
Policies Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Under his policies, America now has the fastest growing GDP of any G7 Nation since the pandemic."
"We need policies now which benefit the working families of this country, that benefit low-income people, that benefit the most vulnerable."
"It's policies, not just promises; it's jobs, not just generalities."
"I learned long ago that it was good policy to be honest."
"I exist because of the policies of a country that worked towards allowing people to be more and more free."
"Systemic racism is the presence of secular resultant effects of racist practices and processes embedded in and shaping the social, political, economic, legal, educational, infrastructural, medical systems, and policies of a society."
"These kinds of misguided policies served to protect abusers and punish the abused."
"Bad ideas have consequences, bad policies have consequences."
"His language and his policies are in fact racist."
"Lockdowns, mandates, and passports are among the most vile, unconstitutional, immoral, unscientific, discriminatory, and outright criminal policies ever forced upon the population."
"If you wanted two seats, you need to pay for two seats."
"In the unlikely event that a baby is born on board, what happens to the baby?"
"Thanks to these and other policies, last year the World Economic Forum recognized the United States as the globe's most competitive economy."
"Economics definitely needs to address issues of discrimination and representation with proper policies and accountability."
"We gotta remember that we have the truth on our side we gotta remember that we have the better policies on our side."
"We got to remember that we actually have the high ground because our policies are actually what's effective."
"Both have generous maternity and paternity leave policies."
"How about come with some [ __ ] real policies for black people."
"There are real solutions to all of these challenges that already exist. Policies become a challenge."
"Policies compensate for deficiencies or multiply advantages."
"35% of the URLs flagged were actioned under remove, reduce, or inform policies."
"When you go into money giveaways and inflationary programs, it is not even across the economic spectrum."
"When your policies result in dramatically higher inflation, that's anti-children."
"We should have a very strong containment strategy."
"Contracts, policies, and boundaries are crucial for a smooth business operation."
"Neoliberal policies aren't too hard to understand and are pretty reasonable if you agree with the underlying logic behind them."
"Walpole's policy of salutary neglect ending was what provoked the revolutionary actions."
"Most of what politicians say is rubbish... but what they do, what are their policies, that's what matters."
"Zero tolerance policy towards racism during filming."
"I'm not gonna argue with people like that but if you disagree about certain policies or things like that or certain TV shows or don't understand certain sensitivities to certain things I can disagree with you and have a conversation."
"Democrats aim to motivate voters this November by highlighting their only two policy achievements tediously dramatizing January 6th and standing with Ukraine."
"We don't delete comments here on the channel unless you are being derogatory, aggressive, or bullying."
"Vote for me because you believe in the policies that I want to enact."
"These are our policies, these are our problems, and these are the things we're trying to fix."
"Aggressive anti-discrimination rules are crucial in a co-op dominated private sector."
"We have a strict 'eclipse chimps get the wall' attitude here."
"Countries with liberal policies don't necessarily have higher economic output."
"Putin's aggressive policies have made the whole country pay the price."
"If you have the right setup for it, I'd strongly recommend setting in your policies the no retreat for Fleet battles, so fleets fight to the death."
"They're going to make basically Pro America Pro Bitcoin policies."
"It's the impact of racism through practices and policies and not race."
"I want to see people get emotionally invested in the policies."
"But their policies are completely different – they are anything but two sides of the same coin – they’re different coins entirely."
"It's a president of the type to put in policies that are really going to empower the masses."
"I think anyone should be able to immigrate to a country, as long as they're following the laws."
"Most people think [policies] are good for society."
"The best way to achieve a cleaner environment is through better property rights and free market policies."
"Standardized tests are one of the most effective racist policies ever."
"What should be the role of monetary incentives and market thinking in designing rules, policies, and legal systems?"
"He became king and pursued policies that put people's happiness first."
"I don't love parties; I love policies. I love things that impact our people."
"Policies change, doctrine does not."
"Identify clearly the values that we cherish and make those values the foundation, make them the cornerstone for any policies, for any laws, for any of the processes that we are creating to move us into the new world."
