
Disappearance Quotes

There are 1790 quotes

"They dragged those corpses down below where they'd never be found."
"The Indus Valley Civilization...vanished completely."
"Only Mr. Beast, the master of all four platforms, could fix this. When the world needed him most, he vanished."
"Authorities are working with tech experts to uncover any digital clues that might shed light on his activities leading up to the disappearance."
"In the blink of an eye, millions disappear and the world is thrown into chaos."
"Many had hoped Tara had simply picked up and run off to start a new life, but those closest to Tara knew that that just wasn't in her nature."
"It is unthinkable to consider that a high-performance aircraft, permanently connected to the ground by radio and satellite could thus disappear."
"As long as you are clear about their clear intentions, just know as soon as they don't get what they want, they will disappear faster than you can blink."
"The Man from Taured is that classic conspiracy theory that a guy showed up at an airport, said he was from Taured, had history, and then whenever the police came back to check up on him, he disappeared."
"Ray was at such a great spot in his life; he had it all, and then he disappeared."
"The Disappearance of Ray Wright was a complete mystery; there was no explanation of why he was gone."
"He faded in a foggy haze as if he were slowly getting erased from existence."
"Despite her pressuring police to look into them, telephone records weren't checked until many months after her daughter's disappearance."
"William Morgan disappeared in 1826 after allegedly being angry with the Masons and planning to publish a book revealing all their secrets."
"Well, you know, and I'm just gonna, I just want to discuss this a little bit, you know, when Hitler was gone from Germany and all this, a lot of the scientists, a lot of his generals, they disappeared, uh, they disappeared with lots of submarines."
"Johnny disappeared for a while saying that he had health issues."
"The mystery deepens: Lauri Waterman's disappearance."
"People are just disappearing without a trace, leaving nothing behind."
"Her body was never found there are no current suspects leads or evidence it's strange that a young girl could vanish while on a popular Trail in the middle of the day surrounded by people."
"It just disappeared. New hope after a decade of despair."
"No trace of him to be found... over 10 years... missing for over 10 years."
"Despite the magnitude of the search, Fossett was never found and was legally declared dead mere weeks later."
"The disappearance of Claudia Lawrence remains a mystery, with two main theories: abduction or absconding."
"Her good behavior and seemingly happy home life are what made her sudden disappearance in the 1980s all the more strange."
"I grabbed my backpack and ran to the front door, hastily opening it. The street was gone. In its place, only another empty room."
"One second he was with them and then he disappeared the next."
"When the statue stops being observed, it disappears from its current location and instantly appears behind someone's back."
"It's going to disappear one day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear."
"When they visited her boyfriend's place... nobody had seen either of them for about a week."
"Piper's disappearance became the subject of hush conversations and furtive glances."
"Piper's disappearance spread like wildfire, igniting speculation and worry."
"Part way through his run, the video stopped. Investigation revealed that Rogers had disappeared."
"Juan Yanglin was a researcher at the institute. In early 2020, she disappeared from its website, her social media presence also vanished."
"But when police arrive moments later, she’s disappeared, not showing herself again until she rushes at Kate and Max with a knife."
"An enigmatic man disappeared on a voyage into the unknown."
"She stunned fans when she returned to acting in 2015 but disappeared again the following year. We haven't seen her in anything since."
"All of the evidence police had gathered now led them to believe that 18-year-old Nick Howard had in fact staged his own disappearance."
"Chris is recounting finding his home completely empty with his wife and kids missing."
"For all intents and purposes, the man who called himself Dan Cooper had successfully completed his criminal operation before he disappeared into thin air."
"Regardless, it is absolutely terrifying that a well-known, well-liked person could simply up and disappear outside of her own apartment block."
"It's not a crime to walk off the face of the earth."
"Patricia and Pamela vanished without a trace on Halloween night in 1969."
"When Bill went behind the bush to see where Dennis had gone originally, Dennis was not there."
"Several years after Dennis went missing there was a hunter who was hunting illegally in the forest and three miles away from where Dennis was last seen he claims to have found skull remains of in particular a small boy."
"He said this might be how people disappear... there were people out there coming out of the ground and moving around."
"The longer Ben stays missing, the more Jess starts to dig into her brother's situation, and the more questions she has."
