
Indigenous Rights Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"This is the homeland of an indigenous tribe."
"Indigenous energy sovereignty means enabling indigenous communities to own and operate our own energy systems, to use renewable and locally available energy sources like wind and solar."
"The US government has stolen over 1.5 billion acres of land from indigenous people."
"The constitutionally guaranteed rights of First Nations in Canada are not an inconvenience but a sacred obligation."
"These tribes are acting in self-defense of their people and their land, which is their right."
"You can't take a knee one day if you take Indigenous kids to court the next."
"Both sides would have done well to have left the Aleutians to the Aleuts."
"My name is Morgan K. Shanghai. I am an Anishinaabe Ojibwe living in Southern Ontario. I am a full status Indian under the Indian Act of Canada, which means I have any and all rights associated with being a full status indigenous person in Canada."
"The Indian nations had always been considered as distinct, independent, political communities, retaining their original natural rights, as the undisputed possessors of the soil, from time immemorial."
"Encouraging progress has been made in the movement to return Native land to Native people."
"Queensland recently returned four national parks to Australia's indigenous Eastern Kuku Yalanji people."
"The Amazon Rainforest is on fire and the Bolsonaro government is trying to charge forward with deforestation while trampling on indigenous rights."
"This moment is profound when we consider the fact that a former Secretary of the Interior once proclaimed his goal to 'civilize or exterminate' us. I'm a living testament to the failure of that horrific ideology."
"Despite what mayor Climaco says, Brazil's indigenous people are now some of the most courageous defenders of the Amazon."
"The biggest portion of their agenda was the abominable sabotaging of the indigenous meiji's history, legacy, languages, culture, and heritage, systematically."
"We are more Indian than anybody. We are the indigenous people. We are the niji. This is us."
"This was the most important moment. We need to listen to the words of the people on the land. Nature is the earth and it is other beings."
"First of all like to say welcome to walking peace on these sheets all my indigenous uh all my indigenous relatives on Turtle Island basically."
"The Sioux tribes called themselves water protectors because they were protecting their one and only water source."
"It's the third leading cause for death of indigenous women, that's insane."
"Give Indigenous land back to Indigenous people. It's a part of their identity woven into ceremonies and traditions that date back much further than the ink on the lease that the oil and gas companies signed."
"The severe abuse native children had suffered amounted to cultural genocide."
"We as Choctaws rather choose to suffer and be free than live under the degrading influence of laws which our voice could not be heard in their formation." - George W. Harkins
"The island's protected status is meant to protect the lives and culture of the North Sentinelese."
"My biggest issue is the way that you've come at this topic and completely dismissed the culture and the legitimate culture and worldview that indigenous people have."
"Indigenous people have the right to maintain, strengthen their distinctive spiritual, cultural, and material relationship with their lands, territories, and resources."
"These images have the power to make society and the government reflect on the importance of protecting these groups."
"Our lives are in the hands of the Great Spirit. We are determined to defend our lands, and if it be his will, we wish to leave our bones upon them."
"We will keep working to uphold the rights of the Haida Nation."
"There is no place in this country for racism against Asian Canadians or anybody else. Now more than ever, we need to stand up against discrimination and injustice in all its forms."
"I think the place to start is for the government to listen to Indigenous people in Canada."
"Preserving the right of indigenous self-determination."
"Reservations play an essential role in preserving Native American culture."
"It's important to point out that Deb Holland is... a strident advocate for Leonard Peltier's release... there's no reason other than vindictive revenge for him to be in prison." - Nick Estes
"White allies must amplify indigenous voices."
"Even uncontacted tribes... can't be held accountable by some natural disposition."
"Indigenous People's Day, I think is just a decency right that should be allotted to the people that lived on this land."
"The movies relation to white man's overtaking of the Indian... building on the sacred ground of their dead."
"For 50 years, the Haida Nation has been on a journey towards self-governance."
"Resistance has always sprung from indigeneity."
"As long as we're making sure that we respect Aboriginal and treaty rights both of those levels of government should stay in their own lane."
"The Uluru rock is sacred for the indigenous people."
"Those who have stolen rocks from the Uluru have experienced extremely bad luck."
"How can we expect mainstream support for sovereignty, self-determination, nation-building, tribally controlled education, health care, and jobs when 90% of Americans only view my people as one-dimensional stereotypes?"
"We are destroying ancestral lands owned by indigenous people. Ancient cultures have been there for thousands of years."
"Bernie Sanders: 'Morales did a very good job in alleviating poverty in giving the indigenous people of Bolivia a voice.'"
"We're not going to be silent about it and just like now we're coming up on Indigenous People's Day in October."
"The real issue is not that the two groups fought as brutally as they did, that's to be expected with Warfare. It's the way that the government has treated the Native Americans in defeat that is truly just sad."
"The spirituality of indigenous peoples is something that is you can't discount it."
