
End Of Life Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Duma is the voice whispering in your ear when the end is near, the voice telling you that it will all be over in a flash."
"With the end so near, it's better to be silent so that they may accept the end with as little pain as possible."
"We brought him out into the yard and laid him in the grass so that he could watch the chickens one last time."
"I was fortunate to share the last 24 hours of my dearest mother's life."
"Last breaths are sacred. When I imagine my final days, I see bubbles, see the ocean, I see music. Even now, as I seek help to end my life, there is still so much beauty. You just have to be brave enough to see it."
"The sick man peacefully breathed his last. I understood how very important the Chaplet was for the dying."
"End-of-life experiences... characterized as real, intense, meaningful."
"End-of-life experiences... provide comfort, insight, and alleviate the fear of dying."
"When someone's passing away, what the brain does is like, 'All right, it's go time. This is final exit.' The brain just fills the body and the brain with some dopamine so you feel this sensation of like clarity and everything's all good."
"There is an ending, a passing of a situation, and it could be the death of someone you were very close to."
"I guess that's the whole point: Farrah went out fighting, and that's what matters in the end."
"Cremia has known that the moon will kill everyone no matter what they do and she decides to fill Romani's mind with thoughts of happiness and dreams for the future so that she can spend her final night in peace instead of fear."
"Fortunately, his final years appear to have held some happiness for him, cared for by doctors and nurses who stopped at nothing to give him everything he wished for."
"When you are nearing the end of life, your perspective tends to shift from yourself to your loved ones and the ones around you."
"In their dying moments, people know there can no longer be repercussions for their past actions and therefore they share their deepest secrets."
"A lot of serial killers confess their final crimes on their deathbed, perhaps as part of their game or so they don't face any further charges."
"Hospice supports not only the patient but everyone involved. They will help you through the end-of-life process so you don't have to go through it alone."
"I sat beside her with one on random supporting her head so quietly did she find this little way that I hardly knew the second she stopped breathing and then a great sense of peace filled the room."
"Adonis lived a life of luxury in his Milan villa, occasionally meeting with his life-long friend Charles Luciano... Six months later, on November 26, he died of natural causes at the age of 69."
"Most of us would prefer to die in a peaceful, comfortable, and dignified way at home."
"Flame has led a good life filled with bones, balls and barks, but now it's time to lay down and make her way to the Big Dog Park in the sky." - Reflecting on the passing of a beloved pet.
"If someone on their deathbed wanted to clear their conscience before passing, without that, it appears... will remain unsolved."
"Never ignore the end-of-life care conversation with your doctor."
"Last breaths are sacred... even now as I seek help to end my life there is still so much Beauty."
"He didn't have to suffer anymore. He could let go. He could be free."
"Grandpa was dying but that it was okay he wouldn't hurt any more he would be able to do what he loved again."
"Let them take care of him and let them live out the rest of his life with them."
"He passed really peacefully in James's arms specifically, and I just, I think it's really beautiful that he let us be with him."
"It's a case of quiet resignation and thinking of the people you're going to leave behind."
"Your loved one isn't dying because they're not eating and drinking... they're dying because they're dying."
"Morphine does not hasten death... it just helps them be more peaceful at the end of life."
"When you're at the end of your life and you're old and feeble, having around someone you love can bring you an invaluable joy."
"At the end of life, the reverse process begins first there's a premonition."
"What really baffles me is how quickly he was resigned to death he was lucid still able to talk and walk and yet less than a week later he was in a hospice center not being given food or water just morphing on a drip."
"She held him in her arms as he took his last breath."
"Fantastic man what a good time so much fun so fun to get out there and put out the uniform and be with the guys."
"It was described by the nurse and his doctor as a very peaceful passing."
"Relaxation is what we feel when we hit the walls at the end of our lives."
"Dying surrounded by loved ones, achieving peace."
"She wishes to pass away pieace y because there is nothing for her in this world."
"They're dying but they're doing so with a better sense of meaning."
"Every time we talk to a vet about it they're always like, 'He's had a good run.'"
