
Evening Quotes

There are 1287 quotes

"I hope you're all having a wonderful evening."
"The evening ambience here in Avengers Campus is absolutely gorgeous."
"We'll be back again tomorrow, have a lovely evening whatever you might be doing, and goodbye."
"Guys really I fell in love with Cuba and you all need to try it."
"The wind in the evening is extremely special. It is very, very gentle."
"One of the best designer fragrances specifically for evenings out... sweet, warm, spicy, and sexy."
"So it's getting closer to midnight, it's now 10 o'clock."
"At the end of the day, we love it when you give us both."
"Cereal charismatic gifted yet melancholic, that is the evening songstress Nightingale."
"Everything was fun until it started to get dark."
"Enjoy your evening and have a good night, you guys. Bye!"
"Hey, good evening everybody. I hope you're having a beautiful evening."
"Daylight savings time is about to convert back to my preference where there's more daylight in the evening. I love it!"
"Here's how the garden is looking this evening, lush!"
"I'm gonna go with my evening, have a chill snuggle."
"If a guy came to sit with no but if he champagne at 5:30 in the evening that's quite romantic or just a straight espresso I've talked to you doing here you."
"You look stunning, okay. I think that you are just gonna have a fantastic evening."
"If you stick around to wait for those initial crowds to die down, you can use the rest of your time in the park by getting in potentially one or two last rides for the night."
"It's an absolutely beautiful calm evening."
"It's such a nice evening, just perfect."
"I'm gonna do a bit of a self-care evening, try and like, you know, wind down before bed."
"This is like my favorite time of the evening to have a bath."
"I believe that it will be such an amazing evening."
"If you want to see something like more evening wedding, evening fall wedding vibes, let me know."
"It was probably around 9 pm when there was a knock at the door."
"Good night, I'll see you in the morning when I show y'all my outfit."
"It starts to look like an evening vibe in a living room."
"You come back around seven o'clock at night, you can practically have the place to yourself."
"It's much more comfortable in the evening hours."
"It's an awfully nice night. Why would you guys spend it trafficking illegal weapons?"
"It's so peaceful before it gets dark, like at this time. Everything is so peaceful. It's the perfect winding down energy before bed."
"Let's romanticize our evening routine, make it amazing. Doesn't have to be perfect, but we can make it incredible."
"Regular operations on the rig continue as the evening sets in."
"My sweatpants are on and we are cozy for the evening."
"Sometimes we have to work in the evenings. And I don't think all the time it's necessarily a problem. But if you think your life has become far too one-dimensional, I encourage you to think about, well, could I do something different this evening?"
"Just quickly escalate, I have no idea where the evening's gone. It's just completely disappeared."
"Daddy, you're about to have your evening ruined for you."
"I've got really rather a lot to do this evening and I want to try and go out there and enjoy this glorious sunshine."
"This smells like you're going out to dinner, like you did all that during the day but now you're getting ready and you're feeling your sexy self and you're going to go out to dinner."
"What an amazing evening it's been. I feel like I wasn't able to share too much because the music was quite loud."
"Of all the people in the face of earth that I really really didn't want to run into that evening, it had to be them."
"That's what probably my favorite way to start this evening."
"The day had brightened since she'd first entered the house, a defiant burst of sunlight before evening fell."
"The city comes alive in the evening and the beautiful old architecture, it's incredible."
"Good evening everybody, it's hard to believe that I'm saying good evening when the sun is still shining through the window but that's the beauty of the days getting longer."
"Tonight has been the most lovely evening."
"It's that really nice time of night as well where everything is just starting to light up. It's very, very, very pretty."
"What do you think very nice very evening well oh no we're looking very matchy let's take a moment."
"i'm trying to decide what i want to do with the rest of my night"
"I would read these in the evenings and just be miserable,
"You're a real empath."
"I'm off to make some dinner and settle in for the evening, but then when those bits arrive, I'll jump back on and share those with you."
"Now when evening had come because it was the preparation day, that is the day before the Sabbath."
"What an exceptional evening it is."
"The ploughman homeward plods his weary way, and leaves the world to darkness and to me..."
"We got Rag-eye over here I'm taking the prime seat with the amazing view guys and we're saying good night from right here on the patio."
"Thank you very much, and you guys must have a wonderful, wonderful evening, and we'll see you in the morning!"
"Good evening everyone it's so weird to have like a few vlogs where I start them in the evening I am probably looking so so tired is it really a Lydia Lee Smolin vlog if I don't start it by saying I'm tired."
"Have a wonderful Sunday evening and I'll see you guys in the next one."
