
Political Independence Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"I'm very proud of the way that I vote. I've voted very consistently on both sides of the aisle because I make it practical, not emotional."
"They were fighting for us to have the right to our opinion, not the right to vote for whoever the white liberal said Black people are supposed to vote for."
"We govern ourselves here. We have the power to kind of maintain our own government and our own means of doing that."
"We need to start voting for people who are going to promote our self-interest and that may not be a Democrat and it may not be a Republican."
"The absence of direct political control over our decisions allows us to take these necessary measures without considering short-term political factors."
"Stop thinking in the binary of Republican versus Democrat. Start thinking of, am I free or am I becoming trapped?"
"I don't fit into the Orthodoxy of either political [side]. Primarily I'm focused on the facts, the evidence, and the law."
"It's really not about party affiliation, it's about freedom."
"Blackness is not tied to who it is that I choose to support as president or any politician."
"My job is to speak truth to power regardless of who was in power."
"The BRICS bank does not require the same political conditionalities of free market fundamentalism like the Bretton Woods institutions do."
"Environmental justice will be at the center of all we do, addressing the disproportionate health and environmental and economic impacts on communities of color."
"I trust the American people far more than the media and the politicians because the American people are more serious about their own lives than they are about the politicians."
"Mackenzie King secured for Canada something extraordinarily important: political independence from its former colonial master."
"We will take back control of our laws and bring an end to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in Britain."
"Achieving Independence is not now just desirable, it is essential." - Nicola Sturgeon
"We the people are doing it by ourselves without big money without big parties it's we the people."
"We're not democrats, we're not republicans, we're independents on this show."
"We have nothing to do with China, we are Taiwan and we do not intend to rule over anyone other than ourselves, nor allow anyone to rule over us."
"The longer the UK government says things like 'you're not allowed,' you know, the more support goes on to independence, yes, absolutely."
"Ibrahim Tori knows that he must never give any excuse to the West to interfere in the African region."
"If you have principles, it doesn't matter who's in power."
"Forget about Republican or Democrat, you're just a regular New York voter who's concerned about your kids not getting shot on the way to school."
"We are very happy that there is even one European country that decided to take your independence back and to take back control."
"People are leaving both the Republican and Democratic party and becoming independent in record numbers."
"We don't need billionaires money, we don't need a super PAC, we are being funded by the working families of this country."
"Don't be a Democrat, don't be a Republican, be a thinker."
"The heads of African States should not behave like puppets in the hands of the imperialists."
"Africa is on the road to Independence and making its own changes."
"Beyond the label of communism or anti-communism Vietnam at its core simply wanted to break free from the domination of larger powers."
"We shouldn't be affiliated with either one of them. He said we should establish our own black political party."
"Rarely do you see a politician buck the trend, buck the party line."
"If one of them would just get on stage and be like, 'Hey, I can't fix your life. I got my own problems. I just want to stay out of your life, keep more of your money, live freely, you know? You got my vote.' That's the guy I want to vote for."
"I've had it with you people. I am NOT going to fall in line. I'm going to create my own party and I'm gonna take this country back."
"A government of our own is our natural right 'tis time to part!"
"It is a bad idea to say we just want somebody who's going to do whatever the president says."
"She [Tulsi Gabbard] has an independent streak, and that independent streak matters in politics. It's very rare that you see that kind of thing, someone who's willing to stand up to their own party."
"We're not working for any party. We're not working for any political idealism."
"The sentiment supporting secession, jury nullification, nullification of federal laws by state legislators, and a drive for more independence from larger government units will continue."
"Rape is bad on its own regardless of what your other political positions are."
"I think it's disrespectful to imply that as a black woman I can't decide who I want to support when it comes to politics."
"Instead of trying to rely on your guy or favorable party, we should take those levers off the table."
"We need to stop giving our votes away for free. I don't give my vote to anyone."
"It's up to you. It doesn't make any difference what party you belong to. It's up to you if you decide that you want to do something better with your life."
"Scotland's best future is independence in Europe."
"Let's keep prepping the same as we always do, regardless of what happens politically." - Anonymous
"The vaccine is helpful, it does reduce hospitalizations."
"The Attorney General must be willing to resist political pressure."
"Brexit will not necessarily be a big success, but at least it should allow us to control our own destiny."
"That's why I honestly feel proud to say I'm not a Republican or Democrat."
"Show me something from the left. I'm really not like either side, I'm just like... I do like to go with more of like the facts."
"He's just so independent and this is a candidate that I actually believe in."
"Regardless of exactly where you want to try to pinpoint me down on the left or on the right or in the middle, take the red pill means rejecting these ideological categorizations."
"If you take away anybody's opportunity to work you take away their pride."
