
Sonic The Hedgehog Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"City Escape is no exaggeration, one of the most iconic Sonic levels."
"Sonic didn't escape the trap because he got lucky. When backed into an impossible death trap, his resolve to never give up is what saved the day."
"It's not only what I consider the best Sonic game of all time, but it's one of my favorite games ever made."
"In my personal opinion, Sonic Adventure was overall a good start to Sonic's 3D career."
"With Sonic the Hedgehog, they attempted to appeal to an older audience with someone who was more hip, cool, resonated with Gen X."
"Sonic 3 & Knuckles is what I would call the definitive Sonic the Hedgehog game, and easily one of my favourite games of all time."
"Every frame of these animations is taking full advantage of the inherent appeal of Sonic’s character design."
"The animation is helping to reinforce the fact that THIS speed is where you want to be."
"Sonic’s character animation is great at conveying the mechanics of his locomotion."
"Because it took everything that Sonic 1 did right and made it even better, basically setting the bar for every Sonic game to follow it."
"If Sonic Unleashed was the first game in the series to make 3D Sonic look decent, Sonic Lost World is the entry that, to this day, has squeezed the most polish and appeal yet out of this design incarnation of these characters."
"The squash and stretch y’all started adding to Sonic’s jumps in Lost World feels great!"
"Thus, through the inspiration of Michael Jackson, cute animals, and Bill Clinton, Sonic the Hedgehog was born."
"Sega gave Sonic to the fans, and the fans did a better job at saving him than Sega did."
"Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles are actually the same game."
"Did you know the Sonic franchise's Chaos Emeralds aren't actually emeralds?"
"Sonic was originally intended to have a human love interest named Madonna."
"Sonic's popularity reached farther than most video game icons in 1993."
"Sonic also won the award of the longest running video game comic in 2008."
"In 2013, the Joy Police arcade also released Sonic Brain Ranking."
"Sonic Unleashed was the point in Sonic's career that marked his big turnaround."
"When it focuses on Sonic, his friends, and the battle against Robotnik, that's when this film is working."
"Sonic the Hedgehog is my first game now so listen is great and I love like cute animals who have clothes for no reason but only some clothes."
"This is an edgy Sonic, this is a Sonic for a new generation, a Sonic who runs away from demons on a motorcycle."
"Why is Sonic on a board? You know he's faster than that, right? But this game just feels so good."
"This is the first intro since Sonic CD where I'm like, 'I want to play this game right now.'"
"Sonic Advance sees Sonic return to the realm of 2D side-scrolling just like in his prime."
"Sonic and Knuckles fighting his robots...what more could you want out of a Sonic comic?"
"Sonic still endures because while he is more than those things, he is still all of these things. He is a gaming icon that still matters today."
"It's always been a Sonic game I can look back on and truly appreciate."
"These are just some of the greatest things to ever come out of the Sonic series."
"The primary mechanic of day stages is the boost."
"The best Sonic experience is Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Sonic 3 and Knuckles has everything that makes the Sonic series appealing in a single, well-made package."
"Metal Sonic to me has always been the perfect rival for Sonic."
"Sonic's side taunt where he runs in place and yells out, 'You're too slow.'"
"Sonic is at its best when all elements of a game are confidently defined."
"Sonic Generations was a celebration of the legacy and a confident outlook on the future."
"The boost formula is now the most revisited and now resultantly the most refined gameplay style Sonic has ever experienced in 3D."
"Their baby, Sonic the Hedgehog, would become a worldwide icon."
"Sonic the Hedgehog 2 delivers more of the same."
"Sonic Mania is kind of treated as a big comeback for them. This had gaming journalists ranting and raving about Sonic's big comeback."
"Overall, I'm feeling pretty dang optimistic about Sonic the Hedgehog going forward."
"Sonic was a franchise that would go anywhere and try anything, I always admired that."
"People treated that as the death of Sonic, as if Sonic 06 happened all over again."
"Sonic Colors without a doubt one of the most lighthearted Sonic games in the series."
"Graphically speaking, wow, there's one thing that Sonic Team is consistent in: making Sonic games look absolutely beautiful."
"The music is awesome, but then again, I was kind of expecting that. This is Sonic the Hedgehog we're talking about here."
"Sega has finally figured out how to make Sonic work in a modern context and now they're refining what worked before."
"Sonic is one of the most recognizable video game characters in the world but is also totally incomprehensible."
"Sonic being in the game was something that people wanted for so long."
"Sonic the Hedgehog was packed in with practically every Genesis ever sold making it the most sold game in the lifespan of the Sega Genesis."
"For being a hedgehog Sonic really isn't very spiky is he yeah I've seen spikier it's true that you're more likely to find him curled up in a cute harmless ball not so harmless that round shape lets him spin dash with ease."
"Sonic Origins is a collection of Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, and Sonic CD."
"Their accuracy combined with them being based off of a very popular game coupled with some other details have made these figures some of the most desired Sonic figures of all time."
