
Emergency Situation Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"A Boeing 737 with 95 people on board has suffered an explosive decompression near the Hawaiian island of Maui. It's still airborne but only just, with 35 square meters of fuselage missing from the Aloha plane."
"It was one night to a strange smell. It was smoke. Something was burning. My colony everywhere was going up in flames."
"She uses the jagged edge of that metal trash can top and cuts her umbilical cord like that."
"Disaster strikes a helicopter crippled in the middle of a sudden storm, sinking helplessly towards the sea."
"I just keep thinking about CLA still being alive on that driveway and begging for her life and he could have saved her but instead he hit her again who does that?"
"This is getting out of control we've got to call 911."
"Norad and Edwards aren't responding. Nothing yet from SAC. They must be jamming us somehow."
"The woman dangled there for a moment before a corrections officer grabbed hold of her and pulled her back down."
"Breathing rate is now right up on this... she's in trouble."
"She wrote something... does it say 'help me'? It says 'help me'! It says 'help me'! Oh, so she wants help. Link, what... what... oh my goodness!"
"From the front, you could see, you know, you were trying to hold his hair on and his skull on."
"We were all screaming and I managed to call the police but I was in hysterics going a hundred miles per hour in an area that I wasn't as familiar with with a car chasing us at some point."
"Mason feels bad because she knows this is her fault but there is nothing she can do now in a minute she has to face a problem on her own since her costume is breached and she is running out of oxygen."
"How could one problem turn what was a simple happy cruise to the moon to the prospect of everyone being dead within about 10 hours?"
"There's negligence here, major criminal negligence in my opinion."
"Certainly one of the guys inside is bleeding, but he's not dead."
"All flights are canceled as there has been an accident on one of the runways."
"The Patriots are all geared up like some kind of army. Everybody downstairs is dead or dying."
"The shotgun blast echoed through the woods one after another and somewhere in the frenzy of bullets they hit the creature."
"I'm glad everyone's okay. A Walmart catching fire is pretty scary. This is little Tangie's little juice, oh my goodness, this is so..."
"I got to escape now, there's water all in my house. Alright, I think all the boys are sinking right now."
"Builders were digging a sewer when they found something unexpected suddenly the work turned into an emergency rescue operation."
"We've been talking to our reporters on the ground... one of the things we're seeing here... people left without their shoes."
"I know my cousin's voice and I never heard him terrified as much as I heard on that call."
"I didn't sleep at all last night... we've been dealing with a fire in our area... kind of a tentative evacuation notice right now."
"They put gas in the bus and it's burning. I feel unsafe."
"I started shouting for help as loud as I could—oh god, I'm thinking, uh, see, I was wondering who's making such an infernal racket."
"They have no idea that this is happening, take them like drive them away take them they look all look completely scared."
"Suddenly, oat stops breathing. Howdy stop breath holding."
"Look if it's you or someone you love who's on that operating table and it's life or death."
"He said, 'Shep, you've got to get us out of here, we're dying.'"
"I don't know what's happened in the control room, it's like it looks like an earthquake hit." - Luke Thomas
"We have a pretty serious accident apparently we're the first on the scene."
"Last minute, Barry changed everything. He called me that Sunday, Mother's Day, and was really frantic. He didn't sound like himself."
"Larry's transmissions using the CB radio sporadically switched between cries for help and a continuous transmission tone."
"Two people were killed and over 700,000 homes lost water and electricity."
"Passengers desperately tried to light up the cabin with their mobile phones."
"Snake on a plane: Cobra in airplane cockpit prompts emergency landing."
"I got a text from Victoria she was hiding in her closet because someone had come out of the car parked by her house and broke in the back door."
"So there's been a nuclear attack. Don't ask me how or why, just know that the big one has hit."
"A flood emergency for the first time ever in New York City in history."
"Oh my god there's a fire where's there a fire in the house oh no where's the fire catering conundrum."
"Flight 518 is missing, 43 passengers on board."
"Oh my god, someone's shooting! Oh, they shot him."
"My flashlight started to flicker, consumed by panic, I sprinted down the corridor trying to make as much progress as possible before the flashlight gave out entirely."
"My kid before was burnt ashes, but the fire grew quickly and damaged all the supplies."
"Oh my God they're here... This is not a drill."
"A terrifying scene at New York's Museum of Modern Art today after a man stabbed two female employees."
"Something is loose! It’s- It’s killing us! You’ve got to save the rest of the ship!"
"Everyone's yelling at me that there's a bees nest on the roof."
"The flash flooding situation near Hazard is very serious."
"Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Cactus 1549. Hit birds, we've lost thrust in both engines."
"Everything is burning...the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire."
"Hopefully if you're watching this, you may be in a similar situation."
"Why is everyone just mulling around, unconcerned, when it's clearly time to evacuate - and fast?!"
"We could find ourselves in a bug-out situation where our neighborhoods become too dangerous to remain, and we might have to head for the hills."
"If you were getting attacked on the street, you were carrying this thing, you just hit that attacker on the side of the face with this thing, probably knocked them out cold."
"A sudden rupture in a steamline unleashes a torrent of invisible fury."
"Very active scene with torrential rain and wind that continues to push through."
"This is a violent tornado situation; it's a life-threatening situation."
"It sounds scary, and this is a dangerous situation."