
Business Mindset Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Not personal, it's business. I'm tough, I'm talented, I'm taking over."
"Trading to me is a business. To many of you, you just don't take it seriously enough, and in that way, you're not going to make serious money."
"Treat this as a real business and you'll have real results."
"Ego is a great thing in business. Show me a titan of industry, and I'll show you somebody with a big ego."
"What most people struggle with in business is they spend all their time on what's gonna go wrong instead of what's gonna go right."
"Haley has this sort of hustle mindset to her, this sort of like 'I am a business woman, like I'm going to create an empire' mindset about her."
"Treat stocks as what they really are: little ownership pieces of a business."
"As long as you keep that triangle going, you've got the CEO mindset."
"Are you running a business or is this a BS hobby? Are you prepared? What's your trading plan?"
"I don't accept no as an answer. You know me, try again to me, like you're going into business, and I keep it like that."
"I approached it like a business owner, from a sales perspective."
"But that's good because, you know, whenever I think e-commerce and whenever I think dropshipping my mind goes straight to like trinkets and it goes straight to like iPhone covers and it goes straight to like little things."
"You cannot be an entrepreneur in fear mode, you can't run a business in fear mode."
"Business is for the ambitious, for the committed, for the people who do whatever it takes to succeed."
"I'm a humongous believer, that ideas are sh**, and that execution's the game."
"If you're gonna be about your business, be about your business."
"Take care of your business and stay elevating, even if you are in a [] up situation. You're in a [] up handle, take care of your business and always know there's a bigger goal."
"Only demanding and it's not going to be pleasure it's going to be business."
"The losses are just the cost of doing business."
"If you made 200 million dollars last year you damn well better make 220 million dollars this year or you're failing."
"We don't have to see another company fail in order for us to succeed right just it's not part of the math of running the business."
"Do not let this overwhelm you because this can actually be really fun."
"Entrepreneurs, half of it is just being competitive."
"It's all about the customer. When I'm creating a product, I don't care about me, how can I help you?"
"Treat your career and your skill set like it is a business."
"I'm standing on business, you know how I'm coming."
"Don't listen to those who condemn the hustle."
"We don't want to lose what we've invested into."
"Entrepreneurship is not easy, it's simple but it's not easy."
"The thing you're supposed to do in this situation is get as least horny as possible and make it about business."
"I always was pretty business-minded as a kid... I was hustling... different ways to make money."
"Shocker are very short because a lot of them are independent they're very, very true businessman they don't want to know about what's the price of the truck they want to know what's the cost the life cycle cost of the truck."
"My prices aren't based on what you can afford, it's based on what I'm worth."
"You have to have that business attitude, that entrepreneurial mindset."
"If you don't decide your thing is worthy, you're not gonna make money."
"Always work towards bigger deals, add another zero to it."
"Every problem that presents itself in the world is actually opportunity."
"The entire exercise of being an entrepreneur is that you don't know what you don't know."
"You gotta kill, yeah, it's the business of difference."
"I'm just about profit, so if I can make the profit, I don't care."
"Stop thinking that innovation rhymes with unprofitable."
"It's the differentiation between healthy business thoughts and practices and being owned mentality."
"I think this is asking business people to think like artists instead of like business."
"Rich people get paid based on results, not time invested."
"The marker of a real entrepreneur is that you can tolerate an extreme amount of risk."
"We're here to make money, right? Because the more money we make, well, you know, we can make the world a little bit of a better place."
"Be like Nipsey. Be a person that helps other people, be a person that's contributing to your community, be a person that's about business, be a person that's about longevity, be a person that's about positive."
"As long as you're making money, that's all that matters."
"Yo check the sun don't shine forever but as long as it does it might as well shine together business before pleasure oh you know do it better."
"You don't get into this game to make friends, you get into it to make money."
"I think every great entrepreneur is a bit of a hurricane."
"Business is business, me being the age that I'm at right now, business is business."
"Do you have a big business energy or a small business energy?"
"It's like you transitioned from a scooter rider to a business-oriented person pretty quick."
"I want everybody around me to be a boss. Like, you're not really a boss until you have several bosses around you."
"I mean, you have to go ahead, business as usual."
"Profit is profit. I don't care where it comes from."
"We're here to make money and I'm glad that we are today."
"If you're too attached to a product you'll always embrace failure."
"I'm an entrepreneur, you know what I'm saying?"
"I love that because I think it's so true that so much of the success in our business in our life really can be attributed to mindset."
"The psychological gear that you have to shift is to stop thinking about the value of what you provide in terms of what you would pay to receive it it's an irrelevant perspective the value of what you provide is what other people are willing to pay."
"Not fully thinking of your farm like a business is arguably the biggest mistake folks make when starting a farm."
"...it's about business man I ain't into no negativity I ain't feeding into nothing like whatever the [ __ ] about nothing but my pockets man my kids my pockets and that's right my brand that's right."
"invest in it as a business don't treat it as a hobby treat it as a real business it's actually kind of fun"
"You don't have to create a business but you have to be an investor."
"It's a business that you're building."
