
Business Potential Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"I believe in the salon, there's no reason it shouldn't make 200 million a year. No reason."
"The potential with a drop servicing agency is virtually uncapped."
"So the very first thing you do when you meet an entrepreneur is assume it's a really good company... Because you never know if this founder and this company is going to start the next billion-dollar company."
"Tesla bot dwarfs everything else in Tesla's business, a multi-multi-multi-trillion dollar opportunity."
"One of the main reasons why I love Amazon FBA is because of the insane ROIs you can get."
"Opportunity exists in the areas most people complain. If you can solve the complaint, you have the chance."
"Identify opportunities that can become billion dollar businesses."
"The opportunity, the potential, the scalability is huge."
"If you have a thing that can do 100 million a year in Revenue for multiple years, that's a billion-dollar property."
"It's not crazy to invest in a company like this, even if they don't have a lot of their own technology."
"This should really be what makes you go, holy crap, this is crazy potential with this business model."
"That's ridiculous, there are so many Cobras and they're going to make him good money."
"Once NFTs show that there's product market fit and there's real revenues to be made, I think it was pretty obvious for everyone in gaming, in entertainment, and like content creation that that's a place to build your next business."
"I think the business and the products are amazing. I don't believe the dragons will have any issues with that."
"This is very rewarding, it is one of the most scalable businesses."
"The fact that it was only day one of testing with no data previously accumulated and we were able to make enough to buy a Subway sandwich at this point I was like okay we might have a potential winning product on our hands."
"Dropbox has a rare combination of virality, scale, and cash generation."
"For me, it's just trying to figure out what the realistic TAM this company can get over the next five to ten years."
"There's room for 10 of you, 100 of you, to just be in the pet space alone. There's so many opportunities."
"I think there's a potential here to make millions even hundreds of millions of dollars."
"This is a type of company that has a multi hundred billion dollar opportunity."
"Given the fundamentals of the company, the valuation, their market position, their brand, their moat, secular growth trends, and the way that they're using technology, I think this company does have ultimately a very bright future."
"Massive market opportunity in front of this company over the coming years."
"We are just getting started, we're just about to break through that total market cap."
"The long-term potential for Twitter in my view is in order of magnitude greater than its current value."
"Don't let that trick you because I can guarantee you now within a few weeks a few months that could be turned around to being a very profitable store."
"I think they definitely have an opportunity."
"GitHub is an incredible place for uncaptured value that we can turn into businesses."
"The world is theirs as long as they execute."
"This is the dream setup for Leslie's. I think it's for me, it might be a high conviction trade. I need to do a little more homework on it."
"If this just ends up being 10% of that, it would be bigger than the entire company is right now."
"I truly believe that if you could buy Manchester United and run it the right way it probably would be worth 10 billion in 10 years time."
"I expect it to be a multi-billion dollar company. I'd love to have you in on the ground floor."
"Software as a service... It's super scalable. You can literally earn billions of dollars."
"There's no limit to how much money you can make if you start a business."
"Because this side hustle is so easy to start and quite literally anybody can do it and scale it into a seven figure business."
"Twitter is a languished asset with Incredible potential."
"The potential is crazy when you talk about these companies."
"Almost everyone is asleep on this opportunity."
"This is a product that I would consider to be a winning product."
"These things can get a lot bigger than you think."
"Shopify is just starting to get that respect of, 'Wow, this could be a giant in the future.' And I honestly see them as being one of the biggest tech companies in the world in 2030."
"For me, that's why I'm investing into this company. I think the downside is limited."
"It just shows that even more potential for Tesla, right?"
"It's not as passive as affiliate but yeah, I mean, the scale potential was what got me into it."
"Brilliant! You may find a business model coming your way where you and I get much, much closer to each other."
"The opportunity for Robotech for autonomous electric vehicles is a 20 or 30 trillion dollar business value creation event."
"The opportunity in front of Tesla is worth literally trillions of dollars."
"That needs to be sold somewhere and marketed in same flavor combinations."
"Space is a huge, enormous, gigantic, just tremendous opportunity."
"Tesla's story is far from over, with potential earnings power from software."
