
Stimulus Quotes

There are 235 quotes

"The pulse of the economy goes down, then the policymakers, like doctors, rush to the patient and inject it with a whole lot of stimulation."
"Brilliant minds, even mediocre minds, operate better under stimulus."
"We're going to give a stimulus so that the workers can live their life. It was not their fault."
"We could be in a sustained Great Depression if we don't get money into the hands of the people now."
"Florida is introducing new stimulus programs that are going to further fuel the housing market here."
"Bernie has continued to be one of the biggest advocates for stimulus."
"Everyone a thousand dollars. If your husband and wife, you would get two thousand dollars."
"Imagine what is in store for the US economy when we get to hangover when this stimulus wears off."
"If countries spend money on economically stimulative programs, they can create growth."
"The stimulus packages were not a handout, they were a high-interest loan that we are paying back."
"I think the third quarter, I think the fourth quarter is going to be very good, and I think next year is going to be fantastic because of the stimulus."
"Next year's going to be fantastic because of the stimulus."
"Putting money into people's hands actually helps markets function better, it helps businesses start, it's actually good for the market economy."
"The money is flowing with the 1400 stimulus checks."
"We need some money to get in the hands of the American workers during this recovery."
"Are you listening, Mr. President? Send out the stimulus checks."
"For the average family of four, that'll be $3,400 in direct financial support."
"The inflation argument is is not all pervasive, but because you've got a massive monetary and ultimately fiscal stimulus, the expectation is that this will be inflationary."
"President Biden and Vice President Harris travel to Georgia to underscore delivering $1400 checks."
"We got legislation that is like giving out unbelievable amounts of stimulus to low-income Americans."
"Pelosi now backs a stimulus deal half the size of what the White House offered."
"If you file your 2019 tax return, then you really will probably have to do absolutely nothing else to get your second stimulus check."
"The stimulus check is a vital component to the recovery of America."
"We're finally getting some support from Republican senators for stimulus items as well."
"The likelihood of us receiving a second stimulus check is very high at this point in time."
"Every single dollar that they give the American people goes back into the economy... It's all going back to the bank and it just fixes this whole problem."
"This cycle is unique because what we have seen... is a stimulus on the degree never seen before."
"In the short to medium term, deal with collapse in demand by giving people up money money to spend."
"Stimulus for business has to be divided into big business and then local and small businesses."
"I would love to give it to the American people as a powerful stimulus."
"We're seeing many people say that the relief package itself is socialism. It's not, it's an economic stimulus."
"We might have a fourth round of stimulus checks."
"Direct stimulus to the American people could be exactly what they're calling for."
"There's absolutely a demand to have another round of checks hit the American people's hands."
"The amount of the check for non-dependents seems unchanged so this is also really great news."
"Neil Kashkari: 'He's been calling for two thousand dollar checks until the end of this pandemic.'"
"We need $2000 until this pandemic is over and then we would shift into some sort of form of universal basic income."
"This will be the third stimulus package but then there's an infrastructure package which you could kind of consider the fourth stimulus package."
"The 2,000 stimulus checks and the next stimulus package is the number one priority."
"There's hope for a $1200 second stimulus check... despite stalled congressional talks."
"The stimulus checks need to go out every month until we get through this."
"It's all about stimulus. The stock market has been completely detached from the economy for so long."
"These three stats are the reasons why they think that a fourth stimulus check should happen."
"Nancy Pelosi says they're considering another one and she prefers another stimulus check as opposed to pausing the federal gas tax."
"I definitely think more stimulus is needed, I think our economy is going to need it, I think people are going to need it, I think businesses are gonna need it."
"Fiscal support is needed, another round of stimulus is expected and needed."
"Spending will remain slow, while stimulus checks and a hike in the federal minimum wage will have some stimulative effect on the economy."
"My belief is if Democrats had passed...a standalone stimulus checks bill...before Trump had said anything, Nancy Pelosi...unless you put this forward and pass it right now, we should be able to pass it."
"This next stimulus package and this next infrastructure package is really, really needed for our economy."
"You get an enormous stimulus to the economy."