"In 1975, Jimmy Hoffa drove to the parking lot of the Marchus Red Fox Restaurant and waited. 90 minutes later, a car with several men inside picked up Jimmy Hoffa and he was never seen again."
"Kristen was missing. The how and the why would be much more difficult to determine but the who was starting to come into Focus."
"Evil cannot stand the test of time. What happened to them? They disappeared."
"Luke just disappears out of goddamn nowhere."
"Melissa's disappearance electrified the tiny rural community of Lorton."
"It almost looks like a large fish or shark jumping up, but how in the world does it disappear like that, fading into oblivion?"
"People can't just vanish... something has to have happened to them."
"I'm disarmed, but I vanish and we kill him off this."
"This is an examination of the solder children disappearance and the confounding mystery along state route 19."
"Every culture since time immemorial has had these stories of the fae, of the fairy folk. Do you believe these people exist? Do you believe that they are who cause people to disappear in the woods and force them never to return?"
"Boo is erased and all the specs of him disappear as he dissipates, a shadowy figure is revealed in front of his absence, it's Lord Beerus."
"OneCoin was revealed to be one big con, with Ruja disappearing into thin air."
"Melissa Caddick disappeared without a trace along with 20 million dollars of money belonging to her investors."
"How does a popular 17-year-old just up and disappear from the face of the earth?"
"That was the one thing that she never ever forgot or left behind even if it meant calling police to go and get it for her."
"Her family does not believe it is her, and her father believed she succumbed to the elements the day she disappeared."
"All of these theories have been debunked in some sort of way and neither the aircraft or Frederick himself have ever been found."
"Ancient Roxburgh simply vanished, leaving behind decaying castle remains."
"My editor has disappeared without a trace. It's really strange because the Franklin DRC video was meant to come out quite a while ago but Andre the person editing it just disappeared."
"Alaska... a harsh but beautiful place... one in every 250 people go missing every year."
"People just don't disappear. Someone knows something or saw something."
"No one will ever know how Arvin Nelson disappeared in the Ventana Wilderness without a single trace."
"Flores was a classmate of Smart and has long been the main suspect in her disappearance."
"Everything else sank into darkness and vanished."
"Places can disappear as well. Just ask Atlantis."
"I think he-- him and Rita probably would have disappeared."
"He'd been speaking about the best way to kill someone to numerous people including his nephew in fact he once told him if he ever killed someone he'd wrap them in chicken wire and chains with bricks on them and he'd put them in the lake."
"The whole thing is going to disappear with a roar."
"The Bermuda Triangle is a place where people disappear mysteriously."
"She never came home, there was no sign of her."
"I heard about strange car little boy, little boy, little boy, little boy, little boy."
"Years after Lord Lucan had disappeared, the title of Lord Lucan the eighth was denied to his son because there had not yet been a death certificate. Nobody, no death."
"Disappearance of 83-year-old woman after two years solved."
"If he was depressed it's not too far-fetched to think that maybe he just got off left his stuff and just walked away from his life."
"These missing people are real and it's disturbing how they manage just to dematerialize and then nothing."
"This is scary, this is tragic, this is not fun and games for the individual who disappears."
"He left the brewery and he never came back and I think that says plenty about him."
"The boys might have shared a similar fate to hundreds of people who seemingly vanished into thin air."
"14 men on those five planes vanished into thin air."
"I don't know where Barry went this time again."
"They virtually disappear doing this routine."
"The game just flat out disappeared. I don't know why it disappeared, but apparently it disappeared for a game rework."
"How did the mountain disappear?" - A mystery to be solved.
"Ms. Heslop's family and friends are desperately worried for her, but with each passing day, the likeliness of her being found alive dwindles."
"Where did they go? What happened to them? It's a fascinating mystery."
"The disappearance of Joseph Balderas is one of the most mystifying and frustrating cases."
"Look at that how it looks like here. Look at that, I'm disappeared."
"A woman and her infant son vanish, the husband is frantic, the clues are scarce, but hopes linger even as the hours and days tick by without a word."
"This would be the last time that Eugene Palmer was ever seen alive."
"The disappearance of Annie McCarrick in 1993 is an unsolved mystery with two strange sightings that could lead investigators to what happened to the 27-year-old just before she vanished."
"It's been knotted two and a half years ago, about the same time Sarah went missing."
"That's when something weird happened. It disappeared. It was almost like it blinked out of existence."
