
Community Dynamics Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Any community, when taken to extremes, can be dangerous."
"It's so weird because I've seen right-leaning communities turn into left-leaning communities when it comes to being all criticism."
"Was it time for her to finally settle down and live a quiet life? Focus on producing quality fanfic and pull away from all the drama? HA HA HA HA HA... No."
"It feels more like sports teams and like football than it does like, in general, everyone really likes football as crypto, but because they like Manchester United instead of Man City, they're gonna punch each other in a bar where the bar is Twitter."
"The film is very pointedly showing us both this suburban community at its best and at its worst, and the only difference is a refusal to conform in the most incredibly mundane, inoffensive ways."
"HermitCraft is unique in that all of the people playing on it are entertainers, and they treat the server kind of like a soap opera."
"It's amazing, and this is the type of authoritarian elitist gatekeepers that exist in some of the communities."
"The reason there are tensions between Hindus and Muslims in India predates Facebook, but it is certainly the case that when there's sectarian tension, Facebook can be a dangerously powerful tool."
"The inevitable conclusion of 'let anyone say anything' is that the worst people, having finally found a place that will let them in, start to drive out the more careful and cautious."
"The majority of Manchester United fans are positive. The difference is, the majority are silent; the minority are noisy."
"Hierarchy pervades all social encounters in the kinds of community that Austin writes about."
"New people on the scene are a good thing and should be embraced."
"The biggest risks to the ape movement failing is the actual community, it's not Wall Street."
"A lot of communities are like really optimistic and they're trying to always convince you that their class is good even when it's not because they just want to play."
"You never really know what to expect on the lifesteal SMP."
"People are losing trust with each other so communities and networking is falling apart."
"There's a whole world out there for black women outside of black men, outside of the black community."
"The lynchpin for marriages in the black community was not men's lack of relationship skills, communication skills, it was because men withdrew first."
"The gaming community does not cease to surprise, especially when there's this many delusional people... It's sad to see."
"At the end of the day, my [ __ ], like, this [ __ ] really hurt...you know, Harlem [ __ ] ain't gonna do nothing to that man, you feel me?"
"Their problem isn't Star Wars, their problem is being threatened."
"Why is it so hard for people to just do the right thing? Why are we crabs in a basket?"
"I hate seeing so much fragmentation within sub-communities."
"The true irony of this story is that all of the artists involved are holding themselves back by clinging on to street beef."
"We really need to stop with the elements of cancel culture in the skincare community."
"We love Cardano, we love Ethereum. The community sometimes hates each other, but we're big fans of both. Want to see them both succeed greatly."
"Dreamcast guy was right, we owe him an apology and Austin Evans was wrong."
"Users vote with their feet to decide the social orientation of communities. Only action across large numbers of people matters."
"I don't believe the church is divided, I believe that what God is doing is he's separating the wheat from the chaff."
"Brie reminds me of a college town, where irregular people also live pretty regular lives."
"You've done good things for Novak, but you've also got 'em a little scared of you."
"Former friend taking a shit on Tom in a livestream doesn't prove he did it, well I'll have you know that every single one of the people Tom told me might have stabbed in the back are all this dude's mods in the chat."
"Haters don't bother me as much as people that you know that don't support."
"If the only way you can be included within a space is if you agree with every opinion within it 100%, then you're not in a group or Community, you're in an echo chamber."
"God puts people around you as heavenly sandpaper."
"If you don't intentionally include, you will unintentionally exclude."
"It's really about working together, the problem is the black man wants to lead."
"Guys are out. As things get worse, you're going to see more and more of this."
"Our community is dysfunctional when it comes to intimate relationships."
"They had a pretty cool thing for a while... but it just seems to always end very poorly."
"Our scene was fueled by drama for I don't know how long and that was one of the biggest driving points for the longest time."
"So what's gonna happen is the movement there's gonna be a movement and really where the money goes where the people are."
"It's a grand experiment in either the madness of crowds or the smartness of crowds."
