
Information Warfare Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Nothing less than a war for the control of our minds and our reality is taking place."
"Russian information warfare generates dozens of different narratives and pushes them out at alarming frequency."
"It's entirely possible to challenge Russia in the information warfare space."
"Fifth generation warfare is a war of information and perception."
"The series portrays asymmetrical information warfare between genius intellects in a more convincing and strategically compelling fashion than the king of the genre itself, Death Note."
"The social media and algorithmic bias, the radical asymmetric information warfare, and the lack of information broadcast controls combined with the increase in narrative and info warfare, all of that is unique to the current situation."
"Ukraine is without a doubt winning the information war."
"This is the perfect asymmetric weapon, information."
"Russia might be losing on the ground in Ukraine but Russia is not losing in the information space."
"This is an information warfare tool and if you go and read like a Russian the definition of information warfare, they are openly talking about using all those psychological operations tool to polarize people."
"It ain't over till it's over, and this is an information war they're pumping this crap at us through this black box in front of us."
"There is a war being waged for your mind... information is being weaponized against you."
"Psychological warfare is changing the way people perceive information."
"I'm really concerned about the Free Speech aspect of this, but I'm also concerned that we do have our number one adversary programming an entire generation with information."
"We're in a war of narratives, information, and freedoms."
"I think this is good news regular people we're trying to win this is the information war of the fifth generational conflict that we're facing the cold civil war you can say we're in the recruiting phase."
"We are in an information war with the Chinese Communist Party, and knowledge is the best weapon."
"Misinformation, disinformation, and mal information make up what CISA defines as information activities."
"Information can turn the tides of a conflict."
"Marshall McLuhan predicted the next World War would be an information war."
"Russia's warfare doctrine is only one part military, and actually, the areas that supposedly are invested in more heavily are the informational space."
"Information Warfare threatens security, informational security, social stability, and especially in states which Russia seeks to disable and which it sees as its natural enemies."
"Destroy many of the pieces of misinformation."
"The Russians ran an extensive information war campaign against my campaign."
"The Russians are fighting a massive information campaign... they want to undermine the Biden Administration."
"The collective West is trying to split our society, speculating on the combat losses, on the socioeconomic consequences of the sanctions, provoking a civil confrontation in Russia and using its fifth column to achieve its goal."
"We really have for a long time been in the midst of an information war which is essentially a psychological war."
"The battlefield in 5G is no longer for physical territory; it is for your mind, your thoughts, your emotions, the knowledge that you have. That is the landscape."
"We must get the message across to the whole of Russia about what is really going on."
"Information is power. We need to fight to unmask the Empire every day in order to stop it."
"Information Warfare had become so intense that we can no longer determine where is the truth and where is the lie."
"Information warfare touches so many aspects of our society."
"Big data, autonomy, machine learning, social sciences, social media, and global connectivity all play an increasingly important role in our lives and have used against us form the basis of information warfare."
"The Chinese Communist Party just came around with a blitzkrieg of information."
"War is won in the informational battlefield."
"This is information age guerrilla warfare. It's not so much about ambushing the police; it's about ambushing the minds of regular people."
"There's such a war on information that there's not enough of an objective discussion."
"The occupier and colonizer is losing the war on narratives."
"We're already in a civil war, it's the information war."
"He turned a strength of the United States, of the West, against us and made it a weakness."
"The West’s message? That they are here for the long haul. This is the Information War of 2024."
"Snow Crash: the atomic bomb of informational warfare."
"90% of the information out there are like pre-positioned weapons of mass destruction from a psychological and psychological warfare point of view."
"Information is power. The more that you know, the more damage that you can do."
"It's a war of narrative and what you can get people to believe."
"But the scariest part of this war and the misinformation that's spreading because of it is that I honestly don't think it'll get better."
"No amount of threats and propaganda can hide the fact that Ukraine is winning this war."
"Every day is a battle for your mind, you found the place for truth."
"Race and related issues were the preferred target of the information warfare campaign designed to divide the country."
"The mainstream media can still create new hoaxes faster than independent media can debunk them." - David Sachs
"A coup was taking place... an information war was being run."
"The battle is about information and knowledge transfer."
"The Obesity isn't a problem for people that don't have enough it's for people that have just enough."
"As the disinformation war ramps up, we are relying on your support more than ever."
"There's a full-on information war happening right now on Instagram."
"We have to not only not do this research, we have to not allow this research because a pandemic potentially a much worse one could emerge from a lab quite easily."
"We're winning the war of information... We're the majority. Stop being the silent majority."
"Spies and military movements, the power of information."
"On that call to action to fight back on multiple fronts but including the informational front and renew our democracies if we want them to survive Jonathan thanks so much is always massively stimulating talking."
"We are in a battle, this is an information War, this is psychological warfare."
"An uninformed majority will always lose a battle of information against an informed minority."
"It's giving us a master class in high intensity conflict in a modern information driven environment."
"Unless we confront China now in the information war and economic war, we are going to slide into a kinetic war."
"People will continue to demonize and glorify, condemn and praise, and twist any information to conform to whatever black or white narrative they have decided upon."
"World War 3 will be a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation." - Marshall McLuhan
"We're living in a world of information Warfare or psychological warfare with agents that are deliberately trying to stir up different sides of any topic to polarize."
"We're living in this open media space but we have to get a lot more sophisticated about it."
"I think we're in the midst of World War III right now, and the first salvo is not munitions being fired, it's actually information being weaponized."
"Donovan is also considered the father of what we call today modern information warfare."
"It's much easier to conquer hearts and minds in an information war than to win with soldiers on the ground."
"Information is key, and Putin has been excellent at manipulating it."
"Information is warfare, and intelligence is operations."
"The threat is very good about employing information to achieve effects on the ground."
"Marines need to understand the impact of culture when they use information as a competitive tool."
"Contesting the information domain and access to information is very important early on."
"The current military strategy's basic guiding thought for operations is information dominance, precision strikes on strategic points, and joint operations to gain victory."
"Ben Franklin was a master of information warfare in his day too."