"So when she disappeared on September the 27th, 2014, her friends and family were shocked..."
"Number four: This is the strange but true story of Jane McDonald Chrome... on November 13, 1993... mysteriously vanished into the cold night..."
"Number one: This is the mysterious disappearance of Lori Ann Murchison Dunbar put bleached blonde hair and a dimple in her cheek that showed when she smiled..."
"Life goes on after Brandon Lawson's disappearance but questions remain."
"Brandon wouldn't run out on his family. He just wouldn't."
"The disappearance of Joan Risch is one of the strangest and most bizarre disappearances."
"Fishermen found his belongings including his ID floating in the water."
"The press was fascinated by Agatha's vanishing act, turning her disappearance into a real-life mystery."
"Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: disappeared without even a distress call or signal afterward."
"Unfortunately, her attempt failed and she disappeared over the Pacific Ocean near Howland Island."
"I have never ever read an account of anyone who disappeared who is carrying a firearm and a personal locator beacon."
"We never found the body of the old man and as a result the tribe was confirmed in its beliefs that he had been wafted off earth by unfriendly spirits into quote."
"Uyghur model disappears after exposing conditions in China's detention camps."
"This couldn't have been a moment where she just got lost or confused."
"The mystery of the Zenetti train that suddenly disappeared."
"People don't just vanish Into Thin Air. It's absolutely impossible, so something has happened."
"People just don't vanish. It's not possible."
"In 1900, the three lighthouse keepers mysteriously vanished without a trace."
"But at one point, it simply disappears from history without any clear mention of what happened to it."
"He needed to get rid of her, and definitely in a way that no one would be able to identify her."
"Nobody's seen them, nobody, nobody knows where they went. Milk carton. Now you know when you think about the milk cartons, you go back, you think man, you see them on the milk cartons, you don't even question it."
"Police in Washington state were beginning to suspect that fellow officer Sergeant Matt Bachmeier was responsible for the disappearance of 35-year-old James Brad Wren."
"In the weeks and months before they vanished, things with the Jamisons were not ideal. Multiple searches were conducted, but no sign of the family was found until four years later."
"The lost colony of Roanoke: 120 people vanished."
"The mysterious disappearance of a US Air Force plane: 44 people vanished over the Yukon."
"The disappearance of a marine engineer would unearth a dark tale of greed, deception, and dishonesty."
"Is this the end game in the case of the mysterious disappearance of three-year-old Madeleine McCann?"
"Building four disappeared turned into dust went away."
"The couple kissed and the shop vanished in seconds."
"It's child sex slavery and she's acting as a madam where is she she's not dead she's disappeared."
"I think he faked his death, to be honest with you."
"Lost memories of Edgar Latulip... vanished into thin air... his family feared the worst had happened."
"This thing was just gone, no logical explanation."
"Black holes can basically make everything disappear."
"It's almost like she disappeared off the face of the earth."
"This is someone that people loved, really looked up to, and she just disappeared."
"It's just mind-blowing to me that in 2021 somebody with as much attention as brian laundry was receiving was able to just vanish."
"Could it really be just as simple that brian did decide to go into the park or the reserve on the 13th or 14th of september to take his own life?"
"Flight 19 disappeared without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle."
"The Derbyshire, twice the size of the Titanic, disappeared in the Devil's Sea."
"The girl vanished as completely as if she had been Spirited Away by a supernatural power."
"It's up to us to define what Trump is. I mean, he can just disappear back into the background if he's not supported by the people."
"How is it possible that a woman and two kids are just completely gone?"
"Jesus Christ one of them said, you've been missing for 15 years."
"He left the house in the middle of the night in socks and shorts. He couldn't have gone far."
"What happened to Allen, and why did he go out into the woods without his boots?"
"It's like he just vanished. His car was found with his dog. She's okay, but we're afraid of what might have happened."
"Number 2: The Adirondack Forest Preserves, Santanoni. Douglas John Legg was a young boy who was visiting his family's twelve thousand five hundred acre estate in the Santanoni Preserve in Newcomb for the summer..."
"That's right. You want to disappear. You've one death, and we will give it to you."
"The disappearance of Amelia Earhart is probably the most famous disappearance of all time."
"How is it that someone can simply vanish off the face of the earth? There's a terrifying reality that such a thing is very, very possible."
