
Autism Awareness Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"People that are on the Spectrum aren't any less or any more; they're just different, and everybody is beautiful in that way."
"Autism is not split into Asperger's, autism, PDD-NOS; it is all just referred to as autism spectrum disorder."
"Even though I have autism I enjoy being around people and making new friends."
"Autism spectrum disorder is considered a range. There's cases that vary in severity."
"It's important to debunk myths that Autism is scary or that these are broken families, so it's so important to have these images out there."
"Autism is much more complex than films and TV make it seem."
"Autism is not a disease; it's a neurological condition. You cannot catch autism any more than you can catch Tourette syndrome."
"Autism is not an illness and therefore does not need a cure."
"Autism is a complex condition we still don't fully understand with many variations and symptoms and severity."
"Presenting autistic people as childlike is a form of discrimination."
"Many autistic people can go on to lead fulfilling, normal lives."
"People with Autism are just as smart as everyone else."
"If you know one person with autism, then you know one person with autism, because autism is a spectrum."
"Having Abigail having autism, you know, she's like our forever baby in a lot of ways. We have that cuddly little girl all the time."
"Love your family and how you are role models for autism."
"I just never thought that autism would feel like a death sentence for people suffering from it."
"Autism Awareness is about inclusion, self-determination, acceptance, and appreciation."
"For me, it's been also a lot of acceptance of being a person living with schizophrenia, being autistic, accepting myself as a person that I am."
"If Jessie J's on the autistic spectrum, finding the right support early could be life-changing."
"Autistic people have suffered long enough from many forms of discrimination."
"Autism is more prevalent than people think, and just if we can make the world more aware and acceptable towards it, it'll just be a lot easier for everybody."
"Just because you have autism, it doesn't make you any less intelligent."
"A five-year-old with autism punished for hugging at a Tennessee school."
"Inspire you today, inspire you to inspire somebody with autism."
"That's not characteristic of autism, he's communicating, making eye contact."
"Autism Speaks treats autism as an epidemic and even say so in their speeches which many critics say are downright offensive."
"It's not a story about being diagnosed with autism or people suffering with autism. It's a story about a girl who is on a mission."
"Autistic people see, hear, and feel the world differently."
"Autism experts have shared that children with autism gravitate toward water." - Caption from the video
"It's very important that we had an actor and someone that's that has autism and I think you did a brilliant job."
"Shops are starting to recognize that stores can be a hostile place for autistic people."
"Each autistic person is a unique phenomenon."
"Autistic people definitely have empathy, you just have to sometimes explain stuff."
"Imagine if we could raise a generation of autistic children who never had to hide who they are."
"And no matter who you are, I hope that, today and every day, you will join in celebrating a/Autistic people, our culture, our experiences."
"Autistic workers are 20 percent more productive than their neurotypical peers."
"The symptoms of autism are challenges, not excuses."
"If you drop your expectation level for a child with autism, they will drop to that level."
"Autistic inertia is not only real but it can really be a significantly frustrating challenge. But as we've said, it's important to approach it with compassion and understanding."
"Be careful out here gentlemen, be careful because the guy that I work with... had Asperger's. He could be cool for about 90% of the time and 10% of the time he will flip out on you."
"I think autism is part of who he is, and so I think it will affect his future but not in a bad way."
"Autism is not an injury, it's the way people are made."
"My son is referred to as high-functioning...he knows how to read, write, do addition, knows all colors in English and Spanish, and can tell you geometric shapes."
"He has autism, but he also has savant syndrome. Genius level skills in several areas."
"There's a lot that people with autism offer us in our society."
"Leo wants to spread awareness about kids on the spectrum."
"I'm Taylor, I'm a late diagnosed autistic mom of two."
"Love on the Spectrum gets added on the 18th, which is essentially a reality dating show about people with autism."
"Autism is not necessarily a bad thing. It just means our brains work a little bit differently."
"I don't believe she's using her autism for attention. I think coming out about her autism is very brave."
"Autistic people are born to wake up in the morning and find things that aren't right."
"Just because I'm not drooling and act normally doesn't mean I don't have autism."
"Autism spectrum disorder is a spectrum. Not everybody is going to deal with it the same way."
"Being different doesn't mean incompetent," Temple Grandin.
"I've been talking a lot about autistic masking. If you don't really know what that is, I have a video here which I'll link which is all about how autistic masking actually feels from the inside."
"Autistic people are not accurately represented in the media."
"Autistic kids are crazy gifted though, real [__] crazy gifted."
"Autistic people tend to be slightly, that's an understatement, more open and honest because we simply have a different wired brain and we communicate and interact differently."
"Children with autism are a gift to the world."
"Getting my official autism diagnosis was life-changing for me and it caused me to rethink all of my life."
"Every autistic person is different; that's why they're called autism spectrum."
"And I think when we start learning about autism, there's a big gap between the cultural understanding and the real life."
"Being a brother to a person with autism, there's no difficulty, I think, having to... It's not necessarily a hard thing."
"Autism challenges us to what matters, brings a tenderness to life, and calls us to love in a way that is pure and deep."
"April is Autism Awareness Month, and I got light-up shoes."
"We need employers to understand autistic people are different, and their difference can be beneficial."
"A lot of autistic people don't like the puzzle piece logo, because we are not confusing."
"The fact is there has been kind of a massive underdiagnosis of autism over the years... What's that thing about like left-handedness... the autistic people have always been there it's just that more of us have a name for who we are now."
"We're allowed to like ourselves and to like the fact that we're autistic."
"Recently I read something that was the most nail on head accurate portrayal of my own autism that I have ever seen."
"Number two one of the major complaints that autistic people have about the DSM diagnostic criteria is that it looks at autism in a very negative light."
