
Value Comparison Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"In the same way that I would rather own 3% of Amazon than 30% of Wish.com... a generation should be happier owning 3% of modern-day America rather than 30% of the USA in the 1970s."
"At the heart of this business, plasma, a yellow liquid rich in proteins, is more expensive than oil."
"He wasn't done there. Oh no. He even said, 'We even sell a pair of earrings for under a pound, gold earrings as well. And some people say, well, that's cheaper than a prawn sandwich from Marks and Spencers, but I have to say, the sandwich will probably last longer than the earrings.'"
"What's the difference between a $500 pair of semi-brogues and a $5,000 pair? In this video, I'm gonna tell you."
"You got to invest in your education, whether it's events, courses... Just think about it, flying first class is going to cost a lot more, way more than going to an event."
"Virtual real estate at some point will be worth as much as, if not more so than, physical real estate."
"Knowledge is the legacy of the prophets; wealth is the inheritance of the Pharaohs. Therefore, knowledge is better than wealth."
"For $1.99 it beats a Pringles can, am I right?"
"Essentially, you're paying for six hours of Park time for about the same price you'll pay for a full single day ticket."
"Men were no more disposable than women and women were no more valuable than men."
"Math.max will take a bunch of values and it's going to return the biggest one, the maximum of those values."
"But are they going to be as good of a value as the Genesis? Probably not."
"What is more important, what is more long-lasting? The mythology or humanity?"
"Friends are better than money. A friend with a boat is better than owning a boat."
"The 4080 is slightly better value than the 4090, reducing the cost per frame by a mere three percent."
"I would rather this for 38 Grand over the hundred thousand dollar Ferrari this in the 60s like 75 000 I'm gonna sell this for or I'll keep it which outperforms the Ferrari in every single way technology performance looks and sound."
"The difference between Bitcoin and magic and I think art is a really great example."
"For me, therapy is so much more valuable than an Hermes bag any day of the week."
"Cryptocurrency is basically the digital equivalent of gold."
"For Toyota Corolla money, you can still get a true 911."
"If I made a hundred bucks but I was with God, it's better than making a million bucks without God."
"For the price of three, maybe four McDonald's chicken sandwiches, you can get one of the greatest sandbox games of all time."
"How can a game about tiny cars with endless possibilities for household racetracks and jumping from ps1 CDs and Mega Drive cartridges to ps4 blu-ray discs beat this empty 430 pounds in 2017?"
"Enjoy games like Lost Ark, but you can immediately notice the difference in quality if you're paying for something."
"For gaming performance, you can get better value from competitors like AMD compared to the Nvidia Hardware."
"At the lower and mid-range, I think AMD provides much better value than Nvidia."
"The reference cards are perfectly fine but I think for similar money you will get much better AIB models."
"Would you rather have a 2020 brand new Lamborghini Huracan or a Pixilla picture of a cartoon? What would you pick?"
"A PS5 is not comparable, it has some use, whereas a $500 necklace is essentially just giving profit to the diamond corporation."
"For budget conscious shoppers, it's still a much better value option."
"I think one person's right to vote is worth multiple tigers, right?"
"The i5 8400 really proves itself as credible value against other options like the overclockable 8600 K and 8700 K especially when you factor in the difference in the motherboard pricing."
"Bottlecaps are worth whatever a bottlecap is worth in the Fallout Universe, regardless of the price of gold in the United States in 2016."
"Every dollar you put into trying to build something, no matter what it is, like if you're buying Rolexes instead of crypto long term, man, you're going to feel bad."
"I still think AMD actually has the price to Performance win right now in this budget segment."
"Bitcoin will be like an ounce of gold, an immutable non-sovereign unit of economic energy."
"In the long run, it's better to discover an alien civilization than it is to make a billion dollars."
"The top values in terms of price per performance are the Radeon RX 6600 XT and the Radeon RX 6600."
"There is no weapon on the server that has ever costed more than two or three lost Infinity Stones."
"The children in McDowell County are quite as important or more important than the billionaires."
"81 grand is a lot of money; you could get a full electric SUV for that money."
"Disney got Marvel and Star Wars for less than Bethesda."
"Can't go wrong with either. Stick with your friends and your community, consider the price point, look at the exclusives, and make the best darn choice possible."
"Under any scoring format, especially standard, the value of hitting on a top 10 running back is more valuable than hitting on a top 10 wide receiver."
"When I compare the actual price tag with the offering, I still think Netflix has by far the best value proposition."
"If Tesla with FSD really, really is a new product that's never been seen before and it has this huge value, you know, yeah maybe an order of magnitude greater than the old dumb car."
"It's always best to build on success so that your dog doesn't get worried or stressed during this and they actually find it a pretty nice, relaxing, calm time with you."
"I've talked in uh enough weird metaphors now let me just say it like this you could spend 40 euros on like a theater show or you could spend like 15 euros on this book that will give you hours and hours of the same experience."
"If you need a desktop, you get so much more value with the Mac Studio."
"High value men are rare. Beautiful women are common."
"Overall, the Forte is going to be the better value here."
"One second of life in heaven is worth infinitely more than one life of suffering here on earth."
"Your faith is far more precious than mere gold."
"The F-type is the better car but I really think that that Z4 is the better deal."
