
Earning Quotes

There are 452 quotes

"Never stop earning, and minimize taxes... You're under no obligation to pay more tax than you are legally required."
"A child never is going to appreciate money until they have to earn it themselves."
"The mastery of money, for me, is, as I said, not necessarily becoming very very wealthy, but being in control so you spend less than you earn and you earn enough to buy yourself all the experiences that you're ever going to want on the physical plane."
"Not to mention, they're a good way to make some money and what better way to learn than to get paid to learn."
"You earn your jersey, you earn your check, you earn your brand."
"Nothing ever is given, everything is earned."
"You can start with bite-sized tasks at your skill level, really simple things just out of the person who needs its reach, and that'll help you build up your confidence, start learning, and earning at the same time."
"You gotta earn it like you're gonna earn to play. You're gonna work to play."
"He did get his powers handed to him but he had to earn the chance to have you know what I mean."
"You can't save your way to wealth, you can only earn your way."
"We're not just trying to learn how to trade, we're trying to make some money, you feel me?"
"Save where you can, make more where you can."
"Blockchain technology will allow users to earn content and own content."
"I'm a big fan of making people earn what whatever the hell you give them."
"Money doesn't equal respect, you have to earn that."
"You got to earn the right to rush the passer."
"Why not be part of it and earn while you're playing?"
"Keep working, keep earning money to reinvest, hedge the risk."
"Forgiveness cannot be gifted, it must be earned."
"The best way to get what you want is to deserve it. Go earn that and make sure you're the best option for the people that are paying you."
"The mantra for Gemini: keep learning, keep earning."
"Any money you did not work for, you don't have the wisdom to manage it."
"I make money for other people, that's kind of what I do for a living."
"The Disney Princess room doesn't come down to looks or animal friends or even need a man. Nope, it's not about who they are, it's about what they earn."
"Being able to play a game and make money on it, super cool."
"We're excited for that feature because you can actually earn while you trade."
"I've virtually removed the word deserve from my vocabulary at this point and I've switched it to earn."
"Appreciate the value of hard work. That's one thing I think is like the satisfaction of like earning a paycheck."
"You need to make more money guys, like that's really what it comes, I hate to say like 'Oh my God, you gotta get better and then come up', yeah you do, you [__] me, you have to make more money bro because..."
"I believe in trading while you have a job and that's how you learn and that's how you earn at the same time."
"If you're gonna lead, you need respect, and respect is earned."
"She can get respect, she can get affection, she can get protection, she can get provision if she earns all of those things."
"Tonight, I made over a hundred dollars. I was so happy."
"It will be play to earn, create to earn where you craft your own experience."
"This website will teach you literally anything about making money."
"I love earning money and just feeling that financial independence."
"Fuel the fire: Earn more money to invest more."
"What you inherit may not be as valuable as what you earn."
"You could make you about a hundred thousand eddies per hour."
"When I think about earning, I think about financial stability, security, it gives me a lot of peace of mind."
"all right third Pro is a pretty obvious one and it's money I am as a corporate lawyer very well paid and I would also say that your long-term life earning potential is very good."
"If you earn something, you can hold on to it longer."
"There's no such thing as making easy money."
"The huge benefit of earning crypto instead of buying it is privacy."
"You got to earn more money and spend less money so you have a bigger margin."
"If you have The Gift of Gab and you can tell stories, you'll always make a living."
"I was learning a lot, making money, and helping folks along the way."
"Nobody deserves anything; we earn."
"Secret websites to make money, how to make money on OnlyFans."
"The best time to lose money is when you're young because you have a lot of time to earn it back."
"It's never too early to start earning."
"The greatest ignorance of all is the mistaken belief that we can ever receive more than we're earning."
"He's been given a great gift, and therefore, he's going to earn it. He's grateful."
"If dayi ended up in the Fortress City he could earn a lot of money."
"It's about saving money as much as it is about making money."
"You got to earn them, Sugar Bear."
"Earn a mom buck which you can then trade in for one real dollar."
"if you're not earning every single day it's probably because you're not learning every single day"
"Earn your own money, then buy what you want. It's about creating financial freedom and empowerment."
"Look at that that £29 56 in just over an hour could never do that with food delivery."
"I want them to learn how to earn this car versus giving them the car."
"our son who is 16 he he cleaned up big time guys I'm not going to lie that kid uh he he earned more and um and bought more than any of his other three brothers combined but he worked his tail off"
"If it's earned, it can't be a gift. If it's a gift, it can't be earned."
"It's your money, you earned it, you get to spend it on what you want."
