
Generational Responsibility Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"Your legacy will be determined by how well you instill your children with the right values so that their children won't screw everything up."
"Isn't that the whole point, to ensure that generations after us have it easier? Isn't it so bad to improve quality of life so people have it easier?"
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
"Blaming the current generation of Eldians for what happened hundreds of years ago is ridiculous."
"The ultimate tragedy would be if we, as the first generation aware of such a threat and able to do something about it, fell victim to it."
"It's time for us to take that responsibility and hold ourselves accountable and make sure that we reach back to the younger generation."
"Free speech needs to be defended in every successive generation; it's not something that you get and then it's there forever."
"Well Morgan, the future is in your hands and the hands of your generation, and this was a moment of transition, it was not the end."
"This generation is giving us a job to do. The job is addressing the climate crisis."
"We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it."
"You're a parent, I'm a parent. We have to try and make this country stronger and more whole for our next generation or we will have failed them."
"A civilization depends on one generation handing on to the next."
"It's not easy and I think it takes every generation now stepping up to do our part."
"That what gives each new generation purpose is to take up the unfinished work of the last and carry it further than anyone might have thought possible."
"We owe it to ourselves, our children, and generations to come, to do all that we can to ensure that their daughters and granddaughters never share their experiences."
"Every one of us wishes our children would survive, but that is only one side of the coin; the other side is that we must recognize that we have responsibilities."
"We need help right now to avoid economic collapse, however, we don't want to put more burden on future generations."
"Parents, what responsibilities do we have to the next generation?"
"Maintain it, look after it, and pass it on to future generations."
"The work of our generation is to say goodbye to old practices that don't serve us anymore and to put them all behind us."
"Let's end the war first, create peace, and then leave the reunification and the roadmap for the next generation."
"We are going to be the generation that saves our planet. Once and for all, now and forever."
"I want my generation to enjoy the environment. I want to make a change in the world."
"It is the obligation of every generation to safeguard and protect those freedoms."
"We must pay attention to this message: our generation and the next must consider this question: will the generation degenerate or regenerate?"
"The new world is coming. It's up to us as the next generation to just take that step forward and create the change and be the difference for our future generations."
"When the people hire you on a promise to change business as usual that system will devour you if you don't play ball with them."
"You have the power to ensure future generations grow up in the truth and knowledge that we are not alone."
"Our generation created a lot of problems; let them solve."
"Democracy doesn't happen by accident. We have to renew it with each generation, and this is an urgent matter on all our parts."
"We're only one generation from total annihilation basically if we give up and everyone just focuses on themselves, then who's gonna pick up the mantle?"
"The true measure of leadership is whether we leave the world better for our children and our grandchildren."
"It is the responsibility of one generation to pave the way for the generation after them."
"Every group that is going to survive will understand the necessity of preparing the next seven generations."
"We have an obligation to do the same for future generations."
"Think about your great grandmother who never got the chance to vote, and then think about your grandchildren that you need to do something for."
"Every single one of us has that responsibility to share the truth of God's Word with the next generation."
"We have to do it for our posterity. We have to have children right now."
"Your generation has the chance to be the first generation to actually improve the environment instead of trashing it."
"We are the last generation. This is our last chance to stop the tipping point."
"The responsibility of our generation is to hand over a fairer and more secure world to the following generation."
"We need to do what old men should have done and leave the world a better place before we go."
"It is now our generation's task to carry on what those pioneers began."
"We can't rely on the children to fix this, it's everyone's responsibility now."
"It's up to us to preserve that liberty for the next generation to enjoy."
"Freedom is never one generation from being extinct."
"It is our generation's task to reignite the true engine of America's economic growth."
"There are moments in history when more is asked of a particular generation than other times."
"One fundamental responsibility we have as a generation is the next generation we produce must be at least one, if not better than us. If they are less than us, we have failed as a generation and as human beings."
"This is the business of this generation to create conscious human beings."
"Freedom is a very fragile thing and it is never more than one generation away from extinction."
"At the end of the day, what we want to be doing is making this place and world better, especially for the next generation."
"Protecting the environment now is the defining issue of our generation."
"I care a lot more about whether or not we are going to be able to bequeath the democracy."
"We shouldn't have to fight for Freedom every generation because the ones ahead of us were too cowardly to hold on to it."