"I'm bullish that another round of stimulus is looking even more optimistic as I sit here today than it was before."
"There's no bigger indication of bullishness in the market than another stimulus bill."
"Multiple stimulus checks... until economic conditions improve."
"Stimulus led to dramatic declines in material hardship amid the pandemic."
"Your little $600 stimulus package is missing the mark."
"Reality is the one that says, 'Listen, the Democrats want to get you COVID stimulus.'"
"Large stimulus support which Janet Yellen is already in favor of."
"Bitcoin may be the stimulus asset. It doesn't look like gold is."
"He said basically $600, then giving $600 right now is like the most insulting thing in the history of the earth."
"If Nancy Pelosi thinks that the American economy can survive with no stimulus... I gotta tell you, the vast majority of Wall Street analysts say you will see an economy that will not rebound for over a half a decade."
"Remember that $350 billion dollars went out to states here from the last stimulus package and um they're now deciding to use... some states are deciding to use it."
"Without another big stimulus package, it's going to be a very tough winter."
"Prospects of any kind of stimulus deal would be a big positive on energy."
"Jerome Powell's been very clear about the fact that he thinks the US economy needs more stimulus."
"This incredible increase in the size of government is gonna cost somebody, somebody has to pay the bills for all the bailouts and all the stimulus."
"I personally think there's going to be at least a single stimulus check."
"Democrats have also some Democrats have also suggested this idea about a $2,000 per month stimulus plan or maybe even giving people money retroactively Lee for the last few months - how as a way to sort of help stimulate the economy..."
"Republicans have not bagged on the idea of a $1,200 stimulus check... we haven't heard any indications of Republicans saying no way not happening..."
"The first stimulus check is now worth about nine thousand dollars."
"Incredible great news about the fifth stimulus: raising your benefits, tying it to inflation, and more."
"It's in every one of your best interests for hypertrophy to continue to use the same exercise as long as the fatigue per unit is low and the stimulus is really high."
"Deal done, the fourth stimulus procedural recon has passed the US Senate."
"3.5 trillion dollars of checks are coming to you and the American people."
"Biden wants to do those $1,400 stimulus checks."
"Twitter users are urging Joe Biden to introduce another round of stimulus cash as inflation fears mount."
"Financial independence created by these stimulus packages."
"Stimulus checks will only help those who receive them and will not hurt the economy."
"You won't see a fourth stimulus package if the treasury note goes out of control."
"Advocacy involves telling your story of why you need the stimulus."
"Big announcements, more stimulus funding, more spending is going to be on the way."
"The primary stimulus for muscle growth is mechanical tension."
"Pass two thousand dollar stimulus checks, get rid of this crappy bill."
"A stimulus carries with it the implication that the basic structure and organization of what you're trying to stimulate is not the problem... I don't believe that for one minute." - Richard Wolff
"All this and a whole lot more stimulus coming in my future videos."
"Unemployment insurance money is just about the best stimulus we have."
"Exercise is going to be a much more potent stimulus than diet."
"So in order to prevent that to happen in the next downturn, we're just gonna have to open the windows and throw money at everybody."
"One of the good things that we could talk about is the fourth stimulus check."
"I think a $2,000 stimulus check is much more important to get to the American people than a $1,200 stimulus check."
"The largest stimulus bill in the history of the country."
"This is a huge amount of money and a massive win that changed the whole landscape for stimulus overnight."
"Load should only be increased if it can provide a superior stimulus."
"Sometimes just being alive, just living is the unconditioned stimulus."
"...we're trying to widen that space, right? The classic space between stimulus and our response to it."
"...my fear is that because there's no fresh stimulus to address recession until April of 2025 that we could be in the midst of one of the longest deepest recessions in US history..."
"Pornography is one of these things that is just such a potent stimulus that is so easily accessible and furthermore doesn't frequently come with the consequences."
"Training is the stimulus for muscle growth. Without a training stimulus, there is simply no reason for the body to adapt."
"It was not a realistic goal but daar argued that it was just the sort of stimulus needed to kick the industry back into action and encourage Faith from the manufacturers."
"To make up for the decline of private spending, governments should inject extra spending into the economy."
