
Nerd Culture Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"I love the nerd culture, how it was and how it is at its core."
"I do think that trying to be rational helped. That's the only thing you've got if you're a fellow nerd."
"In general, nerd communities and fandom spaces are happy places where people can make friends with others who have the same interests as them."
"Gatekeeping is so prevalent in nerd culture and particularly aggressive in franchises whose message is one of inclusion and progress."
"Nerds are passionate about a lot of things, but there's something they love above all else, and that is correcting people."
"It's still nerdy, but there's some pretty interesting stuff to be found when you look into it."
"I'm one of those dudes, I'm a nerd for it, I'm a dork."
"These interests used to belong only to nerd culture and now they're the pillars of the mainstream."
"By the late 2010s, the Nerds had finally got their Revenge, women were even allowed into nerdum around the 2010s."
"If nerds were no longer being bullied, ostracized, and rejected by Society but in fact championed and celebrated and were now cool then what really was a nerd anymore?"
"Nerd sims love anything that challenges their brain; in their free time, they love to play video games."
"Just celebrating the differences... That's the amazing thing about being a nerd."
"Nerd talk, he's a nerd, I mean, we usually try to avoid tech."
"There's nothing wrong being a nerd. You are, are you not?"
"It's the most unabashedly nerdy thing in the history of hip-hop and I love it."
"Nerds are becoming cooler. Are you kidding me? It is the people who do the best in life are nerds."
"I try my best to be super nerds just like all of you."
"There's nothing wrong with being a nerd, man. I mean nerds run the world, [expletive] yeah! Elon, yeah nerds around the [expletive] world, you're telling kids."
"It wasn't cool, it was kind of nerdy and kind of just weird and very toxic."
"He's a true scientist like this is a nerd's delight at this point no one has day jobs they're just full-time X-Men now."
"It's crazy because it's like the first time in my life I found like my people because I was always oh yeah I was always like the one nerd and even when I found other nerds they were never as into it as I was so it's like yay."
"As a bro, like, like react, that wasn't funny bro, like that's just a nerd joke, that was a nerd, that's a nerd joke Chad, that was just a nerd joke."
"Success is wonderful, absolutely, but remember the other aspects of life. Remember that word: fun."
"Nerd culture is supposed to be the culture of the neglected."
"Nerds are more than just fandoms; we are thoughtful, creative individuals."
"It has never been a better time to be a black nerd than now."
"This movie gets at the cultural shift when nerds became cool."
"Welcome to the island of true nerds, where all who live or visit shall themselves be the many a true nerds."
"A t-shirt is a badge of identity, meant to be loved and adored by nerds everywhere."
"I attained this house by doing all the things that people said were stupid or nerdy or dumb."
"The nerdiness of these release notes in and of themselves show the level of detail and capabilities of this AI."
"I wish you could see all that other [__] so this is the nerd room right here."
"Thank you, Rick Moranis, for making it cool to be a little nerdy."
"That dumb nerdy thing I did a decade ago ended up being this so much bigger."
"Nerds are passionate about a lot of things. There's something they love above all else, and that is correcting people."
"Before nerds were celebrated, part of the zeitgeists..."
"All nerds are beautiful as they are and I want all of us to live long fulfilling lives."
"The man cares about fans. He's a gamer, he's a bit of a nerd, he's one of us."
"It's cool to be a nerd and a geek now. Oh my gosh, it was not when I was growing up."
"It's a weird record, it's an odd record, at times painfully nerdy, but it is a cool little LP."
"They're all a bunch of nerds, my jokes about github got an applause break, you know what github is good you're normal that's why."
"It's the same flimsy style of gatekeeping with nerd culture and fake geek girls, where you can somehow determine a lady's pop cultural credibility or whether they truly are a nerd based on appearance."
"Nerds literally rule the entire world. If there's anything that's good in the world, a nerd is behind it."
"You may see that and it may be an infectious thing where you go 'wow like Josh is a super nerd he really cares.'"
"Being made fun of as a nerd is not the same as being marginalized."
"Hopefully you guys don't lose patience or interest with this car because it's gonna be rad once it's done."
"Nerdy is good, it's kind of like, it is very intelligent and so are you."
"There is this identity in this nerd culture that I have, that like you love and you embrace."
"It's exactly the kind of adaptation that we nerds so often say we want to see."
"Highly recommend. If you are a nerd like me, you will love this."
"Being openly nerdy in the modern world is slowly starting to shift back from being a label one would want to avoid."
"I think it's really cool that we've built up this nerd community over the last decade."
"I go full nerd and express my ideas quickly and with passion."
"I'm going to do my nails and for school so you're like a cool girl want to be but like deep down inside you're a nerd."
"Yet you are so nerdy, it's almost as if the incredible Hulk banged Urkel. Did I do that?"
