
Political Spectrum Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"You deserve democracy. You have more in common with people across the political spectrum than with the establishment elite."
"I do, in spite of all of this, legitimately believe that shuwon head is overall an asset to the left."
"You've got to have equal treatment for people from across the political spectrum."
"The linear classification of political ideology as left and right is admittedly unavoidably reductive but is nonetheless helpful in explaining political ideals and political goals."
"Politics are a spectrum. It's not just Republicans and Democrats."
"When I was younger and someone asked me what my political beliefs would have been, I just said Democrat. But after a stint in the army, Republican. Now, I find myself somewhere in the middle, trying to decipher reality from fiction, disgusted with everyone."
"Maybe you're a moderate, maybe you're a liberal, maybe or someone associated or more in line with the intellectual dark web represents moderate individuals, progressives, some conservatives who want to have a real conversation."
"This might be an issue where you see people from across the political spectrum coming together in the interests of liberty and freedom."
"We all need to calm our tits or our balls, Left, Right, Center."
"The horseshoe centrist doesn't see a difference between red and yellow."
"If your range skews rightwards, your neutral positions will be sympathetic to the right."
"If the middle is Mansion, that is very right-wing. If the middle is Huntsman, he's a lifelong Republican, that is also very right-wing."
"Honestly, she is left of me but I love the fact that she's out there because we need people like that to drag the Overton window back to where my politics are."
"The far left just like the far right will be a part of our society, what's the strength in our society is the middle."
"The left and the right combined form one large Center."
"Occupied Wall Street showed us that the constituency for a left wing in America is huge and deep."
"Most content produced is either politically left or slightly to the left."
"I really believe that the self-silencing majority of this country is broadly in the center wants a different choice other than Laura Ingraham and Rachel Maddow at night."
"Jeremy Corbyn was really the most left-wing leader that the Labour Party ever had, the major opposition party, the main opposition party."
"Ground news offers a transparent way to read the news, with access to over 50,000 sources across the political spectrum."
"We represent the center. Someone like Dave and his views represent extreme outliers."
"There are good ideas on the left and the right."
"The best way I've been able to categorize myself... I'm a liberal in my compassion for the vulnerable, I'm a Libertarian in my love of freedom, and I'm a conservative in the sense that I think you need civilization to protect both of those things."
"We've got to listen to a variety of voices and some are going to come from the left and some are going to come from the right and some are going to come from mysterious sources."
"Highly recommend that people go find something on the more conservative side and go find something more in the Progressive side."
"So conservative that she's now to the left of Bill Maher on many issues."
"Don't do it. Don't fall for it no matter what side of the political spectrum you're on."
"I don't think the left left them I do think that both the right have become more left and the left has become increasingly left."
"I see myself in Europe as in the middle of the plate the left-right skin but very high up on freedom."
"To be a centrist... obviously I'll take that over everybody to the right of centrism."
"That would be a remarkable achievement for anyone. But this woman had a wooden leg."
"This video made the rounds online and was mocked by all sides of the political spectrum."
"For someone who calls himself a socialist and who really occupies the most leftward point possible in the very narrow United States political consensus, I mean he came closer to winning than anyone ever did."
"Most moderate individuals and moderate right-leaning individuals are vocal and supportive."
"It really is no longer a question of left and right, it's a question of fear and freedom."
"Culturally influential for the left, including liberals and centrists."
"It attracts support from across the political spectrum."
"Well, he's filling a giant hole that there is on, you know, leftist media with trans people, but also it's a very good counterweight to those, you know, like right-wing people."
"Life is not binary, you don't live Republican, you don't live Democrat."
"We're people, and believe it or not, people can diverge from one political norm or the other."
"There is a broader, more beautiful sound beyond the narrow bands of right-wing radio."
"Regular people know and like Joe Rogan he's not a far-right guy he's actually kind of a left-wing guy but he's like a regular dude in his demeanor and his behavior."
"The left and the right is basically Collective versus principle."
"There's Clearly Now a space beyond the center right in the conservative party for different kind of politics."
"If you can afford to, if it's something you're capable of doing, absolutely yeah, leave far-right areas to go as far left as possible because these people are [__] unsustainable on their own."