"The disappearance of the god, the goddess, the savior-type figures, etc."
"Jonah disappears after going to the coordinates that he deduced from the numbers that appeared throughout his life."
"This time when I opened the door the doll was gone. We knew immediately we had to leave the house."
"If you ever join the game 'Frown', you would go missing."
"There was nowhere for him to disappear to, nowhere that is but down."
"We have to go back to this idea... I don't think he just rolled into the house and said, 'Hey guys, I'm home without Gabby, what's up?'"
"His disappearance prompted all kinds of conspiracy theories."
"If anything could make an entire island just disappear into the void, it would certainly be the power of chaos."
"He had big plans for his life, but on the 23rd of June, he never arrives."
"The disappearance of Anne Riffin is utterly baffling."
"What happened to Amelia Earhart? Her remains have never been found and her disappearance has been the source of many controversial theories over the years."
"Two hundred thousand dollars and was never seen again, dead or alive."
"She was never seen again and despite multiple searches neither Paula or any of her belongings were ever found."
"Despite all that time passing, there hasn't been a single trace found."
"The fire chief a guy named Ken Farina made a statement to the press when they asked what happened and he goes best case scenario he got abducted by aliens because there's no evidence he went anywhere from that snowmobile just gone."
"The moment the Foundation left, nobody else went missing from Ombre Rouge."
"Jodi Huisentruit was an American TV news anchor in Mason City Iowa who disappeared in the early morning on June 27 1995."
"The sudden disappearance of Ren Zhiqiang, the Chinese billionaire who had criticized President Xi's response to the virus, and then suddenly bye-bye. Yeah, you don't criticize the Communist Party, not ever."
"But what actually happened to Emanuela Orlandi?"
"Perhaps Rebecca Coriam had taken her own life."
"No one can say for sure what happened to Lars Mittank."
"You don't call the police or 9-1-1... she would never have left her friends and just disappeared."
"This is the story of a son who disappeared, a family tragedy compounded by mystery."
"His sudden disappearance made no sense to anyone who knew him."
"Travis Walton disappeared while working in the remote Forest of Snowflake Arizona."
"They know they know what happened. I mean two boys just don't go missing without somebody knowing something."
"Is it possible that the unfortunate victims of these incidents have simply vanished from the face of the earth only to reappear in a different reality altogether?"
"Apparently, people who go here on foot, they never return."
"There was no oil trace in the search they really scoured things and they came up with nothing so this airplane and just really disappeared along with the people aboard."
"A girl as well known and well loved as Marina could simply disappear never to be seen again."
"Anna vanished after leaving the bar her car disappeared with her."
"Bernadette Cooper was reported as a missing person after mysteriously vanishing 27 years earlier."
"A perfectly planned burglary, in which cash and bandits vanish without a trace."
"What happens when one of the biggest creators on the platform disappears? Please welcome Liza Koshy-Koshi everybody, 25 million subscribers and you were the fastest growing YouTuber ever."
"It's like disappearing into thin air right now."
"The morning after my marriage to Melanie, my daughter was gone... After hearing everything, that was terrifying."
"Amelia Earhart - disappeared during her journey around the world in 1937."
"She ends up leaving with Caylee, right? She headed over to her boyfriend's apartment. But when she got there, Caylee wasn't with her."
"Next missing-person reports filed, it's on military property that he disappears it's a military investigation."
"Let's just be honest with George Washington. Lord Mortimer asked me to drop everything and come find my mother who seems to have disappeared during her stay here."
"The entire crew was missing... even the engine was running."
"But the fact that he disappeared, the briefcase never found again means there was some thought into covering up the tracks, right?"
"Imagine you are excitedly going to meet your friend for a camping trip. But when you arrive, you find their campsite abandoned, with no clue as to where they have gone."
"Right as the guard pulls out the chair, a dark figure seems to move past him and then disappear into thin air."
"What do you think of these 13 places where people mysteriously disappear?"
"Maybe because the TVA is slowly being erased from existence."
"Some people, they go missing, they just don't want to be contacted. Family secrets."
"In an interview, David said, 'I just want people to know there was nothing strange about his life other than the fact that he was able to disappear for 9 years.'"
"It's not very often that three women disappear without a trace."
"Sadly 18 year-old Joshua Maddox did not return home from his walk that day."
"They just vanish and you never see them again..."