"There’s a lot of value on offer compared to alternatives."
"If you put in an hour work and you made twenty dollars you effectively made one ounce of gold worth of value."
"500 billion dollars might be like 20 billion dollars today."
"Ladies and gentlemen, something that is not gold is Joe Biden. Joe Biden is, if he were a precious metal, he would be dirt."
"$29 million dollars > < Snickers bar… Let this be a lesson to us all going forward."
"Definitely a ton of value there over a thousand dollars past what I actually spent which is amazing."
"It's an easy argument to say this is a better value and this is what you should spend your money on." - Narrator
"I would take the Q7 over the Mercedes-Benz GLS because this is a much better value."
"You've just laid eyes upon the Arkenstone the one that makes the map the mountains of gold look like frickin' rubbish."
"Wow, $500, that's like five dollars in today's money."
"The exchange rate is massive between Baht and most European American currencies so the kids would always be like, 'It's only a few hundred quid in our money or whatever.'"
"These Bowmaker Sci-Fi 2s can give pretty much any earbuds under a hundred bucks a run for their money."
"The floor price for board av yacht club will actually pass the floor price of crypto punks though at some point in the next year."
"You could buy a coffee for four dollars and fifty cents and you can enjoy it for an hour or you could spend that four dollars and fifty cents on a fresh bouquet of flowers at the grocery store and you can enjoy that for like ten days."
"The main thing is I don't want you to get screwed because you see 5x back versus 3x back and you think it's more value."
"I think workers' lives are worth more than scented candles." - Narrator
"In this market, sex is much cheaper than commitment."
"The fact that these markers cost a fraction of the price of Copic Sketch markers but they deliver almost entirely comparable results, that is really amazing."
"Was this more expensive than water? Yes. Was this cooler than water? Absolutely."
"Think about it, if Coinbase is gonna be evaluated at a hundred billion dollars and you 10x that, what is that? That means Binance should be at a one trillion dollar market cap."
"The key thing to know about the MDX is that it is notably less expensive than pretty much all of the German options and incredibly competitive with vehicles like the RXL or something like the Infiniti QX60."
"Happy is a man that fineth wisdom and the man that geteth understanding, for the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver and a gain thereof than fine gold." - Proverbs 3:13-14.
"Would you rather have a million followers or a million dollars? That's the question."
"I don't think Ethereum is going to over the macro scale lose value against Bitcoin. I think it will go up."
"The entry-level MacBook Pro might end up being the better value."
"When you overtake gold psychologically, you've crossed the barrier that this is the new gold."
"If you care about performance whatsoever if you're gonna be upgrading anything go for the MacBook Pro it is worth it it's a better value overall."
"Sancho and Varane for the price of Harry Kane. Come on, come on, come on, you know, use your brain."
"This is sick! So much detail. This is a free battle pass skin, are you kidding me, Fortnite? This is like a 2000 V-Bucks legendary item shop skin for sure."
"You're never gonna beat the value that a pallet gives you."
"I feel like it pretty much looks the same, which is crazy because the price difference is substantial."
"You get so much gaming content with Game Pass for the money you pay versus Netflix."
"What has higher value? Sensory pleasure or the lives of sentient beings?"
"I paid I think the equivalent but five dollars for my first mini."
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the open sea."
"Land cycling is great in all but it doesn't provide us nearly as much value as throat slitter does."
"The AR-15: more gun for the money than a Glock."
"Glad to see the pretzel buns are down here. Because these were the heaviest. But also comparing it with the price, you're getting a pretty good deal."
"An ounce of prevention is way worth way more than a pound of cure."
"Happy is the man who finds wisdom, her proceeds are better than silver and fine gold."
"Silver is absolutely more undervalued than gold."
"$295,000. I know in other areas of Florida like Orlando, Miami, California, all these other places, in other states, this house would easily be half a million dollars, if not more."
"Economic calculation requires that you can compare the input of production with the output of production to determine whether less valuable means were transformed into more valuable means as intended."
"It's better than winning the lottery."
"Would I sell half a v AI for a bag of peanut butter cookies? If it were up to me I would, but V AI is much more valuable than even just a bag of cookies."
"It's actually quite cheap for here compared to Amazon."
"Emeralds are actually more expensive than diamonds because they're a lot more rare."
"But for 15 grand, you could buy yourself three or four really solid Honda motorbikes and have way more fun than you would ever have in a Honda Prologue."
"Be careful when you purchase a toilet if it costs more than your car."
"Suppose I have a diamond in my left hand and a kernel of corn in my right hand... in a hundred years, that one kernel of corn would have produced a store that the world could not contain, outvaluing the diamond."
"It's like being able to buy a Maserati for the price of a Toyota Camry."
"Good woman is more precious than rubies."
"This watch really does come shockingly close to what you would expect from a much more expensive luxury watch."
"One human life weighs more than all the principles you can come up with."
"Limitless satisfaction remains possible for less than the price of that used Fiat 500."
"They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold."
"I hope this was a very honest portrayal of the value proposition between the two."
"The real value is not just comparing across only performance but it's also across comparing cost as well."
"To compare apples to apples, I need to compare 100% of the business value with 100% of their carrying value and recoverable value."
"What do you get for the price difference, is that worth it, and which one might be right for you?"