"Her reasoned approach and commitment to the rule of law earned her respect across the political spectrum." - Tribute to Sandra Day O'Connor
"There is no left in America, and if we stay true to our Lefty values, they're going to call us right-wingers. That's what they've done to you guys already."
"You can't just have a labor movement with people on the left. That doesn't make any sense."
"Gen Zed is simply beginning to show the limits of the left and right distinction in the first place."
"Vegans come from all walks of life—with views that span the entire political spectrum, conservative and liberal alike."
"Some people are so far left that everything looks right or wrong, and some people are so far right that everything looks left."
"Antichrist comes on the scene, both him and the false prophet, first and second beast, are going to be very appealing to both the left and the right."
"People in China, country of 1.4 billion, have a range of political opinions." - Vijay Prashad
"Liberalism and conservatism aren't that far apart."
"There are some people who have conviction in their beliefs regardless of where on the political spectrum they lie."
"Liberals, great. Conservatives, great. Leftists, see, they don't do well. Liberty is a value, not an instinct."
"Far rightism, far leftism... being moderate is a green flag."
"How did we get to the position where the range of acceptable opinions on this issue was either 'I would nuke' or 'I would have complicated feelings about it'?"
"It's very important that folks on the further end on the right spectrum and focus on the further end of the left spectrum move towards the middle if they want to actually continue to win elections."
"If you think about it in a Cartesian sense, if somebody had a few very radical right-wing beliefs and a few extremely radical left-wing beliefs, they would just average out to zero."
"I like seeing different perspectives, especially of people among different political spectrums."
"If Getter's starting out by banning people on the right wing for being too far right, eventually you're gonna be too far right."
"I'm thankful that there's not people very, very far right that we can't... I'm thankful of that."
"I knew it was him and I wanted to go up because I'm like, oh, he's gonna think I'm good."
"I'm far left and you're far right."
"...if we stop talking about the way far left and the way far right and we talk about the people you can see from the middle, I don't think we're as different as the news organizations want us to think."
"...the far left is going to go so far left they're going to start to bend back towards the middle, and the far right is going to go so far right they're going to start to bend back towards the middle."
"I actually don't know. I feel like, you ask someone at this conference, they go 'I'm not really right-wing' and then they say, 'I support the death penalty.'"
"The entire political Spectrum has moved to the right."
"If you go all the way to the left you're on the extreme left, you're a communist, right? If you go to the extreme right you're a Nazi, I guess. I don't know, right? If you're in the middle, kind of a Social Democrat, nice."
"There are many people on the left who are certainly open to dialoguing with people."
"Racism on the right and racism on the left is that everyone knows racism on the right is wrong, it's obvious."
"The dialectic always moves left, now finally could it move right? Yeah, that's called fascism."
"You might be politically conservative, but if you support democracy over authoritarianism, you're not actually on the right."
"...there are nice left-wing people and nice right-wing people and they're horrible left-wing people and horrible right-wing people, and that political allegiance is not really a suitable enough shibboleth on which to actually judge people's moral character."
"It's important for him to show a diversity of perspectives from the left, the right, and the center."
"The political party is no longer representative of a conspectus of opinion across the board but represents a relatively narrow position at the edge of the political spectrum."
"People on the left, right, and center can agree that something should change."
"Sometimes the left would be right, sometimes the right would be right."
"People who believe in conspiracies are not crackpot conservative lunatics unilaterally but rather people from across the political spectrum who often have good reasons to be skeptical about their own government."
"The fact that most economics professors are indeed left of the center on the political spectrum and see what they're doing as in the interest of distributional justice and some level of equality is not something that most people realize."
"The ideological divide between left and right is growing deeper."
"A country is either democratic or they're not democratic when in actuality democracy is more of a spectrum."
"There's a huge hunger not just from the right but from the center and the center-left for people talking about the importance of free speech for everyone."
"Whether you're talking about the right or the left, class trumps everything else."
"I believe in having respectful conversations with people I disagree with on the left and the right."
"The majority of people in the country aren't far left or aren't far right, they're in the middle."