
Personal Autonomy Quotes

There are 685 quotes

"The true purpose of wealth is to completely remove the financial burden from the individual."
"The main reason I become an entrepreneur is because I love the freedom."
"You have the right to say yes and to say no to whoever you choose to."
"You are the only one who gets to say what goes on in your life."
"These matters, involving the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment."
"More people with more say over their lives, as long as they're not infringing on other people's say over their lives, is better."
"Does it sound like a world designed to set you free to pursue opportunities, or does it sound more like a world that enslaves you?"
"You shouldn't let anybody make you feel bad about it, boss you around about it, make you do anything you don't want to do."
"Don't let the political agenda and the manipulators screw with you."
"Allowing individuals to make their own decisions and allowing individuals to mitigate their own risk... I trust them more than any of these people."
"Sex can be a key element of the human condition; intimacy and pleasure are innately radical things that you can control at an individual level that defy hierarchies."
"It's good to be informed; it's good to know the truth about some of these things because that way you can make your own decision for yourself."
"If you have the right idea about what really belongs to you and what does not, you will never be subject to force or hindrance, you will never blame or criticize anyone, and everything you do will be done willingly."
"You don't have to accept anything you don't want."
"A conservatorship strips someone of their legal rights ostensibly for their own protection because they are in some way impaired or vulnerable."
"It's my wedding; I get to do whatever I want."
"I want you to get to a place where no artist, celebrity, even person in your life can have that much meaning to you."
"Other people's bodies don't exist for us to have opinions on, but for the people in them to live their lives while we live ours."
"I want to keep everybody, make sure that everybody still has the freedom of choice, you know, and control over what goes into their bodies."
"The bottom line of my stance is that as long as there's a risk, there should be a choice."
"The liberal idea of happiness, that we just need to maximize personal autonomy, personal choice, personal freedom as an individual, this is really the key to happiness and utopia, this is a lie."
"Imagine having some random person violate your privacy and make that choice for you. Who would do such a thing?"
"The experts are there to provide information; they are not there to provide the decisions that govern your life."
"Remember that if you don't decide how you're going to use the technology, the platforms will decide for you."
"Freedom, that's all we want... Let's get it!"
"I do not believe that we have a right to tell other people that women they can't control their body."
"Britney Spears has been under a conservatorship for more than a decade with her financial and even personal decisions being made for her."
"Whatever Britney Spears chooses to do is her right. She's given so much to the public."
"We are potentially losing our ability to move freely, to enjoy ordinary freedoms, let alone build realities that are more reflective of who we are."
"Telling people they don't have a choice is one of the most dangerous things."
"The freedom isn't that you can say whatever you want, it's that you don't have to listen to what anyone else is saying."
"Freedom is the only thing that matters. If you want to live your life, if you want to make decisions for yourself, for your family, for your community, freedom is the only way to get there."
"Feminism as a movement should be pro-choice to allow anyone to choose whatever path they want to have."
"If women or even men want to make an OnlyFans account, let them. It's their freaking body."
"For us, being off-grid is all about Freedom. It's all about having that power when I want it, when I need it."
"Remember that you are in charge of your life and your body."
"It's always up to each individual to determine for themselves with their own mind."
"I want to be able to drive my car, I want to be able to live in my house by myself, I want to be able to say who's going to be my security guard."
"Don't let these nay cells tell you how to live your life."
"Someone put a leash around your neck and it was like, 'Oh, I guess I gotta go that way.'"
"Anarchists are like, 'Hey, if you leave me alone, I'll leave you alone.' Perfect deal."
"No, you didn't allow this to happen. Allowing something to happen implies you gave it permission. At no point did you actually consent."
"Keep what you like, get rid of what you like. You make those rules on your own."
"It's absurd to shame someone because they don't want to sleep with someone."
"What part of your life do you want to be driven by individual choice?"
"That's why the mandates and these requirements are so onerous to many people because they take away the nuance in this. They take away our autonomy and our capacity to make even nuanced decisions by painting everything with one brush."
"First off, you should have power over your own body."
"No one can make the better decision for you than you."
"I'm not in any way obligated to put my feelings aside to save face for them."
"You don't owe anyone an explanation, let people do what they want to do."
"You have to live your life the way you want to live your life."
"This is your life and you do what you want to do."
"Just follow your own rules, that's all I want."
"At the end of the day it's still your life and you should do what you want not what someone else wants."
"I trust people to make good decisions for themselves."
"So if you can't respect that, I need a minute to check with my husband, check with my wife, look at my calendar, whatever it is that you need to do to make sure that what they're asking of you works for you, then the answer is no."
"When you borrow too much money, you lose control of your life, whoever you are."
"A trend where we regain control of our emotions, impulses, freedom, and the autonomy of our brains."
"My body, my choice. Completely agreed. My wallet, my choice. Also completely agreed."
"I'm not going to play any games I don't like playing. I'm not going to do anything I don't like doing."