"You are indigenous to this land. You're not a slave to this land."
"Stand up to the paper genocide of American Indians and the racist US census from the 1700s 1800s and 1900s that labeled Indians as black mulatto or African American..."
"More than 6,000 indigenous children died in residential schools in Canada."
"Yes, we need to ensure clean water on reserve and off reserve... We need to allow First Nations to be able to say yes to energy projects that will bring prosperity to their communities." - Mr. McKay
"Without a strong leader like Tecumseh, the indigenous peoples were largely helpless to combat westward expansion."
"As an indigenous population, we should not demand that we sit down and negotiate with our oppressors for basic freedom and basic human rights."
"You are the people of this land, this principality that they're giving us to do is not right for people of the land. Earth people, we are living like prisoners, we are living, we are living on any rules not by almighty god energy."
"Land sovereignty for indigenous peoples isn't about scoring real estate deals, but about restoring a birthright, a deep connection to the land."
"Ultimately, this is not just a horror story about the indigenous experience here in the Philippines but hopefully a reminder about all the horrific atrocities committed against indigenous communities all around the world."
"This was like an orchestrated systematic program designed to take in all of the indigenous kids in the country."
"A major victory for the Sioux tribe at Standing Rock the Army Corps of Engineers halted construction of the Dakota access pipeline."
"In every generation many Christians have committed evil acts against indigenous peoples."
"What's going to happen to the indigenous people of Hawaii? This is something we need to think about."
"I'm not indigenous so I have to take a backseat and listen to indigenous people who are saying that this is harmful and is hurtful."
"We need to take that on ourselves and not asking indigenous creators to do that work for us. Google is free."
"I mean, just think about this, Chevron drove to extinction five different indigenous nations in Ecuador, okay? Poison the land, gave people cancer. They still haven't paid the judgment that was found against them."
"This island is home to a tribe that will kill anyone who dares to intrude on their land."
"We need bold reform for Indigenous communities."
"So who exactly had sovereignty over North Borneo? Was it Sulu? Was it Brunei? Or what about Sabah's indigenous people?"
"The Declaration solidified the right to self-determination, empowering indigenous communities to decide their own political, economic, and cultural trajectories."
"We will honour the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples."
"Rights mean nothing to me now; you're a noble savage, you should sue the government."
"America was never a democracy, not since the genocide of natives."
"We don't have to prove ourselves, we're the indigenous citizens of this country."
"One does not sell the earth upon which the people walk."
"What have we done that you should want us to stop? If we must die, we die defending our rights."
"If we want to protect this planet's biodiversity, we have to leave that in the hands of indigenous peoples."
"The coup in Prue shows once again that the Peruvian oligarchy and the US Empire do not accept leaders who are union organizers and Indigenous rise to government to work for the people."
"Saint Junipero Serra stood in a tradition of church men who stood up for the rights and the dignity of native peoples and who resisted the abuses of colonization."
"Manifest destiny has meant genocide to indigenous peoples."
"North Sentinel Island: where the indigenous people defend their isolation fiercely."
"The indigenous Palestinians were there before Israelites, enduring different occupations."
"Self-determination is an essential step towards reconciliation."
"No pop song can ever undo the damage that has been done, but 'Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee)' did bring awareness to the generations of injustice to not only Cherokee but to all indigenous Americans."
"My big concern, in fact, has been that really at the forefront or at the table is that the native Hawaiian population."
"The problem with the Manifest Destiny concept is that it completely crushed the rights of the indigenous Native Americans who already occupied those lands."
"The original sin was the treatment of indigenous peoples."
"We have old you know Native American Trading pass and things like that but you know most of that is on private land now I mean that you can't trespass on or it's on public land is what I was trying to say."
"Oil has brought hundreds of millions in revenue to the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation."
"You cannot claim to respect, advocate for, or try to empower indigenous people while also traveling to Hawaii."
"This liberal government is letting down indigenous people."
"Riel mobilized the Metis people, descendants of French-Canadian voyageurs and local Indigenous tribes, around issues of racial, religious, and language rights."
"We acknowledge here that we're on the traditional territory of many First Nations."
"He was looking out for the interest of his in-laws the Shoshoni, and a Skoton Chief Washakie himself."
"Native peoples have a right to define who they are as citizens of the old nations."
"Our lands and food sources were taken from us by white folk."
"I'm not going to go into it here but I will note that like very frequently during the travels here they have some statements where they're acknowledging that all of this land is originally indigenous people's land."
"The comments showed was a continuous issue going on in Canada, which is the mistreatment of indigenous peoples especially in medical settings."
"In Canada in 2021, a senate committee had a hearing where they heard stories from 16 indigenous women who had been involuntary sterilized between 2005 and 2010."
"This country is founded on the negation of Aboriginal people."