"There's a massive lack of drama, and I really love that about the Japanese virtual YouTuber community."
"It's night and day to the two Arsenal sides, it's night and day to the fanbase, the fanbase was a toxic place at that time, there were fights in the away end, there were fights at home, it was very toxic, blood, you understand?"
"The most potent weapon is ostracism. Nobody wants to be ostracized from a community."
"I took this negative energy and turned it into something positive."
"The manosphere and radical feminist Community are ruining this for men."
"It's easy for them all now to just shrug their shoulders and say, 'Oh, the beauty community is dead, huh?'"
"For us, was the things that worked three years ago, don't work, because the community looks different."
"Make sure that your leaders are not grieved with you and that they don't groan or complain because of you." - Hebrews 13:17
"If nobody's angry about cheaters then nobody's talking about anti-cheat and working on anti-cheat doesn't bring you any benefit to your game."
"It's great to see a lively community right now."
"Use logic, free information. What draws people here expanding exponentially. They all claim to be insiders."
"The sense of community started to come apart pretty quick once people got into their heads that we've just been abandoned."
"The Steven Avery fan club has really converted into a cult."
"Are there bad people in Animal Crossing? There's Flurry, oh there you are, there's bad people but there are villagers that some people like to antagonize to get them to move out of their island."
"Intersex people are useful to trans people and like we talked about yesterday trans people the top of the of the victimhood pyramid"
"Latmagantic is the type of small community where everyone knows everyone by name."
"Is the 'simp simulator' the new evolution of how simping is shaping the gaming community?"
"Obviously it's a good thing Viz stepped in and prevented piracy, but the whole situation is pretty bizarre and really gives you an idea of how the anime and manga community was so young."
"When one person makes a change, automatically the people around him will be affected."
"You know, you're never going to see anything boring out of the community."
"He started it. You're a pretty crazy fan [ __ ] whole fanbase. Once you get entered into that Ice Poseidon world, the audience could very quickly decide that they want to go [ __ ] with someone else."
"We don't have the most followers compared to the other people around in The Tick Tock Community."
"Fan fiction is really important to how internet communities operate online. It allows us this window into what kind of conversations are important to a fandom."
"The W Community is so new that they aren't dedicated to a platform like the old twitch frogs are."
"Wow, you say '4chan,' but it's like if 4chan didn't exist, something else would exist. These people, they go somewhere. They just do."
"He's a rumor and an outcast a monster who was ultimately embraced by the small town that once feared him."
"Every term in the queer community is, or can be, an umbrella term."
"I got cancelled by white people but got so many supports by a lot of other white people and also by black people."
"God's looking for somebody that doesn't get offended by an unbelieving believer."
"The canceled culture community is [] terrible. You guys provide nothing to the [] world, and honestly, it's, it's a hilarious community because you guys cancel each other over the stupidest [__]."
"This is some real religious cult behavior that y'all are engaged in."
"One of the biggest enemies of World of Warcraft is community perception."
"It's going to shift. I think we might see people leaving their covenants and moving to the ones that they're starting to see more widespread notoriety of."
"We didn't have the kind of anti-Muslim bias because we didn't have the large Muslim communities that they actually had in these countries."
"The only thing a crab is good for is holding back other crabs."
"It's for sure Disney adults going, yeah, but they're not going though."
"PT became its own urban myth—forcing solutions by way of hearsay, internet whispers, and desperate rumored logic."
"On an ever-changing island, power can come in many forms, from electricity to art."
"Crypto isn't a vibe where everybody in crypto sort of has like their mind made and everyone's trying to push things in a certain way to make them feel better about the decisions they've already made."
"The rest of us have a parasitic relationship with them, particularly with the black community."
"Social media has turned the entire country into a village square where any one of us can be held up for ridicule."
"Community is super strong and passionate about itself. If you say something that this community does not agree with, they are going to let you know."
"Several months ago in the Confident Women community, we discussed the idea that friendships are elastic."
