
Spiritual Learning Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Teach me, Sacred Spirit, to be in tune with the universe."
"Life's my guru, life's my teacher, and it strips you away."
"God taught me how to go through pain in silence."
"It is necessary to engage in the learning of various lessons in the overall plan of each soul's evolution."
"Jesus said, 'Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart.'"
"I pray that you've learned something I pray that this isn't blessing to you."
"The more one listens, the more it is evident that these plants actually have their own language and are attempting to teach and prepare the body and mind for ayahuasca."
"The purpose of Scripture is to teach you how to get right."
"If it'll keep me out of hell, I want to learn it. That's right, that's right, if it has given me right with God, I want to learn it."
"As you are learning to get up into those higher energies and learning to create with these higher energies, all of your issues will come up for you to address."
"This reality is a sort of a playground school, learning place where souls from all over the place come in and can have challenging experience as seeming one race."
"Teach me, I give myself completely to what you're saying."
"It wasn't a lesson you were supposed to learn, it was a karmic contract."
"God wants you to learn how to love real people, not ideal people."
"In order to become enlightened, we need to learn how to receive light."
"This is a time of incredible inspiration realization and learning even learning things on a deeper spiritual metaphysical level."
"As soon as you meet the father all of the sudden you actually get to learn from the truest Source you get to meet you get to learn from God himself."
"You did so well in this lifetime and you paid off a lot of the karmic debts and you learned a lot of good karmic lessons."
"God's words will lead you to want to learn more of what He's instructing us in these times."
"I thank you for every time that you communicate to us through your dreams. I'm just thankful because we are learning every single day how to get closer and closer to you."
"I hope you're falling in love with God's Word and starting to understand things about the word that you never understood before."
"The thing about the school of the spirit is that God is patient enough; He will repeat the lessons."
"A lot of the verses where Jesus, really Yeshua, is speaking in the Bible is really fragments and fractals of what he learned in the Egyptian mystery schools."
"If you just blow away the dust on your Bible and sincerely and earnestly learn what it says, you will soon realize that most of mankind's answers to life and their greatest questions can be found right in the Word of God."
"Through it all, I've learned to trust in God, I've learned to depend on His word."
"We all incarnate through hundreds and thousands of lifetimes... the school of the third dimension."
"Peter was important, he was an apostle, and there's a lot we can learn from Peter."
"Don't think of it as a punishment, but that you're gaining more wisdom."
"Obeying God's rules will save us from learning things the hard way, but by themselves they won't give us a personal experience with God."
"People are starting to learn...their loved ones are truly with them."
"The desire for it is absolutely there and um, you know what I'm learning also is that God honors our desires you know what I mean and um, God's timing is way better than ours you know what I mean."
"Preaching in my sleep, learning from the Holy Spirit - God was molding me for His purpose."
"Time and space to grow in learning and practice was exactly what I was looking for and I feel I have found it in monasticism."
"God will show you everything if you are humble and if you have a teachable spirit."
"I hope that you enjoyed this, I hope it expands your knowledge of the kundalini and what may be required for us to awaken it."
"It's a lot more than what we've been taught a lot more the more I learn the more I realize I don't know and that the more I realized I need the Holy Spirit to be sent to me."
"By the end of the month, what you're learning spiritually will positively affect your relationships."
"I just want to talk about the knowledge of God, the nature of God."
"Salvation is not something we earn, it's something we learn."
"Marriage is a ministry... Somebody's going to look at us and they're going to learn about Jesus just by watching us."
"Thank you, devil, for every trap you set because what you've done has helped me grow."
"Our role is to learn the laws of the cosmos and work with them."
"I got familiar with what it sounds like by reading the Word, and then it got me prepared to hear His voice."
"Come on, teach me thy statutes, thy ways, your ways, you know and everything, teach me your statutes."
"The responsibility isn't entirely levied or shouldered on the preacher, the members have a grand opportunity to not just listen to that preacher but to compare what that preacher is saying to the word of God."
"You are learning deep lessons at a profound spiritual level."
"So when you read the scriptures, we learn about these things: the nature of God, the power of God, the plans and purposes of God, human nature, good and evil."
"The things of God are not taught, they are caught."
"Teach me to pray like you pray. I've never heard anybody pray like you pray."
"We need to learn the culture of Heaven and bring it to Earth."
"The Lord really does teach us things in our valleys that we could never learn on the mountaintop."
"The Apostle Paul did not learn from man."
"In order to follow Jesus, the master, I got to first observe the master working."
"Let him that is ignorant learn wisdom by humbling himself and calling upon the Lord his God."
"There is no greater lesson to learn than to learn of Jesus."
"The Holy Spirit's lesson plans are arranged in easy steps, that though there be some lack of ease at times, and some distress, there is no shattering of what was learned."
"There's more about Jesus we would learn; there's more of his lovely face we desire to behold."
"I wanted to come on to talk to you guys about what I've learned about what our loved ones see after they pass on."
"They shall all be taught by God; everyone hearing from the father and learning comes unto me."
"We love these prophets and if you truly love these prophets and claim these prophets, then you have to know more about them."
"I was never the same after learning these three facts that Jesus knew but most of us don't."
"What can we learn from the sacrifice of Abraham, from the closeness to God of Abraham, from the softness and the justice of Abraham, the generosity of Abraham?"
"The highest teaching is the silent teaching, and to learn how to receive that is really the invitation all the time for us."
"We believe that learning about these teachings can really change your life, making you feel more connected, calm, and happy."
"Thank you, Lord, for providing us this opportunity to go over these questions and really learn."
"God will teach us something through everything we go through."
"This channel focuses on the Quran, if you're interested in learning what the Quran says... this is the right channel for you."
"Show me your glory, teach me your ways, that I might know you."
"Holy Spirit, teach me, guide me in truth that I may know Jesus, the image of the invisible God."
"We carry into earthly life what we learn in the spiritual world."
"The most important things you can learn is knowing the voice of the Lord."
"I wanted to be someone who made 100 million dollars... then it shifted to, 'I want to be a Talmid, I want to learn Torah, and I want to understand the word of the Lord.'"
"There is no transmission of Kabbalistic knowledge without the texts of Kabbalistic knowledge."
"This is what the Lord's teaching me right now."
"God Himself becomes your teacher as you learn how to hang on His every word and discover truth for yourself; it's life-changing."
"Teach me your ways, your laws; teach me, Lord, how to come before you."
"Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am humble."
"No rabbi in the world can give you the sources of wisdom that you can find inside of yourself."
"Whenever we answer God's word, it teaches us something."
"The Lord really taught me something."
"You prompted Shivani to share her story so that others could learn how to grow themselves spiritually."
"I trusted throughout this week we would learn to anchor our faith in Christ and not just in the man that Christ is using."
"In the spirit of promoting the message of Imam Hussain, we seek to learn something from his teachings."
"Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; you shall find rest unto your souls."
"The best way to learn Kriya Yoga, of course, is to have good source material and someone who is reliable, trustworthy, and has experience in the practice of Kriya Yoga to relate to."
"The church is composed of erring, imperfect men and women who are but learners in the school of Christ."
"Church is a place where Christians gather together and they learn from each other."
"Thank you for talking to me, God, today, for teaching me to recognize your voice."
"They can teach us so much about the heart of Jesus because of this unique journey they've been on."
"Thank you for this opportunity to come together and learn from your word."
"I am enjoying this series Lessons for Life; it's an education from the Word of God."
"We ask for the guidance of your Holy Spirit as we study that great prophecy of Revelation."
"The entities of the Red Planet were attempting to learn the laws of love."