"It was a warm evening, so I decided to walk my dog up to the woods just past the old pits."
"Every time, it's much lighter. It's nine. I'm gonna end the night here."
"A recruiting Sergeant came away from an inner town of the close of day."
"As midnight crept his way ever closer, the conversation had died down and everyone seemed to be lost in thought, gazing into the orange flame of our fire."
"Around midnight a completely drunk Rick Dalton started making a blender of frozen margaritas."
"We are out for our evening stroll to find somewhere for dinner."
"That'll do it folks have a great rest of your evening and I'll see you all tomorrow good night everybody."
"Good evening and welcome to if I got news for you."
"Have a great rest of your Thursday, and I'll see you in a little bit. Good night, everybody."
"And after sending them out it was time to relax for the rest of the evening."
"Maybe we do another little thing later in the evening, who knows?"
"It's a beautiful evening, and even though we can't be in public places right now, we can still go on a nice walk around our neighborhood."
"I'm just having the best evening."
"It's a real beautiful evening fragrance."
"It's almost lights out here tonight."
"I want to thank you guys for watching and I hope you all have a delicious evening full of WAFFULZ~~!!"
"It's lampower we only have the lamps on this is like my favorite time of the night it's nine o'clock and the sun still hasn't set like it's still pretty light outside which like it's just summer I love summer so much."
"The evening was a success, and they helped people in need at the same time."
"It's about getting close to 8:00 p.m. It's a good time to enjoy some tea and kick the feet up."
"Good evening friends and welcome again to the panorama of prophecy."
"Good evening, everyone, and welcome."
"What a perfect night for a little grill moment."
"Hey bud, it's getting pretty late. Maybe we should head back to camp."
"It was so sick what a great way to spend the evening."
"I'm ready to just cook some dinner and chill for the rest of the night."
"It is a beautiful, beautiful evening out here."
"I hope you have a nice morning afternoon evening whatever it is is when you're watching this."
"Just the perfect little Thursday night."
"Peaceful and relaxing perfect way to end the day."
"Best time of day of the year tonight."
"I love gardening in the evening, it's such a great stress-busting activity."
"Last night at around 10 pm my boyfriend and I were sitting in the living room."
"It is a beautiful evening to be shopping at Goodwill."
"I had heard three knocks that one evening."
"It's a lovely way to start the evening."
"The end of the day can be a beginning when work is done and the kids are in bed, and the day is finally your own."
"Good evening everyone I am home and I've made myself a cup of peppermint tea."
"Wow, it's like the most perfect evening."
"Last night as it was a warm evening, I'd walk her up to the woods."
"Evening thoughts with Jack: This is a good day."
"I'm not drunk, I'm just having a good night."
"Do you feel the excitement? That's probably because it's getting later in the evening and everybody gets tired."
"It's probably enough, it's about almost five o'clock in the evening."
"...it was a great time, amazing way to spend an evening."
"Getting in bed at 5 PM not because I'm depressed because I'm so impressed by how cozy it is so actually it's kind of Calling My Name."
"Your home early. Did you have a nice evening?"
"Evening time... there are still things that you can do even when the park's about to close."
"Cheers to celebrating the evening."
"Have a lovely evening, and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!"
"For me, it's just a simple, after like 5 p.m., no work, you know?"
"I could start the evening with a couple of evening Plains."
"It's after dark on Saturday, I'm ready to call it a week y'all."
"Thank you very much for joining us. I hope you're all having a very pleasant evening tonight."
"It's already seven PM guys, and we're ready getting ready to go."
"The sun descending in the west, the evening star does shine, the twilight deepens, the last faint spectral colours in the west, vanish away."
"Now the day is over, night is drawing nigh, shadows of the evening steal across the sky."
"Now the darkness gathers, stars begin to peep, birds and beasts and flowers soon will be asleep."
"It is the witching time, it's the going home time."
"We're going to be grilling us some dinner out there later tonight."
"What a fantastic evening it's turning out to be."
"What a lovely trip tonight. I'm home to get some shut eye."
"A perfect option for a nice evening at your patio."
"It's getting dark, I can't wait for a good feed."
"That's good, oh all right, well time to do the dishes, rinse out the pan here and a spoon, get ready to just sit by the fire and enjoy a beautiful evening out in the wilderness by a large creek."
"Let's fall in love for the night."
"Yo, this looks crazy in the evening, it looks so good."
"Captain Torrance had enjoyed a remarkably lucky evening."
"I hope you uh, all have a delicious evening full of waffles."
"Lovely evening to be out doing deliveries."
"It is so gorgeous for daytime for sure, but I could definitely see myself pulling this off in the evening, not late at night but like, you know, late afternoon."
