
Homeland Quotes

There are 231 quotes

"This is the homeland of an indigenous tribe."
"If the IDF comes in and asks us to evacuate from our village here, no way. We're not going to do this. We would rather die here than lose our hometown again."
"We are a team and will reconnect on our homeland."
"This is home, this is Africa, this is Ghana, so you're always welcome."
"They've been scattered but the people will have returned to their homeland."
"I am unique in a way that I want to tell the diaspora that it's time to make Africa home again."
"They will have returned to their ancient homeland after being scattered worldwide."
"When I return to Russia, I can breathe out a sigh of relief. I'm back to where the world makes sense, where common sense reigns supreme."
"Kenyans living abroad are getting more and more confident to invest back home."
"America is not just an idea; it's not just the Constitution. America is our home, and we must protect our home."
"For the first time, Hindus have a place to call our home."
"This is our land, our home, we will defend it."
"Nowhere feels like Africa, nowhere feels like home."
"We should start thinking of our countries as our home."
"I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land."
"He wants the Jewish people back in the homeland because he has a purpose for them."
"So restoring Conria is their best bet as close as they can get to restoring their homeland, right?"
"Aloha is the land where I was born. Aloha is the home I was born into."
"A king always fights for his home."
"I'm trying to come back to my country because I'm scared here."
"From coast to coast and everywhere in between, there lived hundreds if not thousands of different nations, tribes of people whose land this was; this was their home."
"Do we want Israel to continue existing, do we want the Jews to have their own homeland and do we want them to be safe?"
"There's no place like the motherland."
"He was a brave Warrior who died for his homeland."
"I'm glad to see all the talent and Beauty coming from the Homeland."
"Don't have the mentality that you're not coming to live in Ghana. We need you here."
"Zionism means the right for the Jewish people to be able to live back in the homeland."
"Many Palestinians don't want to leave. They want to stand their ground with honor. That's their country, that's their home."
"...we do know he would have defended his homeland to his very last breath..."
"From my perspective, I pretty much made my mind up that at some point in my life, I'm going to be moving back to Africa."
"We want our homeland to become a democratic and free country, where the people can enjoy of their rights in complete safety."
"I would say it is just being forced to leave your homeland. This is the hardest part."
"The national home meaning a place where the Jews could at last control their destiny."
"But don't you want to see the great museums of Amsterdam? Or hear an orchestra play? I dream of seeing my homeland."
"You can't beat England on a summer's day. England on a spring and summer day is the best place in the world for me."
"I never felt that I did not belong here. Palestine is the Homeland I have always known."
"The motherland has a... special energy there, it is like the center of the earth, you know."
"Who knows, maybe your homeland will be a multi-planetary empire one day, and maybe you’ll be there to see it."
"Every time I just come home to Scotland, I'm amazed by myself and nothing beats the passion, the build-up."
"...I love India and I still want to be there... that is where my heart belongs... I can't forget both... I respect them equally... I don't think I will ever be able to leave my country back home..."
"Zoro returns to his clan's homeland of Wano."
"He decided at one point to head home to Algeria for a few months."
"I hope that living in Israel and with the feeling that we have our own Homeland and our own survival, it's given our children a confidence that we were not able to have."
"Africa is home. Africa is the motherland. Africa is beautiful."
"Gather us together from the four corners of the earth to our land."
"We can potentially have our own homeland in the place that was promised to the forefathers of the Jewish people."
"This is like a really large-scale destruction, an entire homeland falling to dust."
"He would rather die at home in his own nation with his people. 'I won't die in the white man's country.'"
"...residents here aren't ready to give up on their homeland."
"Men who would defend even unto death the land of their birth."
"The return to Zion, the reconnection of the Jewish people to its ancient homeland, stirred something in the Jewish soul."
"That you turn into a wonderful Homeland."
"This is their homeland. This is where Redemption took place and this is where the king of kings and Lord of lords one day will set up his Millennial Kingdom."
"When the Jew is in the Land of Israel, you could bring God into the world in a way that you can't do anywhere else."
"I often cry for my islands and I swear I can hear something calling back to me. Oh, I do hope justice and goodness prevail, and my people are able to hold the nation together. They don't deserve what's happening."
"It's important to invest back home. My family has always told me, 'Do well here and go back home because this is no place.'"
"There's no greater loss on this earth than the loss of one's own country."
"We were cut off from the homeland, and uncertainty over the fate of our loved ones rested heavily upon every man's mind."
"You want to kiss the ground when you get off that airplane and you want to go around and just hug everybody you see because you are so fortunate to live in a place where things that we absolutely take for granted over here are miracles."
"The soul longs for its homeland, for wisdom, knowledge, and the love of God."
"We don't have another place to go and the citizens of Ukraine understand that."