"A giant Montage to things nerds love."
"An empowered nerd is an educated nerd and an educated nerd starts here."
"Do something nerdy tonight, everyone."
"By Grabthar's hammer, we'll see you next time. Thanks for watching, nerds."
"You should be proud because nerds rule the world."
"If you like this video, please comment below, and let us know what areas of nerd culture need an explainer."
"I do think being a nerd is the coolest thing that you could be."
"We’re all unique and we all like different things, and there’s really no existing profile of what it means to be or not be a nerd anymore."
"The jokes aren't for the nerds, they're about the nerds."
"so this was definitely like an homage to nerd culture and I loved it so yeah"
"The big nerd culture blockbuster explosion that culminated in the birth of the MCU in the 2010s was largely viewed as kind of a pop culture insurgency."
"Nerdcore is rap with lyrical content about nerdy things like anime, superheroes, or building computers."
"That's the whole point of being nerds is saying look at this I don't like that I love this."
"It was the first really nerd thing to become kind of cool."
"Be excellent to each other and stay nerdy my friends."
"I love random nerd shirts. I think we all know that by this point."
"When all of us are nerds, then no one will be."
"As always, y'all do something nerdy tonight."
"people want things to be nerdy so nerdy they will be"
"Nerds are fun and independent and out of the box cool people."
"Sometimes it pays to be a nerd, guys. Okay?"
"Stay positive, stay creative, stay nerdy, and May the force be with you."
"It's always a good time to be a nerd."
"You're just your regular baseline level annoying nerd, not heightened."
"Welcome to Casual Nerd Reactions. My name is Chris and I'm really geeked out right now because I'm about to watch a genuine sci-fi classic for the very first time."
"Have you seen that movie, have you seen Hunger Games? Excuse me, I read the books, sometimes I gotta talk about that nerdy side of me."
"This is the nerd part of the video."
"Nerd culture started to become cool... Everyone wanted to start streaming and making YouTube videos, anime became mainstream."
"It's the right way to show nerdom and that's Miss Marvel."
"You're kind of part of the new nerd culture that's following 66 batman. Where you get a Rejuvenation of the series. You're a big part of that because you can't get what's right anyways anywhere else."
"Yo, Theory, I listened to Nerd Theory Monday on my way to work every week."
"What are we upset about? Cuz like, I will be honest with you, especially in nerd circles, a lot of us are reading [__] crazy on some hentai site."
"I come from a long line of nerds. My parents met playing dungeons and dragons."
"Embrace nerd culture by finding like-minded individuals who enjoy what you like. Don't worry about what others think, just enjoy and talk about what you love."
"Nerds are cool nowadays. You're like part of the uncool group if you're not a nerd these days."
"We're here, the nerd homie came with the mathematics."
"It's okay to use a GUI sometimes. It doesn't make you any less of a nerd, I promise."
"People in tech really lucked out with the situation, huh? Yeah, being a nerd is paying off."
"I am loving it, you all speak to my nerd heart like no other place we've ever stayed."
"I know nerd life can be a little bit hard and sad, but it can also be boring."
"You guys are the nerdy friends I never had. Thanks."
"I was a gigantic nerd in high school."
"Being a nerd is about loving what you love and not apologizing for it."
"I'm a nerd at heart... I'm social, but I'm like, I'm a nerd, you guys."
"The Poindexter lounge is a place for you and me and everyone else in our nerd family to enjoy and talk about the things that we love."
"If you're nerdy enough to spot these mathematical references, then you're as nerdy as we are and we're kind of cool because we're Simpsons writers."
"I think in Jen being like a nerd like the rest of us would be able to be like, 'Alright cool, I get you.'"
"Keep being you, and we'll see you next time on Top 10 Nerd."
"Hey everybody and welcome back to another video about the nerd forum."
"Nerd culture has undergone a shift in terms of cultural perception from lame to cool."
"Homebrewed Hustle - it's like a triple entendre because there's nerd factor in there."
"I'm super honored to be here to nerd out with all of you on some product stuff."
"If you ever end up driving Lafayette, Louisiana on I-10, come up my comic game shop to chat nerdy and paranormal stuff."
"If you consider yourself a nerd, go out and find new IP to uplift."
"Cool is not the first thing that I would use to describe myself. I'm actually like a very ardent emotional nerd."
"We're all nerds who dress up and people who wear cool costumes want to be told that their costumes are cool."
"Being a nerd is just admitting you're enthusiastic about something."
"I'm still a big nerd, it is what it is; you got to embrace it."
"The pros of nerd culture turning mainstream far outweigh the cons."
"I am a giant nerd, and one of my favorite genres of well anything is fantasy."