"I hope you have a beautiful rest of your night."
"Well, this has been such a lovely way to end the day. That restaurant, honestly, the view is sensational. Just looking out on the rolling hills, sheep and deer, beautiful sunlight. We had just such a magical evening and wonderful to catch up with Em."
"Could there be any better way to finish a day in Houston?"
"I'm in no mood for that tone of voice. Might as well get used to it, that's the tone for the evening."
"It's a perfect place to take your cocktail out in the evening."
"Oh slaps good evening everybody it's Tuesday."
"From this lovely herd of impalas moving towards the open clearing, from the Wild Earth team, from Muscles and Po and his little teddy bear, yes, his little teddy bear, and from myself to everybody, have a wonderful evening. Until then, goodnight."
"It's getting dark already, it's about five o'clock and we still have quite a ways to go."
"In the meantime, I hope you've enjoyed this evening, and I hope you're enjoying your Saint cocktail."
"The evening started off normally enough."
"A romantic time of day, and it makes you feel like you've really achieved something."
"I just got home, ate that food, and clocked out for the evening."
"I love making art in here during the evenings when it's gone dark because it's just the cozy serene ever."
"The whole point of this evening is that your products are now out for sale."
"The sun has fully set and given way to a blanket of twinkling stars that line the purple sky."
"My seat is right on the couch tonight because that's the type of night I'm trying to have."
"It's getting quite evening and I don't like the long shadows. But a September evening's the most beautiful time of the year, Louisa."
"Cause tonight it's storytelling time."
"We found next wasn't a run-of-the-mill Saturday night."
"Thanks once again everyone for being here. Have yourself a most wonderful evening and remember to stay weird, fam."
"A really nice magical evening ambiance to it."
"I arrived Friday night about 7:30."
"That's kind of damaged my thing. So later on that evening, that money, by 4 o'clock, by 4:15, Reggie Wright Sr. comes straight to my [ __ ] house, huh?"
"Tonight, tonight we eat and we rest."
"So after happy hour and a beautiful sunset, the night has set in, and I think we're ready for another meal, and I forgot to mention that it's Nicole's birthday, yay."
"It's gonna be an evening of Miracles."
"So relaxing here on the beach tonight."
"It was a warm summer evening with a slight breeze."
"I am loving this Daylight Savings Time change... it is almost seven o'clock out and it's beautiful."
"I appreciate you giving me a chance, and hope you all have a good night for those who are leaving."
"Have a wonderful relaxing evening. Good night."
"I love the evening vibes here. Greetings from 11 p.m Europe time."
"Thanks a lot for spending your time with us tonight."
"This is like a gorgeous concoction to just rest your mind and settle you into the night ahead."
"Thank you for being with us this evening and good night."
"I hope you all have a great evening."
"Have a nice evening and see you next time."
"Thanks for watching and y'all have a good evening."
"What a beautiful evening out here perfect temperature nice cool weather."
"I hope people will have a very good evening."
"...it was the nicest evening I could ever remember."
"As the night sky began to fall on Coruscant, the city lights livened up."
"It's kind of almost feels like a holiday for the night."
"The sky had taken on a reddish glow and with evening coming on the streets came to life."
"That was a weirdly magical evening."
"An amazing evening, an amazing night."
"Have a pleasant evening and good night."
"We've got somewhere else that we've got to go to tonight."
"I really value my rest time in the evening."
"Sun is down, the lights are on, and the moon is up."
"Have a beautiful magical evening."
"Something significant is going to transpire this evening."
"Thank you for hanging out with me this evening."
"The summer evening had begun to fold the world in its mysterious embrace."
"Everything is just starting to quiet down for the evening, and the garden almost seems to look like it's glowing."
"As the sun sets over Riomaggiore, the village transforms into a magical wonderland."
"It's a perfect way to end the night."
"I think we're going to end the night in ghost town."
"I hope you have a great evening, and I'll see you next time."
"I was looking forward to a quiet evening."
"Have a great evening, thank you, Empress, you're welcome."
"You'll hear from me soon. Good evening," Wolfrick said.
"Every fine evening, I'd sit there and order a vodka and Mountain Dew."
"Good evening everyone, I hope you're all doing great."
"Can't get over how nice an evening it is."
"Hope everyone's having a very pleasant evening tonight."
"Thank you for spending your Monday evening with us."
"I hope you guys have a fantastic evening."
"I'm looking forward to this evening."
"This is turning into a lovely evening."
"This evening marks the first step of the healing process."
"It's a beautiful evening, a really nice way to end the day."