"The truth is, Scotland will forever mean an incredible amount to me, but above all, it's always going to be my home."
"Every single person around the world had the right to live in the place that they were born in, and that's the right for Palestinians also."
"The fact that we came back to our homeland and that we do have a country and a government here, for me, it does feel like a miracle."
"All the palm trees, all the sunrises, all the sunsets of the world, all the exoticism of distant lands, everything that I saw, all that I admired, I would give for a single cloudy, rainy, tearful day in my homeland."
"This reminds me so much of my village in Kenya."
"It is our homeland, the place where our ancestors were living, and their souls are here in our mountains."
"This is our homeland, this is the land of our fathers, this is the place that throughout history we've fought for, we've protected, we've appreciated the beauty of."
"First season Homeland is the best single season of any TV show ever."
"Land of my sires! What mortal hand can e'er untie the filial band, that knits me to thy rugged strand!"
"You grow up here and you love the land and you love what you do."
"It is so important to me because that is how I know that I am actually contributing my small quota to help people back at home."
"We dreamed of a brighter tomorrow when after the war we would return to our motherland."
"They cherish the taste of their homeland."
"Seeing all of that and the resilience in my island, I know that that fires me up."
"The Virgin Islands is home to me, and I love to showcase the natural beauty of the islands."
"I love the land where I was born; that's my life, what else could I possibly do?"
"Colombia is a wonderful country, it's a great place, and I call it home."
"I love the sun, I love sweating, I love it all when I'm here in the motherland."
"I've always thought about going back, one day we all go back."
"Come home, come back home. Once you go there, you learn, you make money. You cannot make all the money, but once you make something, come and invest in your country."
"I will take the people of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from every side and bring them back to their own land."
"They are still filled with gratitude somehow at just being alive in their homelands."
"We were created here. This is where we have lived. This is where we will continue to live as time goes on."
"After centuries without a homeland, the Tauren finally had a territory to call their own."
"I'm really fortunate to call Ireland my home."
"They were fighting for their homeland, much as the Turks on Gallipoli fought against the Australians to defend Turkey."
"The Guardians have a duty to protect their homeland."
"I come from a land down under, where beer does flow and men chunder."
"I feel happy that I land and it doesn't make me want to migrate anywhere."
"I'm very proud to call Sweden home, it's honestly my favorite place on the planet."
"I love my family, I even love Russia, but I will never go back."
"No matter where you are, you still have a link to your motherland."
"Israel is the home of any Jew who wants to come."
"It's God's own country, isn't it? It's just the greatest place ever made."
"The people welcomed us so warmly, did they have the slightest idea of what would happen to them and their lovely homeland?"
"The land itself represents the lifestyle and culture of the people who used to, and still do, call it home."
"This is our land, this is admat kodesh, this is our holy place, this is our home, this is our history."
"The UK will always be Prince Harry's home and a country he wants his wife and children to be safe in."
"Armed only with their courage, these men and women are fighting to protect their homeland."
"The Philippines became my Promised Land."
"We gathered our resolve, came back to the land of Israel, the promised land, rebuilt our country."
"It is manifestly right that the Jews should have a national home."
"Where else could that be but in this land of Palestine, with which for more than 3,000 years they have been intimately and profoundly associated?"
"Our families always wait for us in our countries."
"I was home again, standing on the soil of my ancestors."
"This is just a snapshot of the work our extraordinary personnel do every day to keep the Homeland safe."
"You need to come home. Ghana is top 20 safest countries... the United States is 130 out of 200 countries."
"I'm back in the building, back in the country, back in the motherland!"
"Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land."
"The blood that pumps through my veins is Irish blood, so this is like the Homeland. It's really special to be back."
"Philippines will always be our home."
"I'm always coming back to the motherland because it is home."
"For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland."
"I would never leave my country, this woman says, for what? I'm a patriot."
"Your children will come again to their own land."
"There is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of one's native land."
"Because you risked yours so that my family and friends could return to their homeland."
"We are all bound by the fragrance of this soil."
"When your people reach the valleys of the Wind River, when they are home, they will continue to live in peace."
"For the first time in the whole war, the territory of Oceania itself was menaced."
"I feel more alive when I'm back in Gambia, and that's one of the main reasons why I thought, at some point, I have to invest something in Gambia and settle down."
"Nothing beats the Philippines for me; it's still essentially home."
"As a Jewish person, I feel obviously a strong alignment for Israel because it's the only homeland for my people."
"I have strong ties... that will make me come back to my home country."
"It was wonderful being back in the UK making an adventure happen in the place that I grew up."
"I just love Scotland, Pete. It's like bringing me home."
"It's truly an honour to be here, to pay tribute to our home; this blessed plot, this Earth, this realm, this England."
