
Trying Quotes

There are 360 quotes

"You'll never know how good you might have become unless you try."
"What I've come to understand is to try something and fail is not failure, but to not try at all, that's failure."
"My philosophy at least... you might as well at least try, right?"
"If you try it, at least you know. It's nothing to be ashamed of; everything doesn't work out, but it's a learning experience."
"Optimism for the win. You don't know if you don't try."
"It's worth trying; it's always worth trying."
"You can't knock yourself before you've tried something, before you've done something."
"At least you gave it a try, you gave it your best, right?"
"He also saw the usefulness in trying, even if you didn't necessarily have the odds on your side."
"It's always a win if I got up there and tried to do it."
"Try and fail is better than to not try at all."
"We have to at least try so we don't have any regrets."
"You don't know if it's going to work if you don't try it."
"Just do what you want. And if it happens, it happens. If it doesn't happen, then it doesn't happen. Like at least you tried."
"Just get up and just try. Nothing wrong with just trying."
"There is no excuse not to just go out there and try."
"I always think it's better to try something and fail miserably than to have never tried at all."
"Trying's worth it, and you learn a lot from trying."
"You never know if you've got it until you try."
"You will never regret having tried, you will always regret not having tried."
"Never try and you fail, you're one step closer to succeeding than if you never tried at all."
"If you don't try, then you're guaranteeing you won't succeed."
"You gotta just try a little, most people don't even try."
"And if there's hope there then you must give it a shot and see if it works."
"Go for the win because if you go for it at least you tried."
"You'll never succeed if you never try it's a no-brainer."
"Just go for it if it doesn't work out, at least you can say that you tried."
"I'm one of those people, I would rather try and fail or try and have to try try try again than never try at all."
"Confidence is the willingness to try because it's through the act of trying... that's going to show you that you have the ability to start to express the things that you want."
"You just gotta give it a shot, that's all I'm saying."
"Well you tried. The best thing is to try though."
"If you don't try, you can't succeed. If you don't go after your dreams, you're never going to achieve them or materialize them."
"Impossible. You never know till you try."
"You never know what you can do unless you try."
"If you never try it from your toes, how will you ever know if you can do it? Come on."
"It was a big thing for me to be like, let me at least say I tried it."
"Trying is better than most people."
"I'm super excited to try this, oh my gosh, I can't wait."
"You'll never know if you never try."
"It's not about failing, it's about trying."
"The issue of trying trying to be good trying to get through the door trying to get enlightened it's interesting that the trying comes out of fear and lack of faith and that's part of the mind."
"The way to get over fear of missing out is to just get in and try. You just gotta start."
"Confidence is the willingness to try."
"Being open to any opportunity, just keep trying anything, doing anything, don't turn it down if you think you're gonna be terrible at it try it anyway."
"At the end of the day, in life, you have to try things."
"Just trying and seeing really can do a world of wonders for somebody."
"Thanks for watching you guys, I hope this helped you and I hope this gave you an idea. But at the end of the day, just try, okay? Please just try. Alright, thanks for watching, I'll talk to you soon."
"All you can do is try. That's what I do with mercy. All I could do is try, you know?"
"If you're really thinking about something, you just need to try it. You can't ask."
"Waiting is always easier than acting. Trying is always easier than doing."
"I even had a professional boxer give it a try."
"...why not just [ __ ] try [ __ ] because you just never know what might work for you."
"It's well worth trying one of these."
"You got to be confident enough to actually try those things. So, that's what I respect more than like someone failing, is the fact that they were confident enough to actually go for it."
"Let's just try... and be in the moment."
"I could just give it a try though I'm just I'm going to give it a try here we go here we go here we go hop down hop down hop down oh perfect perfect easy easy peasy lemon squeezy."
"You don't know if you're going to like something until you try it."
"Failure is just not even trying in the first place."
"Even if it fails, you tried and you did."
"Feel fulfilled knowing that you at least tried, and so you won't have to sit back and think what if."
