
Banking Quotes

There are 1461 quotes

"This was an effort by Regulators to shore up consumer confidence in the banking system."
"Banks create money when a bank gives out a loan; it is actually newly creating money out of nothing."
"More capital means more stable banks; it means stronger banks."
"Unlike most currencies in the world, which are created and regulated by central banks, decentralized currency such as Bitcoin is created by the people, and as such is almost impossible to control."
"The less you understand about money, the more money your bank makes."
"If you learn the language, then you know how to play the bank."
"The degree of capture, political capture, by the city of London, by the big banks and the big law firms is so enormous that the politicians have effectively become their spokespersons."
"The issues faced by New York Community Banks... could potentially mirror the broader narrative of the American economy, a narrative that points to a ticking time bomb."
"People can expect to start seeing direct deposits hit their bank accounts as early as this weekend."
"I'm here today to change the way that you look at money and banks for the rest of your life."
"Frankfurt emerged as a financial powerhouse and many of the world's major banks and financial institutions hold offices here to this day."
"When you're rich, the bank pays you for being rich."
"When I quit studying the influencers and started studying the banks...everything shifted for me."
"Particularly Americans have the wrong data about money. There is financial misinformation in the marketplace that is perpetuated by the banks and the institutions."
"The chain of catastrophic bets made over the past decade by a few hundred bankers may well turn out to be the greatest non-violent crime against humanity in history."
"I would fix the house up, put a tenant in there, go to a bank and get 80% value in your pocket. Alright, and then you got the money, you still got the house, you still got the cash flow."
"Investors in these banks will not be reimbursed. They took the risk and are now out of the money. That's how capitalism works."
"The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank within the last few weeks has caused fears of another 2008 level financial crisis."
"The way that dealerships make money is by literally becoming the bank."
"For example, if you're a multi-millionaire wanting to buy a new yacht, Credit Suisse could help you finance the purchase."
"For the past decade, Credit Suisse has constantly found itself in trouble with regulators as they played fast and loose with the law."
"Despite their repeated scandals, high net worth individuals and corporations continue to view Credit Suisse as a highly sophisticated and competent investment bank."
"Following these disastrous results, the bank announced a major restructuring."
"If I were a betting man, I would say an organized resolution such as a merger with UBS is far more likely than a disorderly collapse."
"In Italy, 85% of banks now use a blockchain system called Corda."
"There's no incentive for them (banks) to pick up the phone to you and say, 'Hey, by the way, you're paying us too much interest.'"
"The system and banks are not going to help you build wealth; it's more important than ever for you to get financially educated and to use your money the right way."
"The Medici family, an influential banking dynasty in Renaissance Italy, developed the double-entry bookkeeping system."
"Our view is that the banking system is sound and resilient."
"You had $42 billion dollars of cash withdrawn in just one day from Silicon Valley Bank."
"You had a post office within a co-op that then became a banking hub, and I think that could be a good way forward."
"Money has changed forever. Banking has changed forever."
"Justice Charlie Merrill, the founding president of Bank of America who accurately predicted the 1929 stock market crash, advised his clients then: Lighten obligations, or better still, pay them off entirely."
"It is that representation of trust that is at the very core of a bank's existence. Without it, a depositor loses faith and a bank reneges on its fundamental pledge."
"The banks quickly realized that the credit card was a natural for them, because banks are in the business of helping us make payments, and they're in the business of granting credit. The credit card does both."
"Simple methods of accounting have evolved into the lightning quick transmission of vast sums of money over the Internet. But time and history have not changed the basic tenet of banking-- the promise that their customers' money is safe."
"You're your own bank; you don't have a third party that you're sort of relying on."
"Silicon Valley Bank, SVB, was the second largest bank failure in history."
"Bitcoin is going to change the world more for the two billion people who don't have bank accounts."
"The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
"Mullins wrote about an elite class of globalist bankers that he claimed were behind many of the wars and depressions that adversely affect all people of all races worldwide."
"Changes in house prices affect the health of the banking system and, when they collapse, the impact can be felt globally."
"Our banking system is sound, and that Americans can feel confident that their deposits will be there when they need them."
"SoFi is basically like an online bank, but it's now a real bank that has all the regulations of a real bank."
"We have a system where we have to borrow in order to have an economy; we have to be in debt to the banks."
