
Shift Quotes

There are 353 quotes

"I am experiencing a powerful abundant shift in my thinking."
"There is a shift from traditional financial markets over to decentralized finance (DeFi)."
"The greatest shift in human communications since the printing press."
"I'm starting to see a shift in online education... it really is the way forward."
"The recognition of these negative aspects of globalization has now caused the pendulum to swing back to local sourcing."
"You can detect that something unnatural has caused a shift in the narrative."
"The gun debate, it does feel as if the debate has shifted."
"The Labour Party is lurching to the left... moderate supporters are being purged."
"This is turning in quite a powerful way. The shift is very, very powerful."
"Nationalism practiced for your country replaces economic liberalism."
"The shift of demographics in voters in the United States in Canada in Europe and everywhere else... it can be a very very big paradigm shift in politics."
"Massive shift in consciousness taking place."
"The scariest part is that in the last 10 years, when you look at the graph in terms of where AI is being developed, it used to be 100% Academia."
"It affects change, there's a paradigm shift here."
"The global power order that the US used to dominate is no longer there."
"The broader push of history is away from the West and towards forms of economic systems we are talking about."
"The coronavirus reshuffled the global order."
"I would say the center now has shifted a little bit right."
"While CNN falls and crumbles, we can see the rise of alternative sources of news."
"The world is shifting away from dollar hegemony. Countries want more options, they do not want to live exclusively underneath the United States."
"With everything that's taking place, this is all part of a grand shift that is transforming your world."
"There is a huge shift in the collective consciousness, and we can all feel it."
"As we move forward more and more scientists are getting on board and that's where this world will shift because when you start to study evidence there's no doubt about the direction in which it leads."
"Democratic socialism is now not a liability but it's becoming a strength for candidates across the country."
"Entertainment as a whole is going through a paradigm shift."
"We are witnessing the greatest Financial paradigm shift in the history of mankind"
"Things just took an extremely interesting turn."
"I think there's something shifting in everything... a positive shift happening."
"This one has gotten the bulk of the love, and I think this is where the table started to turn from people liking Y to loving Y."
"What crazy hype and what a major momentum shift!"
"We're going to hit this mass shift in consciousness."
"2024 is a year of massive shift, massive undeniable shift."
"The great shift we're living is really the shift from horizontal to Vertical Consciousness, to simultaneity."
"There's definitely a shift going on right now in the collective."
"We're undergoing a fundamental shift of great importance; Asia, because of the rise of China, is going to be the most important area of the world for the United States."
"There is a major shift in people's consciousness here."
"I realized this recently actually that the massive shift in my faith walk was I had always recognized God as love but I never acknowledged him as judge."
"The South and Hip-Hop shifted forever when trap music came out."
"We've really shifted from an age of boredom to an age of anxiety."
"It definitely feels like there's a shift happening in the collective now."
"This subtle shift is actually a big shift to the body in the nervous system."
"Desperately wanting a shift in this connection, they see you as potential for the long haul, for real happiness."
"I like that mix, where it was like, 'Okay, you've been laughing at it up to this point. Now what about now?'"
"The Universe wants to let you know that the shift is coming in your life rather quickly, so remain faithful, remain trustful to what you guys are doing."
"You are going through an important shift at this time."
"Lost helped pave the way for a complete shift in our approach to television."
"You're going to take action with something very soon, or something is going to shift towards that sort of more action energy."
"There's never been a technological shift this quickly and this globally impactful before."
"It really shifted us energetically."
"The Tide is turning enough on this topic."
"...it is a full moon, full moons culminate, all right, so something is coming to an end or turning point or you're going to feel a shift."
"Every five, maybe 10, 12 years, we have these major world events, and then there seems to be a major shift."
"The Tories losing ground more heavily in places where they were previously strongest."
"Not feeling the same thing from you slowly shifts my attention elsewhere."
"So, interestingly, this world is going to massively shift the way developers think about their jobs."
"...people are noticing a major shift with you, people, it's mainly good positive energy that I'm picking up for pile number two."
"I feel like there's a massive shift in the types of content being created and where people are starting to put their content."
"Before 2002, being a Catholic priest was cool; now it's for those who love the Lord and his teachings."
"Cloud is a booming technology. IT companies across the globe are shifting their traditional infrastructure to cloud."
"I think humans are going to have more time to be more creative and do other things. The shift to media and content creation and artistry has already been massive over the past few years."
"The balance of power has shifted."
"I'm seeing that shift away from this sort of drug company-like focus."
"And if you stay to the end of this video you will feel that shift within from being attached to the freedom of feeling detached."
"So much of it comes down to we were miseducated. Miseducated, and unfortunately, our culture has shifted too kind of, you know, like our great grandparents all had gardens. Yeah, you said our great grandparents all worked outside, you know, like, all of our culture has shifted."
