
Land Ownership Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"Other Black families need to hear our story... Your family inspired us to buy land."
"Quiet as is kept, this land don't belong to none of us."
"My message to Xi Jinping is this: You are done buying land in this country."
"Thomas Jefferson said American democracy can only survive if it's based on tens of thousands of independent freeholds owned by individual Americans."
"Basically, you can buy a small plot of land in Scotland, and then if you're a landowner there, you're a lord or lady."
"They say it's a project based on a historic Scottish custom where landowners are referred to as Lords and Ladies."
"Look to invest that cash flow in productive land, as it doesn't have to be about stocks and shares."
"We've been taught wrong. The first thing that we should be able to go look for and look for first is the land because when I find the land then I can build my house."
"90.99% of British land is owned by like 0.01% of the population since the 1600s."
"The Australian mining sector...makes profits of just under 52 billion dollars a year...on land that they don't own."
"History is a series of never-ending forced land seizures, thefts, and genocides."
"The energy of unity, yeah, the energy of black dollars, the energy of buying land has been spread everywhere, everywhere."
"That's so the system of commodified private land ownership that we have here is a uniquely egregious example of that."
"Owning land has many benefits and many people will never be able to own land because land is bloody expensive to buy."
"Buying the land is the cheap part guys, the improvements are what cost money."
"Feudalism returns—the lords these big investment firms will own the land and they'll say in exchange for work will let you live on the land you'll be a vassal."
"But that's quite interesting as well so if you know if I'm driving on the road and I see a solar farm on a side of a hill somewhere it doesn't necessarily mean that the people who installed that solar own the land."
"Black people actually owned, I think about 15 times more land a hundred years ago than we owned today."
"The land grants to assist colonial settlers served as one of the earliest forms of affirmative action in America."
"If European serfdom had taught the pilgrims anything, it taught them that it was essential to own one's own land."
"The Catholic Church owns 177 million acres of land."
"I can take money I as a black man I can take money and go to Nigeria I could buy acres of land as much as I can afford you agree with me right"
"The idea of owning land is kind of absurd, like who the fuck just decided that a piece of the earth is yours?"
"What's special about the Jews is that they never stole or used violence to take any land in the land of Israel."
"The land in which you were born belongs to you and your body. It belongs to you, period."
"Land ownership was the central tenet of black freedom." - A profound insight into the importance of land to marginalized communities.
"Established titles is a scam company. You don't actually own any land in Scotland and don't have the right to call yourself a lord."
"Owning land and cultivating it to produce from the earth everything we need to live and become a productive people."
"As long as we do not own land, we're not going to be a productive people."
"Marriage was invented to keep land in the family."
"The notion that people who conquered and settled other people's land should get to retain it all for themselves is obviously problematic."
"Criminalize private ownership of land and give it all to the government."
"This is My Land. This is now the Cherry Fields."
"That's exactly what the landowners, the Irishes, would like us to find."
"In recent years, the world's richest and most powerful people have started purchasing millions of acres of farmland far from coasts around the world."
"You’ll get at least one square foot of dedicated land in Scotland, with a unique plot number and a certificate to prove it."
"The Queen of England owns 6.6 billion acres of land."
"The ability to know that there's a plot of land, however small, that's yours and that you can actually grow fruit and veg, there's something almost magical about that."
"You can buy a title and get a three size plot of land... great for the holidays."
"This is the American dream, that you can own and nurture the land."
"The land is still there and it's in somebody's family but ain't nobody talking about that."
"Blacks acquiring 20 million acres post-slavery, a testament to their wisdom."
"You must become a land owning black man, black woman, brown man, brown woman, red man, red woman."
"If you have a little piece of land and you're working at even a garden it's it's so grounding."
"Most people do care about the land, especially if they own a piece of it. They want it to be healthy." - Kelly Walker, former USDA soil scientist.
"We built this land, our ancestors built this land."
"Women in Sierra Leone can finally own land. Good job, Sierra Leone."
"Now you have the land. The land is yours. Now you must create something sustainable."
"If it didn't belong to the Spanish, English or Dutch, it was free real estate."
"That's why we need to have some type of protection and ownership in terms of land and redistribution in terms of what was stolen from us a lot of companies shouldn't exist and wouldn't exist without us universities all kind of stuff"
"No one owns land here in Botswana, what I'm told they lease the land."
"The winner of this one, I'm gonna buy actual land for. No, seriously, I found a website where you could buy Scottish land and it literally makes you Lord."
"If we want to have democracy, we need a broad ownership of our land by a wide variety of yeoman farmers."
"No foreign entity should be able to own any farmland in the United States. End of story."
"I think Idaho should say that Bill Gates should not be able to buy up swaths of farmland to do what he wants in the state of Idaho."
"God wants to give Christians a sense that real estate and the land itself is more important to own and occupy."
"These symbols deliver a clear message to us aliens, natives of this land, but this is not our land. We are not indigenous to this land. You are not owners of your Homeland, you are visitors."
"No one would consider selling their land; it was considered that they had given up, and no one wanted to give up."
"Add land, you take a stand. You're either with us and you're not. I don't care where you're at, how you feel, or what you think. I don't really care. But it doesn't matter."