"Do you see why the XRP community is so large? Frankly, a lot of them are capitulating but I am holding a portion of XRP for a very long time because I feel that I know how this game is played."
"At the heart of what's happening online in numerous communities, it is a dance of victimization. Collusive victimization where both parties want to enhance, propagate, and perpetuate the victim status."
"If you can't do that, just go to a place where everybody agrees with you because this ain't the place."
"Even back in the medieval days... there was still a really huge sort of communal social element."
"Saving a community requires things for her to do that's not what she means when she says black men I need you to save the community."
"Trans people need to learn how to coexist in the world, not dominate the world."
"While many players this game are friendly and helpful it's the bad apples that give eve a rotten name."
"Doug was really the glue for everything that involved us because without Doug, it still be a little up here, a little hate there, a little love here, a little shaded up right."
"The Sway House is kind of like if you had a frat house, but every frat boy was a famous TikToker, so somehow worse than a frat house."
"I don't enjoy super sweaty gaming communities. I'll be sweaty in a gaming community and work my way up to the top, and then once the community turns toxic, I'm usually just like, 'Yeah, I'll go find a new one.'"
"Cults are closed and aggressive, while communities are open and welcoming."
"When the Black man fall in line, everything else falls in line."
"No one wins, one side feels bad and gets defensive and the other side earns some fleeting self-satisfaction at the suffering of others."
"Somali community in particular, mom, because I really, I feel like the anger that the Somalis have because of the love they have."
"I think it's really interesting how you interact with all of these different business owners and businesses."
"Oakland has the restaurants, the people, the community—you know, the change that is happening and how people come together when something's wrong."
"Every community has some toxicity in it, and trust me, the majority of this fandom is incredibly awesome."
"Drama is not an inherently bad thing... You need to have some level of conflict between people if your community is thriving."
"A Minecraft village, possibly the most under appreciated thing in all of Minecraft."
"The community kept everything far more civil."
"In Minecraft, even the smallest differences can spark the biggest debates."
"Black women's greatest downfall is listening to black men."
"People will leave churches, communities of faith, because they do not agree with a particular methodology. They don't have a problem with the message, they have a problem with the method."
"I've never seen a community around a game so allergic to actually playing the game."
"Smaller channels don't really get caught up in drama."
"Wizards needs to realize that there isn't one single magic community... by pushing people out to the fringes wizards... hurt themselves."
"We are the most critical of other black people."
"Thin people don't belong in the body positivity movement."
"Black folks actually really don't bother anybody."
"Some fear our new resident wizard as they grow to know him; they will come around. Time will prove me right."
"They call these communities 'zoom towns' because, well, people who work from home have the freedom and flexibility to go anywhere."
"It helps to explain the multiple Deep Run folks like the mark new houses of the world."
"Every game community goes through a period where people are saying 'dead game'."
"It's not about Free Speech, we say everything we need to. Our long-term audience that's been here for five years has seen all of our peers disappear."
"There's a strong tribalism within the Somali community."
"So, if anyone can discuss it as you so, in fact, this whole process should really help you deal with those types in your community."
"Anytime there's a new Land Cruiser, the community is so ingrained in its roots that there's always a certain amount of hate."
"If you're fat and you're in these communities, these are your two options: one, you lose weight and become the Public Enemy of the movement; two, you die."
"...there's actually some toxicity in the Fakemon Community."
"We got a little bit of column A, a little bit of column 3, and a whole lot in the cult column."
"The fear of being accused of being an informer was probably the worst thing imaginable in the area."
"All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and well-born, the other the mass of the people."
"Nearly all American voters live in communities where they are less likely to encounter people with opposing politics than we'd expect."
"Is it a toxic church or does it display tove, goodness, is it spiritually healthy in its relational dynamic?"
"The same ecological community is being generated again and again, independent of which kind of species founded that group."
"I love a nosy neighbor, a neighbor who always comes around, a neighbor who always knows the gossip."
"It's really interesting to see the way that communities are similar within all your... you tell me cults can rise up before people, I would never believe it."