
Objectification Quotes

There are 293 quotes

"I understand that not all women want to be objectified, not all women want to stand up 90% naked in a thong and almost be forced to get breast implants to compete at the top."
"No woman wants a man-child. No woman wants a man that views her as an object."
"Many people feel reduced to being a cog which is objectifying and dehumanizing."
"In both sexual and inspiration porn, we see the objectification of people for the benefit of others."
"People are treating her like a commodity, and it just, it's tough to watch."
"You're as pretty as a doll, and I would like to play with all the things that make a little doll so nice."
"Pornography reduces the human person to just an object... the demonic component of pornography is it just reduces humanity to a commodity."
"The commodity has become a fetish... we are no longer a society of human beings; we're a society of things."
"In Islam, we condemn the objectification of women."
"Female empowerment is a woman not turning herself into a sex object for the viewing of men."
"The children are props... they're nothing more than objects."
"Being a sex object, dressing [__], being judged based on your appearance is not empowering, it's not feminist."
"Objects don't have rights, only people have rights."
"There's also the male gaze that perpetuates the objectification of women by men."
"Blood is just a liquid, a dead body is a simple object."
"Everything that's happening in here is because of her, everyone wants her like she's just some object to be owned."
"If you have convinced yourself to see this person in a one-way street, they represent nothing but sex."
"Objectification does not only come in the form of treating somebody only like they have sexual value."
"Islam wants us not to objectify each other but respect each other for their personality for their talents for their connection with the creator for their contributions and not objectify."
"They need to use you like an object for their own addiction to feel special and superior."
"Self-debasement is not empowering. Young girls are being explicitly encouraged to embrace their own objectification."
"Human beings living their lives are not objects for you to come and see so that you can change your perspective."
"The game objectifies her to titillate the audience."
"Viewing people as objects takes away their full humanity."
"Jessica falls for guys that treat her like an object, but she also takes the time to give Morty a kind word now and then."
"Guys like you will treat her like disposable pleasures."
"They're more interested in my 40 21 35 than they are in me." - Jane Mansfield
"It's so sad that society has brought you to such a low level that you think the only thing you have to offer is your body parts."
"The problem of female characters wearing impractical, sexualized and objectifying attire and being put on display for players is not a difficult one to solve, and developers already know how to do it."
"You are never meant to be looked upon as a thing for my pleasure or anybody else's."
"She felt like nothing more than a sexual object and a possession."
"He hates any sort of objectification of women."
"Having a girl isn't like having a dollar you could just dress up I beg to differ it is like that."
"Women don't need to just be in the business of making babies, they can also be used for your sexual gratification."
"The culture of objectifying women is very much alive and well."
"Women are not F and dolls that you dress and undress as you please."
"You have women arguing about wanting to stay an object of desire for men."
"Just because she apparently defines herself by her appearance does not give her the right to define you by yours. Objectification sucks."
"What she is really doing by performing for johnny (on and off stage) is teaching him and the viewer a lesson–that his (and our) relationship with her should not be one of subject versus object."
"Gilda successfully uses her objectification to produce a pleasureless experience for her subject, a frustrating one, in fact."
"She’s not a person to them, and she will be at their mercy."
"Your wife's body is amazing. Take it out, shake it, jiggle it."
"The stories we allow ourselves to tell about the Middle East don't allow for the same kind of easy objectification of these brown women's bodies."
"The objectification of people with darker skin and the racism and stereotypes they face is still a very real issue today."
"Women should not make objects of themselves and we shouldn't actually use women as sex objects we should treat them as full indispensable parts of the human race including all of their magical qualities."
"All guns are bad guns are bad guns are bad instead of the reality that people are bad using guns they're just tools"
"Just because the posterior is actually one of the most prominent things in the shot doesn't therefore convert it into a sexual object. Spider-Man is not being portrayed here as a sex object."
"Nobody wants to [ __ ] be in a relationship with someone who treats them like an object and who devalues their very humanhood."
"Even still, she will be turned into a spectacle to be consumed."
"Pornography minimizes women to just being a piece of meat."
"Commodifying a woman is a silent form of slavery."