"I respected Einstein's decision. He said, 'I want to go when I want to go.'"
"On your deathbed, there will be a human being sitting next to you holding your hand telling you they love you."
"This is the end of our lives... but you know what, cheat it, let's go."
"I plan to be surrounded by my immediate family... and I will die upstairs in my bedroom."
"If your life is over, whether it's physically or psychologically, you have the right to take control of your own life and death."
"They want him to stop causing this pain and suffering."
"And here was this very, very powerful female Saint coming to the church to show her obedience to the masculine institutional authority of the church in the very last hours of her life."
"The death realms are incredible because even though we tend to think of death in human terms as an ending, it's actually this incredibly transformative and potent energy that you get to walk into when you're with someone who's transitioning."
"Perhaps this was simply the acceptable way to put a tired body to rest."
"When death finally came, Vesna Vulvovic came quietly."
"Yeah, it's actually like at the end of their life span, they spit up blood and that's the most expensive one."
"It's about being confident in the knowledge that if and when I die I won't be buried as male."
"At the end of life, it's always about the important relationships that gave life its meaning."
"I feel so much relief for my grandmother, she is in no more pain."
"People should be allowed to die with dignity."
"Our mission is to improve the quality of dying, and that does not is not limited to assisted dying."
"Majority of people, when you ask them, they know how they want that last bit of their life to be."
"Conversations were associated with a better quality of life near death in the last weeks of life."
"He was surrounded by everybody that he loved at the end."
"...dying alone was not how she wanted to go."
"Patients who had end-of-life discussions had better quality of life near death and were associated with fewer invasive interventions."
"Everybody deserves a proper end of life service."
"Psilocybin won't cure cancer, it won't cure their terminal illness, but what we're hoping is that the treatment will help them face the end of life and want to come."
"Hospice allows patients to die naturally, not sooner, but does not allow for life-prolonging measures."
"At the end of his life, his enemies trumped up charges against him."
"Dying does not have to be time-consuming, expensive, or messy."
"People think sometimes about hospice as end-of-life but it's really having the best quality of life you can for as little as long as you've got left."
"It is never too early to start talking about what you would want for when you're looking at the end of your life."
"People die at home with the families they love in comfortable peaceful surroundings."
"From the period within a day or two before your death, there is no pain, only comfort, happiness, love, joy."
"Even with people who are at the end of life because they still have hope and they still deserve to be able to live the last few months, years or whatever of their life at what they think would be at their best and most optimum."
"It is important to talk about end-of-life wishes early with loved ones."
"Plan for communication challenges to maintain functional communication until the end."
"Humanity is watching with tears the last years of the oldest chickens."
"It is almost always very peaceful, this passing of the babies."
"I say just by the time it got to the end of its life, I was kind of like."
"You don't want somebody to die alone."
"Making her last days everything that she wants them to be."
"Maria Feodorovna's final years were marked by a sense of readiness for the end of her life."
"Physicians are responsible for alleviating the suffering of patients, even if that meant allowing patients to die."
"She does not want to go away in a panic and fear but wants to pass in peace right by the love of her life."
"I am going to be with you for your last moments, not away from you."
"In your dying breath, you want someone to be there and to show you as much love as the moment you were welcomed."
"It was bittersweet to know that he'd not suffered in the end."
"I was blessed to be there holding my father's hand."
"It's kind of a lovely thing that they do in a way, it's kind of like their last journey, and they just want peace, quiet, and serenity."
"Half of healthcare expenses are spent in the last year of somebody's life."
"I used to work in end of life care and saw a lot of elderly people on their death beds realized the hatred they held on to wasn't worth it."
"To assume that everything's going to end abruptly, it doesn't seem logical."
"I just said to her like I feel so sad... over the last two days, I'd had five conversations with five different families about end of life."
"When you're at your deathbed and you have somebody holding your hand, who is that person? Imagine that person being the person that you're with."
"The idea of hospice, which is an amazing thing."
"End of life gave us life. It's unlike anything else. It's a miracle."
"It's a privilege to sit with someone who is going through the dying process."