"We need to pass the torch and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light."
"We're ready for it, born for it, no question."
"What are we doing for our children and our young people if we're leaving them a shambles of a planet in a climate?"
"How can we be living in a world that is 2/3 people of color yet we degrade ourselves to think that we somehow other minority in a world where we are the majority?"
"Harriet Tubman couldn't save everybody but I dare say it's time for this generation to save the next generation for black people."
"We have the ability in our hands to make a better tomorrow for our children."
"It is the obligation of every generation of Americans to defend and reclaim their democracy."
"America has always been a work in progress... falls to each new generation to renew and rediscover our country's lofty promise."
"We care deeply about passing our children an environment in better state than we found it ourselves."
"We got to be better leaders for the Next Generation."
"Preserve and be conscious of our obligations to pass on these principles to the next generation."
"We have a moral responsibility to make certain that the planet we leave our kids and our grandchildren is a planet that is healthy and is habitable."
"My generation is toast if we don't act - it's time for real change."
"It's our problem. We have to preserve this for our generations to come."
"This isn't about me, this isn't about my generation, this is about our."
"Every generation has to define for itself what it means to move the needle forward."
"We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren, and children yet to be born."
"If we love our children and our grandchildren, we have a moral responsibility."
"Every generation should be responsible for the next generation."
"If the youth ain't [ __ ] then we doomed right when when we go who's supposed to come behind us if the youth ain't [ __ ] and we say they don't listen we're you don't listen yeah we're doomed yeah we're done off you don't listen."
"We have a responsibility to the uplift of our descendants."
"I think it's our role, our mandate, our obligation to make sure that we pass on a democracy to that new group of Americans."
"The burden to act that is on the shoulders of the generation of people alive today is a challenge to our moral imagination."
"Our responsibility is to leave our children what was left to us."
"We need to leave a better Canada for our children."
"Our generation has, like, a responsibility to change it."
"It's an obligation to pass it down to future generations."
"This is black. If you ain't thinking about who's coming behind you, what are you thinking about?"
"We need to vote like we have never voted in our lives... it's about our future."
"There's a generation coming that is going to have to know how to set people free."
"Everybody owes it to themselves and in particular their children to advocate for them to be more scientifically literate than they are now."
"Vote for your ancestors who were enslaved. Vote for your children, for this generation, and for future generations."
"We're charged not to drop the baton of our ancestors. We're taking this all the way, baby."
"We are in a fight for our lives and for future generations."
"It's preserving culture, I mean no matter what kind of culture you're talking about, you wouldn't want that to die out."
"The earth is too beautiful and sacred to let you people in one generation destroy it."
"We've got about three generations left to stop the loss of biodiversity."
"We have to look out for the seventh generation coming and we have to be their positive mentors."
"Our generation must deliver. We can no longer allow this genocide to continue."
"We failed that generation, my generation failed that generation."
"Each generation is the future of humanity, and as adults, it's our job to nurture and steer the youth in the right direction."
"Here is a problem which transcends our particular generation. It is an intergenerational problem."
"Protecting our republic is worth it for my children and my grandchildren."
"We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream, it must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
"One demonstrator said, 'Don't stay silent. Come out and protest for the next generation.'"
"Wow, how lucky are we to live on Earth during the 12-year period of all of humanity where the Earth is in our hands?"
"We were supposed to leave this world safer for our children, but we're failing."
"It's not far off right this generation is going to have to decide whether to deal with it seriously."
"The good thing is that i think you mentioned this i've mentioned this before we're on the right side of history and we can you know we can look our kids in the eye of grandkids."
"It's our responsibility to future generations to share what we know, what we learn, what we see."
"We're fighting for the future of our children."
"It is the responsibility of every generation to study, investigate, explore, and if necessary, challenge and change traditions."
"Adults have a duty to pass this world on to the next generation in a world worth passing. What is it we truly need to do to create such a world? Take each other's hand in friendships or fight for the right of supremacy?"
"You have a chance to weather the storm so your kids won't."
"Let's be a generation that wants to engage and agree with each other and fix all the problems earlier generations had."
"If you want to make change, people are going to have to understand that yes, you didn't get that in the past, but what are we doing? We are here making a better future for future generations."