"Make some cash just by making picks on your favorite players"
"Every day is a fresh opportunity to earn more money."
"To get mine, one must earn it, not steal it."
"Success happens to you not because you desire it, because you earn it."
"If I'm always learning, I will never worry about what I'm earning."
"There's no such thing as easy money. No, not at all."
"I made over $300 within just 2 days of working."
"That's just under $1,000 in total for literally 5 days of work. I think that's pretty incredible."
"I will prove I am worthy of your love, I will earn it."
"I had to earn it. It didn't just happen."
"Making over 300 bucks a day. We'll break down how much of that actually goes to the electric company but to be frank it's a lot less than you may think or guess off the bat"
"The more I earn, the more I save."
"... the more you learn the more you earn."
"He earns everything he gets, that's why he's the boss."
"It is perfectly possible to be happy in this world, but you have to earn the right."
"...you need to earn that and they didn't, they absolutely did not."
"My wealth was not actually lazing about but me actually working and earning money."
"The fastest you learn, the fastest you earn."
"I'm really excited for that kind of dynamic between Robin and Zoro, them having to bond in order to overcome something. That's what I'm excited for with Robin, to see her have to earn her place."
"There really is no magic formula. It's about either earning more or reducing your expenses."
"What you learn determines how far you earn."
"The more you learn, the more you earn. Your learning capacity determines your earning capacity."
"You can make 780 dollars in a month."
"Making money is easier now than it's ever been in human history, but it doesn't feel like it because most people are attempting to earn a living in the past."
"You have to earn it, and that's what I believe."
"You could potentially earn money with this which is awesome."
"You can make money playing video games."
"You got to start by understanding how to control your spending before you start worrying about how you can earn more money."
"If you want to accelerate your path to getting that extra ,000 you got to get some extra money as well."
"Everyone has an opinion. Might as well earn some money for that opinion."
"The dichotomy between saving more aggressively and earning more aggressively."
"The idea of the Matrix not being found but earned is perfect. Sam's journey and sacrifices led him to earn it, tying everything together."
"A penny saved is a penny earned—it's actually better than a penny earned."
"I want to show you how a plaster can easily earn $1,000 in a day."
"Unlock staking and earn by referring friends."
"Earn money by sharing your internet."
"You really appreciate it, especially when you earn it."
"Turn it into dollar dollar bills y'all."
"...this is how you make money you join you advertise and you earn."
"The key isn't about trusting more, it's about allowing people to earn your trust."
"You're not gonna get it because you think you should have it. You have to earn it. So, do the work."
"You can make really good money with affiliate marketing."
"You earned your money, you deserve to keep it."
"You got to earn, you just got to keep earning money. And life is about earning, not what you have but earning it."
"Life is about earning, not what you have, but earning it."
"When you grow up on a farm, you learn the value of working to earn a dollar."
"To get somewhere in this world you had to earn it, you had to work for it."
"You don't, it's not based only on 'I'm sorry and I'll never do it again.' Trust is, you know, forgiveness is free, trust is earned."
"I love the fact that we were earning big money."
"What's great about the upside app is that the upside app kind of helps you offset some of these higher costs by helping you earn more money with the upside app similar to a credit card with rewards like cash back rewards."
"This website here is one of the best on this list which you can also make hundreds of dollars per month."
"It's basically making free money."
"This app here will literally pay you to walk which is absolutely nuts if you ask me."
"If you earn $112,000 or less a year, then you need to just earn more money."
"Life is set up in a way that we must earn that which we find valuable."
"Just because you want it doesn't mean you deserve it. You have to earn it."
"A lot of them can make you a lot more money."
"Earn money for yourself for playing games by downloading apps."
"We're on the job and you know it's time to make that easy money"
"The hardest money you're ever going to make is your first thousand dollars."
"The more you know, the more you earn in your job."
"I feel like a submission, like, if you want a woman to be submissive, I personally feel like you have to earn that."
"Under earning is about the inability to really earn what we deserve, despite the desire, the effort, the opportunity, and the qualification."
"Under earning is the anorexia of compulsive spending."
"You want to sit next to me, you're gonna earn that [ __ ]. And you're not going to earn it by running your mouth on YouTube."
"...as long as you're earning equity in whatever you're doing, then you're probably being reasonable."
"What you learn will determine what you earn."
"Ultimately what you earn is kind of a multiple of how much value you create and how many people you can reach to create that value for. Your earning power, especially when you're young, is the best financial asset you can ever have."
"I don't want money that I did not earn. That's not what money is to me. It's like, 'Oh, just more in my account, the better.' No, I want to know that I earned it."