"It's not about a good death, it's about a good life all the way to the very end."
"The grandma is benevolently enjoying her last few moments with her family."
"If we can find a way to make peace with the end of life in ourselves or in others, we're gonna live happier, we're gonna live more fulfilled, we're gonna live more skillful lives."
"Death doulas... can help people to find meaning; they can help people to have end-of-life conversations."
"Death doulas can become the knowledge base for families to give them permission to question what is happening to their loved one."
"Tino knew that but isn't hungry and his eyes start to shut."
"He wanted to die at home, surrounded by the people he loved and who loved him."
"It's not a matter of do you want to live or die, it's a matter of do you want to die in agony and pain from an incurable condition or do you want to have some dignity in the final stages of your life?"
"He passed away at the age of 14, surrounded by those who truly loved him."
"My whole life will come to an end; everything will become dark, scary, and also cold."
"If I was dying tomorrow, I would want them both by my bedside."
"In this country, we treat our dying people with dignity."
"That was the most compassionate thing anybody could have done for my mum."
"I knew she wouldn't want to spend her last days in that gloomy hospital room."
"I'm very interested in life-limiting illness, end of life, and gerontology."
"She had a beautiful death in a palliative care facility, and so we're celebrating her life."
"He had grown so feeble by then that it was all he could do to lie in the rain with his eyes closed and his mouth open."
"Hospice is essentially end of life care for people who are deemed terminal and need services to maintain dignity and comfort in their final days."
"I'm gonna get in a cardboard box, put me out, and they burn me up."
"Let people die with dignity; let people make the choice and take their lives into their own hands."
"She wanted to go with dignity, not linger while attached to machines that were the only things keeping her alive."
"I may be dying, but I am surrounded by loving, caring souls. How many people can say that?"
"I'm not gonna make this cat get tubes down its throat and this cat's kidneys... let him go out like the lion he is, with dignity."
"The sun is nearing its end, and when it does, it will explode, sending super-heated plasma and radiation throughout the solar system."
"She believes in empowering her clients to step away from the imposed traditions and negative stigma around death and embrace personal choice and style as the chapter of life comes to an end."
"Together with my colleagues, we arranged a wedding for a patient who was at the end of his life... it was very moving to be part of this very special event."
"Nobody can replace you at your parents' bedside, when they're dying."
"Death with Dignity is legislation that empowers individuals to decide for themselves to move on when science has confirmed the end is near."
"Consideration of the end of life as a life stage is really, really important."
"That is a normal feeling of relief, that they're not suffering anymore."
"Should we be able to choose when and how we die? What about the right to die with dignity?"
"No one better to determine that than the individuals who are at your side in those final moments."
"It was a very peaceful and gentle goodbye that we gave him."
"Advanced directives allow the patient to state what they want their end-of-life treatment to include or not include."
"Forcing somebody to die a slow and agonizing death when they don't want to is patently barbaric."
"He died the way I want to die: clean, sober, surrounded by people who loved him."
"You do what you have to do to help that person maintain dignity, which is very important and very hard for them to have at the end of their lives."
"Death with Dignity is about choice, you have an option, you have some agency in the end of your life."
"She was dying on a bench in the station, still conscious, and strangely, not afraid anymore."
"I've been doing my best to make the last days of her life good and grant whatever wish I can."
"Also, the right to die, you know, Death With Dignity laws and medical assistance in dying."
"It's kind of a calm, wholesome death to be honest, because she did get to die in the arms of the person she loved."
"Existential distress is a crisis of meaning... particularly potent at the end of life."
"When we picture the end, we like to imagine we'll go out comfortably and with dignity."
"After going through all this, I know I am near my end. But when I opened my eyes, I could immediately see that you are by my side. I'm really very happy."
"I'm a proponent of death with dignity."
"It's good you're going to be with someone at the end."
"He does not wish to age anymore and so chooses to end his life the only way he would wish it to, at the hands of his eternal rival Vegeta."
"Eternal peace; one's journey will end."
"She would live the last days of her life how she wanted."
"Everybody deserves to go out with dignity."