"Clearly if he's only following women for how they look he doesn't really view us as people he views us as objects he doesn't care about anything we have to say and that's a fault in him not in us."
"She was treating him like he was a prized possession, not so much like a man and someone that she loved."
"Trump sees people as objects, tools, or a means to an end."
"Assaulting this woman does not surprise me because these couples often view the woman involved in this dynamic as a sex toy."
"The male gaze's tendency to objectify women against their will is a serious problem for women."
"Being objectified and in all fairness the horse didn't like try out a bunch of times to try to get the reins on you know what I mean for the job."
"I'm just a sex object with human person feelings."
"Objectification is probably fundamental to human sexuality."
"Pornography has created a situation where naked women are inferior."
"You should be happy that your husband doesn't see you as just a object to jack off."
"Men are generally viewed as success objects and women are generally viewed as beauty or sex objects."
"I'm pretty sick of people using sex to sell stuff."
"Megan's not a person, Katie; she's a toy."
"...the phenomenon of people shipping real-world people with each other as if they're cartoon characters and not real human beings."
"Everyone without exception in the narcissist's world is instrumentalized and objectified."
"The glow-up definitely stems from our desire to be beautiful, and we can pin that desire down to Fredrickson and Robert's objectification theory."
"Sexual immorality means anything that strips a person from their humanity, that turns them into a sex object, or something for you to just dominate, control, get profit or pleasure from."
"Men are total trashy beings, they focus on size and fail to realize that each girl comes with their own special Treasures."
"Pornography turns faces into bodies, it teaches us to look upon other people as mere objects."
"Pornography teaches us to think of sex and other people as bodies, not faces, it dehumanizes on that level."
"Being sexy is intrinsic whilst being sexualized is extra sick."
"There is a difference between being sexy and being sexualized."
"Modesty culture promotes the idea that women's bodies are inherently sexual."
"You do not exist as an individual to them; you exist as an internal object, an interject, an idea of somebody that you've internalized."
"Remember that aging is nothing to fear. Being a young objectified woman is not a woman's peak level of empowerment."
"They're not trying to see what's special about you. They're trying to see how your booty looks."
"We objectify animals to make what we do to them seem morally permissible."
"Pornography removes the personhood of that individual."
"Success in real life gives you respect from other men and cute girls who start wanting to suck your dick."
"He had pictures of 54 women in various modeling poses."
"He said everyone's just another piece of [__]."
"Teaching women how to disembody themselves from perhaps the most intimate act that you can do. Like, 'Don't worry about those pesky emotions, we can get rid of those for you.'"
"Modern day feminism is saying no go objectify yourself."
"Physically you are beautiful, but it's not attractive to me to feel like sexualized personally."
"I'm that bad boy she looking for. I'll rip the skin right off her back just to hit it raw."
"For the first time in the film, Melena is not stared at as she walks by. Her beauty is stripped by the beating, as the women of the town intended."
"Women have pretty much wheeled men down to two things: a penis and a wallet."
"When you are a beautiful woman, your body no longer belongs to you, and instead, you are a public commodity."
"If you got enough money, you got access to all the women."
"It's you know absolutely fine to dro over semi naked naked BLS right in Hollywood or whatever it may be but the moment a man does it over a woman they have to be canceled expunged and arrested."
"So in a way they are hypersexualizing themselves but by doing that they're promoting an idea of hypersexuality for other people to hypersexualize them as well"
"Because literally no one bats an eye about it and so I think this directly plays into the hypersexualization of women and especially female rappers"
"Women are reduced to their ability to serve Society."
"I do think there is a point here that people do see other people as commodities or objects, in part because of social media."
"They secretly really want to grab your ass if you're a woman."
"Why is it okay for women to be sexualized on a beach, in our movies, or in magazines, but we can't gently feed our children?"
"...talking about how nice her [ __ ] is sitting."
"What value would you bring to a guy by like showing your boobs but why do you act like the only value is what they do online it's not like you're completely dismissing like who somebody is as a person."
"This is what pain looks like. The constant exploitation and objectification of women. It's exhausting."
"The consequences of idolatry: it makes you think of people as objects."
"When a woman is actually rich, successful, acknowledged for her talent, they act like she's lost her beauty because she's no longer an objectified, dehumanized role."