"Shock waves from this very fluid situation are still in the process of rippling through the tech ecosystem."
"Private banks create money out of nothing, then they loan it to us and ask for interest on top."
"100% support federal assistance, and in the next round of federal legislation, I hope we can see this: that assistance to the banks, our taxpayer money given to the banks, should then go towards potentially allowing folks to have that not only rent deferred but potentially taken care of."
"Every major industry that is going to be here to stay, the banks are going to get their hands into it."
"We want our branches to be destinations where people can go to get the advice they need to lead a financially healthy life."
"Stop the Fed from giving money to all the banks at zero percent interest. Make banks get their capital from their account holders. Pay us interest again."
"It is a known fact that the world runs on money, and it is also said that the banks control the world because the banks control the money."
"We must understand the scale of what is happening... 300 million people... entered the banking system... 450 million people... got connected to tap water... 810 million people benefit from [food provision] every day."
"What really should happen here is that private banks should be giving out the loans, and then the federal government should be backing those loans."
"Intermediation poses certain types of risks... somebody stands in the middle not necessarily intermediating but absorbing the risk."
"Banks today will be unbundled by this new technology."
"Money held in bank accounts is a terrible investment idea."
"The second-largest bank in the United States of America just pushed a report on crypto."
"Bank of America decided to take people's money without their consent." - Participant in the video
"We need to raise the FDIC cap so that depositors have confidence that their money is safe."
"We have to protect their deposits, and let me tell you who the big winner is going to be if we don't do the simple policy." - David
"Each and every time a bank makes a loan, new credit is created. New deposits. Brand new money."
"Earnings is not the metric to use when you are valuing Amazon."
"When you give your money to the bank they give you interest right? Where's the answers come from? The little bit of money that they're making on them lending money out to everyone else on a higher interest rate."
"U.S. banking system is in a great state of health."
"The myth of the big Bank, the Fat Cat Wall Street Banker couldn't be no further from the truth."
"Quantitative easing refers to this expansion of credit creation in the real economy whereby new purchasing power is created through the banking system."
"Indian banks will be titled as the strongest banks in the world after the financial reset."
"Silicon Valley Bank's downfall: a cautionary tale of risky investments."
"Cryptocurrency is definitely the future of banking, but if we're living into specifics, things like Bitcoin where the value is limited to that encryption, you're always gonna have a problem."
"The children born today will not know a world in which banks exist."
"All I'm saying to people is why would you keep a lot of money in the bank when they're giving you nothing and making money on you?"
"Five years ago, a group of people decided to build a bank from the ground up."
"Wells Fargo traded its hard-earned reputation for short-term profits and harmed untold numbers of customers along the way."
"Gold and silver are the only financial assets that come with a central bank guarantee."
"The banking system is not something to be in in a fiat currency crisis."
"SBI, founded in 1806, is the oldest surviving bank in India."
"The banks are the worst, most predatory institutions on the planet."
"Stealing is illegal everywhere, unless you're a banker living outside of Iceland."
"If you have the Platinum checking account, their idea of favorable interest rates is paying 0.05% on balances above $5,000."
"We do see an opportunity where the first bank somebody has isn't an actual bank."
"If you start to get a build-up of customers wanting to move all of their deposits out of your bank, it can very quickly develop into a liquidity crisis."
"Switzerland's reputation for banking was fostered by the country's perceived stability."
"Your business banking history is vital to whether or not the banks approve you or not."
"By merging with Guaranty, the House of Morgan is suddenly flushed with over $4 billion dollars in deposits."
"I have many bank accounts and they're all listed."
"Negative interest rates are fatal over the long term to the banking system."
"Can anybody tell me a bank issued card that doesn't have Visa and Mastercard on it? No, because they're grandfather monopolies."
"That money that you kissed on the forehead and tucked in ever so sweetly at your bank is out on the town right now funding the exact climate disaster that we're trying to avoid."
"It takes a bank in Switzerland that has already had a ton of problems and had to go through some restructuring back in the fall and even needed emergency swap lines between the Federal Reserve and the Swiss."
"The federal reserve is neither federal nor a reserve. It's a private business, essentially with some government overlap, right?"
"Banks are charging Americans 34 billion dollars a year on overdraft payments. Unacceptable."
"True adoption is bringing the unbanked into the world."
"Cryptocurrency is significantly more efficient than the existing banking system."
