
Daily Commitment Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Holistic wellness is a daily commitment to nurturing our body, mind, and spirit for optimal health."
"The life of a disciple is the same daily decision: pick up your cross and follow me."
"Being a parent myself like every single day you show up for your kids and if you don't they will know that and that's it like end of story."
"It's not about being reliant on someone and having to stay with them... It's about waking up every day and choosing to be with a person because you love them."
"I believe I was never more acceptable to my Master than when I was standing to teach to those here in the open fields."
"You win on the hard days and you win on the boring days."
"You got to pay the price for winning every single day."
"You don't have to have life all figured out, you just have to show up every day."
"It's not about a five-minute, thirty-minute hour Devo in the morning; it's all day. Today is given over to the Lord."
"Commit to do what most don't and find time to work on you every day."
"I'm working to improve my consistency every single day of my life."
"Every single day, we should commit to loving ourselves unconditionally."
"Greatness is doing what you love every single day."
"You can get so passionate about something 24/7 and it's 100 percent every day you show up and you have to do it."
"Every single day next week from Monday to Friday at 9am I'm going to be the nation's PE teacher."
"Success is not owned, it's rented, and rent's due every day."
"Thank you so much for tuning in today. It's really hard to find these stories, so I do my best to do videos every single day."
"It's about the work though, it's every day the consistency of it, the obsession of it, the wild obsession of the work and doing it right every single day."
"Pray the rosary every single day if you're not doing it yet you're not on the team yet."
"I'm dedicated to making daily videos... to make it your best year yet."
"You have to choose this love every single day."
"To lead to a better future for yourself, you must show up every single day with the intention to build a project that lives into the future."
"Success is not by accident, it's by Design. You have to re-earn it every day."
"You've got to turn up every day and be the best version of yourself."
"Establishing, reinforcing, and building Security in a relationship is something that you do every single day."
"Make videos every day... speak about why you believe in Christianity, why Islam, what's wrong with Islam, etc. every day."
"Life will start to show up for you when you start to show up for yourself every single day."
"We want somebody in there who cares about us and who's thinking about us and is working for us every day."
"Beauty is being okay with the imperfection. It's in the progress of my push-up, the fire in my core, showing up every day just as I am."
"There is nothing more risky, exciting, or thrilling than living daily for Jesus."
"If you want to do something you love, you need to love what you do and you need to do it every day."
"If you really want to make something of this if you want to make profits and learn how to trade and make money every single day at the same time don't miss out."
"The reason you're not accomplishing your goals and dreams is that you're not prioritizing 30 minutes a day."
"It's getting up every day to do it that's the hard part."
"Our lady did say pray the rosary every day for peace."
"Just show up every single day the best that you can."
"Democracy is not a state, it's an act, and I pledge to the American people if confirmed I will act justice every day."
"Everything I do every day is a step towards self-sufficiency."
"You gotta want it, and you gotta want it every day, man."
"I turn up every day wanting to better myself."
"Every day in training standards every day... best version of you."
"It's day-to-day commitment, dedication, and sacrifice."
"It's amazing how much you can learn if you just commit a small amount of time every day to something."
"I don't have motivation I got passion... love the fight I love to fight every day and I love the gym."
"Every day is a good day to fight for Canadians."
"We see other relationships so we still choose each other every day."
"We stood for religious liberty every single day, and we're going to keep standing for the freedom of religion of every American of every faith."
"Are you willing to every day revisit that vision and get clear on your purpose?"
"Boxing is one of those sports, if you're gonna be any good at it, you have to do it every day."
"Let us never be deaf, let us never be numb to your voice and to your workings. Help us to always say yes to your will this day and every day of our lives." - Father Mike Schmitz
"Every day you're choosing to show up and stay faithful."
"You've got to be willing to do today what others don't so you can have tomorrow others won't."
"You've got to be willing to do today what others won't so you can have tomorrow others don't."
"I'm excited to stand out in front of this group, I'm excited to stand in front of this team lead from the front and they're going to get my very best every single day."
"I'm always on your team as your trainer. I'll show up here for you every day."
"As long as you guys are continuing to enjoy the dailies I'm always gonna be here for those daily readings."