"With good execution, I think Tesla could be the most valuable company in the world."
"One of my favorite business ideas you can scale with huge potential for six- and even seven-figure annual income is Fulfillment by Amazon or Amazon FBA."
"What unique insight do you have that you're building this, and can this be a big company? That's it."
"Even if you never use this property for the business side of it."
"This company will become a food giant... this company has a good opportunity at least to have a market capitalization of 10 to 20 billion dollars."
"Soup, looking like that, I'd be like yeah this guy I gotta start a brand with immediately."
"Peloton has potential to have really high margins. I see Peloton's upside at 8 to 10x over 3 to 5 years."
"I think Casper could be like a hundred bagger if they actually pull it off and execute from these levels."
"There are opportunities in Africa that are more than you can handle."
"Find the companies that you think could be game changers."
"Here we have this very useful tool, and then you have Elon taking it over, the recipe here is for something really incredible to be created."
"Alex has got all the right ingredients here to make a bloody good business, but can you pull it off?"
"The potential that is behind this... they could turn a massive profit."
"I hope that it stays. I hope that there's an American poutine chain that emerges."
"You can put a Houston's Hot Chicken in any state, any city, any country, and anywhere in the world."
"I am one of the biggest fans and one of the biggest believers in creating an online course business."
"Assuming that this is 60% of what they're saying it is, is that still an attractive market? Is that still reasonable?"
"I see a lot of ways that Apple can grow substantially from where they are right now."
"We're probably sat on a goldmine if you actually looked at our channel."
"Show me a company where their products are so good... that's a company I want to put capital into."
"Superstars themselves and they went legit they would be a major future 500 company from Forbes. Man, these guys are geniuses."
"The product itself and the business model in the future ahead for StarLink actually is very fascinating."
"All it takes is one little spark to ignite the mixer and expand their value."
"It's still day one... we're just scratching the surface."
"Pinterest's growth prospects are absolutely phenomenal."
"Opportunities for you to make a business to be productive, prosperous, to bring the riches into your life."
"Long term TTCF has a phenomenal opportunity."
"I'm fully convinced they're going to be a food giant over the next 5-10 years."
"Knowing Arabic opens up many business and career opportunities."
"With good execution, Tesla could be the most valuable company in the world."
"This is a mature industry that's just getting started."
"There are no bad businesses. Just one great idea can completely revolutionize your work, and as a result, your life."
"Once they get going, the opportunity is just as good as ever."
"Long term, I feel like this company can be a cash flow machine, can be a profitability machine."
"I personally believe the juice is worth a squeeze here with Alibaba."
"Palantir's profitability is going to increase in a massive, massive way."
"The solar roof opportunity and the energy is just as big as cars."
"We're not underselling it... we're talking potential."
"That's what businesses are meant to do, right? So I think that this is a good example of what Zomedica could do."
"Tesla has the real potential to be one of the most valuable companies in the world."
"So powerful... possibly compete and make profit."
"If they can pull that off and they got a pretty good team, and tokenomics is trying to push forward to billions of people throughout the world... maybe it could be a big play."
"An opportunity to help those people who can create an enormous business but enormous good to humanity."
"This is a company I think just has everything going for it."
"I think Swiftpaws is 100 million dollar company in the next about two to three years."
"I feel like there's a lot of potential in your business."
"I think it's got enormous potential and I think that the fact they're unique in this space gives them that first mover advantage."
"This is a really good move. If Sony can crack this, it could open the gates for other lesser-known comic book characters."
"The more people you can reach are the more potential customers that may buy your products."
"Turbulence ahead leading to one hell of an opportunity."
"Tesla does have a potential of becoming a multi-trillion dollar company."
"India today, in itself, is a great business opportunity, a compelling business opportunity that's forcing the world to sit up and take notice."
"A life built off profits has infinite possibilities."
"Google Cloud could become a bigger, more important part than YouTube for the company. That's how bullish I am on this segment."
"This is why exponential growth is really, really exciting and the rate of exponential growth matters a lot."
"I see Honest as being a company that's going to have a multi-billion dollar market cap in the future."