"A random sum of money or deposit will hit your bank account."
"There's probably another 20 banks that are in that position, so the banking system is not sound and resilient."
"Banking is banking, there will be more failures, will they be cataclysmic failures? That's the difference."
"Failure doesn't mean protecting the shareholder, failure means they will protect the deposit holder."
"The only pro I found... is that if you want to send money on the weekend... the banking system never closes."
"Ultimately we're trying to digitize the private bank experience."
"If you pay your credit back on time to these big Banks and companies you never have to pay interest at all but instead you can actually make money as a reward for the act of borrowing the bank's money and then paying it back on time."
"Every bank has the right to create money out of thin air."
"Quantitative easing isn't necessarily inflationary. Only if the banks want to lend it out, that you will see new inflation."
"Schwab and Fidelity offer credit cards, checking accounts, and debit cards."
"Tanzanian president urges central bank to prepare for crypto... urged the country's central bank to begin exploring crypto assets."
"Banks are constantly manipulating other markets to their own gain."
"God one can hope I mean one can hope these Banks get responsible and it becomes a closet tightening which would be great news."
"The banks are holding your money, and then their money, the deposits they keep those at the Federal Reserve."
"If you want the best bankers, you get a Swiss banker."
"If the people knew what the banking system is up to, as Henry Ford said, there would be a revolution tomorrow morning."
"It does seem like they are trying to be sort of a one stop shop for banking."
"The financial system as it is today will never stand for a return to plain vanilla banking."
"The crap collapse of 2008 wasn't simply a product of lowering interest rates, it was fraud."
"The fall of Lehman Brothers brought the Global Financial system to its knees."
"I believe that allowing Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt was a tremendous mistake."
"We must evolve our understanding of banking in light of changing Technologies and emerging risks."
"Deposit Insurance schemes are a scheme trying to give you confidence to hold your money in the bank."
"Banks are special... they can create money, so when a bank gives a loan, the money for that loan didn't exist beforehand."
"You save your money in a traditional conventional fiat bank and you're going to watch your purchasing power dwindle down."
"Instead, the money will come from the fees that Banks pay into the deposit Insurance Fund."
"It's the real estate exposure that's going to take down the entire banking sector."
"JP Morgan's metals desk was a criminal enterprise, U.S. says." - Bloomberg headline
"Let us take a gander of what the bis and major central banks and Commercial banks have been planning."
"Opening up an account... took like five minutes two Breeze."
"When confidence evaporates, so do the black balance sheets of the banks."
"This could be causing a global banking crisis."
"FDIC is wanting to ensure stable coins to allow Banks to start holding stable coins with insurance."
"Capitec Bank is one of South Africa's largest retail banks."
"You are your own bank, nobody's going to come in and say oh I'm sorry here's your money, no it doesn't work that way."
"She realizes that there are many massive transfers to a different bank account in the same bank that just didn't make sense."
"Southern plantation owners' money couldn't be kept under mattresses; American banks accepted their deposits and counted enslaved people as assets."
"Your bank account should work with you and not against you. And you know what? I don't even think that should be a hot take. I just think that's how life should be."
"Coinbase is basically a bank. They have banking charters, they have banking licenses, they can now issue their own Visa cards."
"That's why we need to learn what the bankers have learned: the recipe for the best way to rob a bank, so that we can stop that recipe."
"Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network so if you want to send money to somebody you wouldn't have to send it through an intermediary like a bank."
"As a multi-rail player, we gotta be in this space because we're looking for answers."
"Banks will not want people to know how much debt they have or how much interest they're paying on it."
"Every American should feel confident that their deposits will be there."
"Every single Bank on the planet is kind of a confidence game."
"The Federal Reserve will adopt the ISO 20022 message format for the Fedwire Fund Service."
"My priority was depositors first, shareholder second."
"Trust in the Federal Reserve may determine if Americans will trust CBDCs."
"Build good relationships with the banks from early on."
"Blockchain technology could reduce banks' infrastructure costs by between 15 and 20 billion per year by 2022."
"A mysterious 150,000 transfer was sent to an anonymous savings account."
"Ripple is actually scaring some of the tier one banks but it cannot be stopped at this point."
"Bitcoin is bigger than the entire African banking system."
"Italy's 87 billion dollar bank allows customers to buy Bitcoin, opening more on-ramps."