"That stimulated the dog to bark, and here we've got another dog. That was as good as it gets."
"With that kind of unprecedented monetary stimulus relative to the circumstances, it's hard to have anything but a constructive view on the markets."
"We have a very poor memory actually for the initial... the downstream effects of the stimulus. We have an excellent memory for the stimulus itself, whether pleasure or pain."
"...this additional stimulus paid people actually more money to sit home than they were making at their job."
"...if you owned your home the federal government handed out almost $10 billion divided up to all of the states to provide additional stimulus."
"We want to stimulate the economy, we want our businesses to grow."
"$1,400 everybody! Just as we imagined, M!"
"This could be the major stimulus for improving Mental Health."
"...the space between stimulus and response is mindset."
"Ultimately, you need particular stimuli to make your muscles adapt, you need particular stimuli to make your tendons adapt as well."
"I mean certainly mechanical tension is the primary driver. If you don't have a mechanical load stimulus, you just don't grow."
"If you don't provide any stimulus to the muscle, it will atrophy or shrink."
"Good exercise selection is about maximizing stimulus while minimizing systemic fatigue."
"I just need something I can react to."
"This stimulus is the right thing, it's going to help but it's gonna fall short."
"I'm that kind of high stimulus person that loves getting that instant gratification and feedback from an audience."
"Music is about anticipating and then receiving the stimulus you expect."
"Optimism is the only free stimulus there is in the world."
"Reform is a very powerful tool for stimulus of growth."
"EO is establishing operations and it increases the chance of the stimulus causing a behavior to occur."
"I think it's appropriate that the Congress acted... to provide fiscal stimulus to the economy."
"Trump took credit for a lot of stuff, so much so that when the first round of Covid stimulus checks went out last year, he insisted that they put his name on them."
"None of this system works if you get the reward before the stimulus."
"It fires when it comes across a stimulus in the world that predicts that if you follow up with an action, you're going to get a reward."
"Stimulus is any external thing that can make you think or feel something, organism is your internal processes, which includes emotions or perceptions, and responses."
"Roosevelt pumped ten billion dollars into the economy and ended the depression within a year."
"...when those people start getting out and spending money and traveling and that creates a lot of economic activity."
"Stimulus creates the behavior: dog getting on the blanket. Reinforcement means the dog's going to want to repeat the behavior."
"That's a beautiful example of the disproportionate response to a very basic stimulus."
"It's not about activation, it's about stimulus."
"This bodes well not only for the odds of having another stimulus package approved but to actually have that $200 per month for seniors approved as well."
"The stimulus check that's currently on the table proposed at this time is a reoccurring monthly stimulus check."
"The stimulus is actually generating a meaningful depth of fatigue or reduction in your starting level of strength."
"This next stimulus package, the third stimulus check package, will save millions and millions of people from coming out of poverty."
"Muscle tissue responds in the exact same way in terms of growth provided you give it the right stimulus."
"President Donald Trump has publicly come out and said this month that he wanted a larger stimulus check than Democrats."
"Investor optimism jumped last January on the hope that monetary and fiscal stimulus would revive the economy."
"In China, inflation is forecast at just half a percent this year and no roadblock to more stimulus measures to jumpstart the economy."
"What exercises are going to give you a great stimulus for the minimal amount of fatigue?"
"The greater the stimulus, the greater the response."
"The higher degree of stimulus you can get with the most minimal amount of fatigue, it should always be your goal."
"Caregivers are a species-expected stimulus for the human."
"It's a combination of these long-term trends... plus the exogenous stimulus of having a massive pandemic."
"You could get reimbursed up to nine thousand dollars from the federal government from stimulus funds."
"The American Families Plan focuses basically on stimulus programs and social programs for Americans."
"A new push is on right now to include a monthly recurring stimulus check in this next infrastructure stimulus package."
"A stimulus plan that will send 128 million households in America $1,000 every two weeks for two months."
"1200 stimulus checks are back on the menu, boys."
"Every working class adult in this country receives another 1200 direct payment plus 500 for their kids."
"The evaluative and emotional kinesthetic is just a response to whatever stimulus we're taking in."
"The stimulus is an investment in the future of our economy."
