
Actor Quotes

There are 598 quotes

"I'm not just a black actor, I'm an actor. I'm not a number, just like anyone else."
"He's just a paid actor who's wearing a black robe so you can't see him in light. He doesn't really exist."
"Leonardo DiCaprio went from kind of an unknown actor to one that would end up having starring roles in a range of blockbuster films." - Leonardo DiCaprio
"Tony Stark isn't in the movie, but Robert Downey Jr. is always there, even when he's not."
"Why is the film starring a big actor, an established director, and being promoted by Mel Gibson not being shown in cinemas?"
"Brendan Fraser's issues started in the early 2000s."
"Blade starring Academy Award winner Mahershala Ali."
"March 26th, which could be tomorrow depending on when you're seeing this, uh, has been declared Leonard Nimoy day in Boston in recreation of the Boston-born Spock actor."
"So now the reports are that Cavill is officially parting ways from the role of Superman."
"Tom Holland has proven so enthusiastic about the movies he's in."
"Seeing Brendan Fraser take home the Oscar for best actor was an incredible sight after reading about everything he's been through in the last two decades."
"Daniel Day Kim playing this character, I mean, just look at him."
"Everybody wants to see Ewan McGregor back as Obi-Wan Kenobi!"
"Grumpy Cat: Chadwick Boseman brings gravitas."
"Robert Downey Jr., he really is the people's choice."
"Robert Pattinson will be your new favorite Batman."
"He's also done a ton of other stuff—24, Entourage, Natural Born Killers."
"When your resume features starring roles in Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Dirty Dancing, you must be an 80s darling."
"I'm an actor and I'm so much more than my ethnicity."
"Well thanks very much for listening to my uh kind of spiel about my iconic characters that I've played if I missed any of the movies we're gonna talk about it maybe in the future okay hasta la vista baby."
"His performance was not overhyped, oh crap, no."
"He was then contracted to play Kirk for the Star Trek series and held the role from 1966 to 1969."
"His legacy is secure. Nearly $1 billion in box office seats later, Steve Gutenberg has gotten the last laugh."
"He was a class act. And he really was. I mean, the dude was fighting cancer the whole time he was playing the Black Panther."
"At one point during production of the series Kurt Russell was shooting the film."
"Owen McGregor is as good as ever as Obi-Wan."
"I get excited to see Channing Tatum in movies now."
"Oh, Hugh Grant's in this movie? Oh, this promises to be a delightful British rom-com."
"Paul Rudd is one of those guys that literally can have chemistry with anyone."
"Baldwin's fame has allowed him to amass a massive fortune estimated at 60 million dollars."
"Hemsworth reignited his love for playing Thor."
"Sony reportedly plans to bring back Andrew Garfield Spider-Man."
"I love the fact that Tom Cruise and his hand movement with the hand brake and the steering wheel and where he's looking is all correct."
"Donald Glover is a great example of bringing out that mature aspect that a beard can give you."
"Idris Elba's beard for me is a great big win."
"You waited long enough, let's bring out Sebastian Stan AKA Bucky bones AKA The Winter Soldier."
"If my wife was an actor and we settle down and it's time to be serious, I don't know if I could handle that."
"Nobody quite says my dialogue the way Sam does... Sam sings my dialogue."
"Academy Award winner Christopher Walken."
"...Henry Cavill is quite possibly one of the most popular actors in Hollywood right now, likable and down to earth, and a universally positive casting choice to play Geralt."
"He absolutely allowed every actor to shine."
"Bert Lancaster was one of the first actors of his era to actually produce films as well."
"Lancaster's first film was The Killers which cemented two Hollywood careers: Lancaster's and his co-star Ava Gardner's."
"Bert Lancaster received a best actor nomination from the academy for From Here to Eternity."
"Even though he was up against Legends Lawrence Olivier and Spencer Tracy Lancaster took home the trophy for best actor."
"Mark Harmon is Leroy Jethro Gibbs"
"Toby Maguire was such a good Batman."
"Glenn's been working for a while, he's headlined big action movies, TV comedies, and everything in between."
"He went from being one of the hottest young actors to being considered a has-been who only appears in talking baby movies."