"Bitcoin is basically a hedge against the banking system."
"Eliminating the toll collector role of traditional banks is crucial."
"The Bank of America Cash Rewards Card is a credit card I would recommend adding into the mix."
"The Chase Freedom Flex card might just be even a little bit better than the Bank of America Cash Rewards Card."
"What she's saying is essentially that her argument is that we need the Central Bank digital currency to ensure that no other government or no other private company is going to interfere with their ability to control their own currency."
"The higher your credit score is, the more likely you are to get access to a low interest rate, a mortgage, a personal loan, credit cards, banking services, and an entire secret world where Banks and lenders are literally just throwing money at you."
"Bank deregulation led to stripping wealth out of communities of color."
"Banking is the exact opposite; primary constraint you face in banking is abundance—it's abundance managing when there's too much of something."
"We are not too big to fail to the central bankers, to the bankers, to the Jamie Diamonds of this world. We are just the right size because what are we gonna do if they can divide us?"
"There is something incredibly suspicious about what Deutsche Bank continues to do to this day."
"They don't want you to take money out of the bank."
"China's central bank poured over $120 billion into medium-term lending facility operations." - Tiffany Meyer
"The banks want to loan money to people that don't need it."
"But I dug in. I fought the big banks, I built the coalitions and I won."
"If you hold just cash in your bank account that's actually very dangerous."
"Put the money in your control, be your own bank."
"There's nothing wrong with me being at a bank at almost midnight, right?"
"When banks talk about digital currencies, it's because they fear them. They know they've waited too long and missed the boat."
"Bitcoin will directly affect stable currencies and the banks."
"Polysign subsidiary receives banking charter, signaling mainstream crypto adoption."
"XRP is here to stay. Now banks can custody crypto, and you and I are going to be holding crypto."
"The world changed in 2009 that existential risk of the collapse of the global banking system in developed countries does not exist."
"Looking at bank statements and seeing where it goes."
"So that's pretty positive, US Bank, one of the biggest banks in the nation now offers bitcoin custodian services."
"Banking is about enabling and facilitating productive investment in the local community."
"Powell wants a return to a regional banking model where every day loan origination is based on rational risk assessment."
"The world's most influential banking regulator thinks banks with bitcoin exposure should set aside capital to cover losses in full."
"Pan-Africanism of the people, not of the banks."
"Jamie Dimon always seemed to have this supreme confidence, and sometimes comes off as cocky."
"Jamie Dimon, while barely in his early 30's, invests everything he's got - $425 thousand dollars, into the company."
"To show he means business, Jamie Dimon goes all in, virtually putting all of his fortune in Bank One stocks, worth over $50 million dollars."
"After one year of consolidation, Jamie Dimon officially becomes the CEO of JP Morgan Chase - then the second largest bank in America, second to Citigroup."
"After taking the reign of JP Morgan, he starts reshaping JPM in his usual style - cutting costs, reforming incentive structure, and most importantly, creating a fortress balance sheet."
"Bitcoin is not going to go away. It's the biggest bank on earth already."
"Real estate is the only investment where banks are literally lining up to lend you money to buy it."
"The big banks restricted the program to only businesses that they had an existing relationship with."
"Every single bank is trying to get into crypto one way or another."
"It was all done through basically like particularly the first round in particular was done by like if you have a good relationship with a bank then you're going to get the loan if you don't."
"The future: Banks appealing for emergency liquidity assistance as counterparties withdraw their funds."
"Public banks are mandated to serve the people."
"The government and the big banks want every dollar in every asset for us to be on a centralized banking system."
"I doubt SBI will vanish entirely, probably rebrand or split up into smaller groups as many do."
"Banks create 97 percent of the money supply, so their decision of who gets the money and how much they get reshapes the economic landscape."
"Banks are not financial intermediaries. They actually creators of money."
"There is no such thing as a bank deposit. All there is is a loan we've given to the bank."
"Banks create 97 percent of the money supply."
"What is left is what the big banks have been doing since 2008."
"Complete protection and security of your funds."
"You might want to have some money outside of the banking system."
"Is the war a distraction from the banking system? Is the banking system a distraction from the political divide?"
"Carrying cash around is dangerous; you need to use banks to deposit your cash."
"Bitcoin was created so that people who the banking system wants to cancel have a way of transacting outside the system."