"I wish I started treating trading like a business early on in my trading career. I started a year and a half in and, surprisingly, a year and a half in is when my trading started seeing improvements."
"Treat trading as a business and focus on extracting a yearly salary."
"I treat it like a business and I was able to grow it like a business."
"Business: it's not exchanging time for dollars."
"You gotta treat this as I would treat a business."
"Shift your mindset from what does it cost to what value is it going to bring the business."
"You've got to be looking at it as a business."
"If you want to treat it like a real business, make a real business for yourself."
"It's about being business, not personal."
"You are a business, you have to treat your business like a business."
"You treat your trading like a business and you build that business slowly."
"We are business, no more. Be very worth your time,"
"If you're not seeing your sales where you want to see them, if you're not seeing the return that you want to see, then ask yourself: Am I treating this like a hobby or am I treating it like a business?"
"I really just wanted to give you three things that you can be focusing on that will help you to kind of get into the frame of mind of a business owner."
"Always be striving to get better always hold yourself accountable and really treat this like a business because if you treat this like a business and you're track your data you're taking it serious and you never give up then you're destined to win."
"...when you're in the laundry business and you see big sacks of laundry, you don't see [__] sacks of clothes, you see giant moneybags."
"I want people to feel like they're getting a quality product."
"Treating it like a business like with any business you have to listen to your customers right."
"If this is your business and you're treating it as something that you want to be full-time, then you need to treat it like that from the beginning."
"Every day, I need to make $250 profit. If I don't make $250, then I am already falling behind the eight-ball."
"Enjoy crushing the day in and day out of your business."
"Be smart, be a business person first, then think about your actions, then act."
"If one of them doesn't work out, do not dwell on it."
"It's all business. The emotion doesn't come until the last ball is struck."
"You have to really think of this as a business."
"It's a business, treat it like one."
"If that thought didn't exist that growing equals no cash and no profit, you would feel empowered."
"It's more of an investment, and a lot of people don't see it that way."
"When you switch to profitability mode, total mindset needs to change. It's about maximization of profits, reduction of overhead."
"It's really important to see the investment in stocks just like you're buying a whole business."
"If you are a business-oriented person and you want to be successful in life, you have to care what people think about you."
"Having someone to talk to, or a group of people to talk to, has not only increased my mindset so much for my business but it has helped me so much to succeed even more."
"I love that mentality, you know, he means business."
"When you create an LLC, it's almost like kind of has like a thought in the back of your mind you're really starting a real business."
"If you want to stand out in business, you have to forget 'good enough'."
"I'm always gonna do everything with business. I run my life with a business."
"I fucking love that dude, that dude straight business, like he'll sit there and tell you whether it's good for business or not, period."
"You can never be conceited with this business really because I'm 86 years old now and I'm still learning."
"This is a business, and we need to look at it as such."
"Business is about hard work, grit, determination, drive, and you just need that bit of luck."
"Business owners think differently; this is an investment that's not coming out of their personal bank account."
"If you are going to make me money, I am going to treat you well, period."
"I treated it like a business at that young age because I knew better, I knew how I wanted to live."
"This is business; you need to learn how to separate business from feelings."
"When I put these on, I'm like, I'm a business lady, I'm not messing around."
"Once you look at yourself as a business, you're not messing around."
"When I launched my first business in college and started taking advantage of resources on the internet, it changed my business mindset forever."
"Any business that you're in, any hobby really that you're in, but especially a business, it is a marathon."
"A loss is just another day in the business honestly; it's expected."
"Entrepreneurs are a little bit nuts because you have to care too much to be an entrepreneur."
"The voiceover business... if you treat this business like a business, it will pay you like no other business."
"I don't want to die broke, and I'm not ashamed of that."
"I'm a business woman and I understand using a product that pays me every single day."
"You just need to treat your body the way you treat your business."
"I'm not in business to be loved, but I am in business."
"When you start thinking of how can I make sure that transaction happens 24 hours a day, seven days a week? When you start thinking like that, things go very differently."
"Imagine business, mind the business that pays you."
"Stop calling your business a 'little' business. Big business, alright?"
"...if we could just take the emotion out of the business we'd be like wait this is like the easiest funnest job ever."
"If you want to succeed in trading, you need to treat it as a business from the very start."
"It's taken me four years to think of my YouTube channel as a business."
"You've got to set yourself up like you're a 100 million dollar company."
"If you treat this like a business, you're going to get results like a business."
"I like what he stands for right now, you know what I mean? Dude's married, he a businessman, he just... you know, he got a different mentality in a good way."
"We want companies to see what they can do, not what they can't do."
"You've got to treat this as a real business, it's not a get rich quick thing."
"We are not hoarders, we are resellers."
"There are eight billion customers out there; there's no shortage of money on this planet."
"The only advice I can offer is always keep in the back of your mind it's business; it's difficult, but that's all it is."
"From the business standpoint, they care about you solving the problems significantly more than about what tools or methods you used to get to that solution."
"What good business person does never give up."
"When you start seeing this as a business, you start seeing things very differently."
"It's understandable, get the money, it's a black business, let's get the money."
"He's more entrepreneurial, he looks at everything like a business."