"Jim Carrey is the greatest comedic actor of all time"
"Samuel L. Jackson was fantastic as always"
"I wish Jake Gyllenhaal would get more 'cause he's so damn good."
"Samuel L. Jackson comes in and elevates things just a little higher."
"Early life and career: The former Hollywood Golden Boy William Bradley pit, who was born on December 18th, 1963, is an American actor and film producer."
"I think he's all everyone's favorite and like Hugh Jackman is just like so good he has Wolverine yeah yeah he is I mean he's Typecast I think."
"But there was a lot of love shown to this film, not just in video sales but Warrick Davis was even quoted as saying it's his favorite of the series."
"Discount Ken Watanabe is in this movie but I'm not sure he's ever really into this movie."
"Sam Elliott plays a great character in this movie and he actually plays a man who killed Hitler and then Bigfoot."
"I think Robert Pattinson did a pretty great job as Batman, and we're excited to see what else he can do with the character."
"Kevin Bacon is playing a real sinister fella in this movie and he does a killer job."
"Morgan Freeman's a National Treasure."
"Sam Elliott, always a legend. Super iconic voice, super iconic mustache."
"Somebody give me a movie for us to watch that Bill Paxton doesn't just die, right?"
"It's a gradual process of reveal. But one of the biggest things that drew me back to this movie is Ray Fiennes. Ray Fiennes, man. I think he gave the performance of the year."
"Luckily Alicia Vikander was actually a fan of the games when she was growing up, so you know, take that Emilia Clarke."
"Historians and critics still rank him as one of the greatest actors of all time."
"Walken's rise to prominence was not typical... he trained as a dancer before moving on to dramatic stage roles and eventually film."
"I really like Jeff Goldblum. I would like to see more movies with him personally just 'cause he was so charming in this one."
"...if it had been any other actor playing the same role the same thing would have happened to them."
"Jason schwarzman is a delight to watch in this his character is just so incredibly funny"
"Roger Carmel. The mustachioed character actor had numerous memorable turns on television in the 60s to the 80s."
"Celebrated actor and filmmaker Clint Eastwood was born on May 31st, 1930 in San Francisco."
"I kinda love that Gil exists as a celebration of Jack Lemmon's work."
"He was not only one of the funniest actors around, he was also one of the nicest."
"Michael Landon's practical jokes and warm personality left a lasting impact on the set."
"Killian Murphy is Oppenheimer, he would be perfect for the role."
"Patrick Swayze, who portrayed Johnny, actually disliked this famous line."
"Pedro Pascal is out there just... man, he is putting in the work on this character."
"Never before or since has one actor been so irrevocably tied with a fictional literary character."
"It's Johnny Depp, obviously, is Jack Sparrow, is the reason why all these films worked and have worked for the last 120 years."
"Adam Sandler don't get enough credit for you know his dramatic scenes in his movies cuz he's a comedian but that was real sad."
"That movie is so funny. What Forte is dude, yeah, he's funny, he's so funny."
"...the most exciting American male in movies."
"He's the most successful actor of all time."
"Diego Luna was absolutely Sensational in the role."
"Lewis Gossett Jr., yeah, great movie, um, really fun, just '80s action all the way, love it."
"The most bankable actor of the 80s was Tom Cruise."
"The tone scale alone as an actor's tool has a list of every emotion that a human being can experience."
"The world will be safe thanks to a brilliant actor named Gary Johnston."
"The same actor who portrayed Johnny Cage landed a role in Kamen Rider Dragon Knight."
"Seth Rogen was okay, but all the himbo jokes really landed with me."
"It feels visceral because everything John wick does is done by Keanu Reeves who was trained at Terran tactical to do so."
"I always knew that I was replacing an iconic character, but more important than that, it was the iconic actor that played the iconic character."
"Oh man I really wanted this film to be a hit and it was all just because of Michael Keaton making his comeback as the legendary Bruce Wayne."
"It's refreshing to see an actor who is not only passionate about their work and invested in the franchise, but also embraces the fandom response."
"Peacemaker is my favorite thing in the DC EU. John Cena is just so unbelievably good in this role."
"Armed with his piercing blue eyes, winning smile, resonant voice, and athletic physique, Lancaster made an indelible mark on the silver screen."
"Bert Lancaster more than just a handsome face was a resilient and determined multi-award-winning American actor and producer."