"It's nerdcore hip hop. People who identify as nerdy rapping about the things they love: video games, science fiction, having a hard time meeting romantic partners. It's really catchy and fun."
"It's kind of okay to be a nerd; it's kind of cool to be a nerd sometimes."
"He's just a lovable, coming-of-age kind of character nerd."
"We're celebrating nerds right here, this is good stuff."
"Doe guys are basically the nerds of the intelligence community."
"Being a nerd doesn't make you superior to anyone in this family."
"I'm just doing like a nerd, and I just love diving into this vast array of both regular items and then these parts that are like not part of the standard product catalog."
"Embrace more of your nerdism... I think it's also inspiring."
"The definition of nerd is just another word for enthusiast."
"Stay positive, stay nerdy, in today's day and age, stay healthy, and of course, please stay safe."
"It'll put a smile on even the nerdiest of coffee nerds."
"Not all nerds are boring, some of us are cool guys, believe me."
"Being a nerd was purgatory; it sucked. Nowadays, you can be a superstar if you're good at a video game."
"I didn't realize there was this really awesome community in the nerd space."
"We all love nerds; we all need to fly that nerd flag."
"I've always been a nerd at heart, for sure."
"I got all of a sudden a huge amount of attention; it was kind of nerd attention too, which is the strongest kind of attention."
"You got to get old, you don't have to grow up; just be cool and stay nerdy."
"We are nerds, and uh, I'm proud of it."
"Nerd culture has become more mainstream nowadays."
"Nerd lives matter because... they really do matter."
"I'm G, I'm a little bit of a nerd, I hope you will be nerds together."
"I'm Jacob Kaufman, I'm the nerd in the street, and I'll see you guys in the next one. Bye."
This is the place that made "nerd" cool.
"Thank you for joining the Nargs of the Nerd table."
"Nerds are a cool thing, nerds are the best."
"I am very nerdy, and I'm willing to admit that."
"You are so a nerd, and that's not even a bad thing."
"Definitely in a positive way, I do consider myself a nerd."
"I might be a nerd, but at least I'm not a sociopath."
"We nerds, we're intelligent, we're engineers, we're investors, we God fearing. This is the direction that we going in and this is the standard that we set from here on out."
"I can only hope that I get to spend the rest of my life with her majesty Homura and fun and peace with our nerd love power."
"That's when Nerds first became respected; if you were an engineer, you were in the same general class as doctor, dentist, lawyer."
"I'm nerdy enough to have a whiteboard in my living room."
"From a nerd perspective, this is absolutely one of the coolest implementations we have seen."
"Like nerds don't rule the future."
"My real first name is Thorin, as in Oakenshield. It's amazing meeting people because I immediately know exactly who the Nerds are."
"I've always been a nerd, right? Because at the end of the day, there was a time when I didn't have the big muscles."
"I'm watching Dr. Stone at the moment, and he's a nerd, but he's the one surviving."
"We were nerds before it was cool to be nerds."
"It's just everything that I love about being a nerd, being alive, being a human being, just captured in a TV show."
"I'm a huge nerd, so that's my goal, just to share with you and have a little peace and joy and productivity."
"There's nothing more powerful or important or cool than being a nerd."
"What a damn nerd I absolutely adore doing this."
"Monty Python is like catnip for nerds."
"This is the most hilarious nerdfight ever."
"Everyone's a nerd about something."
"Nerds, I ducking love it when people are total nerds about some obscure interest."
"...I'm just embracing my inner nerd here. I love it."
"Some people say I'm a nerd, but I'm cool."
"He's nerdy, he's a music lover, manga reader, and a loyal friend."
"It's okay to be smart; it's okay to be a nerd."
"I want to be appreciated for the nerd I am."
"It's about a bunch of nerds who have a weird job and then do interesting things."
"I'm a massive nerd, but I don't care."
"I'm gonna be like an actual nerd, like it's okay, it's a cute one, and there's nothing wrong with being a nerd, okay? Nerdy and smart."
"I'm proud to be a nerd and rock Nerd HQ."
"Being nerdy is giving into the thing that you can't not do."
"I think nerds are really optimistic people."
"Actually really caring about something and diving deep, that defines nerdom to me more than anything."
"I am totally a closet nerd, you guys. I like anime, I'm a dork, and I love video games."
"I'm a huge nerd, you're gonna learn that by watching my channel."
"The Will Wheaton Project is sort of like Talk Soup for nerds."
"I'm such a nerd; why do you guys like me? I don't know, thank you though, thank you for believing in my weirdness."
"We're creating a new kind of rock and roll; it's called nerd rock."
"This has been Top 10 Nerd, and I'm your host Amanda McKnight, reminding you as always to stay nerdy, YouTube."
"I think that nerd is just synonymous with being passionate."