
Tribe Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"This is the homeland of an indigenous tribe."
"We're all part of one tribe - the human tribe."
"This person is definitely part of your soul tribe."
"There was also apparently even going to be a feature where you could kidnap members of another tribe and convert them into your own, even being able to kidnap babies from another tribe."
"The sacrifice of one family meant sparing the lives of an entire tribe."
"Nothing is broken, not even one little thread. It's in amazing condition."
"Every civilization in history started with a small tribe as small as three people"
"Their thoughts of you: 'This person is really part of your tribe... someone who you've known in a past life.'"
"Your vibe attracts your tribe. It also attracts your money."
"My tribe ain't all men like, oh true, it's women in your D too that hold you down, check you with my mom's is part of my tribe."
"Find your tribe and you will find your tribe through the authenticity of being you. They will find you but you have to put yourself out there first."
"It's then revealed that a millennium ago Slava was just an ordinary member of his tribe,"
"Thankfully by the merge, it's crystallized who is on which tribe because new Nakum basically Pagong's new Yasha, which you know makes things simpler, but in the moment this was a truly baffling way to swap tribes that just made it too difficult by half to determine who was where."
"My game was revealed because I was playing real hard for the tribe."
"Beyond blessed to have the tribe."
"Everyone belongs to a tribe, whether you know it or not. However, the opportunity is to lead a tribe. When you lead one, that's when the magic can start to happen."
"Our tribe gives us money every like three to four months, it's like 400 bucks, 500 bucks."
"I mean, well, the number one thing it did was give hope because I mean, at that time when Tribe comes out, we in Queens, right?"
"Welcome to the territory of the Wendigo tribe."
"The desire to feel a part of a tribe, and maybe even...I think a lot of people that support the BDS movement...really don't understand what makes it so dangerous."
"For every successful human being, look behind at the support system, look at the tribe because those are the ones that kept that machine going."
"It goes back to the very beginning when we were trying to figure out how do you let the audience identify that that's one tribe and that's the other tribe and the easiest way is just color."
"The weakest tribe in the alien mind."
"We must come together as a tribe, reinstate the value of loyalty and unity, and understand that the great things we should accomplish can only be accomplished when we do it together."
"We're not just like other churches. We're the tribe of 200 from the tribe of Issachar who understand the times and know what to do."
"You get yourself two, three good pals. That's a tribe. That's a tribe."
"Back to my roots, back in beautiful Melbourne with my own tribe."
"Find your tribe. Get enough good Godly counsel around you."
"It takes a lot of moral courage to stand against your own tribe and say hey no this is a bridge too far."
"You are meant to find your tribe and be a leader. You have a strong independence and survival instinct."
"Hours later as the sun begins to fade into the Oklahoma skyline, Pon aona leads his Warriors back into the commanche village."
"The driving force for human beings is the desire to belong and I think that that's part of it too like we're always trying to find where do I fit in where do I belong where's your tribe where's my tribe."
"When you find your tribe and this is what I think happens you find your tribe you find that sense of belonging it's super hard to break away from it even if you have experiences that are kind of leading you somewhere else."
"The Korowai still live in a remote rainforest and are one of the world's most mysterious and isolated tribes."
"Naru became the new Warchief of the Kamanchi tribe."
"The Witchgate Forest holds macabre influence over the Open Barrow tribe."
"We're all just looking for a place to belong, we're looking for a tribe, we're looking for community."
"I couldn't ask for a better support system, like you guys really are my tribe."
"It's like otep said in Anemia, you've got to find your tribe."
"You need to have find your people, find your tribe because it does wonders."
"We fly to the border and try to save our tribe," Sundew said.
"I really love this tribe, got such a good vibe."
"It originated from the jollof tribe."
"You found your soul tribe, and I feel like it's extremely tribal now."
"I'll go wherever dad puts me; it doesn't matter where. I always wanted to serve the tribe."
"The name Poland originates from the tribe Polani which means people living in open fields."
"They become a real tribe, there's a real connection."
"North Sentinel Island is home to one of the last completely isolated tribes on Earth."
"The man of the hole is the last surviving member of an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon."
"I'm proud to be a member of the Couplet tribe, and my heritage is there."
"North Sentinel Island... is home to a tribe that absolutely refuses to have any contact with the rest of the world."
"Find your community, find your tribe."
"I would gladly give my life for that tribe if only to see an assembly of those proud, clever, smart people gathering around a table to honor the Son."
"Mount Seir was named after Seir the Horite, who was from the tribe of the Horites."
"Welcome to the tribe, and thank you to all of my new tribe members who have joined."
"In the remote mountains of northern Mexico, a little-known tribe is redefining the limits of human endurance."
"We must do what's right for the tribe."
"A resource-based economy promotes collaboration and cooperation between members of the tribe."
"I love you so much, my fearless tribe."
"We're all actually in the same tribe."
"We can heal as a tribe, and I believe that is also an imperative part of our journey."
"The boy is convinced that beyond the mountains, the rest of his tribe is waiting for him."
"The value of tribe comes from the network effect."
"In order to stop the god of desolation from rampaging, the gods had chosen the most elite tribe and let them inherit their power."
"We are of the same soul family, we are of the same soul tribe, so there is a connection here."
"This is someone who is very much part of your soul tribe; this is your soul bond."