"...Frank Vincent always leaves an impression."
"I like Jason Statham more and more the more I see him."
"Rock Hudson passed away at the age of 59 on October 2nd, 1985."
"In a time before Brad Pit and Will Smith reigned Supreme, there was a legend by the name of Gregory Peck who effortlessly held the world in the palm of his hand."
"Oh, and also fun fact if you didn't notice the narrator of this movie who mentions things every once in a while but primarily here at the start of the movie is actually John Hurt."
"This man is like one of the best actors out there currently."
"Robert Downey Jr. kills it in this role as he does with Iron Man."
"This could have fallen so much more flat, and it's really courteous of a director to let your lead actor direct."
"Jim Carrey is a legitimate cartoon character in the flesh."
"Patrick Mower first came to prominence in the early '70s as government agent James Cross in thriller series Callan."
"In best actor my final vote would be Killian Murphy in Oppenheimer."
"Hollywood heartthrobs like Ryan Reynolds don't have to be funny but it helps indeed one need only looked to Reynolds hit role in Marvel's Deadpool to see the success he has had with his smart and sarcastic sense of humor."
"Evan Peters' performance without praising the character is Iconic."
"Every actor wants to be a rockstar, a rockstar wants to be an actor."
"Nick Cage is one of those actors that kind of fell off for a little bit."
"Timothy Chalamet was so terrific in this movie because he plays two characters."
"Michael Keaton is the only Batman I care about."
"He's a fantastic actor, and just like some of us just had it naturally."
"Adam Sandler is probably one of my favorite comedy movie actors."
"Few actors have had as many ups and downs as Mickey Rourke."
"I might watch that one. Killian Murphy, he's in a lot of movies."
"These actor polls are really fun."
"Rock consistently nailed the tough but soft rebel roles throughout the 80s."
"Gene Wilder is an absolute legend."
"Doug McClure passed away on February the 5th 1995 at his Sherman Oaks home located at 149 36 stonesboro place. He was interred at Woodland Memorial Cemetery in Santa Monica."
"Tom Hanks is part of the castaway."
"It's got that French dude, Jean Reno. Cool."
"Jonathan Banks was an extremely capable and entertaining replacement."
"Bruce Greenwood brought enormous amounts of pathos to the role."
"I love Ethan Hawke, he's honestly one of my favorite actors."
"Timothy Dalton's movies came out 15 years later, I think people would have loved him as Bond."
"I just love Spider-Man, I think Tom Holland is an Amazing Spider-Man."
"He played James Bond seven times himself."
"Tom Cruise has mastered the character he plays in most of his movies, his intensity and confidence are at their most convincing and Electric."
"Fox has carved her name into the annals of American Cinema."
"This is another awesome movie if you're a big fan of Chadwick Boseman like I am. It's certainly a sentimental one because '21 Bridges' was actually the last film released in theaters before his passing in 2020."
"Robin Williams crushes every role."
"Alan Rickman, he killed it, he stole the show, he was so good, so charismatic."
"Bruce Willis in this was chef's kiss. He's great, so much charisma."
"I would love to write this part for Ralph Fiennes. I really don't know who else could play it, nor would I want to see anybody else play it."
"Robin Williams in One Hour Photo may have the best creepy performance he's ever done."
"Affleck is also my favorite Batman and Bruce Wayne I'm absolutely obsessed with this costume"
"While he was a very talented actor, Berry struggled with drugs and alcohol throughout his life."
"It is perfect for Tim Burton to be in charge running this project and it is perfect for Johnny Depp like he just embodies that so so well."
"Life of an actor belongs to the public. They're scrutinized, praised, obsessed, and hated by the public."
"It's nice to see Paul Giamatti be happy."
"A very famous character actor... unfortunately, there was one of these girls who happened to be underage."
"I even think Superman IV is watchable because of Reeve. I own it because of Reeve."
"In 'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,' Chris Pratt had a full-circle moment filming in Maui."
"Timothée Chalamet is an actor who quickly gained fame, artistic recognition, and won the hearts of millions of fans."
"In 2018 the actor appeared in all his glory in the main role in the film Aquaman based on the comic book series of the same name by writer and screenwriter Jeff Jones."
