
Creator-audience Relationship Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"You are the reason why I get to do this as a job."
"The personal relationship that many creators produce through their channel often gives them a fanbase much more dedicated than that of the average celebutant."
"YouTube's tagline for a while was 'Broadcast Yourself', and that's what drives the relationship between a subscriber and a creator."
"I'm always going to be honest with you guys about this kind of thing because you mean so much to me."
"You guys have all the power, and I suppose that's what YouTube is all about."
"We don't have a regular job; it's wonderful, and you don't understand how grateful I and other creators are for you guys."
"Trust that your audience will trust you. If they, as a whole, don't trust you, then you might want to have another look at how you deal with them and how you've treated them in the past."
"An emotional connection to you as the creator can be key in converting a fan to a patron."
"There comes a time when a creator needs to come in front of their audience and say certain things... I have to say to all of you, thank you."
"If we get 15,000 likes on this video within the first day then I upload again tomorrow and then from there we just keep going up and up and up until I feel like y'all f*ck with me basically."
"When your audience comes to you and they find your content, they know that they're in the right place."
"People have subscribed, are currently subscribing, and will continue to subscribe to your content because they want to keep experiencing what you make."
"Subscribers are cool but it doesn't matter if they don't care about you as a person."
"We're empowering creators to forge deeper connections with their audience."
"It seemed once again that people were exploiting the audience of a creator just for money."
"Thank you so much for all your support. It means the absolute world to me."
"I think you guys understand that I am busy but that I do love you and I want to thank you guys so much for supporting me."
"I genuinely am grateful for the amazing audience that you are."
"It's about the trust between creator and audience."
"I appreciate all the love and support from my subscribers."
"To all the amazing viewers of this channel, thank you so much for always clicking on the video when I upload it. It genuinely means a lot to me."
"The most direct relationship between creator and audience."
"Thank you guys so much it's something that I wish I could say every single video without sounding like a broken record but I love all of you so much and thank you so much."
"You're the reason that I keep making these videos for you."
"I genuinely appreciate every single one of you being here."
"Anytime you guys let me know that you're enjoying the content, it means a lot."
"YouTube's secret... has always been its direct Creator to viewer relationship."
"I just want you guys to know that I love you all, and I am so excited."
"I think I'm so close to my audience that no Creator can duplicate because how did I get big it's not my content it's not my it is my personality it's how I connect with the audience."
"I'm truly so lucky to have such wonderful subscribers to this channel."
"Smash the like button before you leave to all my super Chatters are genuinely bonifiably love you from the bottom of my heart."
"Your support makes all this possible and I'm super grateful."
"Your support is hugely appreciated, and of course, I believe it's important that I'm completely honest and open with you."
"Thanks again for tuning in and watching as long as you did I really appreciate it I love you I really do I couldn't do this without you."
"I'm literally blown away with the support and you know just how it excited you guys seem to be about this like that's why I do these videos."
"I love when creators go directly to their fans."
"I love all you guys you guys mean the world to me thank you for understanding and being patient with me thank you guys for supporting me thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed my story see you guys in the next one."
"You guys show me that no matter what happens I still have an audience and that for me is amazing."
"The people that are always supporting me, you guys are the reason I do this."
"And honestly, it's hard to get out of my brain. Just thinking about how incredible each of you guys are."
"Thank you for coming back to support what I do."
"This is new media, baby. We have a direct relationship."
"Everything we do guys is for y'all, seriously thanks man."
"Hope you guys enjoyed. I love y'all so so much and I will see your fine ass in my next video. Peace out, y'all!"
"Thank you guys so much for continuing to support me."
"If you've ever bought anything from me or watched one of my videos or if you've happened to be a part of my patreon or like in whatever capacity you're here I am so grateful."
"Hope you guys enjoyed this and again thank you all very much for simply watching and for all the positive support that you guys and girls have sent my way over the years."
"I appreciate all of you... I'm excited to show you guys what we do next."
"Real quick, I wanted to tell y'all, uh, thank you so much for all the feedback and the comments on the last video."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. You're our Legends of my book."
"When people say I'm their favorite content creator, it doesn't compute in my head."
"Sometimes hearing stuff like this from you guys really helps us. You have no idea how much you guys mean to us YouTubers."
"Thank you so so much to my patrons for your support, y'all are the absolute best."
"I just feel like it's something that I owe y'all because y'all been watching me for so long."
"I guess I'm what I'm trying to get to is like this all wouldn't have happened without you guys."
"I love the control of communication between me and my audience."
"I seriously mean it. I thank you guys so much for sticking it out with me for so long."
"It's crazy to me that I've been watching you since middle school; now I'm a sophomore in college."
"I feel like I have the best YouTube audience ever."
"I would much rather be honest and I would much rather a youtuber than I'm watching be honest."
"It's really cool to have such a [ __ ] awesome audience who checks out your video so thank you guys so much for that."
"I know I say it in every video, but I mean it. So again, thank you. I couldn't do it without you."
"I hate those emotional, over-emotional videos that just seem so fake but... You guys have no idea how much I truly appreciate every single thing that you have done over the years."
"Love you, care about you, care about you more than any other YouTuber cares about their audience, that's a fact."
"Thanks so much for watching this video. I love y'all so much and until next time."
"Let me know if you like this style of vlog or what your favorite style of video for me is, and I will try and do more of that because I love you and I appreciate you."
"With the emergence of Twitter, the relationship between audiences and creators has opened up all across the board."
"I love you guys, let's get to the video."
"Your comments count, they help, and you'd be surprised how many of your favorite creators read your comments."
"I could not do any of this without any of you and I love you guys so much."
"It's a hard balance because you want to be personable with your subscribers who support you."
"I mostly care about you guys and how you guys are enjoying the content."
"I love you guys, I hope you guys enjoyed this video."
"Hope y'all enjoyed the video, man, you listen to me talk right now, comment #Ro to 70k, I really appreciate you watching my video all the way to the end, that's real love, man."
"You either learn to adapt with the creator or you just stop consuming the content."
"I really value honesty with you guys."
"First of all, I'd like to say thank you to all my subscribers; I wouldn't be here without you."