"If she couldn't get older, the studio wanted her to be the sex pot always."
"Anything that enters your experience can be objectified."
"What do you think I am, a box lunch or a door prize that goes to the highest bidder?"
"You're worth so much more than feeling like a pretty plaything on a shelf."
"If you're looking for a man but you won't let a man do anything for you, you don't need a man, you need an object."
"I think it largely boils down to the commoditization of women."
"So what if they make an analogy with the mileage of a car and a woman? Tell them to go get a new car. I don't worry about the mileage of my car. Get the car, watch. Why are we talking about cars?"
"It's really unfair that you are at the moment the object of so much of this scorn."
"An idol is exhausted the moment you look at it. Pornography is an idol."
"There are so many women like us in real life, but on social media platforms and on TV, we're just regressed to how we look like, don't talk, just as long as you're sexy, that's fine."
"she was one of those people who just didn't say people as people they were more objects to be moved around on the chessboard so she could win the game and get what she wanted."
"Everyone wants to be looked at sexually, subjectively."
"When guys hang out together they are gonna talk about your ass ladies."
"Despite her beauty, she never stands out among the ladies, and men greet her with perverted eyes."
"She says the objectification and scrutiny we put women through is absurd and disturbing. The way I am portrayed by the media is simply a reflection of how we see and portray women in general measured against some warped sense of beauty."
"Why do some men treat women like objects and just want to F them? Because that's what they see them as, an object."
"You want to make sure that this is somebody who is not going to look at you as an object or a form of resource or a ladder that they can climb."
"If you treat a woman like an object, she won't charge like an object."
"Women aren't seen as objects of Desire because of porn, we are seen as objects of desire and porn is a result of that."
"Treat you like an object? Of course not."
"...and then you can't even look at girls normally anymore. I look at a girl and I got a whole price budget build it up in my head. I'm like, 'Oh, she had the eyelid thing done, too, grocery shop.'"
"While the term objectification is not typically applied to men, Stanley Kubrick's film Paths of Glory reminds us that throughout the ages, men too have often been no less objectified than women."
"Perhaps not in terms of their physical appearance or in terms of being sexually exploited, but in terms of their very lives being used as pawns in the wars of the powerful."
"All you wanted was a man to pay you some attention strictly for your sexual energy, for how you presented yourself as a sexual woman."
"You treated me as a product, not as a person."
"You didn't treat me as a human being, you treated me as a product."
"Key fits into all of this, not just as an example of how people objectify others, but what her character represents."
"Entrepreneur: 'I'm going to just [__] all these hot girls and then put them naked in the magazine.'"
"My husband wanted a pristine robotic-like Barbie doll to serve him."
"If you're a chick, all you gotta do is have a smoking body and show lots of skin."
"They’re lusted after only as long as they continue to project traits like obedience, subservience, and a baby-like lack of agency or individuality."
"You've got a great behind. Okay? That also makes you very weak. They want to see you bent over. They want to see you from the back. Okay? There's something about a walk. Some of you have got like a walk that is like to kill."
"He treats her like an animal, like a piece of meat."
"Unfortunately tattooed women run into more situations where they are objectified for their tattoos."
"Just like everything else was his, no matter who it belonged to. To him, a girl was like anything else, his gun and his clothes. Anytime Gig Sanders wanted something, it was his."
"A woman doesn't want to be the prize in a relationship."
"You start to feel like a thing, you start to feel like a project. You lose your humanity a little bit."
"They just want to see her naked or what?"
"The image they provide of women is really of a woman as an object... it's a fantasy."
"I hate being involuntarily sexualized."
"You're worth more than just being seen as a sex toy, you feel me, Fizz?"
"You're more likely to make money and get opportunities given to you by walking down the street in a bra than I am with my top off."
"I'm going to remove her little sweater off so I can see her body."
"If you see a male character with his shirt off and think, ah yes, there is no problem with fanservice in anime, see this man!"
"Yo, the more, the higher the rate is, the uglier the girls you get. The [ __ ] is, what I wouldn't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] trying to make money. You just trying to rack numbers. I'm trying to beat her brains out."