"This made him the highest-paid actor in the film without even being in it."
"This actor personified what it means to be Batman while still approaching the part with a humble negativity."
"Immediately, I am a fan of this movie. Ralph Fiennes, I will watch anything with him."
"Jack Nicholson doesn't make movies, he makes classics."
"Jack Nicholson failed his first screen test and decided to take acting lessons because he wasn't good in class."
"Kurt Russell is absolutely a heartthrob."
"I mean, he's known for it, isn't he? Like, kind of memed about being in a lot of trashy movies?"
"Before his iconic roles in Deadpool and Green Lantern, Ryan Reynolds was part of another superhero film, Blade Trinity."
"Charles Grodin was one of the greatest ever."
"There was beauty in how Grodin sold and committed to everything he was in."
"He studied various martial arts techniques before appearing as Conan the Barbarian and Aquaman."
"His name is Tom Hanks and if you're anything like me you've probably seen more Tom Hanks films than you can possibly imagine."
"James Marsden was one of my favorite things about it."
"Sean Connery is sort of a god of the silver screen."
"JK Simmons, the brilliant actor playing J. Jonah Jameson, the role that he was clearly born to play."
"...Wesley Snipes is just the absolute coolest as blade."
"I wish Henry Cavill gets to play Superman."
"Typically how it happens: we watch something, we're like, 'Oh man, I love this actor from this thing,' and then it's like, 'Wait, you haven't seen that?' and then we share with each other."
"I love Andrew Garfield like getting his films up here. I think the first time I saw him was in 2010 for The Social Network, which is incredible."
"I'll watch anything with Harrison Ford, I've already said that."
"Mark Ruffalo needs to be in more rom-coms okay he's like the king of rom-coms."
"I love Oscar Isaac he's an incredible actor and he's also an incredible voice actor too so much diversity in his voice"
"I really loved it. I mean, Jake Gyllenhaal is just incredible."
"Walking Phoenix is absolutely awesome. His character's impact on the spectator is the best."
"I certainly love Daniel Craig. He's just good."
"That's it. I think it's good because he's a great actor."
"The Internet Movie Database page is the best tool that an actor has because it's the most visible one."
"Affleck eventually signed on and even stated that in preparation for this movie, Ben read every single Daredevil comic book to truly get an understanding of the character."
"Michael B Jordan is a leading man. Standalone."
"If someone could play Shena in a movie, oh Glen Close I would."
"Okay, we haven't seen a bad Harrison Ford movie yet."
"Tony Robinson will always be best remembered as General 'Dogsbody' Baldrick in the Blackadder series."
"I'll watch anything with henry cavill in it."
"Jim Carrey may have never returned to the DC universe, but he is currently the villain Dr. Robotnik in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise."
"Nicole Kidman recently returned to the DC cinematic universe in Aquaman as Atlanta, which makes her the most significant return to DC film."
"I love walking Phoenix. He's the best actor."
"If you could have one person to play your life, Hasselhoff, yeah, he's... he's Baywatch."
"I love Paul Giamatti. Yeah, I really would see him in anything."
"Jimmy Stewart is by far my favorite actor."
"Paul Giamatti in this movie is Flawless. You feel so much for this guy. He feels so much like the everyday man."
"His supreme achievement may have been inventing John Wayne, he created a permanent niche for himself as the American film actor."
"Christopher Reeve guest-starred as Dr. Virgil Swan, a scientist who helped Clark learn more about his Kryptonian Heritage."
"I like Tom Cruise when he was in that Jack Reacher movie."
"A lot of the success of the franchise comes down to the actor that landed the role of Freddy Krueger himself, Robert Englund."
"Danny Glover is like gives off badass vibes but it's cool that he's also like a family man, right, and he's very effortless in his ability to just kind of be like a badass."
"I just can't. John Cena is actually... is pretty good in comedy as well. He's got some range."
"Dude, Wesley Snipes was like one of the biggest action stars in the 90s."
"I'm glad they stuck with Jack Nicholson."
"I like H Grant though he's good he's funny."
"His legend as an actor began before the war and his legacy as a combat leader lasted long after the war."
"Throughout his career, especially starting after 'Lawrence of Arabia,' Omar Sharif was something of an icon."