"Tesla Energy could dwarf Tesla the car company."
"I think that AMC is the beginning of something much bigger."
"When you can ever see a company that is expected to have a revenue acceleration in the next year, that is a massive deal, guys."
"If someone could sell, I knew we could make a lot of money together."
"Potential billion-dollar market opportunity."
"This is one of the few companies I would say I think they actually got a shot."
"Shopify is Amazon before 2010. Everybody was looking at it and they're like this kind of seems like it's the future."
"Tesla's energy business could yield $600 billion in annual revenues."
"If either one of the robo taxi business or the bots becomes a business for Tesla, the valuation potential is absolutely enormous."
"Just because it applies to a small group of people does not necessarily mean that you can't make a lot of money selling them."
"Paid content promotion is a litmus test for the business potential of your content."
"I believe the dragons are going to want to invest in me and my business because the products themselves can span out in a multitude of different areas, which shows great potential for both the dragons and for me."
"It's gonna be a very, very quick growth in terms of size. Current market is 65 billion dollars. It's gonna grow aggressively in the next few years. So, you know, sky's the limit. It's gonna be a unicorn. It's going to be a big company. And this is what we're aiming for."
"But this will be a billion dollar app, this will be a billion dollar business, and quicker than we can even absolutely imagine."
"That's a great idea, it's a money maker idea."
"That's seriously good yeah we do take a bite of that that's delicious mango fusong dying the restaurant yeah you would make a fortune."
"This restaurant has great potential to be very successful and very popular."
"If there's 717 leads they're worth and this is like uh just a numeric value that we attribute to it is they're worth 1.8 million dollars in my pipeline."
"The future of this business holds immense potential."
"This company is going to be worth billions and billions of dollars in my opinion."
"You can possibly be profitable already, you just don't know it yet."
"If you're the best at everything in your business, then the potential of your business is just your potential."
"Embroidery is definitely a very, very, very lucrative and profitable business."
"This business opportunity is enormous."
"Even though crochet is my hobby, I can actually make a business out of it."
"It's an interesting time because a lot of the companies that are in the room today could be breakout companies in the next one to two to three years."
"They're fun because you can turn them into a business that could be worth millions of dollars."
"This is going to make the most perfect family home and it has the basis for being a really good business."
"If you're asking yourself, 'Is Drop Shipping still worth it in 2024?' The answer is not just a yes, it is a big, big yes."
"I saw the potential here and I saw that this street is very, very busy."
"Every Niche is profitable with the right marketing."
"If you see that there are people who have followings on Pinterest and are getting good engagement, it's probably a really good sign that your business can be successful on Pinterest."
"Tesla licensing out its FSD software to other OEMs could be a multi-trillion dollar market in the next 10 years."
"If Tesla captured just 10% of this revenue, it would be six times Apple's annual revenue."
"I think this company does have the potential to be that unicorn."
"Most people get into it as a hobby, but in the back of their mind, they're like, I could maybe make a business out of this."
"We really are seeing like a very early Microsoft essentially in the works here, if not more powerful."
"They're missing out; that's a good idea, that's a great idea, that's a gold mine of an idea."
"I truly believe that anybody could have this camera and start a production company or their own business and get fantastic results just with that."
"A lot of potential with this listing."
"Something extremely exciting, I think it's going to become a business."
"When you start a business, there is no limit to how much you can make."
"Invest into yourself, this is going to become business potential."
"This can actually be a super lucrative business."
"This company has insane growth long term, in my opinion, and they have insane growth short term."
"That gives me good confidence that we can come in, sell the product, and just improve the listing and the product itself and do pretty well."
"I think this has tremendous opportunity over the coming years."
"You're gonna be great for the business; people gonna like being around him."
"You likely have a business that could be twice as large, maybe three to five times larger, with just the current people you're already working with."
"Revlon has so much potential, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do next."
"You always, always, always need to know that you have the potential to profit from the product even while spending money on ads to promote it."
"Everything around you is a business potential; you're just not looking at it with the right eye."
"This company has the potential to really grow big because they're doing something pretty unique."
"The North American area has potential for good sales revenue and licensing agreements."