
Extreme Situations Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Just occasionally, fate puts ordinary people, not just thrill-seekers, into that same deadly zone where life hangs by a thread."
"If you're really unlucky and you die, it was probably worth it in the fight."
"It's okay to be scared. It's okay. But you know, like you say, 'haints get a nun.' But what's happening if you're hanging off a cliff? You're gonna be scared."
"If it came down to it and I was going to have to spend a significant amount of time in prison that I'd rather die."
"It's completely insane, but I enjoy it a lot of the time."
"But pretend the adage was true. That's a thermocline where it's like, 'Oh, you realize too late and now it's too late, you're frostbit and you're just going to die in this frozen lake.'"
"That's why they have to frame that as the extreme event."
"That [ __ ] was literally what I imagined doom would be like."
"Give people their flowers when they're alive, man."
"I once actually pooped while hanging off the wall."
"Things go wrong out here, they go wrong in a big way."
"Chaos shows up to try and bring truth, and this week it's showing up in the most extreme ways."
"You would die if you were cut off... You would absolutely."
"Watching all these players go through it's like being a super fan and watching supercar crashes."
"I think I'd rather run into a full-grown Grizzly before I would end up in a town filled with ghosts."
"Omicron has revealed what we have been saying all along."
"By turn three, you could be looking at a wipeout in the apocalypse."
"A friend will help you hide the body, but a best friend helps you eat it."
"We were honestly both about ready to throw up or poop our pants, but we made it."
"When nine out of ten of us are dying, there's no atheist in a foxhole."
"Even if something is happening like if you're starving, 'I have to eat,' no you don't. You can choose not to eat. You might die, and you could choose to die."
"If someone shows up to kill you... My line where you can shoot him is if he's trying to bust down your door and execute you."
"It's not about being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian; the crowd is right on average but they're wrong at extremes."
"A fight for survival that would make the Hunger Games look like the Very Lovely Games."
"This might require professional help. This sounds crazy."
"Nobody believed anything I was saying because it was so outrageous."
"Nothing is quite as frustrating as a traffic jam... the massive jam that began to form... was 60 miles long and lasted for nine days."
"One day it will be a real virus, not like this, like a zombie virus or you're going to have an electromagnetic pulse problem when you won't have electricity for a year."
"She's a good person. She did not deserve a bucket of diarrhea on her, hell yeah."
"Absolutely insane what's going on out there."
"When it gets to extremes, the rules go out the window."
"It's like, oh my God, I wouldn't want my worst enemy to go through a situation like this."
"The ocean: I'm talking like out in the ocean, hundreds of miles from land, treading water alone."
"This is an actual like you might murder or attempt murder right self-defense."
"When it's a [expletive] kidnapping of a governor, what are you talking about? How could you make this a political issue?" - Commentary
"Holy sh excuse me what what's going on during my week in Budapest I was hospitalized with Co and mugged at gunpoint but eating the food was definitely a low Point God damn that is telling isn't it"
"What should you do when shit hits the fan? Shut the fuck up and don't take psychedelic drugs."
"Everybody who went there had a crazy experience. You didn't leave without actually seeing something unbelievable."
"Every human is capable of murder if you push them enough."
"There's always something positive, even in the extremes."
"I can't believe that it went to such extremes. I was not expecting that at all."
"Being trapped inside a volcano is an extreme and dangerous situation, if you find yourself in such a circumstance, look for any available pockets or crevices where you might find temporary shelter from the heat and gases."
"That's how far human beings go in extreme situations."
"Only by imagining yourself in an unimaginable situation can we make sense of why people might take unimaginable measures to save or to avenge the people they love."
"There's no tougher way to test your survival know-how than escaping a death trap."
"In extreme circumstances you need to recall what you liked to do as a kid."
"Even in this extreme kind of exaggerated circumstance, which is the Dursleys, which you could completely and pretty justifiably lose your temper at these people, even in that situation, he is kind of like trying not to and trying to kind of keep the peace at least."
"It happens often when we push ourselves in extreme situations."