"Undeniably one of the most important video game characters ever created, Sonic the Hedgehog would eventually significantly cut into Nintendo's market share, even outselling them in the region for a time."
"It's cool to see that even if those ideas were eventually scrapped and are no longer part of Sonic you can still see how they exist in the Sonic Universe in some way."
"I find it very interesting that this concept of a Sonic game where we have multiple different characters with different play Styles eventually did come to fruition."
"Nothing says wasted potential more than Sonic the Hedgehog's short-lived, almost non-existent career on the Saturn."
"We have taken that sass, the Sonic hat in the '90s."
"Sonic the Hedgehog is the answer to the question: How do we make a cartoon character look cool? Oh, that's how you do it! What a great style, what a rad contemporary yet timeless look."
"Sonic is set to return in the game Sonic Generations, a game that embraces his remarkable 20-year history."
"This high-flying spikey speedster was the first video game character to ever appear in this parade sonic has starred in over 70 video games since his debut on the Sega Genesis 21 hog-wild years ago."
"Sonic X: the coolest adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog since sonic schoolhouse."
"Sonic Colors: a sonic rise from the pits of darkness after the era of Sonic o6."
"This show was just like, how can we f**k up Sonic the Hedgehog?"
"Sonic SatAM was the best Sonic cartoon. It was its own thing, surprisingly dark."
"The Blue Blur is back in Sonic Origins Plus."
"The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise is known for some of the most iconic music and gaming."
"Long before our dreams were cast, Sonic's original creators made what was at once a loving tribute to all that had come before, a bittersweet glimpse of what might have been, and a captivating peek at where the blue blur was heading."
"A perfect time capsule of the Sega Sonic era of Sonic merchandise."
"Sonic's new form represents that Evolution, the culmination of eons upon eons of culture, love, and life bringing out something far more powerful than what any of them could produce on their own."
"Oh, God damn it. One of the first not for resale games that comes to mind is the original Sonic the Hedgehog."
"Sonic Adventure, S tier, still the second-best Sonic game they ever made."
"Sonic 2 mobile is the definitive Sonic 2 experience."
"Chemical Plant Zone is my go-to example of Sonic the Hedgehog's potential."
"I love that you need to seek out hidden checkpoint posts, almost as if the team were on the cusp of implementing special rings."
"Super Sonic is essentially a god mode with heightened speed, jump height, constant invincibility, and a repetitive music track."
"Sonic Mania is the best 2d Sonic game of all time... it's impressive... that game accomplished as much as it did."
"Sonic the Hedgehog: It was the perfect 16-bit title showing off just how beautiful the graphics could be."
"This clearly had a much larger tie to Sega internally than a lot of other Sonic movie cameos."
"Sonic cured the world of the metal virus, the gunk Eggman tricked you two into using. He gave the whole world a second chance."
"Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is set to be released in theaters by Paramount Pictures on December 20, 2024."
"Sonic 2 is truly where the series started."
"It fixed loads of Sonic 1's problems."
"This game right here was constantly touted as one of the greatest Sonic games ever made."
"The Sonic the Hedgehog I know was a hero, a paragon. He was as Swift and free as the wind, he had no master but fought for anyone and everyone. There was no challenge too great, no threat too dire that he wouldn't face without Swagger and a smile."
"Sonic Prime, the best Sonic the Hedgehog Series so far and it's not really close."
"I really liked the concept of Sonic having shoes that grant him different abilities."
"That game literally takes the concept of back to the future and marries it with Sonic the Hedgehog."
"In the Sega video game, what type of creature is Sonic? Hedgehog, of course."
"...it's a love letter to the original Sonic."
"A mysterious new power sends Sonic back in time where he runs into his original classic self."
"It's a wonderful, wonderful Sonic experience."
"Sonic's an icon and he should be treated like one."
"Just about 27 years ago, Sonic the Hedgehog was released for the Sega Genesis."
"Sonic is your typical lightning-fast teenage hedgehog hero, stopping crime, saving the world, and looking cool while he does it."
"You know, I sure do like Sonic the Hedgehog video games."
"I like Sonic in the Black Knight; it's really basic and short, but I still think it's fun."
"And of course, our hero, the fastest thing alive, Sonic the Hedgehog."
"We're talking about a hedgehog son, we're talking about Sonic. Let's go baby!"
"Some people may even call it the best Sonic toy line ever."
"For almost as long as Sonic has been a video game franchise, various cartoon series starring the speedy blue hedgehog have been on TV."
"Sonic movies were made at the perfect time because the CGI is like amazing now."
"I always do a yearly full Sonic figure collection to of course celebrate Sonic's anniversary."
"Who would have guessed that Sonic the Hedgehog would eventually become a cinematic sensation?"
"It's an incredibly exciting time to be a Sonic fan."
"Gotta go fast, gotta go fast! Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, "Sonic X"!"
"The world needs a Sonic. Every world needs a Sonic."
"The world needed a hero, we got a hedgehog."
"The Sonic world, anything's possible."