"The turnout here tonight is a real testament to the appetite and hunger for a community around autism awareness and understanding."
"By sharing awkward, uncomfortable, embarrassing experiences from my own life, my own experience, it can help you as an autistic person or a parent or carer of an autistic person to kind of open up that level of understanding and acceptance."
"Celebrities talked about people with autism, just what their thoughts on it, in a way that would like kind of humanize and normalize people's autism, right?"
"Shout out to anybody out there who has an autistic kid and is dealing with that."
"I want people out there to know that people with Autism have value it doesn't even have to be autism it could be any sort of neurode Divergence treat them with kindness empathy and respect."
"I kind of if I can I want to be some sort of voice for autistic people and just share what I'm going through in the hopes other people can be educated about it."
"I feel like we're just now on the precipice of a huge movement where a lot of autistic women are starting to discover and understand their autism more and more."
"I hope that your loved ones are taking the time and efforts that they need in order to learn more about autism and neurodivergency in a non-ableist way in order to understand you more and in order for them to grow as people as well."
"If we lived in a world where autism was better integrated and understood."
"Don't shame autistic people for gagging on a food. You don't know what happens in the brain when a certain texture hits the mouth."
"Let's just make sure that the person with autism is treated like any other person first and foremost."
"...with every mile he is Paving A New Path for other athletes with autism."
"I am very proud to be an autistic woman."
"There are so so many incredible talented amazing autistic people."
"I'm Orion Kelly, that autistic guy. I'm all about helping you raise your level of understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of the autistic community."
"Julia's inclusion in the show is also designed to reduce stigma and increase awareness and understanding of autism."
"To all the beautiful autistic people watching this video, you are an irreplaceable light that the world needs."
"Autistic people need to feel that they can be vulnerable around their partners and not be judged for their response to sensory overwhelm or any other needs."
"Isolation is a massive issue for me as an autistic person."
"That's part two of what it feels like to be autistic."
"Autism is not an illness or a disease, and there is no need for a cure."
"I hope you learned a little bit about autism and food."
"By subscribing not only will you never miss another video but of course also you'll help us reach more people with the goal of simply raising the level of understanding and acceptance of autistic people."
"Think of autism as a different ability."
"My goal in mind is to raise the level of understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of the autistic community."
"Rain Man, a film about autism, which is strangely appropriate, I think."
"It is vital that members of Parliament understand what life can be like for people with autism."
"Having autism... it is something that, in a large degree, you can overcome."
"The vast majority of people with autism spectrum disorder do not engage in violent acts more so than the general public."
"Being autistic is tough, but I am continuing to talk about it because I am somewhat comfortable with getting at least now anyway."
"Hello nice to meet you, my name is Paige Liel, I am an autistic human being whether you believe it or not, I don't care because it's the truth and this is my life with autism."
"Hey everybody, I'm Trey Campbell. I'm on the autism spectrum."
"Autistic people are not slow, they're extremely intelligent."
"Self-diagnosis is valid because getting a diagnosis sitting in front of someone who might not be inclined to believe you is scary and traumatic."
"Understand that we are all different in our own ways, and when you understand, you can accept that some kids have autism and they're still just a kid, just like you."
"Sebastian is on the autism spectrum."
"All autistic people are different and show different signs."
"I'm a proudly autistic woman, that is who I am, and I love that that's who I am."
"There is not one way that autism looks like, that's why it's called a spectrum."
"One in 44 children are diagnosed with ASD, and that's doubled since even when I started in 2012."
"When I go out, I wear my autism card. When I wear it, they'll leave me alone."
"For all of my autism mommies... every milestone is important."
"Autism can super suck sometimes, but there's also a side of autism that can be really awesome."
"The more people understand autism, the better our society is going to be."
"Autism has taught me that everybody has their own view on their own life."
"People on the autism spectrum always have a lot to say."
"I think the letters we would get from parents with children that are on the autism spectrum... that was so amazing."
"It's better to have your child evaluated and them not be on the spectrum than wait and find out that they are."
"Spreading awareness, helping to spread awareness for autism."
"I didn't become passionate about this because of an academic approach; I became passionate about this because I have my own son who has severe autism."
"The attention to the lived experiences of individuals with autism, women and girls with autism, is crucial."
"They are a certified autism center and they make sure that every one of their staff members is fully trained."
"Autism isn't a disease, you don't catch it, you don't give it to other people, it is a profound difference in neural structure that affects literally everything about the way that you perceive the world."
"I'm not normal; I'm told I'm on the autism spectrum."
"For every lap that McMurray leads this season, $42 will be donated to help us in bringing awareness and increasing research monies for autism."
"Autism is a complex and multifaceted neurological development disorder."
"If you have heard one autistic person's experience, you have heard one autistic person's experience."
"I'm raising money every single day this week for the World Autism Awareness Week."
"It is World Autism Awareness Week and I am super pumped to be doing this video."
"I always try to share resources and tools and new things that I've learned on this channel because I know that I have a following of women who are also autism moms or just people in general who have folks in their lives that they love who are on the spectrum."
"I understand that I'm autistic; it doesn't mean that I can't go out into a crowd."
"Just because someone has autism, it doesn't make them any less intelligent."
"April is Autism Awareness Month, and right now, if you go to Toyota of Naperville and test drive any car, they will donate $20 to Turning Point."
"I am deep in the throes of preparing my videos for Autism Awareness Week that starts next week."
"The more that we can talk about autism and what it might look like, I think that makes a big difference."
"What most people don't realize is that the theory of autism has been updated since 1981."
"Thank you for all that you're doing for autism and all of the wonderful things."