
Color Blindness Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"I don't care what color you are; are you good at the job? Cool, you have it."
"Seeing people talk about confusing colors, this must be to help people who are color blind, which I think is quite nice."
"I found out I was colorblind the other day. The diagnosis came completely out of the purple."
"We should not discriminate about color but we should be actually protecting children."
"Color blindness and race neutrality is our best chance at a flourishing and prosperous future."
"I don't care what color that robot happens to be, I do care about how people treat other people."
"If you see the number 12 then you have some degree of red-green color blindness."
"Jesus role was a man of love. What color has nothing to do with it."
"I like equality and merit and colorblindness. I like those things."
"Color doesn't matter; it's a morally sick notion to suggest otherwise."
"Never took much to convince Dre. Never been swayed by color or skin shades and stay one hell raiser with twin blades. That was fact."
"It’s like telling a colorblind person that, 'Oh, trust me, you’ll see the colors eventually.'"
"By saying you don't see color is like saying you don't see gender."
"If there's a color problem and you don't see color, that is problematic."
"I love a lot to preface that like yeah I am colorblind don't make fun of me I'm completely wrong here except probably em but yeah I mean that's interesting."
"Colorblindness is a philosophy of how to fight racism."
"There's a percentage of the population that for reasons scientists still don't have a clear understanding why cannot see certain colors."
"Love who you love regardless of their color."
"Someone in their diversity statement says I believe that the most defensible policy is color blindness... their application would go into the circular file."
"I have this medical condition that's really, really rare, not rare, but you're not allowed to be in the infantry if you have it. I'm color blind, really bad."
"One thing you might not know is that our friend Richard here is actually red green colorblind and it's interesting that had a lot of colorblind photographers sent in work this is yet another interpretation of that which I think is extremely cool."
"It's like you've been looking at life in black and white and suddenly you're like Logan Paul when he put on those color blind glasses."
"What's something you're sick of having to explain? Red green color blindness. Now when it comes up instead of playing the 'what color is this' game, I have a picture on my phone that illustrates how different color visions see things."
"Colorblindness assumes that the failures of certain groups of people are based on individual pathologies rather than structural barriers."
"It was revealed that brother dawn was colorblind for centuries."
"Most people making the comment about being blind to color, in my experience, have been primarily white."
I personally do not agree with people who say, "Oh, I'm color blind. I don't see color, everybody's the same." We're not the same.
"Colorblindness is when you say I just want everybody to be the same, I don't acknowledge any of the actual systems of oppression."
"I'm like Vin Diesel. I don't see color, dude."
"What I'm saying is, okay, let's concede we all see race, but actually talk about what the deeper value of color blindness is, which is not treating people differently on that basis once we notice it."
"Color contrast is important for folks with color blindness or low vision."
"Now, before I do, I just want to say this video today is brought to you in part by EnChroma, EnChroma glasses for colorblind people like myself, so if you or anyone you know might be colorblind, uh, just click the link in my description, it'll take you to their website."
"Since most people believe in racial equality... and since I don't see color... I can't be a racist."
"I don't see color. I don't see red eyes. I don't care if their eyes are red, blue, polka dots."
"If you like someone, like them for who they are and not because of their skin color."
"Imagine, you know, and the penalties were taken, but there was nothing about the color of people's skin."
"Chad Reed is colorblind; he does not care who is in front of him, teammate or not, he is going all out."
"The traditional red, green, and blue tend to be poorly contrasted and particularly terrible for viewers who are colorblind."
"My wife is biracial, but I don't see that. I see my wife."
"Colorblindness is also called color vision deficiency or CVD."
"If my eyes were to see, let them be the witness of a world that is color free."
"Color blindness doesn't actually impact quality of life, it doesn't impact visual function."
"I just found out that I'm color blind. It came completely out of the purple."
"If the world was truly colorblind, every human being in every corner of the world would be able to reach their potential."
"Most colorblind people are able to see things as clearly as other people, but they are unable to fully see red, green, or blue light."
"In people with color vision deficiency, usually there is something wrong with one of those different cone types, either they are faulty or missing."
"This means you can still see colors, but maybe less diverse, less shades, less colors, and definitely less colorful."
"I'm actually colorblind, so I see the world quite different than many other people."
"If you're worried about color, then you're missing Christ."
"My favorite color is blue because I'm colorblind and blue is the only one I know what I'm getting."
"The Constitution is colorblind and neither knows nor tolerates distinctions among citizens."
"I am not a color blind advocate anymore. Too simple by half."
"Those who entertain fantasies of a colorblind society amid so much systemic racial discrimination need to get a grip."
"I don't believe we live in a colorblind world, so teaching people that we do can often lead them to remain ignorant to evident problems."
"It's absolute peak gamer moment to be colorblind and finally get glasses so you can see the world as it's intended."
"When you're writing rhymes, it's not about color, it's about art."
"Not everybody sees the same colors; some people are colorblind."
"The colorblind does not see the world in black and white; they can still see color, but it's just a more narrowed color perception."
"It's like telling a colorblind person how colorful the world is."
"I don't look at color lines anymore, I stopped that [__] a long time ago."
"They fall in love with a person, not a color."
"The existence of people with color blindness shows us that if you remove one of the types of cone cells, the eye still functions perfectly adequately."
"We just didn't see color, it was just two people coming together."
"I don't think love has any color or sees any color."
"I wish we could not see color... you actually have to get to know them, and not just hate somebody for their race, which is dumb as hell."
"...what I'm really looking for in that person as a potential mate is more in alignment and values, and you know, person like vibe between us, chemistry, etc., and for that, I'm somewhat colorblind."
"Women can be born colorblind, it's just more rare for them to be red-green colorblind."
"Since then, people with color blindness have been prohibited from engaging in professions in which color perception is an important part of the job."
"There's 1,080 outfits he could possibly wear, assuming he's colorblind and he's not going to make it look really nice."
"Stop looking at the person's color and focus on just the individual."
"I wasn't expecting to be diagnosed as colorblind. It really came out of the purple."
"Color blindness is a sex-linked disorder caused by a recessive allele."
"I am red-green colorblind; I don't see green like many of you folks see green."