"Machine learning is growing in importance." - Jeff Dean
"We are the first generation who understand climate change and the last who could do anything about it."
"We can be the last generation to solve climate change."
"Are you sure that democracy, and freedom is not one generation away from extinction?"
"Don't rob your children of a future because I, an old guy, might die of COVID down the line. It's crazy talk and we need to stop it."
"He believes that he and his age have the whole world's future or fate in his hand."
"Shame on us for not standing up like so many other Generations have for our own voting rights and our own democracy."
"Our generation has this obligation and this fantastic opportunity to transform this country anew."
"Climate change is the existential challenge that's going to determine the future as a country for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren."
"Are we going to make the world a better and brighter place for future generations to live in?"
"If we read more literature, would this be a nicer, more peaceful, a more tolerant world? Yes."
"Punishing is our strategy. If you want to just try to out mock or out meme the left, I am not willing to put the future of my descendants in the hands of our ability to meme the left to death."
"I've got a lot to live and I've begun fighting, I started doing this when I was 14 years old because I said my generation needs to be fought for."
"This fight is going to pass on to our children but we are going to make sure that we have them in the best position possible before we hand that football off because we can do this."
"We cannot blame our own for decisions and actions done before they were brought to this earth."
"I strongly believe that we are the generation that is here for change."
"We don't have the money to pay for these things and it doesn't make sense to borrow our children and our grandchildren's money to pay for the things that we want right now."
"America has tumbled time and again on its quest towards justice and it's all of your generation revisited our fundamental truths and where we falter we make amends."
"We're probably the last generation that's gonna have the chance to save the Amazon as it is."
"Why should their generation pay for our mistakes?"
"Older generations love telling younger generations that it's their job to fix the mess the older ones made."
"It's our role to educate the generation above us and also to make policies that prepare the generation below us for a better life."
"We're the last generation that's going to have a chance to fix it."
"We are duty-bound to carry the torch of liberty in our time, to defend it from modern attack, and to preserve it for our children and for their children."
"Social Security is more like this: you have generations, each generation is paying for the previous generation's retirement."
"Being the first generation to do it means that you're not going to benefit off of the trickle down. You are the initial trickle, so you have to be as unselfish as you can to understand that what you're building is not for you, but for your children and their children."
"Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction."
"The land belongs to everyone; I want to make sure that before I leave, the land will be ready for the next generations."
"When we place our rivers and our valley into younger hands, they must know that without these rivers, there is no valley."
"Our generation of America must meet its responsibilities not only to ourselves but to all those who wish to trod on Freedom's Road."
"We're the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the very last generation to be able to do anything about it."
"A generation's only legacy is the country it leaves behind."
"Millennials and Gen Z are their children and grandchildren; that's all part of their legacy."
"Our generation has a choice to make: Do we assume leadership and establish our moral legitimacy, or do we light a million candles for the help that never came?"
"I believe that it's virtually every single person's responsibility to ensure that the next generation is actually better off than their generation."
"We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us."
"It's essential for our generation to take action and to take action now if we want to create a sustainable, just, and livable planet for all people."
"Liberty is never more than one generation away from extinction."
"We're fighting for our future, we're fighting for our children."
"The idea that we inherit the Earth from our elders is wrong; we borrow the Earth from future generations."
"We're the first generation in history that can look at each other with a straight face and say we know how to get off of this treadmill."
"We must hold the older generations accountable for the mess they have created."
"We are the generation that watched every like AI takes over the world movie. We are the ones who have to save the world."
"To the youngest generations we've tasked with saving us all, you shouldn't have to. I'm so sorry."
"We owe our grandparents our parents and eventually ourselves the right not only to live but to behave happily and maximally."
"We got to do better as a generation, man. It's sad, bro."
"It wasn't really until the 1960s that young adults in Germany started demanding from their elders to take responsibility for their past."
"Neither catastrophe nor transcendence are inevitable; there's an element of choice that presents itself to each generation."
"We can't go backwards, and what I've found is that each generation has to be a steward, maintain what's happening."
"Both men and women owe the world a future generation."
"Every failed generation is the generation that has not passed and transferred the knowledge of God to the next generation."
"This really isn't about us now, it's about our future for our children, for the country in general."
"The world is on loan to us from our children."