"Sounds of my homeland - you will awaken my longing - call forth tears to my eyes! When I hear you, you songs of home, you draw me back to you, my Hungary."
"We absolutely love our lives here now, we love this land."
"This land is the home of his people, and finally he will be able to see it at peace."
"Scotland is very near and dear to my heart."
"My dream is always to go back home to Rwanda. Rwanda is my home."
"The thought occurs to me, will this be the last time I set foot on the soil of my native land?"
"I will restore my people. I will bring them back from their exile to the land."
"They decided if they had to die here, they would die here, but they would never leave their neighborhood or their city, their land."
"He's got to feel a massive sense of pride of being second in his home country."
"Richard is back in England, and he's feeling this connection with the land."
"Canada does still feel like home."
"South Africans may study abroad but they return home to their country of South Africa because of the quality of life."
"I will grant you mercy, that he may have mercy on you, and let you remain in your own land."
"I go to my country, I have everything."
"Citizenship through repatriation is acquired upon return to the historical homeland."
"We have to come to a point we recognize that our ability to be this new African people... there's something that we can actually do now because we, in our right minds, want to return and love our homeland."
"Israel is our home; it is the place to which we have been traveling since the days of Avraham Avinu."
"We come from a land where the welcome home can make the journey worthwhile."
"I've always been here, this is my homeland."
"I am about to die, but God will be with you and will bring you again to the land of your fathers."
"I will bring them into their own land and I will pasture them on the mountains of Israel."
"I love this vast open country; in town, you can't see anything. I'm from here, and I know that the pampas is where I belong."
"You see, you can't choose your homeland."
"But the Lord will have compassion on Jacob and will again choose Israel and will set them in their own land."
"I love Ukraine very much because it is my homeland, I was born here, I live here and I will never betray it."
"The land that is our heritage. This land that is our home."
"It is worth it for me. The return to live in the country, in the continent, is worth it for me."
"Determined to protect his homeland, he vowed never to allow anyone to wreak havoc within its borders."
"Of course, it's only right that his final resting place is in his home country."
"I dream that someday you will return to Kabul to revisit the land of our childhood. If you do, you will find an old faithful friend waiting for you."
"A prophet is not without honour save in his own land."
"This is our ancestral homeland because we built it from scratch."
"I can never not be connected to the Azores or the Pico Island, obviously."
"From the very beginning, they had a vision of Nagaland, their homeland."
"There once was a country... I left it as a child but my memory of it is sunlight clear."
"In Summerfield, I take my stand to live and die in this dear land."
"I cannot wait to step foot on Sri Lankan soil, honestly."
"...the idea of Zionism was to save the Jewish people by establishing a state or reestablishing a Jewish State on the ancient Jewish homeland..."
"Home I'd like to be, Home for a while, In me old country, Where the oak, and the ash, And the bonny rowan tree, They’re all growing green, In me North country."
"Israel is my country of birth... it's the country that forces me to believe that one day things will be better."
"It never really did happen for me until I went home to Jamaica."
"To touch down on Lebanese ground was a feeling that I can't describe."
"This is my homeland, no matter what happens, people here will always help you."
"This land, this report is well loved, Guyana is my country."
"She missed the fjords of her homeland; would she ever see them again?"
"My heart is always still thinking about the continent."
"I love the land where I was born, where I was nurtured, where I have grown."
"Everyone wants to live and make their dreams come true in their native land."
"I believe in the state of Israel. I believe that there should be a Jewish homeland."
"It is time for a new wind to blow across our homeland."
"For me, leaving Cuba was leaving my country. Everyone who has emigrated knows how hard it is to leave your country."
"You are right," he replied. "I have given it much thought; a man has no right to leave his native land until he has settled his problems here."
"For nearly 2,000 years, the Jewish people were scattered across the lands of the dispersion, and now we're back in the land of Israel."
"Where I'm from, and I'll show you my hands, Lord above, I love this land."
"All of our prayers all have to do with coming back to Israel, coming back to Jerusalem."
"I never fear of this place to be like that; it still just saddens me and scares me whenever I think about all my fans and family that are still there back where I come from."
"For I will take you from the nations, gather you from all the lands, and bring you into your own land."
"Africa for the Africans, those at home and those abroad."
"Existence being resistance, staying on your land no matter what."
"These lands are my home; if they are threatened, I will defend them."
"What a race win would mean to the young man as well here in his home country."
"I went to Senegal to add my voice to what is happening back home."
"What do you miss most about Pakistan? Everything."
"Let me live like a mere peasant and earn my own bread, send us to the farthest corner of our Motherland, but let us stay in Russia."
"I will gather them from every side and bring them to their own land."
"The people of Israel have returned to their ancient and ancestral Homeland never to be uprooted again."
"Would you ever move out of England? No, absolutely not."