"Don't worry about being a Republican being independent start thinking independently ask yourself each each each political process were your values and principles stand."
"Fundamentally, I do not care about either party; establishment parties do not matter. It's the individual that matters." - Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
"Black males that have a brain that can think for ourselves that are not aligned with the Democrat plantation that do not just watch TV and let it speak for us."
"I see a free independent uh Hawaii uh once again will be a reality because we're going to make that possible true law."
"Our loyalty should not be to one party. Our loyalty should be to the interests that best serve our community."
"It's not about Trump, it's not about the Republican Party, it's not about the victory, it's about what the Lord is doing in this season."
"Regardless of who's president, I'm gonna do all right; the government works for me because I pay taxes."
"I will vote, but I won't vote for either of the parties this time."
"I'm going to speak the truth. I'm going to speak what I believe to be true. I'm not going to be poll-driven."
"I love it because I don't have to vote straight Republican or straight Democrat, and I can just get a feel for each candidate."
"We want to know the truth more than aligning with a political party."
"You don't need to be a liberal to refuse to be swept away by war propaganda."
"The significance of Bitcoin is you can store it on a network that no politician, no bank, no counterparty can seize from you against your will."
"It would be wonderful if Tulsi Gabbard actually continued the independent street that people loved her for and was willing to call out the elites where whatever the letter is behind their name."
"If your priority is in not making enemies out of Nancy Pelosi and other powerful people, you will betray."
"I would be worried if the Democrats started thinking of me as somebody who's nice to them."
"We're taking the wheel. It's that simple. We don't care about Republican donors."
"We should not be taking our direction from the Communist Party of China."
"I am my own thinker... but overall, the Democrats are the only party right now that handle situations like adults."
"But for most people, they've got a boat and they've got to get more active and they've got to shed their political allegiance and just look at the world the way it is rather than the way they're told..."
"I don't care if you support Trump or Biden or anybody else. Anyone marching in lockstep with a media machine is part of the American Idiot problem."
"Ukraine is an independent and sovereign country, just like the United States, Australia, Canada, and Ireland."
"We've just voted in an independence referendum. We have voted for independence."
"We're going to change the constitution, get rid of the queen, get rid of the governor general, get rid of the corruption."
"Trump's independence stance put him at odds with the Deep State."
"Stop letting other people pick our leadership, stop letting other people pick our agenda."
"If you're not going to support anybody who won't support you, start your own independent party."
"Just because you're black or just because you're gay or just because you're Muslim or just because you're Latino does not mean you have to be a Democrat."
"We don't take any corporate money, so people see us as a force for good and positive change."
"I personally don't think being politically homeless is bad."
"I will go to Congress unbossed and unbought."
"The fact that we can't lobby anybody in bitcoin is what will make it work."
"The more people think about independence, the more likely they are to support it..."
"Bernie showed it is possible to run a campaign and make a difference without being a puppet of the evil effin industries."
"That's not just Republicans, nobody with his brain screwed on right wants to be told by the government what to do."
"I'm an independent you know why? Because I'm gonna choose the best candidate for the job."
"The Federal Reserve must absolutely remain independent."
"We don't have to sit around waiting on politicians."
"Our kingdom assignment is not elevated or suspended by the occupant of the white house or the majorities in the U.S. congress. Not even the supreme court of the United States can suspend God's directives to us."
"Donald Trump didn't owe anybody. Who did he owe? He didn't owe any banks, didn't owe nobody."
"I will not be told who I'm gonna vote on because of my color." - Kanye West
"Give me control of the finances and it matters not what your political persuasion is."
"Arizonans expect me to do what I promised when I ran for the House and the Senate: to be independent like Arizona and to work with anyone to achieve lasting results."
"Bernie Sanders, independent from Vermont, he's not a democrat."
"I don't believe in really being attached to a party because I believe in ideas, not the letter next to your name."
"The media doesn't like him because he doesn't want to run democrat."
"No country had economic independence before it had political independence."
"Not to be too cozy with the sultan, not to be too cozy with political power."
"The Statute of Westminster finally recognized Canada as politically independent from Great Britain."
"She's hard to put into a liberal or a conservative, or a right-wing or a left-wing box, and that's what Washington really hates the most: people who are kind of independent and critical thinkers."
"Don't belong to any political tribes, rather belong to the tribe of truth."
"I won't be answering to the oil lobbyists or the drug lobbyists or the insurance lobbyists; I'll be answering to you."
"I'm not buyable by corporate interest or by the big lobbyist."
"The FED is supposed to be completely independent, not driven by politics at all."
"I would be the first president elected in this country that would belong to no political party since George Washington."
"I'm not a Republican and I'm not a Democrat; I'm neither."
"We have this unstoppable money that allows us to communicate our preferences without any political interference whatsoever."