"We are the free citizens of democracies and we own our own minds and we can reclaim our minds."
"I think everyone should be able to make their own decisions in life and sometimes fall to get back up."
"Either all of this means something, or none of it means anything."
"It's massively feminist to take control of your life."
"Give college at least a semester if you are like I'm not sure if college is for me and definitely don't let anyone besides you influence your major."
"It's scary for them not to really do anything about what they have, but it's also scary that some people are thinking for you and you don't even know."
"You wouldn't think so. It's not really their business. Your body, your choice, remember?"
"It's about taking control of my life, something worth noting is that the sampling of people from each party is ridiculously screwed towards Democrats."
"Talking about my health is my prerogative and belongs to me and is nobody else's business."
"Stop you from saying and doing what you want, living in the kind of society you want."
"You don't owe them anything at all. You didn't ask to be brought into the world; they chose to bring you into the world."
"Politics is about who gets to control your life, you or people in Washington DC who say they can solve all your problems."
"People own themselves and should be able to decide what they do or don't put in their own body."
"No one can control you if you don't let them."
"You cannot possess me. I'm here to have a conversation."
"Make sure that none of that is being done to please your husband. Great message."
"We cannot give these people control. If you hate Donald Trump, then Donald Trump shouldn't have control over your medicine. Donald Trump shouldn't have control over your life, over your education."
"All I want is to own my money for this to end and my boyfriend, um, to drive me in his [ __ ] car and I would honestly like to sue my family to be totally honest with you." - Britney Spears
"Just because someone loves you doesn't mean you ought to give them the whole damn world."
"You don't get to decide it's not your choice. You know, this notion of these go-getter type A's who say everyone has to be awake at five in the morning."
"The most successful countries... allow people to experiment, prosper, and run their own lives."
"Yes, I'm going to do everything you do and no, I don't care if you approve it or not I don't need to take your moral judgment into consideration because you are immoral."
"I've always said I'm not a fan of cancel culture because they've tried to cancel me... Thank god I own myself, cancel cancel culture bro."
"If someone tries to control you, get out of there as quickly as possible."
"The only person who should be making a life-altering and potentially life-saving decision for a woman and her body is the woman herself."
"Never give someone the power to give you happiness."
"My body, my choice, except for when it comes to student loan debt."
"My body my choice... the state should stay out of things like abortion."
"Silence is consent; it's your body, it's your choice."
"I hate when people tell me what to do. I hate when people tell me who I am because at the end of the day they don't know, you only know yourself."
"I want to live my life the way I think I should live my life without judgment from other people."
"I think giving people the choice is the right idea."
"If you only have one group that you belong to, it has cult-like power over you."
"True freedom, you can do what you want when you want."
"You can't own anybody, you can only control you."
"The best option you have is the ability to say no."
"You're the ultimate arbiter of what you do and don't have to do."
"Most people never get to that place... because most people are controlled through their emotions by other individuals."
"People have to be able to make their own choices about their own lives."
"It's informed consent, not uninformed control."
"You become the sole owner of your ID. You're in charge of your data."
"No one knows what's best for you other than you."
"Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life."
"You don't have to push him back but he felt he had to and I respect that."
"I think people should be free to do what they feel like doing as long as they're not hurting somebody else."
"I never took a job with Reagan because once you become an employee, then you serve the employer."
"Respect it but don't let anybody, anybody impose their way on you. It's you. You're with yourself and you've got to make yourself happy first."
"I'm a big believer in agency... give people the information they need and let them make their own decision."
"Your body is not your own and anybody can weigh in."
"I've got the end of my life to go out doing exactly what it is I want to do and not doing what I don't want to do."
"How much of our life really is in our control and how much is really passed down?"
"Your agency and your personal autonomy is a more powerful force for change than trying to fix the world"
"She won't do a damn thing unless they remove the entire conservatorship."
"You're in control of your own life. Stick with your gut feeling."
"You will be nothing but a drone, you will be a product and property of these vaccine consortiums and we cannot permit that to happen."
"Common law does not allow for any government action which prevents a man from making a fool of himself."
"Never in his own life, in someone else's control."
"Autonomy allows individuals to make choices based on their own values, beliefs, and needs."
"If it's a right, it's yours. You get to just do it. You don't have to tell everyone why you're doing it."
"Don't let them [expletive] you, don't let them do it."
"You can't be canceled if you don't agree to it."
"Women, if you have a credit card in your own name, your own credit history, if you have leased an apartment or bought property in your name, you've consented to your own medical treatment."
"I created a lifestyle where I can wake up when I want to wake up."
"They don't want you to have that kind of control over your life. They want to control all of it."
"It's your life, and you are completely within your rights to choose your course of action and what you want to do."
"A test to see how willing you are to do whatever they say is not the play."
"I don't want a man coming in taking this all away. I want her to be her."
"I don't want to feel like a [___] I don't want to have to ask nobody for nothing."