"You're never going to overcome your fears if you just never try, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's almost like they're not even trying."
"You only know when you try it on."
"I am trying to do the right thing."
"You'll never know your potential if you don't give it a try."
"There's no harm in trying and seeing if it works."
"It's just because you're trying too hard. You're doing too much."
"You're not in trouble for trying. You're not in trouble for swinging and missing."
"Not everything has to be about being really good at things. It can just be because you want to try or that you want a new experience."
"It's all about just testing, feeling the water, and just giving it a go."
"...but we did so again knowing hey at least you're trying."
"I'm excited to go ahead and try it."
"The best thing you can do is try it and have confidence in yourself."
"Never give up, you never stop trying, you do whatever is required."
"But the best part about it is that we try."
"If you're ever afraid to fail or you're afraid that so that may not work out I would just tell you don't worry about that try it and see what happens."
"Hello, my name is Jen, and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing but I'm gonna try anyway."
"Don't ever say you can't do it. It's just painting a board. Give it a try."
"I hope you give it a shot. I hope you try this, or you know, paint along, because you guys can do this. You definitely can do it."
"I was just going to give it a try, and if it turns out horrible then I'll know this is not my thing."
"I just try to find all the techniques and then that's how I learn."
"It was just learning and trying new things."
"Give it a whirl. It means to try something new."
"The key to being in flow or in the zone is not trying."
"But to hold yourself back before even trying, that's why we say excuses, they're for losers."
"If you're not hurting, you're not trying."
"There's no harm in giving it a go, so long as you enjoy it."
"He's literally just playing games, he's not even trying."
"You actually kind of have been the embodiment of just try stuff since I started. I've just been trying stuff."
"Shall we try it? It might be fun."
"Alright, let's give this a taste."
"I think it's good to know because so many people immediately tell themselves they can't do it and don't even try because they're worried about failure."
"Hopefully you'll give it a go next time you make a tool handle."
"Sometimes you just have to try, we don't try we will never find out."
"Not knowing is not a problem. Giving it a try even when you don't know is the most important thing."
"The only way to guarantee failure is honestly, to not try at all."
"All those magicians, my magic buddies who believed that this could not be done, they never tried. They never tried. Why try something if you believe it's impossible? Why try?"
"If you don't ask or try, the answer will always be no. Dreaming is for dreaming, but you can apply it with anything in your life."
"If you are thinking about trying it do it it's the best thing ever if it's not for you at least you tried it."
"And honestly I used to think like the worst thing was failing, No. Like the worst thing is not trying it right? 'Cause like you don't wanna get to your deathbed and be like, oh I wish that I had you know, done X, Y or Z. Like just try it."
"I go by the belief now that it's better to try and fail than not try at all."
"If there's one thing I could teach you in my videos, it's that you need to try even if you're gonna fail."
"We're all doing our best, no matter what the pose looks like."
"But I, I tried and it actually feels pretty good to try and even if you fail and use something else, you're like, I get an effort."
"You always feel when you don't try."
"I'm never going to get all these steps right Barbie you loser just got to find the courage to try."
"I'm trying to just have fun and experiment when I can."
"The courage to be rubbish... the idea of trying to be perfect at this, what a nonsense, unhelpful idea."
"If what you're doing is easy, you're not trying hard enough."
"If you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough."
"I just wanted you to know, this is me trying."
"I know this wasn't perfect or even close to perfect but, you know, we tried."
"...I probably missed something, I probably did, but you know what? I tried my best here."
"I hope you're going to give this a try."
"'You'll never know if you don't try for it,' Nick said."
"You're going to regret that if you didn't try."
"Failure means at least you are trying."
"I tell my patients i don't want to miss out on an opportunity i'm trying."
"You just don't know until you try."
"If you don't try, you're always going to sell yourself a little short."
"What have you got to lose? You might as well go and try it."
"The only real failure a person can know is the failure to try."
"You never know, you might like something."
"You're never too old to try something new."
"I would never know until I attempted it."