"I don't want to pay for it, like, I want to earn it in a way."
"I never feel guilty at all about spending as much money as I do. You know I've earned this money so therefore it's my right to spend it."
"It's possible to earn well beyond one thousand dollars per day."
"Affiliate marketing is a way to earn money by promoting other people's products or services."
"It's the nature of the business, yeah. You know, it's, look, you got paid when you worked, and even if you had your downside guarantee, if that was healthy, you still wanted to earn, you still wanted to do more than that."
"You gotta earn it. When you see me, you gotta earn it."
"We've become entitled, we've become 'you're supposed to,' but we forget we earn things."
"It's still a half a million dollars, that's great for a night of work."
"The more you earn, the better your security, but it's about working for what you love."
"They all definitely have the potential to earn at least a hundred dollars per day."
"If you could get really good with Chat GPT, there's tons of money to be made."
"The more you are willing to spend, the more money that you will make."
"Human beings are supposed to spend a minimum of 70 percent of what they earn."
"Grace is opposed to you trying to earn it."
"You can certainly make an earning for yourself."
"The more you read, the more you learn, the more you learn, the more you earn."
"Making money, it's not a bad subject."
"Once you can control your spending, then it's about how can you earn more money."
"It's not just about what you earn, but also how you redeem it."
"...nothing good in life is given for free everything is earned."
"This AI powered side hustle can make you as much as $150 a day or more and it's actually very simple."
"There is a limit to how much money you can earn as a worker."
"It's a chance for people to earn while they learn."
"We can earn money when sharing our opinions."
"Mariah's special voice earns a very special paycheck. Mariah Carey gets at least a million dollars for private performances."
"Play to earn where you can actually play the game and make money and now the daily players are going up and up and up, it's growing quite rapidly."
"You got to earn it. If you earn it, you'll be happier."
"I'd rather earn it by thinking, putting an idea to work, than what the stock market can do for me."
"The earning of money is an exact science, and it's governed by law."
"You can only save as much as you earn, but you can always earn more money."
"Appreciate things more when you earn them."
"Every hour I'm not turning this on, I'm forgoing $30 an hour."
"If it's not worth $30 an hour to pay someone, then why am I not out there earning that $30 an hour?"
"Respect is earned, it's not given, you know. You can't demand that you like this character."
"Listen y'all, folks is out here making money."
"Money is pretty hard to earn, right? So don't give it away."
"When a woman works and earns, she gets credit where credit is due."
"You gotta earn that, I mean they are all millionaires."
"Trust isn't something I can tell you about; it's something I need to earn from people."
"It's easier to drive more miles, which in return means it's easier to make more money."
"I want them to feel that I was really earning my salary."
"The woman is supposed to be someone you have to earn their love and trust."
"You can make great money on tips if you take the time to find the correct items and communicate often with your customers."
"You actually want to build a relationship with your customers because with Shipped you can actually have them request you."
"You can make over two hundred dollars in just three hours."
"Bitcoin is superior to what we have now because whoever gets bitcoin earned it."
"You don't just automatically get respect, you earn it."
"If you guys want to make a little extra money and trying to get rid of some clothes then poshmark is a great place to do that."
"If you start a company or are early enough, you can learn while you earn."
"Grace is opposed to earning, not to effort."
"Are you learning or are you earning?"
"You cannot earn it, you only receive it."
"I didn't win a million dollars. I earned it. We built it. So now whenever I sit here and I'm like, 'This is wild,' and that's like we said, what we're building, employing people, building something that has such an impact on our community, that means more than finances."
"There's no question that you have to be earning money here. You really do, you have to be earning money for peace of mind."
"We haven't got a whole lot of respect, but we go out and earn our respect."
"That's how it's done here at AEW, you gotta earn your title shots."
"'Imagine earning like 10 dollars more than minimum wage.'"
"We ought to earn all that we can, we ought to save all that we can, and we should give all that we can."
"She earned $40 and Shay, our big winner, gets to buy whatever he wants from the store."
"I wanted it to be a business, I wanted it to develop into this thing that people can earn decent money doing."
"The five best ways to earn crypto for free."
"Airdrops: probably the best way to earn tokens for free."
"There's so many different ways to earn money just with cryptocurrencies."
"Good karma, actual money coming in, something you have earned, beloved."
"Yeah, you can. I mean, you just try to out-earn your stupidity. You know, you just try to have so much money coming in that all the chaos going out is okay."
"Sometimes you can be a little loose if you will, but if you're a hoe, a hoe makes money, baby."
"Why should you have to earn your money twice? This is really, I think, what it fundamentally comes down to."