"Now, I'm not saying that if you implement White Bison curriculum in your state that it's going to fix everything and that all our tribes are gonna find healing but what we're saying is that this is another solution to a bigger problem."
"Nothing can stop an indigenous person who knows who he or she is."
"Here is a man with a lifetime of work and sometimes physical bravery for the betterment of the lives of native peoples."
"The spirituality of this land needs to be respected. For years, the Seminole tribe has been supporting the Lummi nation's efforts to get Tokite back to Washington."
"We respect the treaties that were made on these territories and bear witness to the many ways that Indigenous peoples in Canada are still facing settler violence as a result of colonial structures and institutionalized racism."
"This is our ancestral land and we're just taking it back."
"Sovereignty was never seated and this always was and always will be Aboriginal land."
"It is indigenous communities, families, and individuals who have the right to define what knowledge—Western, traditional, or both—is relevant to their health and healing."
"Vanessa Brusso continues to advocate and search for her sister, sharing her sister's story as well as stories of the challenges facing Indigenous people in Canada."
"It's long past time we address the reasons why indigenous women are five times more likely to be killed than other women."
"Colonization and subsequent initiatives have created severe and difficult wounds in the indigenous community."
"The beaded tie campaign was an initiative that we sought out here at the Kuhkenah Family Services as part of the ongoing dialogue to support new narrative or at least the ongoing narrative in support for our murdered and missing Indigenous men and boys."
"These are humans at the end of the day these are humans indigenous humans who have gone missing and we are not doing enough to bring them home to their families"
"Systemic racism within the Thunder Bay Police Service is preventing justice for indigenous people, and it is intolerable."
"All indigenous peoples have the right to feel safe and be treated equitably within the city of Thunder Bay, especially by those sworn to serve and protect."
"We are the only indigenous peoples in the world that have never been offered a treaty."
"Always was, always will be Aboriginal land."
"What's interesting to me is that the very moment when the federal government is trying to suppress Indian dance and religion across the United States, there was in fact a very famous circular that came out of the Indian office at the time that was called the dance order."
"Is it appropriate that First Nations rank around 67th on the UN Human Development Index when Canada ranks in the top seven?"
"The theft of indigenous knowledge is a real thing, a thing that it would be wrong to deny the reality of."
"In June of 2008, the Japanese government officially recognized the Ainu as a distinct indigenous people of Hokkaido, and affirmed their right to their traditional lifestyle."
"...a coalition of native and environmental groups have protested the decision saying uranium mining could strain scarce water sources in the desert area and post serious health effects."
"...the San Francisco Peaks Are Holy to more than 13 indigenous Nations they are Central for our cultural survival."
"Colonization sought to destroy the humaneness of indigenous peoples."
"The biggest challenge is to stand in front of a room of young indigenous people and try to tell them that the pathways offered to you by Indian Affairs, the Army, Corporation XYZ, are not going to bring you any closer to being true as your ancestors would recognize you."
"The law is natural law, and the law is in the land."
"The failure to adequately investigate Mr. Haynes's death was not just an isolated misstep by one police station; it was evidence of a systemic failure by New South Wales police to handle indigenous deaths the same way as non-indigenous deaths."
"She's proud to promote and fight for indigenous and human rights around the world."
"Learning about the treaties will help address misconceptions people have about indigenous people."
"This case is about a nation of indigenous people trying to preserve their way of life and protect endangered species in the face of commercial interests."
"In modern times, the Seven Council Fires have focused on reclaiming sovereignty in their lands."
"It's time for native people to stand up for their rights and to be counted."
"It is important to us, you know, it is important, and governments and people should respect and recognize that we are the first people of the land."
"The tar sands could threaten not just a large section of the boreal. It compromises the life and the health of some of our most underprivileged and vulnerable people, the aboriginal communities that have so much to teach us."
"This sovereignty is a spiritual notion: the ancestral tie between the land or mother nature and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who were born therefrom, remain attached thereto, and must one day return thither to be united with our ancestors."
"This university sits on stolen land, the land of the Duwamish people, the land of the Squamish people."
"This arrangement is a huge leap forward for reconnecting the tribes of this region with a landscape that is incredibly important and meaningful to them and which has historically been denied to them."
"We're tired of being pushed around. It all belongs to us to begin with."
"We agreed with the Indigenous organizations to compensate to the tune of 20 billion dollars."
"We non-indigenous Canadians need to do what we can to respect their traditions, to help protect their rights, and to help reduce the racism and discrimination that unfortunately still exists towards First Nations people today."
"The colonization of other people's lands, the oppression of indigenous peoples, and the suppression of their ancestral narratives."
"Centuries of colonist invasion, war, raiding, theft of lands and resources, and otherwise complete disregard for the indigenous people would bring many tribes together for a common cause."
"The private sector got to be controlled by the indigenous people, man. We have to be the creator of jobs, we got to be the employers."