"It's an all-consuming kind of objectification he has of the people that he manipulates."
"People who even think of seeing someone as an object can't help but be labeled as something worse than trash."
"I felt like a piece of property. It's a strange feeling to know that somebody paid money for you."
"Women are made to feel our bodies are ornaments, not instruments. And that is a huge difference."
"Everything in our world right now is sold to us by the objectification of the female body."
"You know what girls like to send nudes? Yes, they just need an excuse."
"The greatest immorality in the universe is when people love stuff and use other people as things to get more stuff."
"I don't want to be objectified, is this woman wearing a t-shirt that says love on it?"
"...it's just another example of how women are commodities and kind of like props or commodities instead of humans who matter."
"But I don't like it when 11 men are looking at me and thinking the word. It does make me uncomfortable."
"Most men you meet online are gonna treat you like a piece of meat."
"Honestly, she's still hot. I'd still smash."
"She looks hot as hell. I want it."
"We've all become objects to these huge institutions."
"Men wanting to have sex with men understand each other and are generally on the same page and have less of a problem with being objectified."
"...helping to perpetuate a culture where a woman's value highest value is seen just as her physical attractiveness."
"Why couldn't a woman just walk down the street without being appraised like cattle?"
"These men are not trying to help you get women. They're not trying to help you get women because y'all really be looking at us like we're objects or something like that."
"It became like 50 science that is just thrown in your face and the other 50 which is even worse than this already poorly written novel is just objectification."
"Our culture objectifies women and is dreadfully unfair to women on every level."
"It was really hard for me to watch the way she was being hyper-sexualized."
"Fetishizing her is what got her killed. Y'all see why this is dangerous now?"
"He spoke about her like she wasn't human. He spoke about her like she was a toy."
"I'm gonna make Kate hella stacked like big fake titties that have the glare so it'll sell for the most."
"Human beings often have this temptation to sacrifice their subjectivity and move towards just being an object."
"We don't want to be seen only as decorative, we don't want to be seen only as sex objects, we are complex creatures."
"The hypersexualization of women does cause men to Envy us."
"Women's bodies are a source of temptation for men."
"The book glorifies the notion that a woman's worth is tied to her purity."
"I have no female friends. They're only subjects."
"You begin to be treated like an object and it feels different, and it feels good."
"It's not very attractive when a woman's sexuality becomes a product, do you know what I mean? It becomes hard to reconcile as a man."
"You don't want to be objectified and used."
"This how you show your appreciation? By spreading your legs for some money?"
"Men have never looked at women as success objects."
"Women were inherited just like products, you know how money was divided and it was shared."
"...The problem with pornography isn't that it shows too much, but that it shows too little. It reduces the mystery of femininity, the mystery of the human being, to a two-dimensional object..."
"He would say the epitome of anthropocentrism, the epitome of humanism, would be for us to objectify God and to say from a distance, 'This is the situation now, and now I’m going to decide if I believe it or not.'"
"I also found myself objectifying them less and respecting them a lot more."
"Porn is always the objectification of image bearers of God."
"Mission Impossible doesn't have these crazy requisite TNA shots of the women in their movies. It's the same thing they do in The Fast and the Furious trailers. You're looking up someone's crotch."
"What's happening is because of the plague of pornography we're trading in real women for fantasy."
"The Cuban wife is awesome, she's super nice and she's smoking hot."
"She sees them as wallets and toys."
"I feel like a wallet and a sex toy. I feel like a wallet and a sex toy. She sees them as dollar signs."
"Women can objectify men the same way men can objectify women."
"Looking at women, you know, commenting on their bodies in a disrespecting way."
"They're not just objects, not targets or punch bags, not toys to throw away when people are tired of them."
"It's not your fault, it's not your job to fix her. You're gonna be able to see people as they are, not just 'wow great boobs, great butt, beautiful lips, smile, love her voice, perfect, my dream woman.'"
"Objectification doesn't have to be sexual."
"I'm being objectified like crazy but I am here for it."
"There's no 8-year-old girl ever that says I can't wait to be objectified when I grow up and have men lust about my bodies never in the history of 8-year-olds has that ever been said."
"A woman can only be objectified if she objectifies herself first."