"I think that land is our main alternative to money."
"We have old you know Native American Trading pass and things like that but you know most of that is on private land now I mean that you can't trespass on or it's on public land is what I was trying to say."
"People are now looking at real estate, now we're looking at owning land."
"If God pleases for you to have land not a job but some land that you can call your own to help god build the kingdom of God on Earth."
"Landlordism is not a good thing, it's a pure drag on social production."
"This is my land and I want to know who's on it and making these noises."
"Eventually, he moved and had to sell the land back to my grandfather at a fraction of what he bought it for."
"In one form or another, the US has always had programs going that will help you get some land."
"You invest so much of your time and energy into it...you have become the steward of that land and that's a huge responsibility."
"Don't think you can't own land. You can find a way if you want to badly enough."
"But that's where land is going. I mean, these parcels are just constantly getting broken up and broken up and broken up and broken up and eventually, instead of the average guy owning 80 acres, the average guy's gonna own 20 because that's what a parcel is."
"We will give you land, and we will allow you to keep most of what you produce, rather than paying it as tribute to a landlord."
"It's like the right to roam basically because there's not easy you don't have just the ability to buy land very easily it sounds like in Scotland because it's all owned and people just aren't selling it I guess."
"This is my original trees that I came with, I had 50 trees in pots that was like five years old by the time I got this land."
"The Kenyatta family are the biggest landowners in Kenya holding over 500,000 Acres of prime land."
"Welcome to Landowner TV where I make you smarter about your land one video at a time."
"The Dukes of Buccleuch own vast tracts of land, presiding over an estate encompassing an astounding 280,000 Acres."
"My big dream is to find a piece of land somewhere."
"I'd also like to see the land of Ireland belong to the ordinary farming people."
"We're not going to be pushed off land that we paid our hard-earned cash for."
"I get a lot of questions about how much land do I actually have. I like to joke that I have 15 million in 5 Acres."
"I decided I was not going to give them one inch of my land,"
"Land ownership equals power, as in political power. Male landowners were the only ones who could vote during this time."
"Native Americans claimed ownership of vast tracts of land, on which they lived, hunted, and farmed."
"There's a shortage of land because if they're not making any more land... the land on the earth becomes even more valuable and who owns the land becomes even more wealthier."
"My dad gave me all this land when I was 3 years old, it ain't much 7,200 Acres."
"Land is real estate; it's immovable."
"Gran would add when the war ended the man decided to give his land in the Alabama Foothills one more try he'd traded in Union money so he was able to buy the hills surrounding his home for $100 and a handshake he named it Willow Gap."
"Fee simple absolute is the highest form of land ownership which includes the full and complete bundle of property rights."
"I would consider buying some land... that's probably the best thing somebody could possibly do."
"My biggest goal by the end of the year is to have my house and my land."
"The idea of redistribution is over. And yet, you have a situation where, in a way, it’s a form of corporate feudalism, because the land which belonged to the upper castes now belong to the corporates, which are upper-caste, you know?"
"Owning land is one of the best things you can do for freedom and security."
"Land is power; land always has been power. The control of land has given you power."
"American democracy is rooted in the control of the landscapes by tens of thousands of independent freeholders each with a stake in our system."
"This rule gives the public, regardless of where you live, you own part of this public land."
"It's something really special about being able to sit on your own land and appreciate the hard work that's gone into the land."
"The nice part about land is that most land under a couple hundred thousand is owned free and clear."
"We really don't want people to default; we want them to enjoy their land and pay it off and have that dream of property ownership."
"You ain't rich until you own your own land."
"You ain't in charge until you own land."
"I'm really grateful to the landowner for the opportunities that this presents."
"I love having my own property, bro, you can just make and create so many cool trails."
"It's been a dream of mine to one day own land."
"I swear by everything decent, nobody will ever take this land away from me."
"The Earl of Bedford came to own the forty acres at the heart of what Covent Garden is today."
"This land is in possession of HS2; this is a personal protective equipment zone."
"The land belongs to God, and an Igbo traditionally does not have the right to sell the land."
"The landowner is incredible, look how generous this guy is."
"Specify the details of each piece of land."
"We will take our land, they keep their money, we keep our land."
"He'll be back in Donegal," Harper said wistfully. "I'll buy some Protestant acres so I will."
"You could buy a plot of land and pass it down from generation to generation."
"You could have your own land, your own farm as a freeman, and still there was a gothi that was down the way."
"That's my goal, is I want to get land, get one of these, and that's where I'm going."
"You're actually helping protect the beautiful Scottish woodlands by becoming a lord or a lady."
"I've just been feeling a deep desire to maybe one day move somewhere where we have our own land."
"We've got as much right as anybody. It's government land, the cattlemen don't own it."
"We got to start encouraging folks to buy land."
"My dream has always been to own a whole bunch of land and build my dream shop."
"Did you know that there is an ancient Scottish tradition that states that if you're a landowner, you can declare yourself a lord or a lady?"
"I'm really excited because this is our forever home and land."
"Men and women who own land in Scotland have the right to style themselves Lairds and Ladies."