"It should be another round of 1200 stimulus payments and dependents over the age of 17 should also expect to receive a payment as well."
"That's way better for Americans, that's way better as a stimulus."
"Millions of surprise stimulus payments worth up to 125 dollars are being sent out."
"Thousands of families start receiving up to three thousand dollar stimulus checks."
"Reinforcement is a stimulus presented following a response that will increase or maintain that response."
"Stimulus and response, this was quite a big stimulus but I still had control over my response."
"The House of Representatives voted Monday to approve a measure that would increase stimulus checks from $600 to $2,000."
"Exercise is the most potent stimulus for mitochondrial biogenesis."
"Increase government spending puts more money into the economy; it's a short-run little shot in the arm."
"We're in unprecedented times with all the stimulus and money printing that occurred during the pandemic."
"The most important training principle for gaining muscle is that you must expose your muscles to a level of stimulus that they're not yet accustomed to."
"This better balances stimulus and fatigue."
"It's another form of stimulus, another form of the government supporting you guys."
"With so much stimulus being deployed, trying to figure out if the economy is in recession is like trying to assess if you've ever had a fever after you just took a large dose of aspirin."
"If you keep the velocity higher on your working sets, you can still impart a good stimulus with less fatigue."
"All G20 nations have acted to stimulate demand, which will total well over $2 trillion in global fiscal expansion."
"I think that the overall most important thing is that the magnitude of the stimulus should probably increase in most loading micro-cycles."
"If the unemployment rate goes above ten percent, everybody automatically gets $2,000 a month as a stimulus check until the unemployment rate goes below ten percent."
"It's about receiving a stimulus and learning not to react against the habits of life."
"Give the body enough stimulus and it will respond."
"We are in the worst financial crisis we've ever been in with the most stimulus we've ever handed out."
"The stimulus artifact occurs due to the spread of stimulus current from the stimulation site to the recording site."
"I lived on dread; to those who know the stimulus there is in danger, other impetus is numb and vital less."
"He almost single-handedly persuaded even fiscal conservatives... to introduce a fiscal stimulus."
"The unconditioned stimulus is the food because that is causing you to drool."
"Sometimes dramatically slowing it down, you get an incredible, less damaging, and a totally different type of stimulus."
"A tact is evoked by a non-verbal stimulus and reinforced by a generalized conditioned reinforcer."
"Deficit spending can help an economy with an output gap; actual direct spending by the government can spur demand."
"Things that are different create tension differently in the muscle and that can always send a new stimulus."
"The more stimulus, the more action potentials we have; the amplitude of the action potential never changes, it's always the same."
"We really always want to train with basically as little stimulus as possible to produce maximum results."
"Exercise should be a stimulus that improves the body."
"Beauty is a stimulus that has the potential to elicit a response."
"Reparations... it's going to be a stimulus for the American economy anyway because the majority of black Americans are going to stay right here."
"Training to failure allows you to get more stimulus by actually doing less."
"Training to failure on some sets and training close to failure on others... will also provide you with the highest amount of stimulus per the lowest amount of fatigue."
"We're overwhelmed with stimulus everywhere and everything we do; it's rare to have those quiet moments."
"Well, look, this is part of why we passed the Recovery Act."
"You're not going to build muscle without a sufficient stimulus."
"More is not better, the key point is finding quality stimulus and the right amounts of it."
"Minimize the fatigue and maximize the stimulus whenever you can."
"Every single time you expose your body to that novel stimulus, there will be an equal opposite reaction in regards to muscular hypertrophy."
"A great stimulus really to the economy."
"Intensity is the main stimulus behind long-term progressive overload."
"The cell is able to release these hormones right away as soon as the stimulus comes, rebinds to the receptor."
"The body responds to the stimulus that you put it through."
"Training like this really gives a different and stronger stimulus to the muscle."
"...we're creating a super normal stimulus that utilizes our ancient adaptations but then we get a super normal hit of endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin."
"An expansionary monetary policy... is intended to stimulate aggregate demand and shift the economy back towards its full employment level of output."
"The airdrop will act as a form of stimulus for the Arbitrum ecosystem."