
Political Belief Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I still believe in the democratic process; I know I'm a [__] dinosaur."
"I truly believe whether it's 2024 or not, we will have a President in Ron DeSantis."
"Separation of church and state, yep, I believe that."
"Continue to believe in the Constitution and believe in our elected officials."
"I believe in a constitutional republic, I believe the Bill of Rights is fantastic, the Constitution is a pretty great thing."
"Peaceful protests, civil protests, and articulate meaningful demands generate respect."
"I have come to the conclusion that there really is such a thing as Trump derangement syndrome... but I am now also convinced that the opposite exists."
"Republicans believe that every life is a sacred gift of God."
"You vote for who you believe in and you will never waste your vote."
"We believe in democracy and we should continue the democratic system in our country."
"Masteriano absolutely clearly believes it, and they are willing to put aside sanity, corruption, electability, anything else for the person that they think will... stand up against the thing they fear most."
"We're gonna win because we believe in America."
"You have to believe in politics and you have to believe in government."
"We are not 50-50 in this nation, we're in the 70-80 percent that are truly righteous."
"California, New York both went red, I believe it."
"Joe Biden shares John Lewis's belief that every vote matters."
"No matter how hard they try to rig it, I'm a strong believer that the people in this country will defeat all methods of rigging which are being planned."
"Reagan truly believed that God blessed America with freedom."
"I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute." - John F. Kennedy
"He genuinely thinks the election was stolen from him."
"President Trump believed in his heart of hearts that he had won that election... He had every right to speak about the important issues." - John lauro
"I actually believe Trump won because I used to I did the overnight uh presidential race with um on the USA Watchdog with Greg Hunter and Trump was beating Biden."
"The question has to be answered: Do you believe in American democracy or not? Which side are you on?"
"You can believe in a border without being a racist... you can believe in the country without being a racist."
"We believe in the dignity of work and in the sanctity of life."
"The Maga people believe that everyone on the other side are pedophiles... they all believe that Donald Trump is here on a Divine mission."
"I think it's absolutely clear that we needed a Brexit Prime Minister that believed in Brexit."
"I refuse to believe that in 2024 we Americans will choose to walk away from what's made us the greatest nation in the history of the world."
"I don't know, like to some extent some of you might say well at least they're more honest about what they believe. Sure, but they're also more transparent about it and that does seem to be inspiring a lot more people to glom onto it."
"If Trump truly believes that he won in a landslide, invoking the insurrection act in his mind would be popular."
"If you genuinely believe the nonsense that the presidential election was stolen, that is a big deal."
"Trump believes the little man and woman running their own little business needs to be given an even break and a chance to get on in society."
"Stop voting against something. Vote for what you believe in."
"We believe in democracy, we always have and we always will."
"Marjorie Taylor Green, I think she's a true believer, brother."
"I was totally Hook Line and Sinker guys. Let's go in there post 911, let's take down that evil Iraq."
"Separating what you believe religiously from what you support politically is the very eye of secularism."
"We do not deserve this. We know who the real president is, and we know we are one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
"I believe in democracy, not billionaires owning the system."
"Nationalism is having a belief and conviction in peoplehood."
"70% of Republicans who say they're voting in the primaries think say they believe that Trump won the election."
"I personally believe what my guy Tim Ryan believes, and that there is an exhausted majority of people in America."
"My faith in the moral values which socialism represents remains undiminished."
"A radical belief in defending democracy."
"Democrats believe health care is a basic human right and we fight for basic human rights."
"Respect our democratic political system because it gives us the freedom to think and believe whatever we want."
"New Democrats believe that we can make a better Island when we lift everyone up."
"I believe in basic law and order, and I believe in borders."
"I believe in democracy. I would let everybody vote."
"I believe the state spends too much of people's hard-earned wealth."
"The silent majority was Nixon's belief that most Americans in fact supported the war."