"Help them to set time aside every single day with you."
"I do what I love every single day, it's hard work but I do what I love every single day."
"Every contract's day to day. You got to put your best foot forward every single day and continue to prove it and earn it."
"Every day we're going to wake up, we're going to try to help somebody else."
"The goal is to ask every single day how can I love you today?"
"The hardest part about being married is that it's every single day."
"So I'm proud of you for that I'm proud of you for being here today I'm proud of you for not only spending this time with me but literally where you are being here showing up for yourself every single day doing that without fail doing it that without hesitation doing it for you."
"Showing up every single day the way it's supposed to be, over time, changes everything."
"Every day from that day forward, you wake up and you make a trade with God."
"I do only things that I can get behind, talk about it every day with no shame or worry."
"Equality is a commitment. It is a daily practice."
"If you take one step towards healing every day, then that's a huge amount."
"Success is not bought, it's rented, and the rent is due every day."
"Love is a choice. I think you choose that person every day."
"You've got to commit today, you've got to commit every day."
"You've got to lose your life in order to find it; you've got to pick up your cross daily."
"This is a business, it's not a hobby for you; if you want it to be successful, you need to do it every single day."
"I can control showing up for myself every single day because even if I don't matter to anyone else, I matter to me."
"Pick up your cross daily; every single morning you're going to have to wake up and make the decision to deny yourself."
"We've chosen to be together every day. That's right, we earn each other's love every day."
"He was committed every single day to being his best, and not many people can actually say that and be truthful with it."
"You cannot be my disciple if you don't take your cross daily and follow."
"You can rely on them to give their best every day."
"That first sign of someone's like, 'Yo, you want to play?' and then I just every single day fell in love."
"We were willing to die for freedom, and we were willing to die for justice and equality, so we live for it every day."
"I have to fight for justice and equity every single day."
"You're going to have to continuously be great all the time, 365 days of the year."
"I will take up that cross daily and follow Him."
"I'm going to be praying for you every day."
"I'm ready to be that hero every day."
"The title of Master Investor is something that I have to earn every day."
"I will stand up every day in a court of law; I will defend someone's rights."
"Lord, this day I desire nothing but you."
"Give me and yourself just three minutes a day... and boom, we'll change the world, one person and one virtuous act at a time."
"You're expected to wake up every single day ready to give us a hundred and ten percent."
"We got married, and we promised you that we would live every day for you."
"Every day that I show up, my life gets saved."
"That alone is giving me the boost, the motivation, the energy to keep delivering to you every single day."
"I chose me a long time ago, but I'm still choosing me every day."
"Discover what makes you fiery, what makes you angry enough or passionate enough to talk more, to look at that issue every day."
"You can't claim to be somebody who follows Christ and you don't pick your cross up every day and deny yourself."
"It's hard, it's definitely difficult, but you need to make the decision and make it every day."
"I show up every single day doing my best."
"I embrace adversity in a positive way to earn the trust of the team every play and every day."
"You made time for yourself to better yourself every single day, so remember that."
"Every day I wake up and I decide to do something that will aid to my recovery."
"You must decide in your heart that you're going to wage that war and win the war for your mind on a daily basis."
"I'm going to make a difference; I'm going to play hard every day."
"Make sure to be kind to somebody, I promise I'm going to see you tomorrow."
"Putting the farmer first and doing it every day."
"I hope you consent to this relationship with me, I want to consent to it with you, and I want us to consent every day."
"Success is not owned, it's rented every day."
"We are giving it our best shot every single day, and then we will see what happens."
"It's not about being perfect, it's about effort, and when you bring that effort every single day, that's where transformation happens."
"Commit to each other every day and make the choice to stay."
"Me showing up every day really do be helping somebody."
"I'm doing my best to keep up every day with the increasing workload, but I know that my work here is helping people."
"I'm going to have to be a creator and be creative every single day when I hit that road."
"I will fight against anti-Semitism each and every day until we dismantle it totally."
"One small promise to yourself every day... I can rely on myself."
"Put your heart and soul into today. Put your heart and soul into every day."
"I couldn't do this every day if I didn't love what I do."
"We both choose to be here every single day."