"Hoover research has directly led to policies that have produced greater opportunity and freedom in the United States and the world."
"Terms of service, privacy policy, and refund policy templates save time and provide a solid foundation."
"Developing and enforcing standardized security policies offer the most effective in demonstrating a pathway for showcasing tangible progress."
"Using Microsoft InTune you can deploy application policies security policies configuration policies and conditional access policies."
"Love is the backbone of good policies, good programs, and a strong society."
"At the very bottom, the relying party policies inherit values from each of their subsequent parents."
"Absolutely, David. We have a 30-day return policy."
"If we wanted to use this in a script of some sort, we could actually go back in the policies and set this up so even your ARM templates would be able to extract the secrets that you have in Key Vault and use them dynamically as it's deploying new resources."
"Using AI on YouTube is not banned because YouTube themselves are starting to offer AI tools."
"Retention policies can help organizations to comply with multitude of legal and regulatory requirements."
"Good leaders and good policies make a very big difference indeed."
"Neoliberalism has multiple competing definitions; it's generally associated with policies like privatization, deregulation, globalization, free trade, and reductions in government spending."
"My work in life right now is to try and improve the political environment to a point where the policies you're fighting for become the law of the land, in fact, and common sense."
"All Nippon Airways permits all passengers to bring a personal item and one standard carry-on bag into the cabin."
"Policies such as no first use and negotiating tactics of gradual reciprocation and reductions might get us to zero nuclear weapons."
"The new policies brought about positive changes in the company."
"France has always been against United States' policies."
"When we talk about BGP policies what we are actually talking about is the process of either acting on particular attributes or modifying BGP attributes to satisfy some requirements set forth in those policies."
"With BGP you have a great degree of freedom how to define your policies."
"Richard Milhous Nixon opened trade relations with China, eased tensions with Soviet Russia, and started a war on drugs initiative focused on education and rehabilitation."
"Your return policy, reputation, and customer service are key."
"Income claims, product claims, lifestyle claims, these types of posts are against policies and procedures of these companies."
"Every single seller right now should make it a priority to read Etsy's policies front to back."
"Obama actually spent a significant chunk of his presidency undoing some of the things that had been done before him."
"If we were prepared to devote an extra 1% of GDP to family policies, you'd be amazed at how much the lives of ordinary people would get better."
"Walmart doesn't let anybody film in Walmart."
"All the major things that we fought for in the 1980s are now accepted as sensible policies by our political opponents."
"Many of the policies were holding people back from fully applying these ideas to make their lives better."
"The bottom line is that the policies that we see today are a result not of democratic processes of open discussion and debate."
"Policies are going to detail expectations in a very broad level, standards fill in the details, procedures tell us how, and guidelines are best practices."
"Zero tolerance policies sometimes get a little out of control."
"The government's policies are all fur coat and no knickers."
"I'm sorry for venting on all these loose article policies, but when you have 17 coasters and seven loose article policies, how can anyone possibly figure it out?"
"Policies need to be implemented that everyone follows and I listed about eight or nine things that currently are issues and how to deal with them."
"Our government policies are terrible. We need to be more free market."
"Truth tends to lead to better policies."
"Policies in Vietnam made sense and weren't too draconian, allowing life to return to normal quickly."
"More than strong leader, we need strong policies."
"If you want to protest their policies and their conduct, in my humble opinion, you should forget about the two-witness rule and focus on how Witnesses violate God’s law."
"While some praise the policies and call for similar security measures in their own countries, others raise concerns about the methods used and the potential for abuse of power."
"So much of harmful government policies are imposed in the name of helping disadvantaged groups."
"We need more coherent policies that solve these big problems as one problem."
"YouTube, you can't have it both ways."
"...the consequences were predictable and predicted."
"The welfare, I think they don't have... they're more hard line."
"We've already solved maybe 25 or maybe even a third of the total climate problem as a result of technological progress and policies that have been implemented in the last decade or so."
"I'm an advocate for the policies that best benefit everybody."
