
Religious Institutions Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Religious institutions...will take up the slack where the government sucks."
"We replaced the church by a bigger state, and that happened in Quebec."
"The Catholic Church is an enemy, and to pretend it's anything but is ridiculous."
"Many churches started out sound, strict, firm. They were cold and they were hot."
"If you seek out God and everything not in these phony churches but just you know seeking God like Christ said."
"The churches have completely bought into whatever the new progressive agenda is."
"They were not just places of religion, they were at the forefront of technology, education, and farming."
"They got to get back into African-American churches, Latino churches, into white churches."
"It's a perfectly executed... political maneuver in order to get a friendly voice into the seat of St. Peter."
"The church invented the idea of hospitals, orphanages, and soup kitchens."
"If the Kanakuk is as holy as they claim to be, they should have no issue releasing people from their NDAs."
"Complete Vatican disclosure... completely exposed."
"And all this secrecy has provided excellent cover, as in 2012, four priests were investigated for operating bank accounts for the mafia to launder money."
"The enemy's strategy... to infiltrate the church."
"I think the Church thought the Templars were about to reveal this secret."
"French churches reopen as country eases lockdown measures."
"I'm not attacking Catholics... but pick up any history book that's not biased towards Catholics and you'll see the Catholic Church throughout history did some awful awful things."
"There's a genuine defiance towards the mega church, celebrity church infrastructure that I think needs to be done away with at this level."
"The Vatican took the prophecies very seriously."
"We've got to do better than this as a church."
"As clay-footed as the church is, it has kept certain bumpers in the bowling alley."
"Sufism has a potential that kind of breaks through this institutionalized understanding."
"The modern Christian church is exactly opposite."
"Attention is the most valuable commodity your church can possess."
"Monasteries especially in anglo-saxon England and arguably all over Europe were powerhouses... they were essentially factories."
"Your relationship is with our creator, not with these institutions."
"If you're the True Church, isn't there a moral obligation?"
"The church should be leading, not following in this."
"The sofa became the first university of Islam."
"French clergy accused of taking advantage of over 200,000 individuals since the 1950s - truly despicable."
"The church is secretive, extremely secretive."
"Predators come to religious factions because they understand they will be protected."
"The Church of England clergy seem to be completely fine with the fact that their church is dying."
"The Vatican owns the LBT, the world's largest optical telescope."
"His problem with his Church of Christ was that he asked too many questions."
"Imperial support was offered to religious institutions of all kinds to promote peace, unity, and loyalty to the Empire."
"The Mormon Church uses this issue of honesty in a way that can be very punishing to members."
"At the end of the day, the corporation of the church looks more like the Pharisees and Sadducees of the Bible, and that's what Jesus was saying not to do."
"...the increased tolerance of religious institutions from the Catholic Church to Mormonism is perceived and channeled through love, right?"
"Jesus used to feed the five thousand, now the mega church feeds the pastor."
"We need to retake the seminaries, retake all the mainline churches."
"The church would like us to believe that Sam Young is on trial, but truth is the LDS Church is on trial."
"The church is claiming to be more transparent than it's ever been."
"About a third of the land of England was in the control of these abbeys and priories."
"The hardest cross Christ has to bear is the cross that is made of those who call themselves his own church."
"We'll try and help the church change in a positive way; we'll try to do it from the inside as long as they let us."
"He says these are the kinds of things we need to do, we need to take advantage of the Academy, of the media, the churches."