"This shift toward transparency isn't just a buzzword it's become the north star of Global Financial policies."
"We made an interesting shift which apparently has not been done before in the ADA guidelines."
"They wake up in a whole different vibration... enchanted... can't explain it... something shifts."
"That moment where I made that shift to drinking that smoothie...something that had been missing had been restored in my body."
"You're going to cause a heavy storm in this planet, a shift that's massive, it's big."
"There will be a point of complete and utter shift."
"Let's shift the dimension in Africa for a minute. Let's shift the dimension in London for a minute."
"It seems as though the tide has shifted."
"In the early Middle Ages, it's mainly China. By the 18th century, it's mainly India."
"It's subtle but it just gives you that little bit of a shift."
"Keep your eyes on this, ladies and gentlemen. There's a dramatic shift that is taking place and we can't ignore it."
"The entire momentum of this game shifted."
"Important shift. Completion of a cycle. Fulfillment, attainment, and fruition."
"Expect a massive shift, changes are underway."
"That's the cultural shift, let's say you know."
"The country has moved much farther to the right than we would have imagined in the 70s."
"And then it's the worst first starting opening shift you'll ever have, but it will not be the worst day you ever have."
"Things felt off, like there was a shift, and intuitively, you felt it."
"Things are about to take a big shift in your life."
"Things are definitely changing. I think there is a shift."
"Wow okay yeah what a change of tone."
"That completely shifted the relationship."
"It's a shift that can happen but it isn't a magic bullet answer. You have to keep at this work."
"I think there's a shift coming, there's a shift coming."
"...and it's about time the tide changed. I agree."
"There's something being shaken up that's kind of protecting you. It's a road that you were on, it's like, 'Okay, we're being shifted now.'"
"Our Consciousness is shifting like through different frames of a film strip, and that creates the idea of movement and space and time and change."
"In a strange shift of power, time has become a bit more circular."
"So one night I'm working a closing shift with a co-worker and the restaurant is maybe half an hour from closing um and this family goes to get their food."
"There's a shift taking place in your life because you came here today."
"So we're gonna start off with a really high level overview, and then walk through how some of the categories and subcategories shifted around."
"They are going through a comic shift, it's like they don't know where they're going to be in a week's time, two weeks time."
"Some of the best parts in my opinion of Tower of God is when it shifts from like fun and inviting to like drop dead serious intense."
"That went from really heartwarming and great to horrific."
"In a moment, God can shift something."
"The power of cricket has shifted from England to India."
"'You know something has to shift when you are chronically worn out...'"
"The narrative is shifting in favor of the Palestinians."
"Things really shift and literally just fall into place for you in a really beautiful way."
"I work at our local Wendy's and my normal shift is from about 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon to about 12:30 or 1:00 at night."
"Now it's not about the pickles, it's about the chicken sandwich."
"Instagram is going to be going right back to the pictures say a thousand words type spiel that you've heard me say over and over again."
"The turning point was Jurassic Park. That was like this big 'the world has changed' moment."
"The center of gravity of the world's economy will shift to Asia, especially to East Asia. This shift is unstoppable."
"I love how everyone in this world thinks so little of mash and the moment he even remotely punishes them everything shifts from 'I'm about to kick this magical's ass' to 'am I breathable right now'."
"The creation of Action Force in 1982 shifted the brand from focusing on a singular man to a team of action operatives."
"The momentum has changed big time."
"Aries, you're going through a massive shift."
"This drops all resistance now to that 3D you. Should see an immediate shift. That really is how to shift instantly."
"Ali shifted from his rope-a-dope defense and began fighting back."
"The shift from owner capitalism to manager capitalism is a major shift in the world."
"I think people do often shift views from one party to another."
"This is a monumental shift, a shift that will change the course of your entire spiritual journey."
"When God says enough, the shift becomes possible."
"I trained two shifts on days and then showed up that Thursday at 10 p.m. for my first shift alone... or so I thought."
"Secret shifters, and it shifts your thoughts."
"I love that mood shift at the end."
"Society is shifting towards remote work."
"Selling that reduction in transactions costs is a huge shift in the nature of business."
"Yes, it is. So hopefully, there's going to be a major shift in terms of more prevention rather than treating the disease after it happens."
"The shaking is a sign that a shift is taking place."
"For Elizabeth and Margaret this would be the moment of the most significant shift in their relationship."
"And then maybe the night shift charge nurse makes the day shift patient assignment, and but and then you would do that for a night shift if you were the day shift charge nurse. I mean, the day shift charge nurse is going to be dealing with a lot more in and out of the unit."
"It's weird like that, that's where the conversation is kind of shifting like it's coming up a lot more than it ever did before."
"Society needs to make the shift as well."
"When you offer an order of magnitude better performance and better power, I think it's a natural shift."
"Data mesh is a big mind shift from centralized ownership to decentralized ownership."