"Decolonizing power structures with benefits to indigenous communities is imperative."
"The Balfour Declaration, the San Remo conference, they are integral to the recognition by the International Community of the indigenous right of Jews to settle in the land."
"He realizes that none of this is going to go well for the native population, and that's where his heart lies."
"I'm not stealing anything from the native, and if a new medicine comes out from one of these plants, it's possible that the natives themselves will have that medicine."
"The battle to protect the human and land rights of indigenous people is made immeasurably more difficult by the fact that so few people know much about either the history or contemporary lives of our people."
"This idea of Commons erases indigenous nationhood, erases our self-determination, our sovereignty, and our land rights."
"What we are doing can only exist against the clenched teeth of the indigenous people of this place."
"Treaties are not simply part of the evolving Crown-Indigenous relationship; they are at its foundation."
"The indigenous people in Canada are disproportionately impacted by climate change and they are fighting back."
"A failed businessman with no political pedigree, George Spate's fight for indigenous rights is the public face of a very private battle for power and profit."
"We acknowledge the many Raimatush Ohlone tribal groups and families as the rightful stewards of the lands on which we reside."
"The fact that people don't even know that history, much less honor that history, is a source of great anger and resentment on the part of our people."
"There's still very little attention paid to the actual intentional violence against indigenous people."
"Why are we living with this hypocrisy in a democracy where the government hasn't properly recognized the truth of history of what's happened to my people?"
"Indigenous people always matter and they're still here and those who are here we need to honor."
"If a particular Native American can trace his claim back to his ancestor and show that his land was taken... then they should get the property."
"We all grew up fed blatant lies about the original Thanksgiving dinner and the atrocities that were actually committed against indigenous people."
"We are the guardians, the warriors at the frontlines, the gatekeepers of that land because we have ties to that land for much longer than anybody else in this country."
"Stop scrolling if you care about indigenous rights."
"The day that Maori people collectively are of the one line that they want treaty issues honored the way they were written, is the day that things will change."
"This is land now protected by something called the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, and it's home to many First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people."
"Disagreements between Western powers ignored the voices and neglected the needs of the actual native and indigenous people of Sabah and the Sulu archipelago."
"Kipus featured heavily in indigenous activism during the period."
"When I came up with the idea of Native Blood, I knew I didn't want to just make it focused on Native American, I wanted to be native whatever kind of the indigenous people."
"It was the only time in history that native peoples forced the United States to sit down at the peace table and agree to their demands."
"Truth-telling will provide the platform for people to understand what colonization has meant for First Nations people around the country."
"The American Indian Movement was founded in 1968 with the goal to reclaim their tribal traditions."
"We the natives, we the custodians, are saying this is who we are, this is how you found us."
"Indigenous communities are on the front lines of climate change."
"We have every right to call ourselves American Indians because we are indigenous to the Americas."
"We led resistance against the... we just didn't roll over on this stuff."
"It makes no sense to say that the IBA referendum was not to include the nine noena Chiefs and the historic lands."
"Recognizing the injustices done towards generations and millions of exploited people like the indigenous people and Muslim communities of Sulu and Mindanao is a step, a necessary step towards justice."
"It's essentially about the rights of Native Americans to control their resources and land."
"It's not about the numbers who vote, it's about ensuring that the true sovereignty of Indigenous Australia is recognized."
"Native land is best in native hands."
"Sovereignty was never ceded; this always was and always will be Aboriginal land."
"This land belongs to them, and under Indian law, nobody is supposed to be able to take it."
"The original owner doesn't get any more original than the American Indian."
"Indigenous peoples have the right to make decisions about their own children, youth, and families."
"For uncontacted tribes, voluntary isolation is the only way to preserve their traditions."
"This is about self-determination."
"...it's about indigenous Australians deciding who their representatives are."
"Indigenous women are 10 times more likely to be fatally harmed than any other race in the U.S and Canada."
"Aboriginal people deserve to have a voice and be heard."
"The 2023 voice referendum has been another chapter in the long struggle for indigenous rights."
"The tribals have the right to the land because they have lived through it through the hard times through the centuries."
"The awfulness of not recognizing the rights and interest that Aboriginal people have got and should be honored."
"If you get rid of land councils, you're getting rid of a very important principle which is in the Declaration of Indigenous People's Rights: free, prior informed consent."
"We have a responsibility in reconciliation and including indigenous people in that discussion."
"Jeremy has been one of the most effective activists in the struggle to defend indigenous rights of Amazonian Peoples."
"We are brave, we are courageous, we are dying on our native lands, but we really need the help from the whole world."
"American Indians are human beings; we are not mascots."
"A proposed law to alter the Constitution to recognize the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voice."
"Supporters say that embedding what is known as the voice to Parliament in the Constitution would recognize indigenous people's special place in Australian history."