
Information Freedom Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"We are in a war for Freedom of Information right now."
"The free flow of information is the sunlight, the fertilizer of democracy."
"As a child growing up next to the Chinese border, I was lucky to receive outside information."
"I'm generally in favor of freedom of information. If there's any doubt, we should err on the side of freedom of information."
"Even in China, there are people who are able to get the word across. Even in Russia, people are spreading information. These old boomer-age world leaders are dragging us towards nuclear annihilation, and they're too stupid to realize that half of the world has moved beyond this insanity."
"The proper way to resolve an election issue is not to hide and suppress and censor information."
"The democratization of information... gives the populace the ability to rise up."
"We should not want to limit people's access to information, we should want to increase the information that you can digest."
"The entire institution of information control, the entire narrative control system, is going to fall to pieces."
"Our democracy is based upon the free flow of information."
"Information wants to be free and so do the people who courageously act upon what they learn."
"Keep the information flowing, and buck against those that want to stop it."
"Freedom of information is the most important thing."
"Information should be accessible and free, and you should be able to look into something for yourself."
"Bill c-11 is basically written in a way that allows the government to interfere with the promulgation of any information that they deem unacceptable for any reason."
"We are much freer because we have independent sources of information."
"Give the people the information. Let them make their own decision."
"We don't need to be protected by the government from information."
"Americans have the right to view information. We don't need to be protected by the government from information."
"Information was controlled, but now people have an alternative."
"Decentralized information is winning... we are winning."
"Regulating AI doesn't mean that we should regulate and bring those information in a confined space which goes against the open science and open data initiatives."
"We're transitioning into the true enlightenment, challenging the control of information aristocracy."
"Once you start censoring information... you're on the wrong side of history."
"This is why the information war is very important, but when you have censorship completely picking off voices and shutting down political speech, we have to go beyond the information war."
"If you censor the information you are going to hurt people."
"When they start trying to talk about regulating information, guys, that is extremely serious."
"Welcome to The Awakening. Free information, power back to the people. With knowledge comes power."
"They are making clear that they view a free and open information environment as an existential threat."
"It's not about the gray Zone it's about the free flow of information and debate."
"We don't have to be bound by the decades of global warming propaganda thanks to the internet."
"We have a responsibility and obligation to try to keep open the Freedom of Information flowing between countries between individuals and if you don't."
"In the world that we live in now, there's a lot of oppressive governments who are trying to keep information from flowing out."
"We okay because we are a very small and special group we have a responsibility and an obligation to try to keep open the Freedom of Information flowing between countries between individuals."
"People have a right to be wrong, to take in information, to read whatever they want."
"We need all the information so we can decide... YouTube has no business censoring anybody."
"The gated institutional narrative can't shut down the information anymore."
"The bigger picture is suppression of information which is so important and vital to a democracy."
"At some point, we got the Enlightenment that there's a need for freedom of speech, but now we need freedom of information."
"A world in which it's harder to contain the truth can only be beneficial to society, it can only be beneficial to culture."
"I want more information not less information... trust the American people."
"This lost city is discovered as predicted, modern technology will ultimately bring an end to this worldwide suppression of what should be free-flowing information."
"All information should be available, and we should cultivate a society mature enough to exist in harmony with dangerous information."
"Let people hear all opinion and all possibility, and then you have the basic human decency and the absence of arrogance to say there's all the information, make of it what you will."
"You cannot be afraid of information. Raise your children right, teach them how to think. They'll draw the right conclusions."
"There's nothing dangerous about that. How is more information for the American people dangerous? It's not. In fact, it's a positive thing."
"It's about the free exchange of information and ideas."
"To reject access to information is offensive."
"It's dangerous to limit the information at your disposal."
"We've got to preserve the free flow of information."
"A key tenet of Anonymous's ideology is advocating for Freedom of Information and the democratization of knowledge."
"The truth is that because in the United States information is free, it makes our democracy stronger and it makes me a better leader."
"It has freed up information, it has allowed for this level of connectivity."
"Banning what you define as miss or disinformation is terrible for the population, it is censorship."
"The thing I object to most is the idea that some centralized government body will know better about what kind of information I can digest than I would."
"We should never restrict information."
"I made a promise to myself and to you guys to share the truth about the industry, hashtag freedom of information."
"They don't have the right to decide what information we're allowed."
"No one should hold a monopoly on the truth, everyone should know everything, everyone should at least be able to access all information, freedom of information."
"It's no coincidence that a company dedicated to the free flow of information was founded right here in the US."
"Free speech and freedom of information is exactly that, allowing things you don't necessarily like."
"I believe in freedom of information. I truly do."