"There has been an increase in identification as Republican among black and Latino voters as well."
"The public opinion about HIV and AIDS completely shifted."
"The cartel has shifted its focus from DP to fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is up to 100 times more potent than morphine."
"It was a moment where there was a shift."
"It was actually a big shift in ideas, the intellectual operating system of the elites."
"When we stop making assumptions, everything can shift."
"When you're willing to always do your best, everything can shift."
"AI is a once in a species shift in technology."
"There is a point where things begin to turn. There's a shift that can come, and when you get to the point of a shift, it's a turning point."
"The most powerful force in the world is shifting from the state to encrypted computer networks."
"I feel like there's actually a shift happening towards mindfulness because it's out of necessity."
"The labor market is undergoing a unique shift which we don't appreciate the significance of just yet."
"If you do this every day and you stick to it, something has to shift."
"This represents a big shift towards asynchronous and non-blocking as a concurrency model."
"The Earth Star chakra, it's activating on its own as a part of this energy shift."
"It's really this shift from objects to relationships to patterns to context."
"This could be about a major shift in the way you think, how you see and perceive life."
"The sudden shift from calmness to violence makes us terrified as we read the passage."
"The centerpiece of Protestant worship shifted from the sacrament to the word and the proclamation of the word."
"A Monumental shift in global Consciousness that beckons each soul to rise from the Slumber of routine existence."
"ChatGPT or generally AI helping people to code is going to be a paradigm shift."
"The focus shifts from you to God, and you begin to sense His grace."
"Make the shift from getting to how may I serve, what may I give, how can I do it."
"You have taken on this shift, and generally when you make this shift... you now realize that there's something greater, something grander, something more profound."
"The premium has shifted dramatically throughout the workforce from the skill of problem-solving to the skill of problem finding."
"His words held an otherworldly potency; for when he spoke, the very fabric of reality seemed to shift."
"It's been really an amazing momentum shift in this match."
"Awakening involves a profound shift in our intuitive understanding of reality."
"I want there to be a shift so that the balance is equal."
"The ego to ecosystem shift, from silo 'me, me, me' to really not only knowing but also feeling what it looks like, feels like for the others."
"Your entire job is to shift and feel your emotions, that's it."
"It's a shift in how you see things, it's a heart shift, it's a head shift, it's a choice to look through a different lens and think and feel differently about the whole situation."
"There is definitely a behavior shift happening, and that shift is all the money of collectors and investors is leaving the modern standards stuff now at a very high rate."
"It's a sudden wakeup call, energy shift, realization."
"It's time for your destiny to change, it's time for something to be shifted in your life."
"You begin to also change the focus from you to others."
"What can I be happy about? And then your mood will slowly shift."
"Something has shifted in the atmosphere of the heavens."
"You stepped into a divine shift of God."
"We are aware that while the planet is undergoing a shift to a higher frequency, all who reside within her energy fields will also experience this realignment."
"Once you notice this pattern, you have a gestalt shift and you realise that the self image of the West, as based on the rule of law and constitutional principles is out of date and in need of revision."
"I think something's shifting, definitely."
"It feels like I shifted and got another chance at life."
"Computing is at what I think is once in a generation sort of shifts."
"You're shifting into a completely different parallel reality."
"You are shifting literally from one vibration to another."
"She deserves that closure and she deserves to understand that there was a reason that there was such a shift."
"When there are big shifts in collective consciousness... it's influencing everything."
"Everything around us like the atmosphere kind of shifted."
"There is a great shift happening right now on the planet."
"It's exciting, I think, for a lot of us. It's a new shift in how the public overall looks at UFOs."
"The world is pivoting in some new direction; the world is shifting, it is reforming."
"There's basically a big global shift in the way that people perceive their experience."
"Now let's shift the focus to something that has become really quite intriguing."
"It's like there's something shifting and people are starting to appreciate the hard work and the passion that these people put in to what they are and what they do."
"The world will become increasingly more Asian and, above all, much more African."
"Great achievement comes with this major shift in consciousness."
"That is the awakening of your shifting consciousness."
"Let's get out of the mode of money; let's get into adding value to someone else."
"If you asked villains what kept them up at night, they used to say the Avengers. Now, the Guardians of the Galaxy have rolled into the universe."
"There's a strange energy in the room, or there's a strange shift happening within their being."
"Stop being needy and demanding things from God, and start serving Him."
"The discussion around unidentified objects has experienced a significant shift in recent years."
"A true paradigm shift, as they say."
"God can shift your focus away from your own pain to the pain of somebody else."
"It needs to be a fundamental shift in the way that we think about food, the way that we consume food."
"People are shifting their perceptions of ownership towards experiences."
"This is just a very slight shift of perspective which is extremely powerful."
"There is a massive shift all around the world; there are examples of the ways that renewable technologies are changing the way electricity is generated."