"An anarchist is somebody basically who says listen I take care of myself, government has a role but it should be limited, leave me alone."
"Just remember at the end of the day, everybody is an independent person."
"Why not live your life and do what's right for you?"
"I feel like I'm repeating myself, but part of me is glad that my eight-year-old said, 'My body, my choice.'"
"You can still do you. That's controlling your own destiny."
"Every agreement entered into by choice, you have the right to leave by choice. Abuse is not okay, insults are not okay."
"It's a personal choice, especially for adults."
"Ken brainwashed them into becoming housewives with zero personal agency who heed his every beck and call."
"True freedom is being able to say yes or no to both good and evil."
"Think for yourself, use critical thought, reject critical theory, question authority, follow the facts, and don't let anyone bully you into being a sheep."
"I loved his line about already did the mind-control thing, don't want to go back thank you very much."
"Fundamentally conservative politics is about helping people lead the lives they want to lead and taking obstacles out of their way."
"Free speech and choice should come at the heart of an individual's life."
"If you allow people to control you, then they will succeed. If you don't, then it's just in vain."
"Are you ready to be told what you can and can't buy, what you can and can't consume, what you can spend your own money on..."
"Not the idiot. Good Lord, I hate people like your brother-in-law. He is not your matchmaker and you have every right to live your life how you want."
"If a girl has the gall to put her hands on you, bruh, it's a wrap. You break up with her. Yeah, you break up with her. You walk away. That's your only power as a man."
"Just because somebody saves your life doesn't mean that you have to give them yours."
"There are some very specific cases where your ability to consent to something is heavily compromised."
"How was it his business? He's his own man, what's the problem?"
"Your body, your choice; your body, your consequences."
"You have control over who gets to be your partner."
"Don't you ever let anybody control your fate, your life, and your destiny."
"I refuse to see the law or the court as justified and so I am removing my consent from this interaction."
"Content moderation should be an individual decision, not a corporate prison. Let people make their own choices." - Edward Snowden
"Abortion is a choice for a woman, yeah, and we should also underline like Crystal Walker, by his own admission."
"You always have full control over your life, no matter what."
"Britney expressly reserves the right to petition for termination of this conservatorship under probate code section 1861."
"You do you dude, we'll trust that you'll do quality work whatever format it takes."
"Make decisions for yourself, for your own life."
"This is about bodily autonomy and citizenship."
"There's no such thing as peer pressure when you have many friends in many places."
"Living outside the law and not having to answer to anybody—it's a sense of freedom."
"Some support for CBDCs stems from a willingness to trade personal autonomy for security."
"That's not freedom, that's slavery, that's bondage."
"It's not up to another human to decide what's essential for your mental health."
"Nobody should have to go through with a forced marriage."
"Harry is doing all by himself but in the case of Megan, she has no leverage directly over William and Catherine."
"Unless someone pays my bills, they don't get a vote."
"Being completely dependent on someone is horrible for you and a very heavy responsibility to drop on the other part."
"Make your own story, do whatever feels right for you."
"Expanding gun rights for personal protection enhances individual autonomy and provides a deterrent against Crime."
"You can't own other people, you can't make other people's decisions for them, they get to do that."
"Just hope that people can leave us to live our lives."
"People should just be able to do whatever the hell they want."
"My body, my choice - it's okay to say no more."
"We do have more autonomy over our lives than we have ever been led to believe."
"Black people will watch the things that reflect them culturally."
"Do what you want to do, never ever let anyone else dictate your life. If you have parents want you to go down a certain direction and you don't want to go there don't do it, don't do it girl."
"It's control... complete control over what you eat, where you go."
"Women are not F and dolls that you dress and undress as you please."
"I'm not a rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want, I like being free."
"Ultimately, who has the freedom here? Who had the freedom to make a variety of choices?"
"The conservatorship is doing me way more harm than good."
"Your life is short, so you might as well live it on your own terms."
"Don't let other people tell you how and what you should be doing."
"You have to trust yourself and not Facebook."
"It's her life, and she should choose how to live it."
"You have the option of meeting people who value your autonomy."
"Only you decide what goes into your body, period."
"You only have control over your own behaviors and your own thoughts."
"I don't need Joe Rogan to do the thinking for me. I don't need him to tell me what I need to be doing in my personal life."
"Financial Freedom means doing what you want when you want."
"They want to own it, they want to own us until we die."
"Don't let other people dictate your life choices."
"If Matthew doesn't follow their control, he will be disposed of. Yeah, white man gonna get wrecked real quick."
"Let's be libertarians...let's let people do what people are gonna do."
"Life is however orthogonal II differentiated it might be incredibly chaotic but there is a clear choice that I get to make."
"Individuals should make informed choices about their own healthcare."
"I'm not gonna become a slave to the system, to social media."
"You do what you think is best, Doc. It's all any of us can."
"I support a person's right to choose what is right for them and their own body."