
"I want this to be over the top, and I want the song to exist as an epic physical thing, not just a blah digital file."
"An art which can make the impalpable palpable, make the intangible tangible, and the invisible visible."
"I believe what I can see, what I can hold in these old hands."
"You have something now that's real, it's tangible, it's something that you can work with and go forward."