"Private values must be at the heart of public policies."
"I truly believe those policies worked in the past, but we're entering a new social era and it's time to move on."
"To discover optimal policies, we must explore all state action pairs."
"Policies can be changed. Imagine what healing could transpire if we invested in prevention, harm reduction, and treatment."
"Security policies are pushed down to computers in what's called a GPO, or a group policy object."
"Diversity, equity, and inclusion is a collection of policies that is supposed to address inequality."
"The prevailing policies were not going to deal with these limits in an orderly and peaceful way."
"Effective Kubernetes RBAC and proper network policies are essential for security."
"He demands that we turn to the facts when evaluating our institutions and policies, not mere rhetoric or intentions."
"They're not all racists, even though too many are, but they've been crushed by neoliberal policies of wealth distribution going from them to the one percent."
"Always make sure to read up on eBay's policies and what they say, you know, in terms of what's right, what's wrong, and make sure that you follow it."
"The British did destroy the Indian textile industry through many policies."
"Trusts and policies go hand in hand to help the domain entries communicate with each other and maintain security inside the network."
"Values are more important than policies. Policies are a reflection of those values."
"With these labels, you can associate richer policies both security and access policies such that if a label is applied to a file or to a team on a site, the appropriate policy will automatically get honored."
"I didn't break the policies; the policies weren't clear."
"Be honest about your delivery times and refund policy."
"There should be formal and transparent policies and procedures to ensure the independence of both the internal and the external auditor."
"Politics is about policies, and policies affect everybody's lives; that's not a game."
"Privacy policies are becoming something that we should probably be reading a little bit more."
"Women’s lives have been made more difficult through successive policies of this Government."
"Knowing industry policies and best practices especially with email goes a long way."
"Social media policies are taken very seriously in today's world."
"...you have two things to really base a vote on in my view: a platform, policies that are laid out, and then you actually have the policies themselves that have been enacted."
"Respond by integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures, and practices."
"If you could wave a magic wand and you could get the person's policies who would you want, I think Elizabeth Warren won that."
"How can the United States continue with their bellicose and obdurate policies... after they've placed a plaque on the moon saying 'We come in peace for all mankind'?"
"Affirmative action... stands for a series of policies established to overcome the effects of past discrimination."
"Transparency in shipping and return policies is key to having a positive customer experience."
"Make sure you communicate everything about your fees and policies on the site upfront."
"The lingering effects of these laws and policies are still present today."
"I fully appreciate that all crew staff must have a strong safety focus, adhere to policies, work well without supervision, and excel in collaborative settings."
"I come from a background which required me to work to strict safety policies and guidelines."
"The shifting rules of YouTube's advertising program and algorithms have long frustrated users."
"Formalization is the extent to which an organization's policies, procedures, job descriptions, and rules are written and explicitly documented."
"Internal controls are our policies and procedures about what to do for a client."
"Racist policies were becoming before racist ideas."
"Make sure you always include shipping and return policies in your product page."
"When we talk about context of the organization, we need to think about technological change, environmental policies, and legal issues."
"Policies are general statements or guidelines which help in decision making."
"...it is imperative that we engage in robust debate and discussion, we must be unafraid to challenge outdated policies, received and often untested wisdoms..."
"Privatization, deregulation, and reducing trade barriers... are market liberalizing policies to promote competition."
"Events and policies can be more important, so you can have a brilliant leader but if the party's policies aren't there or major events have made people think that another party more suitable to leading it, it can have a kind of a nullifying effect."
"Every organization needs to have a formal set of policies and procedures related to DLP or data loss prevention."
"Corporations are rushing to adopt stringent codes of ethics, strengthen their ethical and legal safeguards, and develop socially responsible policies."
"The policies of the Trudeau government are decisively more progressive."
"With this in mind, you can actually configure quite advanced policies for your API."
"The New Deal is characterized by the three R's: Relief, Recovery, and Reform."
"What are voters doing? What are winning policies? You might call them populist, but if they win elections, they're more likely going to be implemented."