
Regional Security Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Negotiation is the only way to address the existing differences among the key actors regarding regional security issues."
"A Ukrainian Crimea... would be the best guarantor of the rights and privileges and the freedoms of the people in Crimea."
"The future of this region and its beautiful people must not be held hostage to a dictator's twisted fantasies of violent conquest and nuclear blackmail."
"Putin's biggest threat lies right now next to him in Moscow: Russia's political stability revolves around the elites supporting Putin."
"The protection of the South China Sea as a vital, critical global artery is crucial to the preservation of regional peace and, I dare say, of global peace."
"Kaliningrad is a real threat, it would be one of the ways in which the Russians would be able to pose a threat to the Baltic states and Poland."
"China’s neighbors are starting to wake up to the China threat."
"Australia is beefing up its military specifically in response to China."
"Challenger 3 is being touted as the most lethal tank in Europe."
"North Korea has rapidly escalated its provocations and such unilateral actions are a threat to the peace and stability of Japan the region as well as the International Community and are absolutely unacceptable."
"Russia's coming up with Creative Solutions the authorities in three Russian regions have been shutting off their 4G internets at night to protect their infrastructure against Ukrainian drones."
"So long as Crimea remains under the control of the Kremlin, then Ukraine's security will never feel secure."
"The Ukrainian army solidified its successes on the Kyiv front."
"We have the power to protect and guard our own here in the Asia-Pacific."
"A peaceful and prosperous Ukraine, a free and open Black Sea, that's a powerful idea."
"It would also make it more risky for Chinese forces to travel through the Bashi Channel."
"Russia's war in Ukraine has raised serious concerns among NATO's Baltic member states."
"This island chain, while protecting a lot of different interests for a lot of different countries, really centers on Taiwan."
"If Ukraine falls, then there's a chance that Poland will be next."
"A free Taiwan strengthens Japan's security and denies China of the option of directly attacking American Allies"
"If they will do this to Ukraine... then they are definitely going to do this to nations say here in ASEAN in Southeast Asia where I'm based."
"National and Regional preparedness are crucial to bridge the gap until Collective action can be fully realized."
"At stake is the alliance system that for three-quarters of a century has made Asia the single most successful part of the world."
"We need to be committed... to act as a deterrent to others who might be thinking about aggression in the future in Europe and indeed the Indo-Pacific."
"A Taliban-run Afghanistan will have a direct bearing on India's security."
"What happens in Ukraine today can happen in Taiwan tomorrow."
"A strong America -- militarily, economically, and diplomatically -- is vitally important to this region and all who call it home."
"President Biden has made clear our commitment to the defense of the Philippines is unwavering. So make no mistake, Mr. President, we will always have your back in the South China Sea or elsewhere in the region."
"Failure to retake the peninsula would mean an ongoing threat to Ukrainian State identity and Global Security."
"Athens, now officially a sea power with defensive walls, became the policeman of the eastern Mediterranean."
"If China takes Taiwan, Japan believes they're next."
"What about places which are next to China? Is India equally aware of China's plans?"
"Peace and security remain the priority for the people of Mali and the Sahel."
"The CCP's launch of missiles into the exclusive economic zones of Taiwan and Japan will threaten regional stability and security."
"North Korea's continued to test shorter range missiles."
"A former Philippines admiral is calling for a joint military exercise with Taiwan and Japan."
"To deter China, Taiwan must prepare for war now."
"In most scenarios, the United States, Taiwan and Japan would succeed in defeating China's conventional amphibious invasion and maintain Taiwan's autonomy."
"We stand with our allies in the region to address the North Korean Menace."
"The U.S. considers peace in the Taiwan Strait to be central to security in the Indo-Pacific region."
"This isn't good. If Ukraine got eaten alive, then that means I'll be next on the dinner plate."
"Putin's aggression united the Nordic countries."
"Let our position be absolutely clear: an attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interest of the United States of America."
"With the kingdom of Saudi Arabia as the center of gravity for many future regional security endeavors, this is an opportunity," - U.S. defense officials
"Taiwan is important not only to the region but to the struggle between liberal democracy and authoritarianism."
"Russia could pose a threat to Ukraine and Poland."
"If the regime is allowed to just get away with this with impunity then it's not going to stop with Hong Kong you know Taiwan will be next Taiwan will."
"In the event of a breach of security order in the Indo-Pacific region, the three countries have already formed a core defense force to defend the democratic and free world."
"The Japan-U.S. Alliance is the cornerstone of peace in the Indo-Pacific region."
"How can we bring peace to the wider region? How can we disarm Iran's proxies so that people can live in peace?"
"Australia needs to find an assured place in its own region that is not entirely dependent on support from an external power."
"We must continue to make the contribution that we do to the security and the stability of our region."
"Only this approach based on international law can bring a lasting peace for the region and security for Palestinians and Israelis alike."
"We want to be encouraging of ways in which both India and Pakistan can feel secure, and focus on the development of their own countries and their own people."
"This is an all-in bet on, 'Hey, we need to be a leading foundry,' and it's partly because the world wants it once again in a region where you feel more comfortable."
"The protection of the South China Sea, a vital global artery, is crucial to the preservation of regional peace and, I dare say, of global peace."