"You just never know until you try something."
"Okay, Dreamer Js, thank you, I think I'm going to try."
"You don't know if you like doing something until you give it a try."
"If you never try, you'll never succeed."
"How will you know if you don’t try?"
"We don't exactly know if we don't try."
"They tried and if they didn't try they never would have known."
"I think it's better to try something and learn as you go."
"If you don't try, you never know what could happen."
"If you want something, try it and go for it."
"You don't need to be afraid. I think that God looks at us, and some of us maybe in the world's standards might have failed, but you know what, God's saying, 'That's my kid. They believed me. They tried, and I believe He is pleased with people who will at least get up and try.'"
"Do as much as you can, give it a try."
"You don't know what you can achieve until you try."
"Can I try it on, please? Yes, sure, the fitting rooms are over there."
"You will never be skilled if you don't try it."
"You're never gonna know if you're not try."
"I'm so glad my mom made me try it."
"At the end of the day, I'd rather say that I tried something than go back and be like, 'Oh, I could have done this.'"
"If you don't try, you never succeed."
"If you never try, you never get anything."
"It's okay to be scared, but you've got to try it first."
"You don't know that until you try it."
"I'm going to give it a go, I got to give it a go."
"If you've never done it, just do it because then you'll realize it's not so hard."
"It's all about just giving it a go, isn't it?"
"It's better to say that you tried and failed than didn't try at all."
"I'm proud of you for trying. It doesn't hurt to try, right?"
"If you don't try, then how do you know that it's impossible?"
"I'm not sure it's gonna work, but you know what, all we can do right now is try."
"Just because you're not good at something, don't be afraid to do it as long as you have fun doing it."
"Don't give up; you don't know unless you try."
"The least we can do is give it a try."
"If you don't give it a go, you never know."
"If you never try, you're never gonna know."
"I hope that this encourages you guys to kind of get out there and give it a shot."
"You won't know what you can do until you try it."
"You don't know unless you try, so you always gotta try."
"I can't believe this is actually happening, we've been trying since November."
"You never know what you can do until you try it."
"If it fails, it fails, but at least I tried."
"Got to give it a go, you've got to give it a go."
"It's better to try and fail than to not try in the first place."
"You'll never know if you don't give it a go."
"Take my word for it, at least try it, right? You always got to try something once."
"You don't know until you try, and you don't learn until you try."
"That is lovely. Do you want to go and try it on, see if it fits?"
"...one never truly knows one's capabilities until one tries."
"I'm not too strong, but I can try, I can try."
"It's better to have tried something that you potentially want to do and fail... then never to have tried."
"How can you really know about something unless you try it?"
"Just give it a shot, give it a try, you know."
"Thank you if you stuck with me all the way, I hope you'll give one of these a try."
"You might surprise yourself, why don't you just give it a try?"
"If you don't fail, you're not trying hard enough."
"You may like it, you may not, but we'll do it. Never know unless you do it, right?"
"At least you can do in life is to try. You never know if you can do something if you don't try."
"You won't know if you're good at those things unless you try."
"Hey listen, you don't know until you try."
"Well, you won't know if you're good at those things unless you try."
"You try. We wouldn't be here if we didn't try."
"Let's just try; let's just give it a try."
"I wasn't exactly much of a climber, but I finally decided to go ahead and just give it a shot."
"Never be afraid to start and try."
"Let's give it a try, what do we got to lose?"
"I rather try and fail than fail not trying."
"You never know what you're capable of until you give it a try."
"You will never know how far you might have gotten unless you try."
"You can't catch them if you don't try."
"I'm just gonna give it a shot and see what happens."
"It's okay to make mistakes; it is much better to have tried something than to not try at all and always regret it."
"The best way to try things out is just to go for it sometimes."
"I sincerely hope you learned something today, I hope that you're going to try it, and if you do try it, I promise you, you're going to succeed."
"Better to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all."
"I think someone should at least try it."
"I'm definitely going to give it a go."