"If we allow a central bank to own or control the money supply first by inflation and then by deflation, we will end up renting the land that our forefathers conquered."
"You are now a lord or lady, a parcel of land to your name, and all of the respect in the world to boot."
"Many people who set up land trusts do so because they want to keep their information private."
"The fleas come with the dog, folks. These things are part of the land; they're part of the property."
"All this land is wasted, yes. It's owned by a few rich... and they stop the general public from viewing, enjoying it."
"Hunderds of them. They come, an' they quit an' go on; an' every damn one of 'em's got a little piece of land in his head. An' never a God damn one of 'em ever gets it."
"Just like heaven. Everybody wants a little piece of lan'."
"Henry George... advocated the ownership of land but... to actually own the land you have to give up the right to the rent."
"If I'm rich like Oprah, I don't want to stop, I just want to acquire all the land."
"We just got this house for 170,000, but it comes with a piece of land next to it that's worth 40,000."
"To establish a claim in adverse possession, the claimant squatter needs to show two things: that he was factually in possession of the disputed land, and that he had the necessary intention to possess the disputed land."
"The reason I chose this particular plot of land was for the peace and quiet, the amazing trees over here."
"A lot of times we're grateful to be large landowners and not just large farmers."
"You are not wealthy until you own land."
"In the event that I get my act together, get some money for land, I'll probably try to document the whole process."
"Make your land ownership dreams a reality so you can start living those dreams today."
"I want people to go buy land because it's generational, that's why we don't got nothing now because we take our money and buy material stuff."
"It was such a surprise, and the fact that it's got all this land is very exciting."
"In my perfect world, I would definitely have a home with enough land to occupy my time."
"It makes a great last minute gift, and they even have Couple Packs that come with adjoining plots of land."
"Build your own, you can have one land in your own land and you can do whatever you want with it."
"Hello land seekers, if you're looking for land, you're in the right spot."
"Stop putting off your dream of owning land, and you can do it today."
"Purchasing as little as one square foot of dedicated land... makes you a lord or lady."
"The way in which land may be acquired, held, divided among heirs, and bought and sold exercises a deep influence on the life and culture of a people."
"If you're a foreigner, you cannot own private land in the Philippines unless there is hereditary succession."
"The ownership of all iTaukei land shall remain with the customary owners of that land."
"It provided an avenue for any citizen to attain a sizable amount of land for nearly free."
"The Puyallup tribe filed a lawsuit in 1983 against the Port of Tacoma for quiet title and approximately 12.5 acres of former riverbed land once owned by the Puyallup tribe."
"It's better than owning land, it is better - that's a Michael Saylor quote."
"We just want to be able to do whatever with our own land and put love into it."
"About a third of the land of England was in the control of these abbeys and priories."
"Unfortunately, while the Homestead Act technically opened lands up to any U.S. citizens of any race, because free blacks were denied U.S. citizenship until 1868, they missed out on a lot of the best land."
"The Homestead Act allowed citizens to register for 160 acres of public land if they paid a fee and lived on the land for five years."
"It's always great to be met by a friendly landowner."
"If I had a lot of money, I would invest in me some land."
"You can never go wrong when you buy your land."
"It was at one time the largest landowner in the world, which resulted in a trading monopoly over the watershed of all rivers and streams flowing into Hudson Bay."
"The Homestead Act granted 160 acres of land at a very low cost."
"Having land, especially the mountain land that we purchased, is an investment in itself."
"When I just look out over a space like this, I just can't tell you how much I would love just a piece of land like this."
"I want to own multiple parts of the land... setting up generational wealth for the kids that's coming behind me."
"I come from quite a well-off family, and my father owns a lot of land."
"This land belongs to them, and under Indian law, nobody is supposed to be able to take it."
"This is our land. You're not from here, are you?"
"I've always had this dream of having like 100 acres somewhere."
"If you buy a piece of the land, you can officially call yourself Lord something or Lady something."
"The settlers saw the land as property, something to be owned, which was in conflict with the Maori view."
"Once you've done all your due diligence... you should proceed to register the land immediately."
"We're saving up to build a bigger house out in the country outside here; we own some land out there."
"To be truly sovereign in olden times, you needed nothing less than a plot of land that you have absolute dominion over."
"We purchased some land and we have some very big plans for this property."
"Land is the business of all independence. Land is the business for freedom, justice, and equality."
"It was a thing of beauty, and if the people kept the land they all got rich."
"The ground you are lying on belongs to you. I am giving it to you and to your descendants."
"The tribals have the right to the land because they have lived through it through the hard times through the centuries."
"By owning their own land, they can take ownership of that; they can work the land, they have a home."
"The best move I ever made was buying land for ourselves and not relying on family land."
"We want to buy a good chunk of land and just build our own house."
"I think everybody should invest in some acres if they got the money too."
"40 acres by the time I turned 40 was a dream I had when I started this 4 years ago."
"The American dream is to buy land and build on it."
"Here I am at 47 years old, still dreaming about maybe owning a piece of land like this."
"If you imagine that this table is all the land on Earth, if I take a couple of acres and say 'This is mine,' well, I've just reduced the total amount of land for everybody else."